1、高级职业英语、高级时事英语考前复习串讲课程讲稿主讲:李晨一、课文框架纵览 关于口语第一期 口语学习的本质大纲地址:HYPERLINK /degree/zx/dgsc/t20100505_14695.html/degree/zx/dgsc/t20100505_14695.html回放地址:HYPERLINK /mcs/rc_chat.asp?roomid=28&replayid=10863/mcs/ . &replayid=10863第二期 关于语音大纲:刚开始学习英语,一般都要在语音上花很多时间,为什么语音这么重要?学语音一定要学国际音标吗?英语和汉语在语音方面有很大差别吗?中国学生是否有可能
2、在语音上达到英美人的水平,听起来和英美人完全一样?对于一般学习英语的学生是否可以放宽要求?有什么办法可以帮助发音?听说学英语一定要学RP,这是怎么回事?现在美国比英国影响大,我们是不是应该学美国音?我的方言很重,有什么好办法解决吗?Mp3地址: HYPERLINK /be/Mr_LI_Chen_on_Pronunciation.mp3/be/Mr_LI_Chen_on_Pronunciation.mp3第三期 如何克服听力困难节目大纲: 为什么要重视听力? 中国学生普遍感到听力特别困难,这到底是为什么? 解决听力难题,我们应该如何入手? 如果英语学得还可以,就是听力不过关,应该怎么提高呢? 许
3、多听力材料都有译文,是不是先看译文再听原文会容易一些,这种做法好吗? 一般来说,听力理解到底是什么样的一个过程呢? 北外的老教授们当年是怎么学听力的? 听的时候应该力图把每句话都听懂,还是听懂大意就可以了? 精听和泛听哪个更重要? 为什么听的材料要丰富多样? 我在听的时候遇到生词常常会停顿下来,结果后面的一句就跟不上了。这应该怎么办? VOA的慢速英语新闻对提高听力有帮助吗? 多媒体的听力材料对我们是不是特别有用? 现在书店里面有通过原版电影训练听力的光盘,这种训练方法是否真的很有效?回放: HYPERLINK /mcs/rc_chat.asp?roomid=28&replayid=10937
4、/mcs/rc_chat.asp?roomid=28&replayid=10937Mp3下载地址: HYPERLINK /be/Mr_Li_Chen_On_Listening.mp3/be/Mr_Li_Chen_On_Listening.mp3第四期 对16个单元考点的分析Mp3下载: HYPERLINK /be/Oral_Exam_Overview.mp3/be/Oral_Exam_Overview.mp3第五期 口语考试复习冲刺回放地址:HYPERLINK /mcs/rc_chat.asp?roomid=28&replayid=11048/mcs/ . &replayid=11048高级职
6、称谓,如何描述医院和医疗体系(描述自己最近的一次去医院的经历),描述国内医疗保险的细节,描述并说明饮酒的利弊。6The Business World(商务)学习如何阅读公司年度报告,如何介绍销售情况,怎样绘制图表以及用言语描述图表信息等。7Administration(管理)学习如何描述单位的组织结构、向上级汇报一天的工作情况等,并有机会练习做电话记录、撰写备忘录和商务函件。8Life and work(工作和生活)学习如何阅读招聘广告,怎样填写申请表格、写应聘信和参加面试。高级时事英语课程目标:时事生活中的8个主题;听说读写技能,尤其注重英语读写能力的培养;了解英语国家宣传媒体的几种常见形式
7、,体会新闻英语语体的一些特点,掌握有关时事报道的听力技巧。单元主题内容简介1The Media(媒体)学习了解不同的媒体形式,区分事实与意见,解读新闻标题,了解“大众传媒”的定义,学会描述不同的媒体给自身生活带来的影响等。2Cultural Differences and Similarities(文化异同)学习描述不同文化之异同,解析调查结果,预测文章内容,识别作者观点等。3Education(教育)学习描述教育体制,讨论教育方面的问题并提建议,就传统教育体制和现代教育体制进行对比等。4Development(发展)学习描述日常生活变化及国家的发展,辨别社会发展带来的积极和负面的作用,就现代
8、发明发表观点等。5Our Environment(环境)学习从上下文解析含义,表达担心、焦虑的心情,发表批评意见或对批评意见做回应等。6Social Problems(社会问题)学习描绘社会问题,就社会问题的根源进行讨论、发表意见,建议解决办法或评估解决办法等。7Equality(平等)学习描述男女不同分工或角色,讨论有关性别平等、种族平等问题。8Information Highway(信息高速)学习描述电脑的多种用途,谈论电脑科技的发展,推论/引申作者的态度等。二、试题框架简述高职、高时的笔试均包括三部,各部分分值和时间分配如下Section I:Listening Test(25 poin
9、ts, 30 minutes)Section II:Reading Test(50 points, 60 minutes)Section III:Writing Test(25 points, 30 minutes)两门考试均有样题,可供熟悉试题框架和模拟测试用,具体的试题位置见下图(图1&图2):图1图2三、答题技巧点拨1. Section I. Listening Test: 满分: 25分题型:multiple-choice; table-filling or blank-filling ; true/false judgment 听力材料类型:会话,mini-presentation/
10、monologue听力放两遍。材料来源:一个来自课本, 其余教材以外听力部分考生犯的错误:不会正确拼写单词:虽然也能根据读音去想拼写,但总不能做到精确,如 veteran 写成了 wetran;exhausted 写成了 igzorsted等语法不过关:遗漏关键词缀:举个例子,听到balancing,但写成balance,ing没写,过去式后该有-ed的漏掉了(如 absorbed 写成了 absorb)。Foot复数的不规则变形 feet等。听力欠准确:辅音听错,比如depressed听成impressed;明明是短语,但没有写相应的介词或副词,如taken up写成taken等。有些错误表
11、明学生没听懂/理解上下文的意思,如:worn写成warm, unpleasant pleasant; deal meal; positive negative; sold - told 等5)信息搞混淆:比如attended a meeting with the Marketing Department. 对话中也提及了services department, 有的同学就写services;这种令人遗憾的错误表明这些同学没有顾及句子的语法结构。所以,在需要填写单词的试题部分建议大家不仅要将注意力放在所填的单词上,还有考虑整个句子的语法结构或上下文,这样不仅可以排除干扰项,避免语法错误,有时还能
12、从上下文中得到线索,对答案进行合理的猜测。6) 填答案时填错行:比如不会做第五题,却把第六题的答案写上去,造成后面的答案跟着错。Tips: 建议听第一遍之前利用30秒快速浏览题目内容,大概了解主题、需填写的信息。第一遍听力求听懂大意,记住难点、疑点,听下一遍时更加注意;尽量写简写。Tip: 在做听力题目时,需要在答题前仔细审题,把每个选项中的核心词划下来,以便在听的时候有强烈的目的性。这里复习几个单词,需要同学们在考前烂熟于心,从而扫清词汇对于听力理解的障碍:catering to, entrepreneur, for-profit, schooler, go off to, basement
13、, doubtful about, concern, critic, the gold rush, downside, diploma, chatroom, virtual, interaction capability, back and forth, Socratic method, marvellous, catch on, shut-down response, engaged response, caring, fear, self-indulgent, despite, prospect,consultancy, export, subsidiary, ownership, inv
14、estment, risk, license, facility, conflict, venture, typical, terminate, demand, potential, scale, adapt, optimise, force, survive, sustainability.Section II. Reading Test: 满分:50高职共5篇阅读篇章。高时共4篇阅读篇章。文章篇幅平均400字/篇两门试题中各有一篇选自教材,其余选自课外课外的篇章中生僻单词标注了中文含义,课内的文章没有任何中文注解阅读题题型分析和答题建议:1)事实题:题干里提到什么,就到原文里含有这些文字的
15、句子周围找答案,这样做快且准;2) 词汇题:利用上下文语境、定义解释,如that is, namely, which is, is called; 标点,常识,举例,同义词、反义词、同位语、词缀等; 3)判断题:要求理解文中未被直接表达的观点、内容,e.g.作者的态度、情绪。Tips: 作者的态度与文章的中心思想是一致的。注意:A. 题目表述中有无all, never 等绝对意义的词,因为这种说法往往都是错误的;B 事实题注意细节:究竟多少?具体在什么地方?C当心题干中否定或排他意义的词,以免回答反了,如not, except, but,D 注意not mentioned(在要求判断的10个句
16、子中,属于这种的一般不多,应在数量上控制。)4)主旨题: 要求概括出文章的中心思想,题干中往往有关键词如main idea, major point, mainly deals with, purpose of the article, the best title等。Tips: 建议把各小段的主题合起来;注意表转折、让步的专承连词及句式,因为专承、让步的主句通常是作者要强调的部分;通过具体的例子、统计数字及引语等论据进行判断。5)简答题: 注意言简意赅,同时必须给的几个点或因素也不能少。一定不要只是机械地把文中文字抄下来,要总结核心意思。6) 排序题段落排顺对很多同学而言都是非常棘手的题项。
18、打乱,然后在规定的时间内将段落重新拼接在一起,最后与原文对照。文章的字数、难度和完成的时间可以参考该门课程终结考试的样题。Section III. Writing:满分: 25分 评分标准:书写2;语言13;内容10写作考试的题目或与课程中某一个单元主题相关,或与某一单元中写作练习的体裁相关,所以认真对待每单元的写作作业和老师的评语就显得尤其重要。就学生以往考试中的表现来看,主要问题依然集中在内容和语言两方面。虽然题项说明中已经提示了作文应包括的要点,有些同学也按照要求逐点分段来写,但在每段的论述中,内容空洞单薄,缺乏具体的实例支持论点。段落内部的语句之间也缺乏清楚的逻辑关系。语言层面的问题主
19、要为:选词不当:例如,“引人注意”的英语对应词可以是“to catch peoples attention”, 但如果用 “to arouse public concern”就不合适了,因为它的中文含义是“引起公众的关注或担忧”。同样,“炫耀”用 “to show off”来对应就比用 “to promote”更合适;句型混乱:主要表现在各个从句之间仅用逗号连接,而没有按照语法规则使用恰当的连词或关系代词衔接。针对上述问题,建议同学们在进行英文写作时,要按照英语的行文习惯来组织内容,即每个段落用主题句指明论点,用例子支持或解释阐明论点,并以结论句结尾,回应或强调段首的论点。还有就是在平时的学习
20、中留心单词和短语的用法和新颖的句型,避免作文时感到“巧妇难为无米之炊”。建议:1)首先看清体裁:书信、简历、叙述、继续、议论文?2) 书信、简历:注意格式3)议论体裁的作文一定要写thesis statement,表明自己的立场、观点,这样结构显得较清晰。注意: 规定使用的词汇少于8个的每个扣0.5分。四、单元重点汇总复习之前,建议先把握这门课程的单元重点,因为课程终结考试就是围绕这些要点来出题的。这个复习要点资源提炼出了课程各个单元的重点词汇、词组/句型和文化知识点,强烈建议你结合上下文来掌握这些词汇、句型结构的用法,而不是孤立地、机械地去背单词、记短语。Focal Points Cours
21、e: English at Work Unit 1: Jobs Part I. Language Analysis Location (Activity/Task) Content Vocabulary Warming-up profession, line of business, occupation A1/T1 occupational terms: pharmacist, dietitian, surgeon, entrepreneur, solicitor, detective, clerk, receptionist, tailor, accountant A1/T4 physic
22、ist, greengrocer, astronomer, sculptor, milkman, druggist, attorney, A1/T7 imaginative, adventurous, sociable, diligent, original, observant, intrepid, optimistic, ambitious, thoughtful, even-tempered, reliable, outgoing, responsible, economical A2/T2 wear out, servant, tease, feel depressed, shift,
23、 get absorbed in, grateful, devil, geometry, a bunch of, household chores, run around, exhaust, be on ones feet, moan, feel envious of, envy, go off to, take up, look on the bright side A3/T1 domestic, vacuum, catering certificate, hygiene, mature, work on own initiative, polish, irrespective of, se
24、curity, nightwatch A4/T1 sort, get the hang of, deal with, keep track of, accompany, pop down, run/go through, keep up to date, pick up, routine, A4/T4 domineering, talkative, scatter-brained, sensible, efficient, be quick on the uptake, traditional A5/T2 take on, trainee manager, turn down, on the
25、grounds that., deputy, bachelor, retail, expand, shop floor, stationery, end up doing , permanent, pursue, diploma, stock, mortgage, shift manager, secretarial, obligatory, paramedic, (all) round the clock, in a row, diagnose, stabilise,medication,allocate, unpredictability,cope with, crew A6/T1 res
26、ume, curriculum vitae/cv, referee, tertiary, Sentence Structure A1/T3 &T5 the way to define an occupation: A(n) _ is a person who ; A(n) _ is a person whose job is to ; A(n) _ job involves ; A(n) occupation verb (stem -s) A2/T2 There are times when, A4/T1 There is no harm in doing A5/T2 Id like to;
27、I hope to when /until Discourse A6/T4 The sequence markers and conjunctions used to make a text flow Part II. Knowledge Analysis Knowledge Focuses Location (Activity/Task) Content A1/T4 Compare the occupational terms between American and British English A6/T2 Know the layout of a resume/cv Focal Poi
28、nts Course: English at Work Unit 2: Teaching Part I. Language Analysis Location (Activity/Task) Content Vocabulary Warming-up comprehensive (school), caretaker, accommodate, overlook, link, outskirt, (four)-storey, landscape (verb), facility; (components of a school:) cafeteria, bicycle shed, footba
29、ll pitch/field, laborotary block, assembly hall, gymnasium/gym, car park, tennis court, sports center, athletics track, main building A1/T4 specialise in, in particular, corridor, cookery, apart from, cloakroom, tiny, prefect, administrative, catch sb. doing, A4/T1 option/optional, semester, acquisi
30、tion, distribute, preparatory, take into consideration, account for, session, duration, aspect, relevant, relateto, implication, approach (noun), in (more/greater) detail, conduct (a course), attendance, essential, A5/T1 qualification (for), night shift, elective, tailor-made, tuition, excursion, pl
31、aces of interest, council, modular, intermediate, intensive, situated, A6/T1 catalogue, a variety of, appropriate, supplement, authentic, false beginner, accuracy, thought-provoking, alternative, interaction, feature (verb), (level of English:) elementary, (lower/upper) intermediate, advanced, A6/T4
32、 blurb, .-oriented, multi-level, thoroughly, integrated, photocopiable, entry, brochure, exploit, concise, invaluable, consolidation, syllabus, methodology/methodological, Sentence Structure Warming-up (expressions used to describe the location:) are/is accomodated/located/housed in, are/is in/to/be
33、hind, there is/are A2/T2 (expressions used to describe responsibilities:) make sure that, are/is in charge of, take up the responsibilities for, are/is concerned with, are/is responsible for, s job involves , s job includes A6/T1 (structures used to describe the features of a book) It concentrates o
34、n, it aims at, It supplements/stresses/provides/involves/creates; it can be used as, it is designed for; It is designed to help improve/use/extend . Part II. Knowledge Analysis Knowledge Focuses Location (Activity/Task) Content A1/T4 Get to know British secondary education Focal Points Course: Engli
35、sh at Work Unit 3: Food Part I. Language Analysis Location (Activity/Task) Content A1/T1 nutrient, vitamin(e), carrot, nourishing, margarine, infection, bacteria, virus, cereal, break down, protein, fortified, calcium, absorb, oxygen, nerve, release; (need to be able to recognize the meaning of foll
36、owing words if unable to spell them out:) carbohydrate, phosphorus, A2/T2 (& A3/T3) biscuit, beefburger, hamburger, chocolate bar, (need to know how to pronounce the names of foods, such as) ketchup, parsley, lettuce, pea, chip, spinach, pureed soup, celery, broccoli, cabbage, spaghetti, A2/T6 appet
37、ite, have a very sweet tooth, nibble at, pod, pop into, disguise, keep ones fingers crossed, grow out of, flatly, A3/T3 staple food, cooking utensil, gastronomic, stall, profusion, lay out, scant, dough, strip, pickle, indulgence, trendy, porridge, catch on to, blanch, sumptuous, innovative, contrap
38、tion, accolade, affluence, palate, A4/T3 mince, dice, drain, stuff, chop, steam, coat (as verb), boil, dip, mix, stir, beat; foamy, creamy, well-blended; recipe, seasoning,mushroom, cornstarch, paste, mixture, saucepan, A5/T2 superior, ingredient, ferment, flavor, mould, roast, scoop, crush, shell,
39、irregularity, texture, aroma, enrich, A6/T1 blend, squeeze, thickener, discard, mash, soak, pulp, liquid, container, wrap, Sentence Structure A1/T3 1) (expressions describing the sources of nutrients:) can be found in, be full of, be high/rich in.; 2) (expressions describing the value of nutrients:)
40、 be good for, It is vital to have a regular supply of A2/T3 1) (expressions to show likes or dislikes:) be keen on, care for, be ones favorite, can never resist, be fond of; never appeal(s) to sb., always put(s) sb. off; 2) (expressions to show that you dont know:) have never heard of., . have never
41、 eaten., . sounds new to sb. A2/T8 1) (expressions to give advice: )you could try, I always recommend, what about, I always think its a good idea to, Another useful strategy is to , One last word of advice - dont forget, If you, just make sure; 2) (expressions to accept advice:) I could try that I s
42、uppose, . sounds a good idea, I think that would work, . have really inspired . ; Focal Points Course: English at Work Unit 4: Crime Part I. Language Analysis Location (Activity/Task) Content Vocabulary Warming-up criminal, snatch, victim, illegal, transport, pack, set fire, carve, cultural relics,
43、embezzle, smuggle, kidnap, hijack, burgle, traffic (verb), assault, arson, terrorism, vandalise, bribe, rape, pickpocket, shoplift A1/T1 robbery, assailant, arsonist, vandal, embezzler, smuggler, shoplifter, briber, trafficker, burglary, bribery A1/T2 greasy, well-built, informant, chap, upset, broa
44、d-shouldered, be off, signature, A2/T1 indecent, accost, grab, activate, identity, approach (verb), pedestrian, medium build, mousy, oval, attack alarm, zip, A3/T1 constable, distinction, candidate, butcher, inspector, promote/promotion, subdivisional, take on, sexual discrimination, (on ones own) m
45、erit, tokenism, take over, unanimous, resignation, appointment (of a position), A4/T1 trial, charge with, appeal against, quash, conviction, be held in police custody, (-year jail) sentence, guilty, A4/T3 commit (a crime), accuse of, charge, be jailed, serve the sentence, reject, convict, release, b
46、ring to trial, A4/T5 trio, suspect, arrest, crew, violate, turn down, lenient, punishment, cite, cruelty, arrest, criminal, A4/T6 claim, explosive, overpower, life imprisonment, deprivation, verdict, take effect A5/T1 minimize, precaution, spyhole, stout, clasp, doormat, reveal, prowler, trap, scare
47、 off, estate agent, appliance, high-rise, attack alarm, stick to, out of sight Sentence Structure A1/T2 I was (just) verb-ing when I . A3/T2 (expressions used to describe changes in rank:) be promoted to, be appointed, be assigned the task of, there is a rise to A5/T5 Use imperatives to write clear
48、guidelines Part II. Knowledge Analysis Knowledge Focuses Location (Activity/Task) Content A1/T6 Ways to show ones certainty about something. A3/T4 How to get the information one wants in a polite way Focal Points Course: English at Work Unit 5: Healthcare Part I. Language Analysis Location (Activity
49、/Task) Content Vocabulary Warming-up hospitalise, infectious, medication, recurrent, marital status A1/T1 general practitioner, specialist; root word: psych-, neruo-, geria-, gyne-, paedia-, paedia-, cardia-, derma-, ortho- A1/T2 (know the terms for sections in a hospital) registration office, surgi
50、cal ward, in-patient department, cardiograph unit, pharmacy, maternity ward, casualty unit; mount, catastrophic, abuse, contributory, come to a head, speciality, genuinely, recruit A2/T1 fantastic, fall off, stitch, admit, radiographer, bruise, emergency, overdose, on duty, dress (a wound), discharg
51、e, ambulance, paramedics, wander, corridor, scary, signpost, awful, scar, elbow A3/T1 under reform, councillor, pilot programme, follow-up, launch, alleviate, be entitled to, cover (the cost/expense), misuse, expenditure, amount, institutional and industrial employees, set aside for, remainder, subt
52、ract, ailment A4/T2 plot, alcohol/alcoholic, graph, consumption, substantial, play down, halve, abnormality, tissue, liable, defect, dissolve, intake, bowl, breast, proposition, sweeping, irreparably, susceptibility, diminish; (would be better if students know the Chinese equivalents of the followin
53、g diseases/words:) cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure, haemorrhage stroke, high-density lipoprotein, blood platelet, enzyme, bowel; teetotaller, abstainer, reformed drinker A5/T1 strenuous, hoover, minimize, domestic chores, spill into, trim/trimmer, stroke Sentence Structure A1/T5 (express
54、ions that link cause and result) attribute to, blame on, give rise to, as a result of Part II. Knowledge Analysis Knowledge Focuses Location (Activity/Task) Content A4/T7 How to make ones statement sound tentative or less sweeping Focal Points Course: English at Work Unit 6: The Business World Part
55、I. Language Analysis Location (Activity/Task) Content Vocabulary A1/T1 prospect, undertaking, rental, lease, consultative, foresee, vocational, affluent, expansion, boom, global, amusement, entertainment, associated, facility, counsel, commodity, stir, souvenir, sustained, A2/T1 well-established, co
56、me up to ones expectation, chase, decline, considerably, respectively, distributor, collapse, dominance, retail(er), wholesale(r), volume, turnover, promotion, slump, insufficient, capture, tail off, slide, slight, upturn, crash, pick up, optimism, A3/T1 statistics, variable, dramatically, slump, up
57、s and downs, upturn, A4/T1 cater for, available, grow out of, (sales) figure, prompt, branch, virtually, dated/old-fashioned, colour co-ordinated, garment, blouse, tight (noun), pride oneself on, lay emphasis on, in terms of, spacious, relaxed, atmosphere, encounter, take off, rigorous, up to standa
58、rd, jeopardise, reputation, accessory, refreshment, addiction, launch Sentence Structure A1/T2& T3 there is a chance that, is/are likely to, there is no doubt that Part II. Knowledge Analysis Knowledge Focuses Location (Activity/Task) Content A1/T2 & T3 Know how to judge the degrees of certainty con
59、veyed in ones statement A2/T7 Know the way to compare and contrast A3/T2 Know how to describe trends in sales Focal Points Course: English at Work Unit 7: Administration Part I. Language Analysis Location (Activity/Task) Content Vocabulary Warming-up family-run business, the shop-floor, attend to, r
60、ecruit, delivery, switchboard operator, administrate/administration/administrative/administrator, chef, newscaster, architect, executive, A1/T1 cereal, foodstuffs, subsidiary, maize, branch, associate company, affiliate, aquatic (product), poultry, livestock, beverages, liquor, A1/T2 merchandise, st
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