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1、modbus协议外文翻译 MODBUS通讯协议 M.D.Kotsovos 伦敦皇家科学与技术学院机械工程系 Modbus协议是Modicon公司于1978年发明的一个用于PLC和控制器之间通讯的协议。M0dbus协议将通信参与者规定为“主站”(MASTER)和“从站”(SLAVE)。Modbus规定,只有主站具有主动权,从站只能被动的响应,包括回答出错信息。本文将PLC设定为主站,高压柜保护装置设定为1号从站,电容馈线柜保护装置设定为2号从站。Modbus协议有ASCII和RTU两种传输模式。在ASCII方式中,消息中的每个8Bit字节需2个ASCII字符,其优点是准许字符的传输间隔达到1 s

2、而不产生错误;在RTU方式中,每个8Bit字节包含两个4Bit的十六进制字符,其优点是在同样的波特率下,可比ASCII方式传送更多的数据,但是每个消息必须以连续的数据流传输。本文采用的模式是RTU模式。它没有起始位和停止位,而是以至少3.5个字符间隔时间(T1-T2-T3-T4)标志开始和结束。RTU模式采用CRC16冗余校验方式,信息帧由地址域、功能域和CRC校验域构成,所有字符位由16进制数组成。每个字节的位包括:1个起始位,8个数据位,1个奇偶校验位,1个或2个停止位(无奇偶校验时)。 Modbus协议是应用于电子控制器上的一种通用语言。通过此协议,控制器相互之间、控制器经由网络(例如以

3、太网)和其它设备之间可以通讯。它己经成为一通用工业标准。Modbus协议是一种在工业领域被广为应用的真正开放、标准的网络通讯协议,被大部分SCADA(Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition数据采集与监视控制系统)HM工(Human Machine Interface人机界面)软件支持,所以它实际上己经成为一种通用的工业标准。有了它不同厂商生产的控制设备可以连成工业网络,进行集中监控。此协议定义了一个控制器能认识使用的消息结构,而不管它们是经过何种网络进行通讯的。它描述了一控制器请求访问其它设备的过程,如果回应来自其它设备的请求,以及怎样侦测错误并记录。它


5、到 1秒而不产生错误。 1.在Modbus网络上转输 标准的Modbus口是使用一RS-232兼容串行接口,它定义了连接口的针脚、电缆、信号位、传输波特率、奇偶校验。控制器能直接或经由Modem组网。控制器通讯使用主一从技术,即仅一设备(主设备)能初始化传输(查询)。其它设备(从设备)根据主设备查询提供的数据作出相应反应。典型的主设备:主机和可编程仪表。典型的从设备:可编程控制器。主设备可单独和从设备通讯,也能以广播方式和所有从设备通讯。如果单独通讯,从设备返回一消息作为回应,如果是以广播方式查询的,则不作任何回应。Modbus协议建立了主设备查询的格式:设备(或广播)地址、功能代码、所有要发

6、送的数据、一错误检测域。从设备回应消息也由Modbus协议构成,包括确认要行动的域、任何要返回的数据、和一错误检测域。如果在消息接收过程中发生一错误,或从设备不能执行其命令,从设备将建立一错误消息并把它作为回应发送出去口通讯模式。 2.在其它网络上转输 在其它网络上,控制器使用对等技术通讯,故任何控制都能初始和其它控制器的通讯。这样在单独的通讯过程中,控制器既可作为主设备也可作为从设备。提供的多个内部通道可允许同时发生的传输进程。在消息位,Modbus协议仍提供了主一从原则,尽管网络通讯方法是对等。如果一控制器发送一消息,它只是作为主设备,并期望从从设备得到回应。同样,当控制器接收到一消息,它

7、将建立一从设备回应格式并返回给发送的控制器。 3.查询一回应周期 1)查询 查询消息中的功能代码告之被选中的从设备要执行何种功能。数据段包含了从设备要执行功能的任何附加信息。例如:功能代码03是要求从设备读保持寄存器并返回它们的内容。数据段必须包含要告之从设备的信息:从何寄存器开始读及要读的寄存器数量。错误检测域为从设备提供了一种验证消息内容是否正确的方法。 2)回应 如果从设备产生一正常的回应,在回应消息中的功能代码是在查询消息中的功能代码的回应。数据段包括了从设备收集的数据:寄存器值或状态。如果有错误发生,功能代码将被修改以用于指出回应消息是错误的,同时数据段包含了描 述此错误信息的代码。

8、错误检测允许主设备确认消息内容是否可用。 4.Modbus消息帧 两种传输模式中(ASC或RTU),传输设备以将Modbus消息转为有起点和终点的帧,这就允许接收的设备在消息起始处开始工作,读地址分配信息,判断哪一个设备被选中(广播方式则传给所有设备),判断何时信息己完成。部分的消息也能检测到并且错误能设置为返回结果。 1)ASCll帧 使用ASCH模式,消息以冒号(:)字符(ASCH码3AH) 开始,以回车换行符结束(ASC工1码ODH,OAH)。其它域可以使用的传输字符是十六进制的0? 9,A? F。网络上的设备不断检测“:”字符,当有一个冒号接收到时,每个设备都解码下个域(地址域)来判断

9、是否发给自己的。消息中字符间发送的时间间隔最长不能超过1秒,否则接收的设备将认为传输错误。一个典型消息帧如下所示: 2)RTU模式 使用RTU模式,消息发送至少要以3.5个字符时间的停顿间隔开始。在网络波特率下多样的字符时间,这是最容易实现的(如下图的Tl-T2-T3-T-4所示)。传输的第一个域是设备地址。可以使用的传输字符是十六进制的0-9,A-F。网络设备不断检测网络总线,包括停顿间隔时间内。当第一个域(地址域)接收到,每个设备都进行解码以判断是否发往自己的。在最后一个传输字符之后,一个至少3.5个字符时间的停顿标定了消息的结束。一个新的消息可在此停顿后开始。整个消息帧必须作为一连续的流

10、传输。如果在帧完成之前有超过1.5个字符时间的停顿时间,接收设备将刷新不完整的消息并假定下一字节是一个新消息的地址域。同样地,如果一个新消息在小于3.5个字符时间内接着前个消息开始,接收的设备将认为它是前一消息的延续。这将导致一个错误,因为在最后的CRC域的值不可能是正确的。一典型的消息帧如下所示: 3)地址域 消息帧的地址域包含两个字符(ASCII)或8Bit (RTU)。可能的从设备地址是0. 247(十进制)。单个设备的地址范围是1.247。主设备通过将要联络的从设备的地址放入消息中的地址域来选通从设备。当从设备发送回应消息时,它把自己的地址放入回应的地址域中,以便主设备知道是哪一个设备

11、作出回应。地址0是用作广播地址,以使所有的从设备都能认识。当Modbus协议用于更高水准的网络,广播可能不允许或以其它方式代替。 4)如何处理功能域 消息帧中的功能代码域包含了两个字符(ASC工I)或Hits (RTU)。可能的代码范围是十进制的1?255。当然,有些代码是适用于所有控制器,有些是应用 于某种控制器,还有些保留以备后用。当消息从主设备发往从设备时,功能代码域将告之从设备需要执行哪些行为。例如去读取输入的开关状态,读一组寄存器的数据内容,读从设备的诊断状态,允许调入、记录、校验在从设备中的程序等。当从设备回应时,它使用功能代码域来指示是正常回应(无误)还是有某种错误发生(称作异议

12、回应)。对正常回应,从设备仅回应相应的功能代码。对异议回应,从设备返回一等同于正常代码的代码,但最高有效位置为逻辑1。例如:一从主设备发往从设备的消息要求读一组保持寄存器,将产生如下功能代码: 00000011 (十六进制03H) 对正常回应,从设备仅回应同样的功能代码。对异议回应,它返回: 10000011 (十六进制83H) 除功能代码因异议错误作了修改外,从设备将一独特的代码放到回应消息的数据域中,这能告诉主设备发生了什么错误。主设备应用程序得到异议的回应后,典型的处理过程是重发消息,或者诊断发给从设备的消息并报告给操作员。 5)数据域 数据域是由两个十六进制数集合构成的,范围00. F


14、判断采取下一步行动。在某种消息中数据域可以是不存在的(0长度)。例如,主设备要求从设备回应通信事件记录(功能代码OB十六进制),从设备不需任何附加的信息。 6)错误检测域 标准的Modbus网络有两种错误检测方法。错误检测域的内容视所选的检测方法而定。 ASCII 当选用ASCII模式作字符帧,错误检测域包含两个ASCII字符。这是使用LRC(纵向冗长检测)方法对消息内容计算得出的,不包括开始的冒号符以及回车换行符。LRC字符附加在回车换行符前面。 RTU 当选用RTU模式作字符帧,错误检测域包含一个16Bits值(用两个8位的字符来 实现)。错误检测域的内容是通过对消息内容进行循环冗余检测方

15、法得出的。CRC域附加在消息的最后,添加时先是低字节然后是高字节。故CRC的高位字节是发送消息的最后一个字节。 7)字符的连续传输 当消息在标准的Modbus系列网络传输时,每个字符以如下方式发送(从左到右):最低有效位 最高有效位使用ASCII字符帧。 5.错误检测方法 通讯系统中可能发生的错误有两种:传输错误;编程或操作错误。Modbus系统对这两种错误各有专门的处理方式。通讯错误一般指的是报文内的数位有所改变,报文中增添或减少数位的情况是很少见的。最常引起通讯错误的是噪声:通讯通道中不需要的电信号,来自机器的电干扰,对通道的损害,脉冲噪声(尖峰脉冲)等都会产生这类电信号。标准的Modbu

16、s串行网络采用两种错误检测方法。奇偶校验对每个字符都可用,帧检测(LRC或CRC)应用于整个消息。它们都是在消息发送前由主设备产生的,从设备在接收过程中检测每个字符和整个消息帧。当奇偶校验或冗余校验检出通讯错误时,报文处理就会停比。从机不再继续通讯,不对此报文产生应答。通讯错误一旦发生,报文便视为不可靠。而Modbus系统的程序使得Modbus主机能在一定时间过后未收到应答的情况下做出“通讯错误必己发生”的判断。这一段时间的长度视波特率、报文类型、从机的扫描时间而定。时间一旦设定即可对主机编程,使之自动重发报文。 Modbus通讯协议的两种传送方式ASC和RTU,其字符格式内均有任选的奇偶校验

17、位。RTU方式的数据字段第9位是奇偶校验位(8个数据位,1个奇偶校验位); ASCI工的数据字段以第8位为奇偶校验位(7个数据位,1个奇偶位)。若不使用奇偶校验,则无奇偶校验位发送。Modbus系统中的奇偶校验是任选项,用户在对接口设备进行配置时,应对奇校验或偶校验进行适当选择。但系统内所有设备的配置必须采用相同的任选项。 Modbus系统的错误检查,用以保证数据传送的质量。要检出奇偶校验未能检出的错误,系统使用冗余校验:循环冗余校验(CRC)和纵向冗余校验(LRC)。具体使用何种冗余校验,视传送方式而定。RTU传送方式用循环冗余校(CRC), ASCII传送方式用纵向冗余校验(LRC,这两种

18、冗余错误校验都是自动进行的。 1)奇偶校验 用户可以配置控制器是奇或偶校验,或无校验。这将决定了每个字符中的奇偶校验位是如何设置的。如果指定了奇或偶校验,“1”的位数将算到每个字符的 位数中(ASCII模式7个数据位,RTU中8个数据位)。例如RTU字符帧中包含以下8个数据位: 11000101 整个“I”的数目是4个。如果使用了偶校验,帧的奇偶校验位将是0,使得整个“1”的个数仍是4个。如果使用了奇校验,帧的奇偶校验位将是1,使得整个“1”的个数是5个。如果没有指定奇偶校验位,传输时就没有校验位,也不进行校验检测。代替一附加的停止位填充至要传输的字符帧中。 2) LRC检测 使用ASCII模

19、式,消息包括了一基于LRC方法的错误检测域。LRC域检测了消息域中除开始的冒号及结束的回车换行号外的内容。LRC域是一个包含一个8位二进制值的字节。LRC值由传输设备计算并放到消息帧中,接收设备在接收消息的过程中计算LRC:并将它和接收到消息中LRC域中的值比较,如果两个值不等,说明有错误。LRC方法是将消息中的Hit的字节连续累加,丢弃了进位。 3)CRC检测 使用RTU模式,消息包括了一基于CRC方法的错误检测域。CRC域检测了整个消息的内容。CRC域是两个字节,包含一16位的二进制值。它由传输设备计算后加入到消息中。接收设备重新计算收到消息的CRC,并与接收到的CRC域中的值比较,如果两

20、个值不同,则有误。CRC是先调入一值是全“1”的16位寄存器,然后调用一子程序将消息中连续的8位字节当前寄存器中的值进行处理。仅每个字符中的Hit数据对CRC有效,起始位和停止位以及奇偶校验位均无效。 CRC产生过程中,每个8位字符都单独和寄存器内容相或(OR),结果向最低有效(LSB)位方向移动,最高有效位(MSB)以0填充。LSB被提取出来检测,如果LSB为1,寄存器单独和预置的值或一下,如果LSB为0,则不进行。整个过程要重复8次。在最后一位(第8位)完成后,下一个8位字节又单独和寄存器的当前值相或。最终寄存器中的值,是消息中所有的字节都执行之后的CRC值。CRC添加到消息中时,低字节先

21、加入,然后高字节。 6.结论 Modbus协议是应用于电子控制器上的一种通用语言,也是一种通用的工业标准。随着计算机技术的不断发展,利用微机进行数据通讯在现代工业生产和过程控制中得到了越来越广泛的应用。采用Modbus通讯协议后,可以方便快速地实现对不同生产现场的控制设备进行组网,便于集中监控。它作为数字通信网络的基础,实现了生产过程及控制设备间更高层次的网络通信。该技术集智能传感,控制,计算机和数字通信技术为一体,已成为自动化技术发展的一个热门,未来必会导致自动化系统领域的设备之间的网络通信的巨大变化。 ModbusCommunication Protocol M.D.Kotsovos De

22、partment of Mechnical Engineering, Imperial College of Science and Tecgnology, London(U.K.) Modbus protocol is a protocol used for communication between the PLC and Modicon controllers invented in 1978. Modbuscommunication protocol participant is defined as master” (MASTER) and Slave” (SLAVE). Modbu

23、s regulate that only the main station with the initiative, the smart passive response from the station, including the answer to the error message. This article will set the master station PLC, high-voltage switchgear protection device is set to 1, the slave; the capacitor feeder cabinet protection d

24、evice is set to the 2nd slave. Modbus protocol has two transmission modes, ASCII and RTU. In ASCII mode, each message requires two 8Bit byte ASCII characters.The advantage is to allow the transmission of characters to reach 1 s intervals without error.In RTU mode , each byte contains two 4Bit of 8Bi

25、t hexadecimal characters .The advantage is in the same baud rate, sending more than ASCII mode data .But each message must be transmitted in a continuous stream of data. In this paper, the model is RTU mode. It does not start and stop bits, but at least 3.5 character intervals (T1-T2-T3-T4) mark the

26、 beginning and the end. RTU mode use CRC16 redundancy check.The information frame from the address field, and CRC check domain functional domain structure.All of the characters from the 16 -bit hexadecimal number components. Bits of each byte are: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, a parity bit , 1 or 2 stop

27、 bits ( when no parity) . Modbus protocol is used in a common language electronic controller. Through this agreement, between the controllers, the controller via the network (such as Ethernet) and other devices can communicate. It has become a common industry standard. Modbus protocol is a widely in

28、 industrial applications is truly open , standard network protocol , by most SCADA (Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System ) HM Engineering (Human Machine Interface HMI ) software support, so it actually has become a common industry standard. With it

29、different manufacturers of industrial control devices can be connected into a network, centralized monitoring. This protocol defines a message structure used by the controller to recognize, whether they are to communicate what network. It describes the process a controller requests access to other d

30、evices, if the response to requests from other devices, as well as how to detect errors and recorded. It sets out the message field pattern and content of public format. When on a Modbus network communications protocol determines how each controller need to know their device address, recognize a mes

31、sage sent by address , decide what action to produce . If you need to respond, the controller will generate a message and send it using Modbus protocol. In other networks, including Modbus protocol message into the frame structure used on this network or packet. This conversion also expanded network

32、 solutions based on specific sections address, routing paths, and error detection methods. Modbus has two transmission modes, one is in ASCII mode, and the other is the RTU mode. When the controller is set on the Modbus network to work ASCI (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) mode c

33、ommunications, each s in the message byte characters are sent as two ASCI workers. The main advantage of this approach is the time interval to send characters to reach one second without generating an error. 1.On the Modbus NetworkTransfusion Standard Modbus port is using an RS-232 compatible serial

34、 interface, which defines the connector pins, cables, signal bits, baud rate, and parity. Modem controller directly or via a network. The use of master-slave controller communication technologies, that is, only one device (the master) can initiate transmission (query). Other devices (slaves) respond

35、 accordingly based on the data provided by the master query. Typical master devices: Host and programmable instrumentation. Typical from the device: the programmable controller. Master device can be used alone and, also, and all communications to broadcast from a device from the device communication

36、s. If a separate communication, returns a response message from the device, if the query is broadcast, not to make any response. Modbus protocol to establish the format of the master device query: device (or broadcast) address, function code, all of the data to be sent, an error detection field. Mod

37、bus protocol consists of news from the device to respond, including the recognition domain to act, any data to be returned, and an error detection field. If an error occurs during message reception, or from the device can not execute its commands, and send it out as a response to oral communication

38、mode devices will create an error message from the. 2.On the Other Networks Transfusion On other networks, peer to peer communications controller technology, the initial and any control can communicate with other controllers. So in a separate communication, the controller can be used as the master d

39、evice can also be used as a slave device. Providing a plurality of internal channels allows the transmission process simultaneously. In the message bit, Modbus protocol still provides a master-slave principle, although the network communication methods are equal. If a controller sends a message, its

40、 just as a master device, and expects to get a response from the slave device. Similarly, when the controller receives a message, it creates a response from the device format and sent back to the controller 3.Query a Response Cycle 1) Query Query message function code announces what functions are se

41、lected from the device to perform. Data section contains any additional information from the device to perform the function. For example: function code read from the device 03 is required to maintain registers and return their contents. Data segment must contain the information about the device to s

42、ue from: where to register and start reading to read the number of registers. Error detection field will to provide an authentication method of the message content from the device correctly. 2) Response If you produce a normal response from the device, in response to the message functional code in r

43、esponse to the query message functional code. Data segment includes data collected from the device: register value or state. If an error occurs, the function code will be modified to respond to the message is used to indicate an error, but the data segment contains a description of the error message

44、 code. Error detection allows the master device to confirm the message content is available. 4.Modbus Message Frame Two transmission modes (ASC or RTU), the transmission device to a Modbus message into a frame with start and end , which allows the receiving device to work at the beginning of the mes

45、sage , the read address assignment information to determine which device is select ( broadcast then passed to all devices ) , to determine when the information has been completed. Portion of the message and the error can be detected can be set to return results. 1) ASCll frame Use ASCH mode, message

46、s with a colon (:) character (ASCH code 3AH) began to carriage return line feed end (ASC Engineering 1 yard ODH, OAH). Transmission of characters you can use the other fields are hexadecimal 0 ? 9, A ? F. Continuously detect devices on the network : character , when there is a colon when received ,

47、each device decodes the next field ( the address field ) to determine whether to issue their own . Time message sent longest interval between characters cannot be more than one second; otherwise the receiving device will consider transmission errors. A typical message frame is as follows: 2) RTU mod

48、e Use RTU mode, messages start with a silent interval of at least 3.5 character times. In the network baud diverse character time, this is most easily achieved (as shown in the Tl-T2-T3-T-4 below). The first field transmitted is the device address. You can use the transmission character hexadecimal

49、0-9, A- F. Constantly testing the network bus network equipment, including pauses during the interval. When the first field (the address field) is received, each device decodes to determine whether destined for their own. After the last transmitted character, one of at least 3.5 character times mark

50、s the end of the message. A new message can begin after this pause. The entire message frame is as a continuous stream to be transmitted. If, before completion of the frame over the dwell time of 1.5 character times, the receiving device flushes the incomplete message and assumes that the next byte

51、is the address field of a new message. Likewise, if a new message in less than then before the start, the receiving device will consider it a continuation of the previous message in the 3.5 character times. This will result in an error because the value is not possible in the final CRC field is corr

52、ect. A typical message frame is as follows: 3) The address field Address field of the message frame contains two characters (ASCII) or 8Bit (RTU). Possible from the device address is 0 . 247 (decimal). The address range is a single device . 247. It will be contacted by the master device from the dev

53、ice address into the address field of the message to strobe from the device. When sending response messages from the device, it put his address in response to the address field in order to know which one master device to respond. Address 0 is used as a broadcast address, so that all can understand f

54、rom the device. When the network for a higher level of Modbus protocol, broadcast or otherwise may not be allowed to replace. 4) How the functional domains Message frame function code field contains the two characters (ASC Engineering I) or Hits (RTU). Possible decimal code range is 1 . 255. Of cour

55、se, some code is applicable to all controllers, some of which are used in some kind of control, and some reserved for later use. When the message is sent from the master device from the device, the function code field will tell what behavior from the device needs to perform. For example, to read the

56、 switch status input, read the contents of a set of data registers, read from the diagnostic status of the device, allowing transferred, records from the device calibration procedures. When the response from the device, it uses the function code field to indicate a normal response (correct) or have

57、some kind of error occurred (called the opposition to respond). Normal response comes from the device to respond only to the corresponding function code. Response to objections, the device returns from the normal code, a code equal to, but the position of the most significant logic one. For example:

58、 one sent from the master device required to read a message from a group holding registers, the code will produce the following functions: 00000011 (hexadecimal 03H) Normal response comes from the device to respond only to the same function code. Objection response, it returns: 10000011 (hexadecimal

59、 83H) In addition to the error function code has been modified due to objections, the response message into the data field from the device a unique code, which can tell the master what error occurred. After the master device applications get dissent response typical process is re- filing, or diagnos

60、tic messages sent from the device and reported to the operator. 5) The data field Data Domain is a collection of two hexadecimal digits, in the range 00 . FF. Network transmission mode which can be composed of a pair of ASCII characters or characters of a RTU. Sent from the master device contains ad


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