1、第2章 口腔颌面外科基础知识与基本操作目的要求掌握口腔颌面外科检查方法手术的特点,为临床诊断治疗打下理论基础。1.掌握:(1)口腔门诊和病房病史采集和书写的重点。(2)口腔颌面外科检查的内容(包括口腔检查、颌面部检查、颈部检查、颞下颌关节检查、涎腺检查等)步骤及方法。(3)口腔颌面外科手术的特点(包括整形外科、肿瘤外科等手术操作原则)。(4)基本手术操作技术(包括显露、止血、解剖分离、打结、缝合、引流)。(5)各类伤口的特点和处理原则。2.熟悉: (1)口腔颌面外科消毒的特点(包括消毒的方法、药物、范围)。(2)口腔颌面外科常用的铺巾方法及应用。(3)口腔颌面外科手术前准备及术后处理注意事项和
2、具体内容(包括口腔卫生、术后营养、呼吸道处理等)3.了解:常用辅助检查方法及应用。教学内容口腔颌面临床检查。口腔颌面外科学手术基本操作、创口处理。教学方法及学时讲授4学时复习思考题 1.在对颌面部病变扪诊检查时,应从哪三个方面进行检查和记录?2.对颌面颈部深部包块的扪诊检查时,应从哪些方面检查和描述包块的性质? 3.在进行颞下颌关节的下颌运动功能检查时,应重点检查哪四个方面?4.简述切取活检的适应征及注意事项。 5. 口腔颌面部手术的基本操作及要求。 6. 临床创口的分类及处理原则。 口腔颌面外科基础知识与基本操作Contents第一节口腔颌面外科病史记录一、 住院病历书写要求二、入院记录三、
3、病程记录四、手术记录五、出院记录六、门诊病史记录七、急诊病史记录八、电子病历第二节口腔颌面部临床检查一、一般检查 (一) 颌面部检查 (二)口腔检查(三)颈部检查(四)颞下颌关节检查(五)唾液腺检查二、辅助检查(一)化验检查 (二)穿刺检查(三)活组织检查(四)涂片检查(五)超声检查(六)X线检查(七)电子计算机X线体层摄影 (八)磁共振成像检查 MRI(九)数字减影血管造影检查 (十)放射性核素检查 (十一)核素发射计算机断层摄影检查 ECT、PET/CT(十二)关节内镜(十三)唾液腺内镜(十四)手术探查临床检查内容Contents一、一般检查 (General examination)(一
4、)颌面部检查(Face) (二)口腔检查(Oral-Cavity)(三)颈部检查(Neck)(四)颞下颌关节检查(TMJ)(五)唾液腺检查(Salivary glands)二、辅助检查(Auxiliary or Assistants)(一)化验检查 (Laboratory Studies )(二)穿刺检查 (Needle Aspiration )(三)活体组织检查 (Biopsy)(四)涂片检查 (brush biopsy)(五)超声检查 (Ultrasonography)(六) X线检查 Radiography(七)电子计算机X线体层摄影 CT(八)磁共振成像检查 MRI(九)数字减影血管造
5、影检查 DSA(十)放射性核素检查 Radionucleotide Scanning(十一)核素发射计算机断层摄影检查 ECT 、PET/CT(十二)关节内镜 Arthroscopy(十三)唾液腺内镜(sialendoscopy)(十四)手术探查 Exploration临床检查The clinical examinations临床检查就是根据采集的病史和运用各种检查方法以了解致病原因,掌握病情的发生、发展过程,作为诊断和治疗的依据。诊治疾病的前提和基础;寻求疾病客观依据的过程; 不断去伪存真、由表及里、由共性到个性、由一般到特殊、由整体到局部的系统推理过程;疾病诊治成败的关键。口腔颌面外科检查
6、具体要求 1. 详细询问病史; 2. 熟悉局部解剖生理特点; 3. 掌握疾病类型及特征; 4. 高度重视、认真细致、方法正确、客观有序、不漏体征、准确无误。 一、 一般检查口腔检查、颌面部检查、颈部检查、颞下颌关节检查和唾液腺检查等五部分。常用的检查方法有 视(Observation&inspection )、触(Palpation )、叩(Percussion)、探(Exploration)等方法。要按一定顺序全面检查,要求动作轻巧,避免增加患者痛苦。 遵循由外及内、由前至后、由浅入深、双侧对比的原则。 颌面部检查(Face) (Generalized appraisal of the pa
7、tient )口腔检查(Oral-Cavity)颈部检查(Neck) (Neck and cervical lymph nodes including supraclavicular nodes )颞下颌关节检查(TMJ) (Temporomandibular joint area) 唾液腺检查(Salivary glands) (一)颌面部检查 1. 表情与意识神态检查(expressions & consciousness) 颅脑损伤的意识神态改变;面神经麻痹的表情异常等。面神经麻痹2. 外形与色泽检查 外形是否对称,比例是否协调,有无肿块、畸形和组织缺损, On viewing and
8、palpating the face, the examiner should observe whether or not there is basic symmetry (Fig. ). Although most faces have some asymmetry, an obvious asymmetry may be due to a dental problem, particularly if associated with pain. An abscess of a tooth or the periodontal tissues is a common cause for f
9、acial swelling, once trauma is ruled out (Figs. ). 2、 外形与色泽检查 神经纤维瘤、血管瘤、恶性黑色素瘤、白斑等有皮肤或黏膜色素的改变。 Pigmented lesions such as hemangioma and age spots and ulcers such as with skin cancers are readily observable and should be questioned (Figs.). 恶性黑色素瘤?颌面部检查、描述颜面部外形包括:A.左右对称否B.比例协调否C.有无突出和凹陷3. 面部其他器官检查眼鼻耳
10、4. 病变部位和性质检查 骨肿块应注意骨质膨大或增生的范围,有无乒乓球样弹性感,检查其大小、形态、硬度、部位深浅、有无粘连、波动等。触诊检查,可用单手触诊,也可双手分别在左右侧作对比检查,或双手分别在口内、外联合触诊检查。1)病变所在部位及范围 2)病变的大小:尺度(cm /mm)、实物比拟(米粒、核桃)。3)病变的性质:压痛、硬度、温度、有无粘连、波动,浸润、乒乓球样感?颌面部病变扪诊检查时,应从三个方面进行检查和记录(1)病变所在的部位和范围的检查。查清病变累及的解剖区域、组织层次;(2)病变大小的检查。最好用定量的尺度如cm、mm来描述病变面积或体积,也可用大小较恒定的实物如米粒、黄豆、
11、核桃等来形象描述;(3)病变的性质。包括质地、表面形状光滑否,有无压痛,有无波动感,搏动感等,包块与周围有无粘连,动度如何?波动感检查唇颊病变的双指双合诊法唇颊病变5. 语音及听诊检查 腭裂音质、舌根部肿物含橄榄语音、蔓状血管瘤的吹风样杂音、颞颌关节弹响等。 CLP血管瘤血管瘤?怀疑有以下疾病时,需作听诊检查:A.蔓状血管瘤B.颈动脉体瘤C.颞下颌关节紊乱病(二) 口腔检查(Intraoral Examination)口腔常按口腔前庭、固有口腔和牙齿三部分检查。1.Lips and corners of the mouth 2.Mucous membranes of lips, labial
12、and buccal vestibule, gingivae, buccal mucosae, papillae of the parotid ducts 3.Hard palate and palatal gingivae 4.Soft palate 5.Tonsillar areas and posterior pharynx 6.Tongue dorsum (papillae), ventrum (veins, fimbriated folds), lateral borders (foliate papillae, bilateral) 6.Floor of the mouth and
13、 lingual gingivae 7.Teeth (occlusion, caries, other defects) 1. 口腔前庭检查 唇、颊、牙龈黏膜、唇颊沟以及唇颊系带情况。有无变色、肿胀、溃疡、糜烂、斑纹、角化;腮腺、颌下腺导管开口情况。 1).唇 Lips and corners of the mouth The oral examination can start with the lips. One should observe the vermilion border and the corners of the mouth for any deviation. Retra
14、ction of the upper lip with the teeth closed, revealing the inner lip, maxillary labial frenum, vestibule, gingivae with mucogingival line, and teeth. Also note the normal but slight melanin pigmentation of the gingiva. Retraction of the lower lip with the teeth together, showing some white scars on
15、 the mucosal lip, the labial vestibule with a labial frenum the gingivae with some melanin pigmentation . (一)口腔前庭检查2)颊Next, retract the corners of the mouth to reveal the buccal mucosae (Figs. ). Here, there are two normal landmarks. One is the papilla and opening of the parotid duct (Stensens). One
16、 can test the saliva existing from the duct by massaging on the side of the face where the parotid gland is located and observing the flow from the duct. It should be clear or watery since the parotid is mostly serous (Fig. ). 3)腮腺导管papilla and opening of the parotid duct (Stensens) 、颌下腺导管Whartons d
17、uct The other landmark on the buccal mucosa is a white line known as the occlusal or bite line, a horizontal line running from the corner of the mouth posteriorly where the teeth meet the mucosa (Fig. ). It can be very exaggerated in some patients and mimic disease. LeukoplakiaLichen planusMelanosis
18、 of oral mucosa4)牙龈2. 牙及咬合检查 牙齿的数目、排列、颜色、龋洞、缺失、松动、咬合、接触关系和修复物等。对于各个牙齿可采用探诊和叩诊进行检查。多个牙松动在临床上具有重要意义。?咬合检查关键判断是否正常,错颌及其类型。 One checks for any dental defect, malocclusion , or missing teeth .?张口度的测量是指:上、下中切牙的切缘间之距?正常张口度的简易测量:被检查者食、中、无名指三指末节的宽度张口度检查: 4度 轻度张口受限上下切牙切缘间距仅可置入二横指约22.5cm左右中度张口受限上下切牙切缘间距仅可置入一横指
19、约12cm左右重度张口受限上下切牙切缘间距不到一横指约1cm以内完全性张口受限完全不能张口,牙关紧闭3. 固有口腔和口咽检查1)腭 The hard palate can be viewed next either directly of using a dental mirror (Fig. ). The anterior portion has prominent, firm folds called rugae that can be large in some patients. Posteriorly, the hard palate is whitish due to the ke
20、ratinized surface. Laterally, where there are numerous minor salivary glands and blood vessels, there is a bluish hue. There are pin-sized, pink, ductal openings from minor glands. Nasopalatine papillaIn the midline of the hard palate extra bone may be found (Fig. ). Called a torus, it may be minima
21、l or very enlarged. It will feel bony hard and will appear opaque on a radiograph confirming that it is composed of extra, but normal bone .Edentulous hard palate and soft palate showing a bony outgrowth in the midline that is called a maxillary torus. Note the difference in color between the soft a
22、nd the hard palate, the soft palate being more pink due to lack of keratin. 腭骨隆突(Exostosis and Torus)3. 固有口腔和口咽检查2)舌 The tongue can be viewed next, by holding it with a gauze and gently moving it, or by having the patient move it from side to side, while holding the buccal mucosa to the side, and fo
23、rward while opening wide. Several anatomical entities can be checked. Normal ventral surface of the tongue showing the midline lingual frenum, and the two prominent lingual veins running on each side. Also, note the fimbriated folds or lines running parallel to the veins. An enlarged lingual tonsil,
24、 Grey arrow. Also, a prominent foliate papilla叶状乳头 (tonsillar tissue) at the posterior lateral surface of tongue, green arrow, and some circumvallate papillae轮廓乳头, blue arrows. Hairy tongue Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie Ventral surface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth in a patient with ankylog
25、lossia or tongue-tie. The lingual frenum is attached too far forward toward the tip of the tongue and the patient cannot touch the hard palate with the mouth open.舌脉管瘤(三)固有口腔和口咽检查3)口底 Normal floor of the mouth showing bilateral sublingual plicae. At the medial aspect of each is the opening of Wharto
26、ns duct, green arrow. 口底检查舌下腺囊肿鳞癌颌下腺导管结石(三)固有口腔和口咽检查4)口咽 The palatine tonsils are located on each side situated between the palatoglossal and the palatopharyngeal folds. They may be very large in children, appearing to close off the airway, but in adults they are usually receded between the folds. I
27、f only one palatine tonsil is enlarged and pushed toward the midline, then one should consider tumor, lateral pharyngeal abscess or other condition (Fig. ). 扁桃体脓肿?唇颊病变的双指双合诊法对唇、颊、舌肌内软组织病损临床检查通常选用:双指双合诊法?双手双合诊检查适用部位:A. 口底深在病损B. 颌下区(三)颈部检查1. 一般检查颈部外形、色泽、轮廓、活动度有无异常,有无肿胀、畸形、斜颈、溃疡及瘘管。肿物应明确性质、与重要神经血管的关系病变
28、的部位、活动度可为临床诊断提供依据。2. 淋巴结检查1.方法 2.分组、分类和命名甲状舌管囊肿 鳃裂囊肿2. 淋巴结检查 Lymph nodes Lymph nodes are oval or bean-shaped structures found along lymphatic vessels that drain body parts. Normally, they are non-tender, soft and cannot be felt even though they are present. Therefore, one uses the knowledge of anato
29、mical location of the nodes to perform the palpation to find them.1)方法 The examiner kneads just beneath the skin with a rotating motion in the areas that nodes would be expected to be found. In most circumstances they will not be felt. However, in young children, with response to so many new antigen
30、s, it is easy to palpate nodes in the head and neck. To start palpating for nodes is in the submental area Palpation of the submental lymph node area with firm pressure and rotating the finger behind the chin. This node is significant because it is the one node that is easy to discover the site of d
31、rainage. The lower lip, lower anterior gingivae, corners of the mouth, and skin and tissue of the chin drain to the submental node. 单指平触诊Submandibular gland areas Bimanual palpation of the submandibular gland areas for the gland and for lymph node swellings in the gland. They are in the notch areas
32、of the body of mandible on the medial side as one pushes up and in. The submandibular nodes are bilateral and can be palpated by pressing the tissue below the jaw against the medial side of the mandible or by bimanual palpation with one finger in the mouth and the other externally pushing up .There
33、are three groups of nodes associated with the submandibular gland. What one is actually palpating is the submandibular gland itself to identify these nodes. 单指或三指平触诊 Bilateral palpation and gentle squeezing of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸锁乳突肌to locate the cervical chain of nodes just medial and
34、deeper to the muscle. 双指或三指提拉式触诊 Palpation of the supraclavicular area behind the clavicular bone.单指或多指平触诊2)分组、分类和命名3)淋巴流向Carcinoma区域性淋巴转移?对颌面颈部深部包块的扪诊检查时,应从以下方面检查和描述包块的性质包块的性质包括:软硬度;形状是否规则,表面是否光滑,有无结节;有无压痛;或其他特殊体征,如波动感、搏动感、乒乓感等,与周围组织是否粘连,包块表面的皮肤、温度、颜色、质地如何?活动度如何?边界是否清楚等。(四)颞下颌关节检查 颞下颌关节检查涉及面形颌骨,甚至与
35、颅骨外形也有密切关系。 1.面形及关节动度检查1)耳屏前扪诊法2.)外耳道指诊法2.咀嚼肌检查3.下颌运动检查4.牙合关系检查1. 关节动度检查1)耳屏前扪诊法Palpation of the temporomandibular joints at the tragus耳屏 of the ear as the patient opens and closes the mandible. 2)外耳道指诊法Crepitation杂音, clicking弹响, and popping of the temporomandibular joints are detected most easily b
36、y placing the tips of the little fingers in the external auditory canals外耳道 and having the patient go through a series of excursive mandibular movements. A stethoscope placed anterior to the pinna耳廓 of the ear can achieve the same result.(四)颞下颌关节检查2. 咀嚼肌检查3. 下颌运动检查 1)关节有无疼痛、弹响或杂音,对疼痛要明确疼痛的部位、出现时间和性质
37、,对弹响和杂音一定要明确发生时间、性质、次数和响度。2)两侧关节动度是否一致,有无偏斜。3)开口度和开口型是否正常。4)在开闭口运动是是否出现关节绞锁异常现象。4. 牙合关系检查 ?在进行颞下颌关节的下颌运动功能检查时,应重点检查四个方面 (1)关节有无疾病、弹晌或杂音:症状出现的时间、性质。 (2) 两侧关节动度是否一致,有无偏斜。 (3)开口度和开口型。 (4)开闭口运动中是否出现关节绞锁等异常现象。 (五)唾液腺检查 1. 一般检查 Parotid masses (especially in superficial lobe) are easily detected by digital
38、 palpation.腮腺的扪诊检查为三指平触诊2. 分泌功能检查2. 分泌功能检查1)定性检查:2)定量检查(1)唾液流量变化(2)唾液腺成分变化Typical case Sjgrens Syndrome二、辅助检查(Auxiliary or Assistants)(一)化验检查 (Laboratory Studies )(二)穿刺检查 (Needle Aspiration )(三)活体组织检查 (Biopsy)(四)涂片检查 (brush biopsy)(五)超声检查 (Ultrasonography)(六) X线检查 Radiography(七)电子计算机X线体层摄影 CT(八)磁共振成
39、像检查 MRI(九)数字减影血管造影检查 DSA(十)放射性核素检查 Radionucleotide Scanning(十一)核素发射计算机断层摄影检查 ECT 、PET/CT(十二)关节内镜 Arthroscopy(十三)唾液腺内镜(sialendoscopy)(十四)手术探查 Exploration(二)穿刺检查血管瘤 -血液;囊肿-囊液;脓肿-脓液;颈动脉体瘤、动脉瘤-禁忌穿刺;结核、恶性肿瘤-慎重选择穿刺。最适用深部囊性包块的诊断(三)活组织检查 从病变部取一小块组织制成切片,在显微镜下观察细胞的形态和结构,以确定病变性质,肿瘤的类型及分化程度等。活体组织检查是比较准确可靠的结论性诊断
40、方法。原则:争取诊断与治疗一期完成;必须先行活检明确诊断者,活检时间与治疗时间越近越好。1.常用方法1)切取或钳取活组织检查2)吸取活组织检查3)切除活组织检查4)冷冻活组织检查2.活体组织检查的注意事项1)取材时间、部位、大小的选择2)操作中的注意事项1. 常用检查方法1)切取或钳取活检钳取活组织检查1. 常用活体组织检查方法2)吸取活组织检查(Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy) 皮肤消毒、局麻、表皮或粘膜0.2cm的小切口,用带芯穿刺针接上50ml针筒,经小切口刺入肿瘤,强抽针筒栓子使之保持负压,然后将针向各方向穿刺23次,在负压下缓慢拔出针头,推出针管内肿瘤组织
41、,放在滤纸上,10甲醛溶液固定送检,或将针管内的肿瘤组织推在载玻片上,送检。1. 常用活体组织检查方法3)切除活组织检查1. 常用活体组织检查方法1)切取(Incisional Biopsy)或钳取活组织检查2)吸取活组织检查3)切除活组织检查4)冰冻活组织检查标本切取后,不作任何处理,尽快送病理科2. 活体组织检查的注意事项1)取材时间、部位、大小的选择:肿瘤1cm*0.5cm黏膜0.6cm*0.2cm2)操作中的注意事项 (1)避免组织挤压,造成细胞形态改变,难以辨认。动作轻柔,钳夹肿瘤包膜,不要牵拉肿瘤组织本身,手术刀要锐利,一刀切割,不要呈拉据式。术后标本应在宽口的玻璃瓶中固定。 (2
42、)包括健康组织和瘤组织 :尽量采取瘤组织的周围部分,非中心部(特别是大的肿瘤,常常出血坏死或退化性变,对诊断会造成困难)。肿瘤边缘部分,可发现肿瘤由正常到恶性变的移行过程,对确定肿瘤的组织学类型以及探讨其组织发生有帮助。 (3)及时处理活检标本 :立即固定,避免暴露于空气中太久,否则组织自溶,影响病理诊断。(四)涂片检查(Brush Biopsy)简单易行分泌物:创面、溃疡、脓液等脱落细胞:穿刺物,口腔黏膜病变的早期普查。(五)超声检查Ultrasonography特点:无痛、无创、无害、可重复进行、软组织分辨力强适应症:颌颈部及涎腺,确定有无占位;囊性或实性;深部肿瘤与血管神经的关系。多用于
43、:A.颈部肿块 B.下颌下区肿块 C.腮腺肿块Ultrasonography目的:A.确定有无占位性病变B.判断是囊性还是实性肿块C.仅为肿瘤良恶性提供信息D.确定肿块与邻近重要血管的关系(六)X线检查X线平片是最基本的X线检查方法 口内片多用于牙体、牙周和颌骨局限性病变的检查,如龋坏、尖周和牙周病变、根尖囊肿、阻生牙及先天缺牙等 口外片多用于颌骨肿瘤、骨折、大的囊肿及骨髓炎等病变的检查。必要时才辅以特殊检查或造影检查 平片检查体层摄影头颅定位摄影检查造影检查(六)X线检查平片检查 诊断骨骼系统效果最佳。骨胳系统是人体结构中显示密度最高的组织,与周围组织具有鲜明的对比,骨皮质和骨松质之间也存在
44、明显的对比。骨肿瘤引起的骨质破坏或增生,平片上能清楚显示,而且能对许多骨肿瘤作出定性诊断。体层摄影头颅定位摄影检查造影检查牙片体层摄影头颅定位摄影检查造影检查可用于:涎腺慢性炎性病变及良恶性肿瘤(七)CT检查Computed Tomography 计算机体层摄影(computed tomography, CT)利用X线对人体某一范围进行逐层的横断扫描,信息经计算机处理后获得重建图像。图像为人体横断解剖图,由计算机处理得到三维的重建图像。1972年用于临床。与普通的X线检查比较,组织分辨率高,能区分组织间密度的微小差异;断面图象,直接显示普通X线所无法观察到的身体内部组织结构和病变。 七、CT检
45、查CT对组织的密度分辨率较高,且为横断面扫描,可直接观察到实质性脏器内部的肿瘤,肿瘤与正常组织密度差异较小时,可通过注射造影剂后扫描使其强化,从而提高肿瘤的发现率和确诊率。图像后处理功能的发展,是CT发展的另一个重点。常规CT只能显示二维横断解剖发展到三维观察,这些图像已接近实际人体的大体解剖,更接近手术中的实际所见,为手术方案的制订提供了更为详尽的信息。相信将来这些功能将进一步完善。 CT三维观察(八)磁共振成像( MRI ) 继CT、B超等影象检查手段后又一新的断层成像方法,与CT相比,MRI具有高组织分辨力、空间分辨力和无硬性伪迹、无放射损伤等优点,同时在不同对比剂的条件下,可测量血管和心脏的血流变化,广泛应用于临床。(九)数字减影血管造影 DSA (digital subtraction radiography)血管造影血管与骨骼及软组织影重迭,血管显影不清。DSA则是利用计算机处理数字化的影像信息,以
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