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1、现代外语教学复习资料绪论我国外语教学存在的问题: (P2-P5)theoretical researches are weakteachers faculty is not strongschools are short of teaching resourcesteaching concepts lag behind the societyeducation is mainly exam-orientedthe interference related to power and money is serious第二章外语教学研究的三个层次: (P32-P38 )ontology: essen

2、tial characteristics of language itself and language teaching语言的本质特点:1).the most important tool to communicate2).a linguistic system made up of various subsystems3).a tool to think and a carrier for culture4).require special physiological basis外语教学研究的三个层次: (P32-P38 )positivism: principles of foreign

3、 language teachinga. systematic principlecommunicative principlecognitive principle精选文库cultural principleaffective principle外语教学研究的三个层次: (P32-P38 ) methodology: organization, strategies and methods of foreignlanguageteaching存在的问题:exclusivenessone-sidednessintricacy第三章外语学习者的生理和认知因素: (P46-P52 )intelli

4、gence :take different steps to students of different level of intelligenceb.general intelligence communicationhigher intelligence form外语学习者的生理和认知因素: (P46-P52 )aptitude :phonetic coding abilitygrammatical sensitivityinductive sensitivity外语学习者的生理和认知因素: (P46-P52 )cognitive style :field dependence-2精选文库

5、field independence外语学习者的情感因素: (P52-P55 )motivation and attitude:Brown: global motivationsituational motivationtask motivationb. Gardner and Lambert:integrative motivationinstrumental motivationpersonality:extrovert vs. introvert对教学的启示:strengthen students merits in different occasionschange students

6、of different personality to the contrary理想的外语学习者:(P55-P56 )(二语习得 P122 )group dynamicsuse the target languageattend to meaning rather than to formuse of study techniquesthe early stages of grammatical developmentanalytic skillsintegrative motivation/ task motivationh . take risks-3精选文库adapt to differ

7、ent learning conditionsEA 的一般步骤:( P62)(二语习得 P52 )a corpus of language is seletedthe errors in the corpus are identifiedthe errors are classifiedthe errors are explainedthe errors are evaluatedEA 的作用:(P62 )recognize which stages are students in/ how much contents are remainedevidence of how the learn

8、ers learn or aquire languagea means used to aquire language/ a means used to inspect the essenceof the language9.EA 的局限性:(P64-P65 )its difficult to define and distinguish errorslack of a common standard to classify errorsits difficult to distinguish avoidence from errors中介语的特点:(P66 )openflexiblesyst

9、ematic中介语构建的手段:(P67 )-4精选文库language transferovergeneralization of target language rules. transfer of trainingtrategies of L2 learningstrategies of L2 communication成功的外语学习者所采用的五大策略: (P71 )a. participatelanguagelearningpositivelybysearchingandultilizingfavourable learning environmentset language as a

10、system of formsset language as a tool to communicateaccept and deal with the affective needs during the learning processexpand and revise the foreign language system by inferencing and monitoring.学习者策略对外语教学的启发: ( P83)guide students to make the best use of existing knowledgemake the best use of learn

11、ing strategies to improve language learning abilitieshelp learners use communicative strategies correctly第四章1. CLT的理论基础:(P89-P90 )theories of language communication: a system made up of basic units-5精选文库fundamental function iscommunicationthe language structure reflect the function and communicative

12、 uasgethe basic units of language are showed in the communicative functionsofdiscoureseratherthanjustgrammaticalrulesandstructuralcharacteristicslearning theories:communicative principletask principlemeaningful principle语法编写的原则:(P103 )systematic principlecommunicative principlecontrastive principlec

13、ognitive principle词汇教学的原则:(P108-P109 )systematic principlecommunicative principlecultural principlecognitive principleaffeive principle影响听力的重要因素:( P111-P115 )the characteristics of listening materials (speed/pause/hesitation)-6精选文库b.thecharacteristics of the speakers (sex/authority of the speaker)c.

14、the characteristicsof the tasksd.thecharateristicsof the learnerse.thecharateristicsof the process外语阅读和母语阅读不同特点的比较: (P118-P119 )a.thepositivetransferhas itslimits/language rulesand pragmaticprinciplethe shortcomings of the abilities and skills on mother-tongue reading influence the process of positi

15、ve transfer and the improvement of reading abilities in foreign languageaffective factors also influence the process of reading语言和文化的关系:(P128-P129 )language is a part of culturelangauge is the carrier of cultureculture is the base of language文化导入的必要性和重要意义: (P130 )cultural knowledge and accommodation

16、 ability are important parts of communicative competencecommunicative competence is the essential base and method to acquire further cultural languageadapt to the requirements of special positions文化导入的重要原则:( P132-P133 )-7精选文库a. practical principleb. stage principlec. accommodation principle文化导入的主要方法

17、:( P133-P134 )annotationfusionpracticecomparisonspecifically explanation第五章课程设计的阶段:(P136 )fact-findingthe theory and practical evidence of course design and syllabus designmake the goals to plans, recognize the aims and contentsprepare the materials and compile the textbook教材编写的原则:(P144 )authentic p

18、rinciplegradual principleinteresting principlediverse principlemodern principlepractical principle-8合格的外语教师应具备的素质: (P151 )solid professional knowledge and skillsabilities of classroom management and implementgood characters and delightful personalitiessystematic knowledge of modern languageconsidera

19、ble knowledge of foreign language acquknowledge of foreign language teaching精选文库isition theories外语教学的实施的主要过程:(P155)needs analysiscurriculum designmaterial developmentclassroom instructioncourse evaluation传统课堂教学模式( PPP)的不足:(P156-157 )teaching model is teacher-centredthe result of PPP model is exam-or

20、iented educationstudents havent received enough inputmislead students to a worry learning way课堂教学最基本目标:( P159-162 )cultivate students interestsprovide authentic language inputhelp students use learning strategies which are benefit to foreign-9精选文库language learninghelp students overcome the difficult

21、ies during the learning process外语测试的类型:(P167-170 )测试目的:aptitude testachivement testdiagnostic testproficiency testexit test外语测试的类型:(P167-170 )测试的方法和方式:direct testingindirect testing测试题型:a.discrete-point egrative testing外语测试的类型:(P167-170 )考试成绩判别的标准:norm-referenced testingcriterion-referen

22、ced testing判卷标准:a.subjective testingb.objective testing8. 效度 (test validity):(P170 )-10精选文库whether the test can test what it meant to exactlycontent validitycriterion-related validityconstruct validityface validity9. 信度 (test reliability):(P172 )whether the result of the test are reliabletest itselfmarking of papers第六章外语教学法的主要流派: (P180-P206 )The Oral Approach and the situational Language TeachingThe Audiolingual


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