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1、 COLLEGE ENGLISH CONTEMPORARY1LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGER2LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGERWords to Be Explained through Context a good two inches: rather more than two inches (used before expressions of measurement or quantity)- The wife is a good eight years than the husband.- The book cost me

2、 a good fifty Yuan.a date: An appointment, especially an engagement to go out socially with a member of the opposite sex, for example. Synonym engagement 与异性的约会:约会,尤指和异性出去的社交约会to come back to earth: stop dreaming; to come back to the real world- When his money ran out, he came back to earth (with a

3、bump). 他把钱用光是才(赫然)如梦出醒。point-blank: adj /adv( in a way that is ) forceful and direct, directly without trying to explain the reason- I asked him point blank what he was doing there. 我直截了当地问他在那里做在什么。- a point-blank refusal直率的拒绝3LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGERbrain wave: a sudden inspiration突如其来的灵感;灵

4、机一动;巧妙的主意the lead part: the main part in a film or play etcno way: used to say that youll definitely not do stha laughing stock: someone who has done sth so foolish that everyone laughs at him.to go through with sth: to do what is necessary to completely or take (a course of action)做必要的事以完成或采取(某行动)-

5、 She decided not ot go through with (i.e. not to have) the abortion. 她决定不做流产了。from then on: from that timeto let loose: to release sb/ sth- Dont let that dog loose among the sheep.不要放任那条狗在羊群中乱窜。- Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 闭上眼睛,海阔天空地遐想一番吧。to tower above: to reach high above

6、4LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGERGlossary Study5LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGERauditorium: audi-(hear) botherto make sb feel slightly worried or upset使某人不安-Dont let his criticisms bother you.别因为他批评你而感到烦恼to bother sb (about/with sth): to cause trouble or annoyance to sb; pester sb 打扰或烦扰某人;给某人添麻烦- Im

7、 sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station?对不起打扰一下,请问去火车站怎么走? congratulate (v) congratulation (n.) congratulatory (adj.)to congratulate sb. on sth: -to congratulate sb. on his marriage, new job, good exam results, etc.祝贺某人结婚,找到新工作,考试成绩优良 a congratulatory address/ telegram/let

8、ter祝词/贺电/贺信 6LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGER dramaticsacting and producing plays演剧活动(derog) exaggerated or over-emotional behavior夸张的或过分的行为- Ive had enough of your dramatics. 我看够你装腔作势的表现了 exaggeratedmade to seem larger, better, worse, etc. than it really is夸张的;夸大的;言过其实- He has an exaggerated sense

9、of his own importance. 他自视过高.produced, stated etc in a false or an unnatural way; distorted虚假的;不自然的; 歪曲的- an exaggerated laugh 矫揉造作的笑声flushedred in face脸红very excited by sth; filled with emotion因某事物非常激动的;充满感情的- flushed with success, pride. Joy etc. 因成功, 得意,喜悦等而激动7LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGERinve

10、ntto make or produce sth. new for the first time发明;创造-LaszloBiro invented the ball point pen.(often derog) to make up or think of (esp. sth that does not exist or is not true)虚构;捏造,胡编- Use an invented name, such as Anytown, not a real one. 瞎编个名字吧,比方叫”A城”吧,别用真名. promote to help sb or sth; to develop

11、and be successful- a publicity campaign to promote her new book为推销她的新书而展开的宣传活动to raise sb to a higher position or rank提升,晋升- She worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作努力,很快便获得提升.8LESSON EIGHT MY PERSONAL MANAGERsensible- a sensible person, idea, course of action, suggestion通情达理的人, 主意, 做法, 建议 stiffunable to move (肌肉)僵硬- to feel stiff after a long walk走长路后感觉肢体僵硬formal in manner, behaviour, etc. ; not friendly(态度,举止)生硬的, 据近的,不友好的- Their manner was rather stiff.他们的态度生硬.terrificexcellent; great- The view was terrific. 景色美极了.extreme


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