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1、速卖通考试最新(2014-12-11)(Speed test (2014-12-11))/ /恭喜您已经通过本次考试.您目前的分数是 / 98 / 分, 及格90分.现在您可以进入我的速卖通 本考试为开卷考试 (总分100分 / 90 / 分及格)全部显示 只显示错误 (1) 只显示正确 (49)/ / 相关知识点走进速卖通, 快速捞美金 (不定项选择, 共1题, 每题2分, 共2分)1.1、速卖通买家页面网址 (正确答案: d)* a. * b. * c. http: / / / * d./ / / 相关知识点速卖通买家采购流程 (不定项选择, 共2题, 每题2分, 共4分)1.1、巴西买家

2、的支付方式有哪些 (正确答案: abcd)* a. webmoney.* b. master card* c. visaboleto * d./ /2.2、买家付款方式有哪些 (正确答案: abcd)* a. master card* b. visa* c. webmoney.boleto * d./ / / 相关知识点速卖通交易流程 (不定项选择, 共1题, 每题2分, 共2分)1.1、以下哪些订单状态需要卖家跟进处理 (正确答案: abd)* a. 等待发货订单买家申请取消订单 * b.* c. 等待确认收货订单有纠纷的订单 * d./ / / 相关知识点速卖通常见页面介绍 (不定项选择,

3、 共1题, 每题2分, 共2分)1.1、速卖通后台登陆可以通过哪些方式 (正确答案: cd)* a. 注册手机速卖通用户名 * b.* c. 注册邮箱速卖通账号 * d./ / / 相关知识点如何发布一个商品 (不定项选择, 共4题, 每题2分, 共8分)1.1、店铺产品结构有哪些 (正确答案: acd)* a. 爆款长尾款 * b.* c. 利润款引流款 * d./ /2.2、一个完整的标题需要包含下面哪些内容 (正确答案: abcd)* a. 产品名称物流优势 * b.* c. 产品材质服务 * d./ /3.3、产品发布时需要注意哪些点 (正确答案: abcd)* a. 全面准确的属性完

4、整清晰的详细描述 * b.* c. 与产品匹配的类目完整而又重点突出的标题 * d./ /4.4、关于产品类目说法正确的是 (正确答案: abcd)* A. error category selection will affect exposure* B. error category selection will be punished by platform* the C. category is important in product sequencing* D. must select category before entering the product release page

5、/ / / knowledge?How to issue a consignment of merchandise (variable selection, a total of 4 questions, 2 points per subject, a total of 8 points)One1. How many products can be released every day? (the correct answer is A)* A. 50* B. is not the same according to the sellers hierarchy* C. 100* D. 10/

6、/Two2, which indicators will affect the number of commission consignment products (the correct answer: ABC)* A. is currently not subject to net disciplinary penalties* B. successful transaction rate* C. successful transaction orders* D. rating/ /Three3. What should I pay special attention to when I

7、edit the product for sale? (correct answer: ABCD)* A. fill in more keywords* B. required attribute* C. modifies the product title for confirmation* D. adds details about the content/ /Four4, why some of the Amoy Commission product tips can not be claimed? (correct answer: ABCD)* A. is not within the

8、 scope of the consignment category* B. the current number of remaining products available is full* C. is “ spike ” or ” used “ other types of products* D. has intellectual property risks/ / / knowledge?Quick sell search sorting (variable selection, a total of 2 questions, 2 points per subject, a tot

9、al of 4 points)One1, what kind of product description is good (correct answer: ABCD)* A. highlights the full heading* the B. property is complete* C. commodity information describes reality* D. description of goods information is accurate and complete/ /Two2, which search fraud will affect product r

10、anking (the correct answer: ABCD)* A. merchandise Title Keyword indiscriminately* B. repeat distribution cheat exposure* C. merchandise sales hype* D. category of goods shop/ / / knowledge?International logistics is very simple (indefinite choice, a total of 10 questions, 2 points per subject, a tot

11、al of 20 points)One1, which method of delivery will be calculated by volume? (correct answer: ACD)* A. UPS* B. EMS* C. DHL* D. TNT/ /Two2, what are the claims about freight payment (correct answer: ABD)?* A. non post merchandise buyer pays* B. packages are paid by the seller* C. shipping costs are t

12、he same in different countries* D. platform activities, product freight will participate in discount discounts/ /Three3, which of the following modes of delivery do not have standard freight rates (correct answer: ABC)?* A. Swiss post packet* B. Singapore Post packet* C. Hongkong postal parcel* D. C

13、hina Post Parcel/ /Four4, the freight template settings which include several categories (correct answer: ABCD)* A. commercial Express* B.Special line logistics* C. other* D. Postal Logistics/ /Five5 which of the following types of logistics is a special line logistics (correct answer: ABC)* A. air

14、lines, Yan Wen* B. Sino Russian Airlines Ruston* C. Middle East Line* D. DHL/ /Six6, if not change, the platform default commitment arrival time what (correct answer: ACD)* A., Hongkong airlines, size package for Russia, default 60 days* B. post, Hongkong airlines, size package for Brazil, default 3

15、9 days* C. commercial Express (DHL, UPS, FEDEX, TNT) default time 23 days;* D. EMS, E Po default time 27 days;/ /Seven7, which of the following customs clearance methods are strong (correct answer: BD)?* A. DHL* B. China Post Parcel* C. UPS* D. e Po/ /Eight8, how to better operate, promise delivery

16、time, avoid the refund due to non delivery (correct answer)Case: ABCD)* A. selects good forwarder* B. sets multiple sets of freight templates* C. settings are not shipped by country* D. maintain good buyer communication/ /Nine9, which way of logistics can not send more than 2KG parcels (correct answ

17、er: BC)* A. China Post Parcel* B. Hongkong postal parcel* C. China Post Parcel* D. Hongkong postal parcel/ /Ten10. What should I pay attention to when using China Post air parcel? (correct answer: ABCD)* when A. uses air parcel products, it must be registered at the same time within the shipment per

18、iodFill in the delivery order on the platform, otherwise the order will be returned to the buyer automatically.* after B. delivery, timely follow-up of the shipment of goods. Such as the emergence of online freight tracking information incompleteThe case, for example: not only shipping records, tuot

19、ou records, to contact the buyer to confirm receiptSituation。* C. standard freight only contain the freight, not including the registration fee, customs clearance fee, fee and other documentsFor other expenses, please pay attention to the transportation cost when setting the price.* D. value or time

20、liness requirements of higher goods, should try to choose other modes of transportation./ / / knowledge?How to do a good job in the independent marketing of shops (indefinite choice, a total of 6 questions, 2 points per subject, a total of 12 points)One1, what kinds of activities are there in the in

21、dependent marketing of the shop? (correct answer: ABCD)* A. store coupons* B. all shop discounts* C. all shop full stop* D. limited time discount/ /Two2, shops full set off, how to locate their own unit price (correct answer: BD)* A. arbitrarily defined* when B. is calculated, the total value of the

22、 goods purchased by the buyer and the total amount of the freight are included in the calculation* C. do not charge the unit price, just according to the discount* D. queries through data vertical and horizontal/ /Three3, about the store coupons which description is correct (answer: ABD)* A. and sho

23、p full down can stack* B. activity started 48 hours after creation* C. once created cannot be changed* inform the old buyer after the D. activity begins/ /Four4, set the whole shop discount what role (correct answer: ABCD)* A. rapidly increase store sales* B. all shop discount commodity logo discoun

24、t logo* C. buyer favorites & shopping cart discount reminder* D. buyer search page sale items additional exposure/ /Five5, about the whole shop discount, the following statement is correct (correct answer: ABCD)* A. activity started 48 hours after creation* inform the old buyer after the B. activity

25、 begins* C. combine other activities such as full stand down and coupon, and the effect is better* D. can group store products in a marketing grouping/ /Six6, set up shop coupons what benefits (answer: ABCD)* A. consolidates old buyer viscosity* B. commodity details page logo to attract buyers* C. i

26、ncrease store purchase rate* D. to stimulate buyers orders, enhance unit price/ / / knowledge?How to participate in platform activities (variable selection, a total of 2 questions, 2 points per game, a total of 4 points)One1, which platforms are included in the platform activity (the correct answer:

27、 ABCD)* A. platform big boost!* B. Hot& New industry activities* C., super, deals* D. industry theme activities/ /Two2, what factors affect the admission of platform activities (the correct answer: ABCD)* A. price advantage is not obvious* B. product information incomplete* C. registration products

28、and investment category does not match* D. registration time is incorrect/ / / knowledge?Introduction to data vertical and horizontal tools (variable selection, a total of 7 questions, 2 points per subject, 14 points)One1, the few words can be through which dimension to screen the conditions (the co

29、rrect answer: ABCD)* A. commodity results range* B. time* C. industry* D. countries/ /Two2, the search word analysis can see what dimensions of analysis (the correct answer: ABC)* A. less words* B. hot search words* C. soaring words* D. blue ocean words/ /Three3, selection of experts can be screened

30、 from what dimensions (answer: ABC)* A. industry* B. time* C. countries* D. keyword/ /Four4, the purchase rate of shops we can see in the following functions (correct answer: D)* A. real time storm* B. search terms analysis* C. commodity analysis* D. shop overview/ /Five5, through visitor behavior a

31、nalysis, which data dimensions can view the goods (correct answer)?Case: ABCD)* number of inquiries made by A.* B. access time* C. add collection times* D. add shopping cart number/ /SixSelect a single keyword 6, selection of experts can be seen after which of the following data (answer: ABD)* A. to

32、p associated products* B. top hot sale properties* C. top hot selling keywords* D. hot sale property combinations/ /Seven7, commodity analysis can see what aspects of the goods (the correct answer: ABCD)* A. turnover* B. hits* C. exposure* D. views/ / / knowledge?Search fraud (indefinite choice, a t

33、otal of 3 questions, 2 points per game, a total of 6 points)One1, which belongs to the five products (answer: ABCD)* A. to make up for postage* B. gifts* C. presale* D. big promotion dedicated/ /Two2, how to avoid attribute selection (correct answer: ABCD)* A. selects good categories according to th

34、e products they want to publish, and considers the attributes to be selected when publishingNo wrong; avoid omissions, such as forget to select &rdquo product release; sleeve ” attribute; obstacleFree choice, such as commodity style attributes, but chose the Bohemia style.* B. attaches importance to

35、 self checking and search diagnostics, avoiding conflicts between selected attributes and title settings, andThe two attributes of the product contradict each other. If you find the wrong attribute, please amend it in time to avoid being affectedPunishment of a network gage.* C. can view the display

36、 attributes of this commodity online through commodity keywords for reference.* D., first of all, have an understanding of the attributes of the platforms various industries, and know what they sellWhat are the physical and marketing attributes of products, such as &ldquo, T-shirt, &rdquo?“ color, s

37、ize, material, sleeve, collar type ” etc./ /Three3, which of the following is cheating in SKU (correct answer: ABCD)?* A. put normal goods and merchandise that does not support sale (or non normal) on the same linkSell in. The goods price is $0.01 / piece, “ Other” theSKU price,* B. bundled differen

38、t property items into different packages or bundled other accessories on a linkSell in.* C. sells different items in a link (such as touch pens and cell phone shells).* D. sells regular goods and accessories (such as watches and watches boxes) in a link for sale./ / / knowledge?Rules of the dispute

39、(indefinite choice, a total of 3 questions, 2 points per subject, a total of 6 points)One1, the buyer was arrested by the customs and Excise Department, the lifting of disputes, how should I do? (correct answer: ABCD)* A. if it is due to the lack of invoices, the customs declaration or the direct de

40、struction by the customs is the sellers responsibility* B. is the sellers liability if it is deducted from the value of the goods or is destroyed by the customs directly* C. if the buyer does not clear the customs, it is the buyers responsibility, but the premise must be issued by the logistics comp

41、anyOfficial documents confirm this reason.* D. is the sellers liability if it is a counterfeit or a direct destruction by the customs/ /Two2, for the logistics tuotou display package has the dispute the seller should pay attention to what? (answer correctlyCase: ABCD)* A. is actively providing proof of bottom order so that the platform can check the relevant address information.* B. actively negotiate with buyers on the basis of logistics information to reach an agreed solution.* when C. delivery, confirm the order information: transp


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