1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Lucy got plenty of pocket money during Spring Festival, so she can _ /f:rd/ the bike.AavoidBattendCaffordDaround2、I dont know _ he lef
2、t in a hurry without any words this morning.Maybe he left the copy at home, for I heard the boss shouting.AhowBwhereCwhenDwhy3、How do you go to school?I usually take bus. But today I went to school by taxi.Aa; theBa; aC不填;aDa;不填4、Boys and girls, no matter what difficulties you face, please dont be d
3、isappointed. and work hard. This is the key to success.ACheer upBStay upCPick up5、Who was the first one _ this morning?Amy. She always comes to school earlier than other students.Ato reach B arrive inC get to Dto arrive6、Ellen, I picked up a white pen under your chair. Is this yours?Oh, yes. Its _.
4、Thank you, Lisa.AsheBhisCmineDyour7、Its reported that China plans Hainan into a new free trade port by 2025.Abuild Bto build Cbuilding8、 We are proud of _ school. I will miss it after I leave it. So do we. _ is also a great school with lots of hardworking teachers and students.Aour; Ours Bours; Our
5、Cwe; Ours Dus; Our9、 I hope to be a volunteer on weekends. You could help to _ the city parks.Acheer up Bmake upCtake up Dclean up10、Dont eat too much snacks. Its bad for health. _.ASorry, I wont.BSure, I willCNever mindDOK. I dont. 完形填空11、Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor man living in a smal
6、l house with spider webs(网) on the walls and mice running around. People 1 coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and 2 every day. He thought he was unhappy 3 poverty(贫穷).One day, the poor man dropped in on 4 wise old man and asked him for advice about 5 his life. The old man gav
7、e him a vase and said, “This is a magic vase 6 will bring you 7 .The poor man looked at the vase 8 . He wondered 9 a vase in his poor house. 10 , he didnt want to throw away such a beautiful vase, so he brought it home and put it on the table. “ 11 not right for something 12 beautiful to be empty.”
8、The poor old man looked at the vase and thought. Then some flowers 13 into it. That made the vase even 14 . “How can I have the vase next to a spider web?” he continued. At this, he started to clean the house and paint the walls. His house turned 15 a comfortable place immediately.The old man cheere
9、d up and he suddenly realized why he was unhappy. From then on, he worked hard and his life got better and better.1Aavoid Bavoids Cavoided Dhave avoided2Asadly Bsad Csadness Dsadder3Abecause Bas Csince Dbecause of4Aa Ban Cthe D/5Ato change Bchanges Cchanged Dchanging6A/ Bthat Cwhat Dwho7Ahappy Bhapp
10、ier Chappily Dhappiness8Ain surprise Bsurprising Csurprised Dsurprise9Awhy would he need Bwhy will he needCwhy he would need Dwhy he needs10ABut BOr CHowever DSo11AIts BIts CIt DIt was12Avery Bsuch Cquite Dso13Awere putting Bwere put Chave put Dhad put14Abeautifully Bbeautiful Cmore beautiful Dmore
11、beautifully15Ain Binto Con Daround. 语法填空12、 Chinese New Year begins in late January1early February. It is one of the2(great) festivals in China.Many things are done to get ready3this festival. The house is cleaned in the days before the holiday. No sweeping is done on the holiday because people worr
12、y about that good luck will be cleaned away. Best 4(wish)are written on red paper and hung around the house.One the5(one) day of Chinese New Year, children are given red envelopes. Food is 6 important part of the holiday season. Special foods are7(eat)on certain days. Different foods have different
13、8(mean) behind them. For example, fish is said to mean success.Chinese New Year is9(certain) regarded as a time to be with ones family. Many visits are done during the 15 days. Many traditions are to honor family members who10(die) in the past.What an interesting festival it is!. 阅读理解A13、1(小题1)The t
14、our to Xian will last for _.Atwo nights Bfour nightsCfive days Dtwenty-four hours2(小题2)When you are in Changan Hotel, you can _.Ago swimming with your friendsBsee some old things nearbyCeat some Italian foodDgo shopping in Datang Shopping Mall3(小题3)You want to spend the least money, you can join the
15、 tour group on _.AJun 24, 2016 BJul 16, 2016CAug 25, 2016 DSep 30, 20164(小题4)We cant book the tour group by _.Acalling them on 055593276888Bsending an email to Cvisiting the company at 1578 Yuhu RoadDcontacting them at 8:30 am on SaturdayB14、A young prince had just recently become King. In order to
16、rule his kingdom, he decided to learn all the wisdom of world. Therefore, he gathered all the wise men from his kingdom and abroad and ordered them to look for books for him to read and learn from.Five years passed quickly. The wise men returned with their camels, carrying 5000 books full of wisdom.
17、 Seeing so many books, the king was so shocked that he didnt know how to start. So he ordered the wise men to condense the books and bring them back to him. Another five years passed. The wise men again went to see the king, this time bringing 500 books, but the king still thought there were too man
18、y. Five more years passed. The wise men brought back 50 books. At this time, the king was troubled with many problems, but he still felt were too many books.During the next few years, the wise men worked hard to condense the 50 books into one book and present it to the king. The king took no interes
19、t in reading this book, nor did he have time to learn from it. More problems broke out in his kingdom-his enemies endlessly attacked and diseases affected his people. He did not have the wisdom to solve these problems. Finally, the king was killed by a ruler in the neighbour country and his country
20、was destroyed.Waiting for wisdom to come to you is just a way of being lazy. If there is no action, there can be no gain. Only if we set out to find wisdom can we make a difference.1Why did the king gather all the wise man?ATo help him rule the kingdom. BTo teach him some knowledge.CTo look for book
21、s for his kingdom. DTo look for books of wisdom for him.2What does the underlined word “condense” mean?ATo put much information into a small space. BTo make the price of books lower.CTo make the books smaller than ever. DTo make the books easier than ever.3Why wouldnt the king read the ONE book made
22、 from 50 books?ABecause he didnt know how to start. BBecause he lost interest and time for it.CBecause he wasnt sure about that book. DBecause it didnt have the wisdom he wanted.4What can we learn from this passage?ATime and tide wait for no man. BWisdom can make a country strong.CWisdom wont come t
23、o you by itself. DThe meaning of living is to find wisdom.C15、Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be mainly used to protect themselves.Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change t
24、heir colors with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change into the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests whose colors are different form plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide them
25、selves for lives and appear only at night.If you study the animals life, youll find the main use of colors is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters because their colors are much like the trees.Colors are useful not o
26、nly on the land, but also in the sea. A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid (液体) when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is why they live safely though they are not strong at all.1Fro
27、m the passage, we can know that _.Alocusts are big animalsBLocusts are easily found by birdsCLocusts are dangerous to their enemiesDLocusts can change their colors to protect themselves2Those pests with different colors from plants have to _ to keep out of danger.Achange their colorsBhide in the day
28、 time and appear at nightCmove quietlyDhide at night and appear in the day time3Bears and lions can keep safe because _.Atheir colors are much like the treesBthey move quicklyCthey are very strongDthey live in forests4According to the passage, the fish can keep safe because _.Athey can change their
29、colorsBthey can give out a kind of liquidCthey are strong enoughDthey swim faster than any other fish5Which is the best title for this passage?AThe colors of the seasonsBAnimals on the land and in the seaCThe main use of colors for animals and pestsDHow to keep safe in the seaD16、On Christmas Evethe
30、 night before Christmas Daychildren all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night. Father Christmas is very kind and hearted. He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chim
31、ney into the fireplace. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents. Of course, Father Christmas isnt real. In Jim and Kates house, “Father Christmas” is really Mr Green. Mr Green doesnt climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are asleep. Then he quietly goes into their bedroo
32、ms and fills their stockings with small presents. When they were very young, Mr Green sometimes wore a red coat. But he doesnt do that now. The children are no longer young, and they know who “Father Christmas” really is. But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.1Christmas Eve is
33、_.Athe night of Christmas DayBthe evening of Christmas DayCChristmas DayDthe night before Christmas Day2Father Christmas often puts presents _.Ainto childrens hatsBinto childrens stockingsCunder childrens bedsDinto childrens shoes3When the children were very young, _.Athey didnt know who Father Chri
34、stmas wasBthey knew that Father Christmas wasnt realCthey thought their father was Father ChristmasDthey knew who put the presents into their stockings4When the children are older, they _.Aknow that Father Christmas is realBask their mother to fill their stockings with presentsCknow that Father Chri
35、stmas is really their fatherDknow that Father Christmas is really their friend5Father Christmas comes into the house through the _.AchimneyBback doorCfront doorDwindow.E17、International tourism is becoming more and more popular. Large numbers of people from all over the world come to visit famous pl
36、aces, such as the Great Wall of China and the Sistine Chapel(西斯廷教堂)in Vatican City. These visitors contribute (贡献)a lot to the local development, but at the same time they have caused many problems. Theyve thrown rubbish everywhere, brought more traffic and even done serious damage(破坏)to these place
37、s.As for the damage, there are many different causes. For example, the paintings in the Sistine Chapel are being damaged because people breathe onto them when they visit. Damage in other places such as the Great Wall is serious partly because tourists climb on delicate(脆弱的)areas. Even though some of
38、 the walls were built of stone, after so many years, they are already in poor condition and need to be rebuilt.On the one hand, we have to cut down tourist numbers, because fewer visitors will result in less damage. On the other hand, we should make strict rules about which areas people can visit an
39、d what they can do when they get there. For example, special paths(路径)can be built and people will not be allowed to walk off the paths. Visitors to indoor places can be asked to wear masks(面罩)to protect the paintings.It is necessary to control tourism at famous places. If we do not do this, these p
40、laces will disappear from our planet. And people who live hundreds of years later will have no chance to see these great places.1What does the underlined word “tourism” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?A交流 B污染 C购物 D旅游2What causes the Sistine Chapel to be damaged?APeoples writing their names on its wal
41、ls.BPeople s breathing onto the paintings.CPeople s drawing on the paintings.DPeople s climbing up its walls.3Which of the following can be put in ?AWhy are these places so popular?BWhat has been done to protect these places?CWhat can we do to deal with these problems?DHow much money is needed to re
42、build these places?4What is the writers purpose of writing this passage?ATo predict the future of famous places.BTo call on people to protect famous places.CTo ask people to travel less during holidays.DTo explain why international tourism is popular.F18、Toothpaste (牙膏) does more than just keep our
43、teeth bright and white. It can be used wisely in many other ways. Here are some useful tips that can save us time and money. If you follow them, you will have a fresh smell of using toothpaste!Clean a Dirty MirrorIf you want to clean a dirty bathroom mirror, try to put a bit of toothpaste on the mir
44、ror and wipe it dry. The glass can be cleaned up beautifully. And doing this can also stop themirror from fogging. Then you can still see yourself in the mirror after taking a shower.Remove the Unpleasant Food SmellHave some bad food smell, like the smell of onions or fish, on your hands? You can re
45、move it by washing your hands with toothpaste. Youll be fresh-smelling in no time.Make Your Sports Shoes WhiterThis time, clean your sports shoes by yourself, not by your mother. Wipe some toothpaste around your shoes and then clean it with a wet cloth. See? Your shoes are white as new!1What does th
46、e passage mainly tell us about?AHow to buy the toothpaste.BHow to choose the toothpaste.CHow to use toothpaste wisely.DHow to sell the toothpaste.2How many ways can you save your time and money by using toothpaste?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.3If there is some smell of fish on your hands, what can you do?AWash your hands with soap.BWash your hands with toothpaste.CEat some onions.DBrush your teeth with toothpaste.4The passage doesnt tell us that .Atoothpaste can clean a dirty mirrorBtoothpaste can remove the food smellCtoothpaste can make your ring become new againDtoothpaste can r
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