1、中外合资经营合同格式(中英)第一章 总 那么 中国和国根据?中外合资经营企业法?和中国的其它有关法律法规本着平等互利的原那么通过友好协商同意在共同举办合资经营企业特订立本合同。第二章 合 资 双 方第一条 合资合同双方合同双方如下:中国以下简称甲方是一个按以下简称中国法律组织和存在的企业法人在中国注册持有编为的营业执照。法定:法人代表:以下简称乙方是一个按国法律组织和存在的企业法人在注册持有编为的营业执照。法定:法人代表:各方均说明自己是按中国法律或国法律合法成立的有效法人具有缔结本合资合同并履行本合同义务所需的全部法限。第三章 合资的成立第二条 按照中国的合资企业法和其它有关法律和法规合同双
2、方同意在中国境内建立合资。第三条 合资的中文名称为合资的英文名称为法定:第四条 合资为中国法人受中国的法律、法规和有关规章制度以下简称中国法律的辖和保护在遵守中国法律的前提下从事其一切活动。第五条 合资的法律形式为有限责任合资的责任以其全部资产为限双方的责任以各自对注册资本的出资为限。合资的利润按双方对注册资本出资的比例由双方分享。第四章 消费和经营的目的范围和规模第六条 目的合资双方希望加强经济合作和技术交流从事第七条所规定的经营活动根据详细情况写为双方带来满意的经济利益。第七条 合资消费和经营范围略第八条 合资消费规模略第五章 总额与注册资本第九条 总合资的总额为人民币。第十条 注册资本合
3、资的注册资本为人民币其中:甲方元占;乙方元占。如乙方以外币出资按照缴款当日的中国外汇理公布的外汇牌价折算民币第十一条 双方将以以下作为出资:甲方:现金元机械设备元厂房元工地使用费元工业产权元其它元 共元乙方:现金元机械设备元工业产权元其它元 共元第十二条 合资注册资本由甲、乙方按其出资比例分缴付每缴付的数额如下:略第十三条 贷款总和注册资本之间的差额向银行贷款。可首先考虑向合资所在的国内银行或其它渠道借贷。甲、乙方按在合资注册资本的比例各自负责贷款担保。假设合资认为除了第十一条规定的双方额和上述贷款外合资的经营需要流动资金和其它资金双方应按各自在合资注册资本的比例为上述借款作担保。假设不能按上
4、述方式获得借款将按合同双方各自在合资中的资本比例向合同双方另外征集资金。除非合同双方另以书面形式明确表示同意任何一方都没有义务再增加注册资本成为第三方借贷给合资的款项作担保。但是假设合资的经营、利润状况良好合同双方原那么上同意再适当增加注册资本即按经营开展状况和稳妥的股本筹措原那么使用积累的储藏。第十四条 资本转让除非得到另一方的同意并经审批批准合同任何一方都不得将其认缴的资本股份全部或部份转让给第三方。假设一方将其认缴的资本股份全部或部转让给第三方那么另一方具有优先受让的权利受让的条件不得苛刻于转让给第三方的条件。另一方特此表示假设自己不行使优先受让权即为同意上述转让。第十五条 抵押和担保未
5、经一致同意任何一方都不得将其认缴的资本股份全部或部用作抵押也不得用作担保。第六章 合资双方的责任第十六条 甲、乙方应各自负责完成以下各项事宜: 甲方责任根据详细情况写主要有:按第五章规定出资并协助安排资金筹措;为设立合资向中国有关主部门申请批准、登记注册、领取营业执照等事宜;向土地主部门申请获得土地使用权的手续;协助合资组织合资厂房和其它工程设施的设计、施工;协助乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备的进口报关手续和在中国境内的运输;协助合资联络落实水、电、交通等根底设施;协助合资申请所有可能享受的关税和税务减免以及其它利益或优惠待遇;协助合资中方理人员、技术人员、工人和所需的其别人员;协助外籍工作人员
6、所需的入境签证、工作容许证和行手续等;负责合资委托的其它事宜。 乙方责任:按第五章规定出资并协助安排资金筹措;合资委托在中国境外选购机械设备、材料等有关事宜;提供需要的设备安装、调试以及试消费技术人员、消费和检验技术人员;培训合资的技术人员和工人;如乙方同时又是技术转让方那么应负责合资在规定限内按设计才能稳定地消费合格;负责合资委托的其它事宜。第七章 技 术 转 让第十七条 容许与技术引进协议合资和的容许与技术引进协议应与本合同同时草签。第八章 商标的使用及的销售第十八条 合资和就使用的商标签订商标使用容许协议所有同商标有关的事宜均应按照商标使用容许协议的规定或合资的使用商标为。第十九条 合资
7、的在中国境内外上销售外销部占内销部占。第二十条 合资内销可由中国物资部门、商业部门包销或代销或由中国外贸包销的占。第二十一条 可由下述渠道向国外销售:由合资直接向中国境外销售的占。由合资与中国外贸订立销售合同委托其代销或由中国外贸包销的占。由合资委托乙方销售的占。第九章 董 事 会第二十二条 合资注册登记之日为合资成立之日。第二十三条 由名董事组成其中甲方委派名乙方委派名。董事长由甲方委派副董事长由乙方委派。董事、董事长和副董事长任年经委派方继续委派可以连任。第二十四条 是合资的权利机构合资的一切重大事宜:修改合资的章程;与其它经济组织合并;合资注册资本的增加;采纳、更改或终止集体劳动合同、职
8、工工资制度和集体福利方案等;分红;批准年度财务报表略第二十五条 的所有均需全体董事的多数表决方能通过但第二十四条款所列事项需全体董事一致同意前方能通过。第二十六条 董事长是合资的法定代表。假设董事长不能行使其职责应书面授权副董事长代理。第二十七条 会议每年至少召开一次由董事长召集并主持会议。经三分之一以上的董事提议董事长可召开临时会议。归合资存档。任何一名董事如不能出席会议应以书面委托的形式指定一名代理出席会议和行使表决权。假设董事既不出席会议也不委托别人参加会议应视作弃权。第十章 经营理机构第二十八条 合资设经营理机构负责的日常经营理工作。经营理机构设总经理一人由方推荐副总经理人由甲方推荐人
9、乙方推荐人。总经理、副总经理由聘请任年。第二十九条 总经理的职责是执行会议的各项组织指导合资的日常经营理工作。副总经理协助总经理工作。第三十条 总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重渎职的经会议可随时撤换。第十一章 设备材料的采购第三十一条 合资消费中所需要的有关设备、仪器等物资其采购权归合资。第三十二条 合资所需原材料、燃料、零部件、运输工具等在条件一样情况下尽先在中国购置。第十二章 劳 动 理第三十三条 合资职工的、处分、辞退、合同限、工资、劳动、生活福利等事宜按照?劳动法?和?中外合资经营企业劳动理规定?及其施行经研究制定方案由合资和合资工会组织集体或个别地订立劳动合同。劳动合同订立后报当地劳
10、动理部门备案。第三十四条 外籍职工有关的劳动事务详细规定见附件。第十三章 工 会第三十五条 工会的任务为:略保护法律规定的职工的权利和物质利益;协助合资安排和合理使用福利;参加调解职工与合资之间发生的争议;等。第三十六条 工会代表有权就职工的奖励、处分、解聘、工资、福利、劳动保护和劳动等问题同经营理机构协商。第三十七条 根据中国法律和法规的有关规定合资应每月依法拨交按全部职工实际工资总额的作为工会经费。第十四章 税务、财务和审计第三十八条 合资应按有关的中国法律和法规的规定支付各类税款。第三十九条 合资职工应按中国的税法支付个人所得税。第四十条 合资按照?合资经营企业法?的规定提取储藏、企业开
11、展和职工福利每年提取的比例由根据经营情况讨。第四十一条 合资的会计年度与公历年一样从每年月日起至月日止一切记帐凭证、单据、报表、帐簿用中文或双方同意的一种外文书写。第四十二条 合资的财务帐册应每年一次由一个在中国注册的会计事务所进展审计费用由合资承担。合同各方有权各自承担费用自行指定审计师审计合资的帐目。第四十三条 每一营业年度的头三个月由总经理组织编制上一年度的资产负债表损益计算书和利润分配方案提交会议审查。第十五章 保 险第四十四条 合资在经营内为保护不因各类灾害而受损失应向中国人民投保。的险别投保的价值和限等应由作出。发生的费由合资承担。第十六章 合资的限及正常终止第四十五条 合资的限为
12、年。合资的成立日为合资营业执照签发之日。经一方提议会议一致通过可以在合资满个月前向原审批机构申请延长合资限。第四十六条 合资满或提早终止合资应按可适用法律和章程所规定的有关条款进展清算。第十七章 合同的修改、变更和终止第四十七条 对合同及其附件所作的任何修改须经合同双方在书面协议上签字并经原审批机构批准前方能生效。第四十八条 由于不可抗力致使合同无法履行或是由于合资连年亏损无力继续经营经一致通过并报原审批机构批准可以提早终止合同。第四十九条 由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务或严重违犯合同、章程的规定造成合资无法经营或无法到达合同规定的经营目的视作违约方片面终止合同对方除有权向违约方索赔外并有
13、权按合同规定报原审批机构批准终止合同。第十八章 违 约 责 任第五十条 假设任何一方未及时缴纳第十二条规定的注册资本金额那么每拖欠一个月该方即应支付相当于出资额的违约赔偿金。如逾个月仍未提交除累计支付出资额的作为违约金外守约一方有权按本合同第四十九条规定终止合同并要求违约方赔偿损失。第五十一条 由于一方违约造本钱合同及其附件不能履行或不能完全履行时由违约方承担违约责任;如属双方违约根据实际情况由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。第十九章 不 可 抗 力第五十二条 由于、台风、水灾、火灾、战争以及其它不能预见且对其发生和后果不能防止或防止的不可抗力致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时遇
14、有上述不可抗力的一方应立即电报对方并应在天内提供不可抗力详情及合同不能履行或者部不能履行或者需要延履行的理由的有效证明此项证明应由不可抗力发生地区的机构出具。按其对履行合同影响的程度由双方协商是否解除合同或者部免除履行合同的责任或者延履行合同。第二十章 适 用 法 律第五十三条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行受法律的辖。在某一详细问题上假设没有业已公布的中国法律可适用那么可参考国际惯例。第二十一章 争议的解决第五十四条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议双方应通过友好协商解决假设协商不能解决应提交北京中国国际贸易促进会对外经济贸易仲裁会根据该会的仲裁程序暂行规那么进展仲裁。或应提交
15、国地仲裁机构根据该仲裁机构的仲裁程序进展仲裁。或仲裁在被诉人所在国进展。仲裁裁决是终的对双方都有约束力。第五十五条 在仲裁过程中除双方有争议正在进展仲裁的部外本合同应继续履行。第二十二章 合 同 文 字第五十六条 本合同用中文和文写成两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文本如有不符以中文本为准。第二十三章 合同生效及其它第五十七条 按照本合同规定的各项原那么订立的如下附属协议包括:技术转让协议、销售协议均为本合同的组成部。第五十八条 本合同及其附件自审批机构批准之日起生效。第五十九条 双方发送如用电报、电传时、凡涉及各方权利、义务的应随之以书面信件。合同中所列双方的法定为收件。第六十条 本合同于年月
16、日由双方指定的授权代表在中国签署。中国代表 国代表7. THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN EQUITY JOINT VENTUREWhole Doc.apter 1 General ProvisionsIn accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of ina on JointVentures Using inese and Foreign Investment (the Joint Venture Law)and other relevant inese laws and regulations, _pany
17、and_ pany, in accordance with the principle of equality andmutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly investto set a joint venture enterprise in _of the Peoples Republicof ina.apter 2 Parties of the Joint VentureArticle 1Parties to this contract are as follows: _pany (herein
18、after referred to as Party A), registered with _ in ina,and its legal address is at _ (street) _ (district)_ (city) _ina.Legal representative:Name:Position:Nationality:_pany (hereinafter referred to as Party B), registeredwith _. Its legal address at _.Legal representative:Name:Position:Nationality:
19、(Note: In case there are more than two investors, they will be calledParty C,Din proper order).apter 3 Establishment of the Joint Venture panyArticle 2In accordance with the Joint Venture Law and other relevant ineselaws and regulations, both parties of the joint venture agree to set _joint venture
20、limited liability pany ( hereinafterreferred to as the joint venture pany).Article 3The name of the joint venture pany is _Limited Liabilitypany.The name in foreign language is _.The legal address of the joint venture pany is at _street_(city)_ province.Article 4All activities of the joint venture p
21、any shall be governed by thelaws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the Peoples Republicof ina.Article 5The Organization form of the joint venture pany is a limitedliability pany. Ea party to the joint venture pany is liable tothe joint venture pany within the limit of the capital subsc
22、ribed byit. The profits, risks and losses of the joint venture pany shall beshared by the parties in proportion to their contributions to theregistered capital.apter 4 The Purpose, Scope and Scale of Production and BusinessArticle 6The goals of the parties to the joint venture are to enhance economi
23、cco-operation tenical exanges, to improve the product quality, developnew products, and gain a petitive position in the world market inquality and price by adopting advanced and appropriate tenology andscientific management methods, so as to raise economic results and ensuresatisfactory economic ben
24、efits for ea investor.(Note: This article shall be written according to the specificsituations in the contract).Article 7The productive and business scope of the joint venture pany is toproduce _ products; provide maintenance service after the sale ofthe products; study and develop new products.(Not
25、e: It shall be written in the contract according to the specificconditions).Article 8The production scale of the joint venture pany is as follows:1. The production capacity after the joint venture is put intooperation is _.2. The production scale may be increased to _ with thedevelopment of the prod
26、uction and operation. The product varieties may bedeveloped into _.(Note: It shall be written according to the specific situation).apter 5 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered CapitalArticle 9The total amount of investment of the joint venture pany is RMB_ (or a foreign currency agreed on b
27、y both parties).Article 10Investment contributed by the parties is Renminbi _, whiwill be the registered capital of the joint venture pany.Of whi: Party A shall pay _ Yuan, accounting for_; Party B shall pay _Yuan, accounting for_.Article 11Both Party A and Party B will contribute the following as t
28、heirinvestment:Party A: cash _Yuanmaines and equipment _Yuanpremises _Yuanthe right to the use of the site _Yuanindustrial property _Yuanothers _ Yuan, _ Yuan in all.Party B: cash _Yuanmaines and equipment _Yuanindustrial property _Yuanothers _Yuan, _Yuan in all.(Note: When contributing capital good
29、s or industrial property asinvestment, Party A and Party B shall conclude a separate contract to be apart of this main contract).Article 12The registered capital of the joint venture pany shall be paid in_ installments by Party A and Party B according to theirrespective proportion of their investmen
30、t.Ea installment shall be as follows:(Note: it shall be written according to the concrete conditions).Article 13In case any party to the joint venture intends to assign all or partof his investment subscribed to a third party, consent shall be obtainedfrom the other party to the joint venture, and a
31、pproval from theexamination and approval authority is required.When one party to the joint venture assigns all or part of hisinvestment, the other party has preemptive right.apter 6 Responsibilities of Ea Party to the Joint VentureArticle 14Party A and Party B shall be respectively responsible for t
32、hefollowing matters:Responsibilities of Party A:Handling of applications for approval, registration, business licenseand other matters concerning the establishment of the joint venturepany from relevant departments in arge of ina;Processing the application for the right to the use of a site to theau
33、thority in arge of the land;Organizing the design and construction of the premises and otherengineering facilities of the joint venture pany;Providing cash, mainery and equipment and premises in accordancewith the provisions of Article 11;Assisting Party B to process import customs declaration for t
34、hemainery and equipment contributed by Party B as investment and arrangingthe transportation within the inese territory;Assisting the joint venture pany in purasing or leasingequipment, materials, raw materials, articles for office use, means oftransportation and munication facilities etc.;Assisting
35、 the joint venture pany in contacting and settling thefundamental facilities su as water, electricity, transportation etc.;Assisting the joint venture in recruiting inese managementpersonnel, tenical personnel, workers and other personnel needed;Assisting foreign workers and staff in applying for en
36、try visas, worklicenses and handling their travel procedures;Responsible for handling other matters entrusted by the joint venturepany.Responsibilities of Party B:Providing cash, mainery and equipment, industrial property inaccordance with the provisions of Article 11, and responsible for shippingca
37、pital goods su as mainery and equipment etc. contributed asinvestment to a inese port;Handling the matters entrusted by the joint venture pany, su asselecting and purasing mainery and equipment outside ina, etc.;Providing necessary tenical personnel for installing, testing andtrial production of the
38、 equipment as well as the tenical personnel forproduction and inspecting;Training the tenical personnel and workers of the joint venturepany;In case Party B is the licensor, it shall be responsible for thestable production of qualified products of the joint venture pany inthe light of design capacit
39、y within the specified period;Responsible for other matters entrusted by the joint venture pany.(note: It shall be written according to the specific situation).apter 7 Transfer of TenologyArticle 15Both Party A and Party B agree that a tenology transfer agreementshall be signed between the joint ven
40、ture pany and Party B (or a thirdparty) so as to obtain advanced production tenology needed for realizingthe production and operation purpose and the production scale specified inapter 4 of the contract, including product design, manufacturingtenology, means of testing, materials prescription, stand
41、ard of qualityand the training of personnel etc.(Note: It shall be written in the contract according to the concreteconditions).Article 16Party B offers the following guarantees on the transfer of tenology:(Note: Article applies only when Party B is responsible fortransferring tenology to the joint
42、venture pany).1. Party B guarantees that the overall tenology su as thedesigning, manufacturing tenology, tenological process, tests andinspection of products (Note: The name of the products shall be written)provided to the joint venture pany must be integrated, precise andreliable. It is to meet th
43、e requirement of the joint ventures operationpurpose, and be able to obtain the standard of production quality andproduction capacity specified in the contract;2. Party B guarantees that the tenology specified in this contractand the tenology transfer agreement shall be fully transferred to thejoint
44、 venture pany, and pledges that the provided tenology should betruly advanced among the same type of tenology produced by Party B, themodel, specification and quality of the equipment are excellent and it isto meet the requirement of tenological operation and practical usage;3. Party B shall work ou
45、t a detailed list of the provided tenologyand tenological service at various stages as specified in the tenologytransfer agreement to be an appendix to the contract, and guarantee itsperformance;4. The drawings, tenological conditions and other detailedinformation are part of the transferred tenolog
46、y and shall be providedon time;5. During the term of the tenology transfer agreement, Party B shallprovide the joint venture pany with any improvements in the tenologyand the improved information and tenological materials in time, andshall not arge separate fees;6. Party B shall guarantee that the t
47、enical personnel and theworkers in the joint venture pany can master all the tenologytransferred within the period specified in the tenology transferagreement.Article 17In case Party B fails to provide equipment and tenology inaccordance with the provisions of this contract and the tenologytransfer
48、agreement or in case any deceiving or concealing actions arefound, Party B shall be responsible for pensating the direct losses tothe joint venture pany.Article 18The tenology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. The royaltyrate shall be _ of the net sales value of the products.The term for roya
49、lty payment is the same as the term for thetenology transfer agreement specified in Article 19 of this contract.Article 19The term for the tenology transfer agreement signed by the jointventure pany and Party B is _ years. After the expiration ofthe tenology transfer agreement, the joint venture pan
50、y shall havethe right to use, resear and develop the imported tenologycontinuously.(Note: The term for a tenology transfer agreement is generally nolonger than 10 years, and it shall be approved by the Ministry of ForeignTrade and Economic Cooperation or other examination and approvalauthorities ent
51、rusted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and EconomicCooperation).apter 8 Selling of ProductsArticle 20The products of joint venture pany will be sold both on the ineseand the overseas market, the export portion accounts for _,_ for the domestic market.(Note: An annual percentage and amount for outsi
52、de and domesticselling will be written out according to practical situations, in normalconditions, the amount for export shall at least meet the needs of foreignexange expenses of the joint venture pany).Article 21Products may be sold on overseas markets through the followingannels:The joint venture
53、 pany may directly sell its products on theinternational market, accounting for _.The joint venture pany may sign sales contracts with ineseforeign trade panies, entrusting them to be the sales agencies orexclusive sales agencies, accounting for _.The joint venture pany may entrust Party B to sell i
54、ts products,accounting for _.Article 22The joint ventures products to be sold in ina may be handled by theinese materials and mercial departments by means of agency orexclusive sales, or may be sold by the joint venture pany directly.Article 23In order to provide maintenance service to the products
55、sold both inina or abroad, the joint venture pany may set sales branes formaintenance service both in ina or abroad subject to the approval of therelevant inese department.Article 24The trade mark of the joint ventures products is _.apter 9 The Board of DirectorsArticle 25The date of registration of
56、 the joint venture pany shall be thedate of the establishment of the board of directors of the joint venturepany.Article 26The board of directors is posed of _directors, of whi_shall be appointed by Party A, _by Party B. Theairman of the board shall be appointed by Party A, and its vice-airmanby Par
57、ty B. The term of office for the directors, airman andvice-airman is four years, their term of office may be renewed ifcontinuously appointed by the relevant party.Article 27The highest authority of the joint venture pany shall be its boardof directors. It shall decide all major issues (Note: The ma
58、in contentsshall be listed in the light of Article 36 of the Implementing Regulationsfor the Joint Venture Law) concerning the joint venture pany. Unanimousapproval shall be required for any decisions concerning major issues. Asfor other matters, approval by majority or a simple majority shall bereq
59、uired.(Note: It shall be explicitly set out in the contract).Article 28The airman of the board is the legal representative of the jointventure pany. Should the airman be unable to exercise hisresponsibilities for any reason, he shall authorize the vice- airman orany other directors to represent the
60、joint venture pany orarily.Article 29The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year.The meeting shall be called and presided over by the airman of theboard. The airman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposalmade by more than one third of the total number of directors
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