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1、Unit TenText AText B能力分析训练Text A Passenger was one of the early users of E-commerce in the electronic markets. The use of Internet made travel industries to gain competitive advantage from the development of all kind of systems. The travel industry is expanding rapidly around the globe. It is not un

2、common to find people in a luxury hotel who have paid twice what others have for the same room. The Internet is an ideal place to plan, explore, and arrange almost any trip. Potential savings are available through special sales and the elimination of travel agents by buying directly from the provide

3、rs. Virtual travel agencies will offer you almost all the services you will find in a conventional travel agency, ranging from information to reservation and purchasing of tickets for your trips, accommodations, and entertainment. In addition to regular services, you will find services most conventi

4、onal travel agencies do not offer, such as tips provided by people who have experienced certain situations (like a visa problem), electronic travel magazines, fare comparisons, currency conversion, fare tracking (free E-mail alerts on low fares to your favorite destinations), worldwide business and

5、places locator, shopping for travel accessories and books, experts opinions, major international and travel news, driving directions in the United States and several other countries, chat rooms and bulletin boards, and frequent flier deals. The benefits of online services to travelers are enormous.

6、The amount of free information is tremendous and it is accessible anytime from any place. Substantial discounts can be found, especially if you have time and patience. You can take fantasy trips and get the feeling of being there. Soon, the addition of virtual reality will help you to enjoy virtual

7、trips. You do not have to go to the travel agency and you can have lots of fun. Online travel has its limitations. First, many people do not use the Internet. Second, Web sites want to sell, not to provide information. Finally, complex trips require specialized knowledge and arrangements, which must

8、 be done by a travel agent. Therefore, the need for travel agents as intermediaries is assured, at least in the immediate future. However, as we will show later, intelligent agents may lessen some of these limitations, reducing the reliance on travel agents. Intelligent agents could be involved in b

9、uyer-seller negotiations as shown in the following scenario: You want to take a vacation in Hawaii. You called a regular travel agent who was too busy; finally, he gave a plan and a price that you do not like. A friend told you to use an intelligent agent. Here is how it works: Step 1. You turn on y

10、our PC and enter your desired destination, dates, available budget, special requirement, and desired entertainment. Step 2. Your computer dispatches an intelligent agent that “shops around”, entering the Internet and communicating electronically with the databases of airlines, hotels, and other vend

11、ors. Step 3. Your agent attempts to match your requirements against what is available, negotiating with the vendors agents. These agents may activate other agents to make special arrangements, cooperate with each other, activate multimedia presentations, or make special inquiries. Step 4. Your agent

12、 returns to you within minutes, with suitable alternatives. You have a few questions; you want modifications. No problem. Within a few minutes, its a done deal. No waiting for busy telephone operators and no human errors. Once you approve the deal, the intelligent agent will make the reservations, a

13、rrange for payments, and even report to you about any unforeseen delays in your departure.Notes 1It is not uncommon to find people in a luxury hotel who have paid twice what others have for the same room. 句中有两处否定:not和uncommon,注意双重否定即是肯定。 本句译为:在高级宾馆,有人花别人两倍的价钱而住同样的房间的情况并不鲜见。 2You will note that sever

14、al of the services are customized per the consumers request. 这里的are customized per the consumers request也可转译成“一对一的”。 本句译为:你将会注意到有些服务是根据顾客的要求进行定制。 3The company also offers unique “specials”, such as discounted rooms from top hotels. 这里的top作“头等的,最高级的”解释。例如: top officials 最高级官员 top talks 最高级会谈 top hono

15、rs 最高荣誉 本句译为:公司还提供独一无二的“特价”,如最高级饭店的房间折扣。Text B Advertising is an attempt to disseminate information in order to effect a buyer-seller transaction. In a traditional sense, advertising was impersonal, one-way mass communication or mass marketing, which was paid for by sponsors. Telemarketing and direc

16、t mail were attempts to personalize advertising in order to make it more effective. These direct marketing approaches worked fairly well but were expensive. The Internet redefined the meaning of advertising. The Internet has enabled consumers to interact directly with advertisers and advertisements.

17、 Several of the major methods used for advertisements are: Banners advertising is the most commonly used form of advertising on the Internet. As you surf your way through the information superhighway, banners are everywhere. The file size of the image should be about 7kb to 10kb. The smaller the fil

18、e size, the quicker it loads. Designers of banners pay a lot of attention to the size of the image because long downloading times may cause a viewer to become impatient and move on before the banner is fully displayed. T 1Banners A splash screen is an initial Web site page used to capture the users

19、attention for a short time as a promotion or lead-in to the site home page or to tell the user what kind of browser and other software they need to view the site. The major advantage of a splash page over any other advertising method is that one can create innovative multimedia effects or provide su

20、fficient information for a delivery in one visit.2Splash screen Search engines often provide space (spot) in their home page for any individual business to lease. The duration of the lease depends upon the contract agreement between the Web site host and lessee. Unlike banners, which show up at vari

21、ous times, the ad place on the spot will always be there; hence, competition is reduced. The disadvantage of spot leasing is that the size of the ad is often small and limited, causing some viewers to miss the ad. Also, the cost can be very high.3Spot leasing The major advantage of using URL as an a

22、dvertising tool is that it is free. Any site can submit its URL to a search engine and be listed. Also, by using URL the targeted consumer can be locked and the unwanted viewers can be filtered because of the keyword function. 4URL (Universal Resource Locators) On the other hand, the URL method has

23、several drawbacks. First, due to intense competition, a companys listing at the top of the list of a search engine can easily be replaced by others. Moreover, different search engines index their listings differently. Another way to advertise on the Internet is to purchase E-mail addresses and send

24、the company information to those on the list. The advantages of this approach are its low cost and the ability to reach a wide variety of targeted consumers. 5E-mail Electronic chat refers to an arrangement where participants exchange messages in real time. The software industry estimates that sever

25、al hundred thousand Web sites have millions of chat rooms.6Chat RoomNotes 1Advertising is an attempt to disseminate information in order to effect a buyer-seller transaction. 本句译为:广告的用意是有效地进行买卖交易。 2Advertising、advertisement、ad都是“广告”的意思,其中advertising(总称)告,而ad则是advertisement的缩写。 3These direct marketin

26、g approaches worked fairly well but were expensive. 这里的work作“起作用,产生影响”解释。例如: The medicine worked. 药物奏效了。 The appeal worked powerfully upon him. 呼吁对他起了强烈的作用。 本句译为:这些直接的营销方法非常奏效,但费用昂贵。 4The Internet has provided the sponsors with two-way communication and E-mail capabilities, as well as allowing the s

27、ponsors to target specific groups on which they want to spend their advertising dollars, which is more accurate than traditional telemarketing. 这里的as well(as)作“也,又”解释。 例如:He is a worker, and a militiaman as well. 他是工人,也是民兵。 He knows Japanese as well. 他也懂日语。 The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩

28、子既健康又活泼。 The test is important for me as well as for you. 这场考试对你我都很重要。 本句译为:互联网为赞助商提供了双向沟通以及发送邮件的功能,并允许其定位于那些他们愿意支付广告费用的特定客户群上,这比起传统的电信营销要更加精确。 5Advertisers go to great lengths to design a banner that catches consumers attention. 这里的go to great lengths是一个固定习语,作“竭尽全力”解释。例如: He went to great lengths t

29、o prove to me that he had earned his success by hard work. 他竭尽全力向我证明他的成功是通过自己的艰苦努力取得的。 本句译为:广告设计者竭尽全力设计出能抓住消费者目光的广告条。 6Banners contain links that, when clicked on, transfer the customer to the advertisers home page. 本句中that, when clicked on, transfer the customer to the advertisers home page引导的是一个定语

30、从句,修饰前面的先行词links,但在该定语从句中嵌套了一个省略了主语的时间状语从句when clicked on,该省略的主语就是指示代词that所指代的links,当从句的主语和主句的主语相同时,从句的主语可省略。 本句译为:广告条包含链接,点击链接就能切换到广告赞助商的主页。 7On the other hand, the URL method has several drawbacks. 这里的on the other hand,“另一方面”,有时也用on the one hand,on the other hand“一方面,另一方面”。 例如:On the other hand, b

31、ecause each assembly language is different, a program cannot be moved from one type of computer to another. 另一方面,因为每一种汇编语言都是不同的,所以(用汇编语言编写)程序是不能从一种类型的计算机上移到另一种类型的计算机上。 本句译为:另一方面,使用URL方法也有一些缺点。ExercisesTrue or false 1Advertising is an attempt to disseminate information in order to effect a buyer-sell

32、er transaction. 2Telemarketing and direct mail were attempts to personalize advertising in order to make it less effective. 3The Internet has enabled consumers to interact indirectly with advertisers and advertisements. 4The Internet has provided the sponsors with two-way communication and E-mail ca

33、pabilities, as well as allowing the sponsors to target specific groups on which they want to spend their advertising dollars, which is more accurate than traditional telemarketing. 5The larger the file size, the quicker it loads. 6Banners contain links that, when clicked on, transfer the customer to

34、 the advertisers home page. 7Search engines often provide space (spot) in their home page for any individual business to lease. 8Different search engines index their listings similarly. 9The advantages of E-mail are its low cost and the ability to reach a wide variety of targeted consumers. 10Electr

35、onic chat refers to an arrangement where participants exchange messages in real time. 1In a traditional sense, advertising was i , one-way mass c or mass marketing, which was paid for by s . 2Designers of banners pay a lot of attention to the size of the i because long d times may cause a viewer to

36、become impatient and move on before the banner is fully displayed.Put in the missing information based on the text 3There are two types of banners: k banner and r banner. 4The major advantage of a s page over any other advertising method is that one can create i m effects or provide sufficient infor

37、mation for a delivery in one visit. 5The disadvantage of s l is that the size of the ad is often small and limited, causing some viewers to miss the ad. 6By using URL the t consumer can be locked and the unwanted viewers can be f because of the keyword function. 7E-mail is emerging as a m channel th

38、at affords c -e implementation and better, quicker response rates than other advertising channels. 8C capabilities can be added to a business site for free by letting software chat vendors host your s on their site.能力分析训练Skills of UnderstandingSkills of Translation Skills of Business E-mail Writing

39、Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition Skills of Understanding影响阅读速度的几个障碍点 阅读能力很大程度取决于阅读习惯。 不良阅读习惯可以被称为阻碍阅读速度提高的障碍。 这些不良习惯主要有以下几个方面。 逐字阅读是阻碍阅读速度提高的主要因素之一。 有些人习惯一个词、一个词地阅读,而不能以词组或意群为单位连贯地进行阅读。1逐字阅读 例如,一个由20个词组成的句子,如果每次只读一个单词,读完这句话要20次。 如果一次读两个词,则10次就可以完成。 而读得快的人每次目光停留在一个词组上。 下面这句话如果按词组划分则为A sma

40、rt terminal can input and retrieve 1 2data and also do some limited 3 4processing on its own 5such as editing or verifying data. 6 阅读这段话只需要六次就完成了。 而且,逐字阅读时由于眼睛一直在纸上快速移动,无法连成图像,不利于理解;如按意群阅读则可以帮助理解作者的思想观点,因为大脑的思维活动是连续不断的。 克服逐字阅读习惯的主要办法是掌握视幅技术,扩大视幅。 视幅就是一次所视内容的幅度。 应把视幅从以词为单位向以意群为单位转变,并以关键词为阅读焦点。 这样阅读的速

41、度就会成倍提高。 影响阅读速度的另一个因素是回视。 所谓回视就是指在阅读的过程中,不断向回看,重复阅读已经看过的内容。 回视有以下几种:回视全文、回视段、回视句或词组。2回视 虽然为加强理解进行必要的回视是可以的。 但多数人进行回视是出于一种习惯,认为这样更可靠,能够加深理解印象。 实际上多数人的回视没有效果,也没有必要,而且极影响速度。 在所有影响阅读速度的弊病中,回视也是最容易克服的一种。 只要注意防止回视,阅读速度很快就会提高。 声读是另一种常见的阅读弊病。 多数人的这种习惯是在中、小学进行大量朗读训练中形成的。 遇到文章就自觉不自觉地朗读起来。 甚至有一些人认为这是学习英语的一个好习惯

42、,其实它严重影响了阅读速度。 其主要原因是朗读受人们讲话速度的影响,制约了速度。 一般人说话时的速度是120150单词每分钟,而阅读的速度可达到400单词每分钟。 多数人的阅读速度是讲话速度的两到三倍。3声读和心读 心读也是声读的一种形式,是在头脑中的朗读。 表面上看这种朗读并没有读出声来,但声音器官却处于紧张的工作状态。 心里自始自终在自言自语,清晰地发出并听到每个字音。 这种无声阅读同有声阅读没有根本区别。 这同样影响了阅读速度。 要提高阅读速度就要避免声读和心读。 经常有人说在阅读时无法集中自己的注意力,即使能够集中也只是短时间的。 这也是提高阅读速度的障碍。 许多人认为克服注意力分散的

43、好办法是重复阅读,以稳定的慢速阅读。 其实,正是这种慢速度的阅读使人们有时间去思考其他事情,结果是进一步分散了注意力。 适度的快节奏的阅读可以产生一种紧张感,使人们更加集中自己的注意力。4注意力不集中 阅读者都想在不影响速度的情况下尽量提高理解率。 但是,一些人认为无论读什么文章,都应做到切实、全面、深入理解。 他们往往过于重视理解,而忽视了速度。 通常他们一边阅读,一边分析和翻译。其实,对于快速阅读来说,根本无需这么做。 这样不但不能帮助理解,还会影响阅读速度。5力求理解,不重速度 当然,学习快速阅读,开始会影响到理解率。 为了消除这种影响,就必须学习阅读技巧。 首先,应该提高速度。 在提高

44、了速度之后,再训练提高理解的能力和准确度。 尤其应该注意不要一遇到困难就降低阅读速度。 其实,当大脑适应了以较高速度接收信息时,理解力也会在此速度下得到提高。 这样,理解力会比以往更好。 除此以外,还有以下一些影响阅读速度的因素。 (1)频繁查阅字典 这是一种较普遍的现象。主要有两个原因:一是词汇量少,二是抓不住关键词。 解决词汇量少,主要有两个办法:一是扩大阅读,多记忆单词;二是了解构词法,学会猜新词。(2)过多的语法分析和翻译 这种现象产生的主要原因在于教学中过多地采用了语法分析。 在许多外语教学中,要求逐字逐句的分析:分析时态、句子成分,要学生翻译每一个词。 这种习惯大大影响了阅读速度。

45、 阅读的主要目的是理解,翻译则不只是理解,而是要达到再创造。 阅读只需要在头脑中把文字转换成图像,而翻译则需要把图像再用另一种文字正确地表达出来。 因此,阅读时要尽量注意不去进行翻译,无论是口头上的还是笔头上的。Skills of Translation常见的计算机英语及缩写 PC:Personal Computer,个人计算机、个人电脑,又称微型计算机或微机。 NC:Network Computer,网络计算机。 MPC:Multimedia Personal Computer,多媒体个人电脑。 MMX:是MultiMedia eXtensions(多媒体扩展)的缩写,是第六代CPU芯片的重

46、要特点。 MMX技术是在CPU中加入了特地为视频信号(Video Signal)、音频信号(Audio Signal)以及图像处理(Graphical Manipulation)而设计的57条指令,因此,MMX CPU极大地提高了电脑的多媒体(如立体声、视频、三维动画等)处理功能。 Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM:Intel Pentium是英特尔(Intel)公司生产的“奔腾”CPU。 166MHz指CPU时钟频率,MHz即Mega Hertz的缩写。 MMXTM中的TM是“Trade Mark”的简写,意为“注册商标”。 OOP:Object Oriented Pro

47、gramming,面向对象的程序设计。 所谓“对象”就是一个或一组数据以及处理这些数据的方法和过程的集合。 面向对象的程序设计完全不同于传统的面向过程程序设计,它大大地降低了软件开发的难度,使编程就像搭积木一样简单,是当今电脑编程的一股势不可挡的潮流。 28VGA:28是指彩色显示器上的黄光网点间距(点距),点距越小的显示器,图像就越细腻、越好,这是因为彩色屏幕上的每个像点都是由一组红、绿、蓝光汇聚而成的,由于在技术上三束光还不能100%地汇聚在一点上,因此会产生一种黄光网点的间隔,这种间隔越小,屏幕上显示的图像越清晰。VGA是Video Graphics Array(视频图形阵列)的缩写。

48、FAT:File Allocation Table,文件分配表,它的作用是记录硬盘中有关文件如何被分散存储在不同扇区的信息。 EPA:Environmental Protection Agency的简称,美国环境保护署。 EPA于1992年宣布了“能源之星”(Energy Star)计划,并得到了国际社会的积极响应。 只要启动电脑,过不了几秒钟就能见到屏幕上出现“能源之星”的标志。 能源之星的目标是当电脑系统的各个部件不活动时自动进入低功耗状态,当部件的能动性恢复(即当键盘、鼠标等被使用)时,电脑系统自动回到完全清醒的状态。 对于符合能源之星规范的产品,EPA将发给能源之星标志“EPA POL

49、LUTION PREVENTER”,意为“美国环境保护署认可的防污染的节能产品”。 IC卡:Intelligent Card,智能卡。 ATX:一种新的电脑机箱、主板、电源的结构规范。 IDE:集成电路设备或智能磁盘设备。 DLL:Dynamic Link Library,动态链接库。 KB:Kilo Byte,KB表示千字节。K=Kilo,构词成分,表示“千,千米,公斤,公里”。B=Byte,意为“字节”,是电脑中最小存储单位(一个字节可以存储一个英文字母,每两个字节可以存放一个汉字)。 MB:Mega Byte,MB表示兆字节。M=Mega,构词成分,表示“兆,百万”。 GB:Giga B

50、yte,GB表示吉字节。G=Giga,构词成分,表示“吉,十亿”。 CAI:Computer-Aided Intelligence,计算机辅助教学。它将是21世纪最重要、最受欢迎的教学手段。 CAD:Computer-Aided Design,计算机辅助设计。 CAM:Computer-Aided Manufacturing,计算机辅助制造。 ISO:International Standard Organization,国际标准化组织。 ISO于1987年推出有关质量管理和质量保证的ISO 9000系列国际标准,于1994年又发布了经过修订的标准。 其中,构成ISO 9000系列标准的主要标

51、准分别是:1ISO 90001:1994质量管理和质量保证标准第一部分:选择和使用指南。2ISO 9001:1994质量体系设计、开发、生产、安装和服务的质量保证模式。3ISO 9002:1994质量体系最终检验和试验的质量保证模式。 3DS或3D Studio:Three Dimension Studio,三维摄影室。 是美国Autodesk公司推出的一套多功能三维动画软件,集实体造型、静态着色和动画创作于一体,极大地普及了三维造型技术。 它能够与AutoCAD进行图形信息交换,利用扫描仪输入图形,通过VGA与电视转换接口将动画输出至电视或录像带。 VR:Virtual Reality,虚拟

52、现实,又称投入3D,由空军模拟飞行装置演变而来,基本上是利用左、右视觉空间交替变换显示图像的原理产生立体效果,实际上已超出图像处理的范畴,是综合光、声、图像的计算机生成环境,人们能够像在实际生活中那样对虚拟环境中的对象进行交互式操作,虚拟现实应用前景极为广阔。 OCR:Optical Character Recognition(光学字符识别)的缩写,是指将文字材料通过扫描仪输入作为计算机图像文件,通过软件识别为中文或英文内码,然后进行文字处理。 由于手写体的随意性太大,目前OCR主要限于印刷文字的识别。 目前代表中文OCR识别准确率最高水平的是清华文通公司出品的THOCR NT for Win

53、dows。 SCSI:Small Computer System Interface,小型计算机系统接口,它是为解决众多的外部设备与计算机之间的连接问题而开发的。 OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始设备制造商。 Microsoft OEM:微软OEM产品。它是指预安装在微机上的软件操作系统,包括Windows98、Windows NT、WorkStation、Windows3.X、MSDOS。 MIS:Management Information System,管理信息系统。 它广泛地应用于各行各业,国内最有名的管理信息系统有“王特MIS”、“雅奇MI

54、S”、“Quick MIS”。 PNP:Plug and Play,即插即用,它是Window98的一个重要技术特性。 所谓即插即用是指将符合PNP标准的PC插卡等外围设备安装到电脑时,操作系统自动设定系统结构的技术。 这就是说,当用户安装新的硬件时,不必再设置任何跳线器开关,也不必用软件配置中断请求(IRQ)、内存地址或直接存储器存取(DMA)通道,Windows98会向应用程序通知硬件设备的新变化,并会自动协调IRQ、内存地址和DMA通道之间的冲突。 OLE:Object Linking and Embedding,对象连接与嵌入,简称OLE技术。 OLE不仅是桌面应用程序集成,而且还定义和实现了一种允许应用程序作为软件“对象”(数据集合和操作数据的函数)彼此进行“连接”的机制,这种连接机制和协议称为部件对象模型(Component


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