1、De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nfnce2013workshop,fulbackin ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHeeonbealofmycmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guida
2、nce,com.ehe- impeme nt the sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cent oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoniousandm occatc amosphee of the good
3、 .uatonMainidcaosareasfolowst.e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnua budge mpl amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils tald 425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanuaExe_tve budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedouaggs25一.
4、Nopesnalinjuyacidetoccur,dnomajoraentadabog/kW,dow01g/kW;ie. d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins.efrmanne gra ty -u d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d 15% fom a yea larie.u
5、iaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaorIchevmet s ist shou d a dee to t he two mange met .sembbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad itinlc saey EEerrie consuctontok new se ps The tw o mangetsystm frimp.-mentFocsonpromotingthepoweofthe
6、cmpaIymanngetsystma nd the aplcai on a id mpementat on of te saey lop fiesa maagement.sem, improve t he saey manngetsystm, relzte.sem of -fey cntol lurherrrguaeiecuiy routne s, fey iupevs on a nd mang etnew o. re t lay tlche- cosld10P.ste ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha - V oaton of stegheni
7、ngthesaeylupevs in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr cin-e, and te0ympc Gm - 1admteKEDACOM科达视频会议系统技术方案模板科达 专业视频会议/可视通信系统目录公司篇领先的专业视讯厂商与解决方案提供商构建卓越的视讯系统多点控制单元、视频会议终端、业务软件、会议辅助设备面向用户的专业应用解决方案全面多样的市场客户群产品速查 丰富的产品线es, 0 eeg,-g p-Oe
8、.s,n d should a Lhe e - ! on- he - nom. be“ of ”ng o h #es, 0 eeg,-g p-Oe .s,n d should a Lhe e - ! on- he - nom. be“ of ”ng o h srng and auumn of seury in1spet ons, 10d contoi a nd i nspec! n,e, pr o-cin-e,and te 11ympc Gm - 1aditeest 0 eegys-ig proe csS nd shoud adhe eto trreonthe ecnomc bee. of m
9、pro-ioutech De es, sf: Hel o! in the r .tot I e Spring Fas l hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n eu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 .ment plasHee onbeal of my cmpay w ork r.orts tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.PilaI,202backi a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . ge
10、a spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sceti. concept o - i opmet prom i Ing - sea .esi saegy .da- focusonimpiemetaion,lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saeysiuai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cent oi s.c a nd sa.ze d, and the de dcat on of sf, manage a hamoniousandm occatc
11、amosphee of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fl owst I e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,beyond the a nnua budge impi ementalon paly of 35mH. k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.S taid 425 biin k W, ecedi ng s- s of miiin kW theanua Exe cutve budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury
12、 meaues unpannedouaggs 25 一.Nopesnaiinjuy accidet occure d nomajor a e nt ad abousnnssInacia idiat ors tti pills of 25 mii on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of 一7 miin Yua,b-ndthe Daa ng company iddx ! miinYuan,aIicese of mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.y powe supy sadad ca compi eig 3 g/k W,
13、dow 01g /kW; ie.ae d auXiay powe cnsmpt on i 52%, dw ssins | efrmance gra ty reuce d compae d to ias ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, suiu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.,emo -ekiecy of moe t ha 918%. Reia biiy index equiae I t aaiaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d 715% 10m a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re
14、-cino te smepei od a yar eai erMaor Ichevmet s ist shou d a dee to t he two mange met .sem bbss ste I gte ning tecnoigi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contoi ad itinlc saey Eerrie consuctontok new se ps The tw o manget systm fr imp.-mentFocsonpromotingthepoweofthecmpaI y mannget systma nd the a
15、picai on a id impiementat on of te saey iop fiesa maagement.sem, improve t he saey mannget systm, reizete.sem of -fey cntoi. lurher rrguiae iecuiy rouie s, fey iupevs on a nd mang et new o. re t l.y tlche- cosld10P.ste ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.mannget of ha b itua V oiain of stegheningthesaeysueVs
16、iin of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out i公司篇科达一领先的专业视讯厂商与解决方案提供商科达是致力于视频通信的专业厂商,高瞻行业发展态势,引领视讯技术潮流,科达以成效卓著的市场表现和持续强劲的创新动力确立了在视讯领域的领先者地位。科达,领先的专业视讯厂商-1995年至今的专业视讯历程-第一家以视讯产品为主营业务的海外上市公司在中国设有31个销售服务分支机构在新加坡和美国设有海外分支机构拥有上海、苏州两大研发中心拥有员工1000余人 ge.f Hl iu -S ri g Fea wel. fu sta eesav r 203 kWe5 kWe 425kWx
17、ee gl .eec ea 99 8% Re qVl 934-. a95f a e-iew la ie .-yse-l -sed -da .-d.-se -l - ae ac 0 2 a eu y-. e -. 203 dvlas_e a r se . Wc-y as es l-ge .5 ef.e-g a - 0 E06%. e-a eeeel .a 03ce N esjy . e . d jo .Maa-vee s - we ud e-a.se y.aP020. c - I 2ad ea-s .e- - f.e svl-ls . e eve-. .-ees-sa - -aasf.- eea
18、ea.e e u lyj. e - el. -s y f. a a- 1yg- eBefaa - . s-a.yl.-0 l-Yaya-g-e.l-e r-eass- g- -g.lg a ee.seg-da. - aa-E-ssu-ke - s- -agee sef vF.-g we.agee se.-l es fe y s-ae e se ages- esagd -e-saae-sfag-.a6 - Y -M sssse gadfuEgy e u y saa.le-g 3.25 gkWw 0g - - g-x coniuusyimprnt ad aboe, nomjr ie a_i det
19、 s tout e nVronmeta pollui on - cdes, ae,fr te e cnseutve yeas to ma nai sa y to g ood posue.Busnnss I nacia idiat ors ta p.ls of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he a nnua budgeof 1 milin Yua,beynd t he Daa ng company iddx ! milion Yuamet . mbbsis ste I gte ning tecnolgi esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zars con
20、tol ad itisc saey Eerrie consuctontok ne ps The o、angetsystm frimpr-ment Foocs on pr omoting the poe of theccmpa I y manngetsystma nd the apl i on a id implement!on of teo g/k W, do 01g /kW; ieg d a - laypoe cnsmptonrflo i 52% d ssons .efrmanne gra tly reuce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW,
21、sulfu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 05 2 gkW;s y lop fiesa maagement . m, improve t he s y manng-etsystm, relz te . m ofgafey cntol lurherrrgulle.yrou.es, gafey upevson a nd mang -etne ok re t iay tiche-cosid10P.ste ngteing thetupevsion a ndmanng-etof ha I itua v oaton of neghening the s y suevsi in of ousouc
22、i ng contac or.paiy 0f 35 duatemoa.Caarid out i推出业内第一套4CIF清晰度视频会议系统2004 年攻克交互式卫星视频会议难关,推出业内第一套交互式卫星视频会议系统2005 年推出中国第一套基于H.264编解码技术的视频会议系统KDV视频会议系统项目入选“国家火炬计划项目”2006 年推出集N+1备份、线路备份、冗余备份为一体的高可靠视频会议解决方案业内率先推出集成防火墙穿越技术的MCU2007 年推出基于H.264技术的超低带宽视频通信解决方案研发出智能抗丢包技术,全面提升恶劣网络条件下的视频通信可靠性2008 年推出业内第一台1080P视频会议
23、终端推出业内首个1080P整体可视通信解决方案2009 年推出业界第一套专业可视指挥调度系统,将指挥调度推向全面可视化时代 推出业内第一套1080P高清嵌入式电视墙解码系统中国视频通信行业代表品牌基于在视讯业的成就,科达被 Wainhouse Research、Frost&Sullivan 、赛迪咨 询等业界知名调研机构列为全球最主要视讯厂商,并成为中国视讯业最重要的代表品牌。ntatives Cofeence 20 13sof 330 milo kW thesme pei od a yar ealeron of te s y loop fiesa maagemesrng a nd a uum
24、nof seury inspct0ns. 10d c0n to and i nspect n,一,.一n o-uin -e, and te0ympc - aeat 0 eegysvig proe csSicond shoud a dhe e to trre onthe ecnomic beeis of improvi Dee ts, sf. Hel o! in the r unutt h e Srng F l hed I ne lesion of fu saf ree milon k W, an inceae of 77 mi in kW.Sas tald billon k W, ecedi
25、ngs 一_ _ . L r L . ekieiy ofmoe tha,*.Reia b inex e eI t aaiaiiy a.or i 94 7% i.esed 75% 10m a yea lar Wr.p, fulanua Exe _Iveback i n caeu anay of Ie _n et si -in, 203 pment plasbudge, a i ncea - of 79 milin k W. S ry meaues upanned outags 25 tb_.,1116% reducin ove teHee onbeal of my cmlay ork reors
26、 tte neal by, for cnsrain.Pla I 202 ba ck i ! XX po er compaie s adee to the pa,s 17 gea spii fr guidance, compehe- mplem nt theice ntic cnc.t of d l oget prom Ung cs desi satgy sandads fouson mpl -etain, 11a,mang e,coniuusyimprN pesnal i nuy a cci det occure d no majr acide nt ad abol, nomjr ie acc
27、i det s itout enVronmeta polui on acide ns, m f ey 0 thre e cnseutve yeas to ma nai say to g ood posue.Busnnss I nacia idiat ors ttl prls of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he a nnua budgeof 17 milin Yua,beynd t he Daa ng company iddx ! milion Yua I .一 . . . J . . 一 . I .Maor ”eets ist Shoua dee to td adhe
28、o mangemet .sembass ste I gte nig tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad itiscsaey Jer consucton 10knew se ps The o、angetsyst oimpr-ment Focs on pr omotig the poe of thecmpa I y manng-etsystm ae appiat on a id .pementK0 1, suai on I f etepri mange nt bus nes man, a I incese of 17 6 m
29、i lon、a n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.nt . m, mprovethe s y manng-etsystm, relnaement a ndont ol scietfic a nd sandadize d, and te de dcat .of sf, maae a hamoni ous and dem ocaic amoshee of te good stuaton lai nidca os ae as fol o st I e batey i ndiat I r. poe ge neaton totaed 785 bi.on k W, bby ond te
30、a nnu. budge impl -en.ton ca paly of 35Enegy po e sup, saddad ca compleig 3Q1Ig/k W, do 01g /kW.i.g d aux ypoe cnsmpt onr i 52% dd n ssons | efrmance gra tyrrd . e d compae d to as ya r, cabon 019 g /W, silu dixde 114 g /kW Nk 052gkW; -,emo .1L. . IL.-i - . i.ii. I_.n.-i - or.Caarid out iof -ley cnt
31、ol Furher rrgul le-iyrouies, y -upe on a nd mang etne ok re tI ay t achieveCos-iop. Stengteig theupevsia nd manng-etof haI iua v oain of steghening the s y sueVsiof ousouci ni ng contaC中国多媒体通信通信产业报投影时代中国计算机报网络世界中国计算机报中国邮电报中国多媒体通信中国邮电报2009年度多媒体通信产品创新奖2009年度通信产业报编辑选择奖2009年度远程视频会议优秀品牌2009年度中国计算机报编辑选择奖2
32、009年度高清视频年度创新产品奖2009年度中国信息通信视频网络会议优秀领军企业奖-2009中国信息通信技术和方案创新优秀成果奖金奖 -2008年度高清视频会议解决方案编辑推荐奖2008亚太区视频会议系统年度企业2008年度优秀IT产品奖2008年德国红点产品设计奖2008最佳视频会议方案提供商2008年大屏视听行业十大优秀品牌2008消费者信赖品牌2008年中小企业IT市场十大创新产品2007通信企业100强及最佳视讯服务提供商2007年视频会议年度技术创新大奖-2007中国电脑商500强之方案商150强2006年视频会议系统编辑选择奖2006视频通信十大知名企业2006用户满意终端产品20
33、05年度视频会议系统编辑选择奖Frost&SullivanBuyComsRedDot Design AwardCIPCA投影时代网 天极网中小企业IT采购 计算机世界 每周电脑报 电脑商报 中国计算机报中国多媒体通信中国计算机报-2008数据通信技术和案例创新成果奖金奖计算机世界互联网周刊-2005中国通信设备制造企业综合实力 50强通信世界-2005年度视频会议推荐方案 -2005中国电子政务IT100强互联网周刊通信产业报-2004中国通信业通信制造企业综合实力50强通信世界-2004中国视频通信最佳解决方案中国多媒体视讯-2004中国电子政务IT100强 -2004中国最具成长型企业高端
34、、广阔的用户科达部署了中国最大的视频会议系统一一某部队视频会议系统,覆盖节点超过 7000 个。科达视频会议产品广泛应用于:公安、检察、法院、司法、消防、边防、武警、 军队、劳教、电力、气象、地震、工商、环保、税务、水利、银行、财政、劳动、 教育、交通、质检、药监、海事、农业、安全等各个行业。重要会议/活动保障科达为2008北京奥运会提供奥运安保可视指挥调度系统科达在2007、2008连续2年为全国两会提供专业可视应急指挥保障系统科达为2009年第11届全运会提供视讯保障系统srng a nd a uumn of seury inspct ons, lod contol and i nspec
35、t n,一1,pr oduci n o.cin-aey .nd te0ympc .e 0 eegysvig proe csSicond shoud adhe e to trre ont he ecnomc bee- of mproving outech #srng a nd a uumn of seury inspct ons, lod contol and i nspect n,一1,pr oduci n o.cin-aey .nd te0ympc .e 0 eegysvig proe csSicond shoud adhe e to trre ont he ecnomc bee- of m
36、proving outech Degaes, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Festval hed i ne sen of fu safeesentaies C.nf nce 20 13 Un k W, an inceae of 7- mi in kW.,” tald 425 b*bn k W, ecedi ng s s of 330 miDn kW theeiceny of moe t ha99.8%. Re- b inex e e 11 aa ac or i9347%, icese d ,% from a, Wrop, fUlanua Exe
37、 _Ivebank i n caeU ana, of Ie nurr et si -in, ds . ls 203 pment plasbudge, a i ncea - of 79 milin k W. S ry meaues unplanned ouags 25 .,1116. reducin ove tesme pei od a yar ealerHee on bealf of my cmpay w ork r.ors tte Geneal by, for cns deraion.Pla I, 202 ba ck in 12XX pow er compaie s adee to the
38、pats 1- gea spirit fr guidance, compehe,s implemN pesnal i nuy a cci det occure d no majr acide nt ad aboe, nomjr ie acci det s witout e nVionmeta polui on acie ns, .rimp.ment Foccs on pr omoting the powe of thecmpa i y manngetsystm and the applcat on a id impementHoe, suai on I f etepri _ mange nt
39、bus nes man, a I icese of l-6 mi in、a n, FM a sesmet at gade,u.on of te s y lop fsa maagement ly m, improve the s y manngetsystm, relnaement a ndontol scetfic a nd sandadze d, and te de dc.of sf, maae a hamoni ous and democac amo.hee of te good stu.n i nidca os ae as fol owst I e batey i ndiat I r:
40、po-we ge neaton tot - d 85 bi.on k W, bby ond te a nnua budge impl -en.ton ca paiy of 35Enegy powe sup, sandad ca compl eig,S25 g/k W, do-w 01g /kW.ieg d auxlaypo-we cnsmpton ro i 52% dw n ssons | efrmance gra ty.rd . e d compae d to as ya r, cabon 019 g /W, silu dioXde 114 g /kW NOx 05 2gkW; ,emo .
41、1L. . IL.-i - . i.ii. I_.n.-i - or.Caar- out iz te . mof me, cntol Furherrrgul e-iyroutnes, y .pe on a nd mang etnew ok re t ay t(cheecosm10 P.stengteing theupe ia nd manngetof haI iua v olaton of eghening the s y suevsiof ousouci ni ng contac系统篇构建卓越的视讯系统科达视讯系统出色的音视频效果、极强的系统稳定性以及优秀的网络适应性使其 能全面满足各领域的
42、客户需求,卓越的产品性能引领技术潮流,帮助客户实现高 质量的视讯应用。至臻高清1080P全高清可提供1920X 1080的画面分辨率,20倍于传统图像的清晰度,画面锐利清晰,色彩逼真鲜艳,运动图像流畅稳定,是全面升级的真正高清体验。srng a nd a ,m of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr cin-e, and te 0ympc Gm - 1admteest 0 eegys-ig proe csS nd shoud adhe e to trre onthe ecnomc bee- of mprovi srng a nd
43、a ,m of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr cin-e, and te 0ympc Gm - 1admteest 0 eegys-ig proe csS nd shoud adhe e to trre onthe ecnomc bee- of mprovi De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nfnce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of th
44、e curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sceti. concept of devel opmet prom i Ing - sea desi saegy nda- focuson impi -eta”, lea ,ma.- et,
45、coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cent oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoniousandm occatc amosphee of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW, b. ond the a nnua budge imp
46、i ementalon paly of 3m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils tald 425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe cutve budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedouaggs 25 一.Nopesnalinjuy aci det occur, d nomajor acdde nt ad abo g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie. d a y powe ccnsmpt onr i 52%,
47、dw ssins | efrmance gra ty reuce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.,emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy act or i 9l4r%, inccese d 15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaor ohevmet s
48、ist shou d a dee to t he two mange met .sembbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad intinsc saey EEerrie consuctontok new se ps The tw o mangetsystm frimp.-mentFoccson pr omoting the powe of theccmpaIymanngetsystma nd the aplccai on a id mpementat on of te saey lop fie
49、sa maagement.sem, improve t he saey manngetsystm, relzte.sem of -fey ccntol lurherrrguae iecuiy rouie s, fey iupevs on a nd mang etnew o. re t lay tohe- cosld10P.ste ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha - V oain of steghening the saey sueVsi in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out i单芯片处理技术创新地采用了单芯
50、片高清处理技术,视频编码和解码均通过单次运算完成, 处理速度快,视频质量极其出色。对比普通的多芯片堆叠技术采用的图像切割、 处理、 合并多次运算方式,单芯片在性能和稳定性方面都更胜一筹。一 。令令单芯片处理多芯片堆叠单次运算方式切割.处理.合弁方式高码率支持利用单芯片技术的强大压缩能力,至臻高清系统可在极低的带宽下构建高清系统,更支持高达8Mbps的高码率处理能力。1080i/p1Mbps 8Mbps720P768Kbps8Mbps4CIF256Kbp蚁上;CIF128Kbp短上。60场/秒、60帧/秒流畅效果至臻高清系统采用高速率编码技术,从图像采集、视频编解码到图像输出,均可支持60场/秒
51、或60帧/秒图像,可实现更好的图像流畅度60场附一 60幅/秒图像处理srng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr o.cto n cin-e, and te 11ympc Gm - 1admtesrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr o.cto n cin-e, and te 11ympc Gm - 1admteDe es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring F
52、as 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impem nt the sce ntic
53、 ccncet of devel opmetprom i Ing - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndont oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoniousandm ocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e
54、 batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnua budge impi amenta.n -m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald 425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe -tve budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs25 一.Nopesnalinjuyacidetoccur,d nomajor a
55、cCde nt ad abo g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie. d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins .efrmanne gra ty rrd . e d compae d to as ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;dekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy act or i 9l4r%, inccese d 15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage a
56、e 018%,1116% re duccion ove te sme pei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s is, shou d a dee to t he two mange met lysem bbass ste I gte ning tecnolgi esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad intinsc saey EEerrie consuclton tok new se ps The tw o manget systm fr imp.-mentFoccsonpromotingthepoweoftheccmp
57、aIymannget systma nd th e appliat on a id implementat on of te saey lop fiesa maagementlysem, improve t he saey mannget systm, relztelysem of -fey ccntol. lurher rrgulteiecuiy routne s, fey iupevs on a nd mang et new o. re t | lay tlche- cosld10P.ste ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.mannget of ha - V olat
58、on of sregheningthesaey sueVsi in of ousouci ng contac or. C高清会议协作可同时发送2路视频流,无需配置双流盒等辅助设备;PC内容分辨率在SXGA XGA等常用分辨率下均可达到20帧/秒的动态效果,可完美再现PC操作过程;支持全动态高清双流发送,可在主视频流保持高清分辨率的前提下同步发送高清 全动态辅助视频流。丰富的高清接口HDMI-各类高清电视机、高清视频输入设备;HD-SDI-广电级专业接口,兼容专业级摄像机及显示设备; 高清分量YPbPr-标准高清接口,具备极好的兼容适应性; VGA-兼容各类大屏显示设备及PC输入;DVI-高清数
59、字接口;C端子-标清接口。卓越的音频效果支持 MPEG4-AACLC/LD)、MP3 G.722.1 Annex C、G.719 等多种宽频语音处理 技术,音频采样频率高达48KHz可提供更卓越的会议音频效果,更可通过自动 回声消除(AEC、背景噪声抑制(ANS、自动增益控制(AGC和自动唇音同步 等技术进一步提升音频体验。强大的会议功能快速召集采用便捷的B/S架构,在网络可达的任何一个地方,均可通过会控台召集会议;civiis, cmpre hensie ad ampig Saey Foundaion . Trul esoot ng managme nt mecaim, gie ul| ay
60、 t roe of ecnca lupe vn and relzt mana.ment, mpr ovid proe mang-et This.acmpetdthebo-rlowehhadela-eIoiepesue,amajrriskmang-et, compl d 2L of gea rsk s ad 3 Geea prbllms of govenaceC.mp chmi sty la cnsr ucion, tema contol andcomptheboleicae ittgatd ma saig vi brain of 0 - ntic ad tchnolg cal pr oecs,
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