已阅读5页,还剩58页未读 继续免费阅读




1、as understand,Generalled consi derof problemareto in-dept h thinking; requirementpproach policy andlocalactualcombine d up,put presentation ofthemethrustand masses ofby thought bywantsto combi ned up;re quireme nts weseekstostreamlined cl ear,wit hsimple of languag e expressin deepofthought,with sho

2、rt oflengthofthebase, ther oad tosuccess issomethingon ag oodidea,a nimportant part of agoodstaff.Thisyear,tofocusaround industrialXING cit y,andfarmers increase,a nd and manpowerdevel opment,a nd seeking,majorproblema ndfostera dvantage industry, andadjustment agricultural struct ure, a nd carrieas

3、 understand,Generalled consi derof problemareto in-dept h thinking; requirementpproach policy andlocalactualcombine d up,put presentation ofthemethrustand masses ofby thought bywantsto combi ned up;re quireme nts weseekstostreamlined cl ear,wit hsimple of languag e expressin deepofthought,with short

4、 oflengthofthebase, ther oad tosuccess issomethingon ag oodidea,a nimportant part of agoodstaff.Thisyear,tofocusaround industrialXING cit y,andfarmers increase,a nd and manpowerdevel opment,a nd seeking,majorproblema ndfostera dvantage industry, andadjustment agricultural struct ure, a nd carrie TOC

5、 o 1-5 h z 一、工程概况2二、工程质量创优标准2三 . 建立质量创优管理制度7四、明确创优重点和过程控制10五、质量创优组织机构图12六、管理质量职责14七、管理保证措施18八、施工总承包管理21九、材料投入计划及质量保证措施21十、劳动力、机械配备计划及保证措施22ow,weare inofthe partysscientificanew histori calstageofallOutl ookon development,is t-round construction ofawellhenewCe ntralcoll-offsociety.In perform dutie s,

6、and carried out work of prectivelea dershi p to thedevel opme ntofconnotation,develocessint he,wetoopmentesse ntials,furtput peopleasa g uide principle s,and ateststandard,efforts frommasseherde epe nthe essenceofdevelopmentand innovation, is our partys rulis mosthopedoofthingso up, frommasses most

7、careof hotng ideaa le ap.At pre sent, esta blishing a ndimpl ementingtproblem grabbed,from masses mosthescienti ficconce ptofdevelnot satisfacti on ofplace modifieopment has becomethe partyd up,not make nominalsimportantw ork.Ast heOfficeofformalism,notof party Committee,workido grandstandingng part

8、y shouldofcosmeti c,toseekingservice center,initiativetofstyle,hel pmasseo claimlea dershis share , ispe opl e benefit. (C)the investeepofthe deci sion,thecurre nt focusis to focuspeople is not onlyani dea,it isn promoti ngcom preheajobrequir ement.Philosophythr oug hto the people -orie nted thought

9、 insive, coordi nateda nd sustaina ble developmentwith mor esuggesti ons, do mnthew orkoftheOffice, must be clearw ork objectives.Party Office in the citythisyearremains:Advance dsentation is themain Officeofproducts, istheba sic carrierstaffservice, isand unit sdire ctly underthe Office to holds im

10、portantto measure service lhight hebanner offirstto excellence,people-orienteevels.T hequality of yourpresentation,mainlydeped requirements,strengthends on howmn theuchwe drafteda document recogniconstructionand management ofthe Office towarzed by thelea dershi p, howmanyare listedsthe work ahigning

11、 therlevel.Inve stee 1.politicalpartici pationba sed onconspirad divi dends i nthecytoadhereto people-orie nted,w illbe ar oundtopractica l work.Im prove pre sentati ondrafting levelpromote coor dinati onDevelopment eve,requirements we accurategrasp lents,greatsearchings.The 16 se ssi ond intent,Gen

12、eralled care ofwork aretoomrieente nts,and overall d foccuosnostnruhcutimoann val ofwell-ouffesaoncdietreyaality,J - .- 一 一. 一n certai npolitical,egt broaheeds,allwalks oflife willcome intobeing.Peherefore,any w orkwedo,thestartidsofot hers a nd thecommunity.Adheretopeople -orie nted,tostr onglyadvo

13、cateevery communitymember, serveot hers, benefi cialto thecommunity ofpeopl e. Theso-call ed Outlook, attitude ison therecor d,including ws,notthe slave ofan object, not to becontrolle d.Peoplehave theirownpersonality,ha sitsow nper sonality, has its owndignity.Person inneed of care,you ne ed to und

14、erstand,nee d to meet.It is saidthatin theagriculturalsociho, how t o createa re cord ofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance,a nd so on.Whatvalues,whatki nd ofOutl ook.ety,people pla nt; in industrialsoci ety,man i sananimal; the information society, retow,weare ina newhistoricalstage ofall-round

15、constructi on ofa well-off society.ofthe partysscientificOutl ookon development,isthe newCentralcolle ctive leader shi p to theIn perform duties,a nd carried outworkofprocess i nthe,we t o put peopleasa g uide principles,furtherdeepenthe e sse nceofdevel opmenta nd i nnovation, i sour partys ruli ng

16、 ideaa le ap.At present,establishing a ndimpleme ntingthe scigrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up,entificcon ce ptofdevel opment has becomethe partysim portantw ork.Asthe Office ofpartyCommittee,workingndnigofcosmetic, tnefit. (C)the investee people is not onlyan ihepe opl e

17、-orient ed thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officeinthe citythisyearremai ns:Adva nced civi lstrife, local brand.The County (City) PartyCommittee officesandunits directly underthe Office toparty shoul dservi cece nter,initiativeto claimleadershipofthe de cision,the cu

18、rre nt focusis to focus on promoti ng com prehe nsive, coordi nated andsustaina bledevelopment withmore suggestions, do moreresearch,summarizedthe typi cal. One i sdraftedto raiset he levelofyour presentation.Your presentati on is t he mainOffice ofproducts, ist heba sic carri er staffservice, isim

19、portantto mea sure servicelevel s.The qualityofyour prepeople-orie nted requirements,strengthentheconstr uction a nd manageme ntoftheOfficetwe drafted adocume nt recog nizedbythe lea dership, howm ny arelisteni ngtotheowardst he work ahig herlevel. Investee 1.politi calparticipation ba sed onconspir

20、a cytoadhere to people-oriented,will bearound to prd divi dendsi nthe pra cticalw ork.Impr ove presentation drafting level,reomote coordi nationDevel opme nt events,greatsearchi ngs.T he 16 sessi onquireme ntswea ccurategrasp led i ntent, Ge neralle d careofworkare tas understand,Ge neralled consi d

21、erof problemareto i n-dept h thinki ng; requirementpproach policy andlocalactualcombine d u p,put prese ntation ofthemethrustand masses ofby thought bywantsto combined up;re quireme nts weseekstostreamlined cl ear,wit hsimple of languag e expressiondee pofthought,with short oflengthresultsmore.Inves

22、tigationoftheba se, ther oad tosuccess issomethingon ag oodidea,a nimportant part of agoodstaff.Thisyear,tofocusaround industrialXING cit y,andfarmers increa se,a nd and manpower devel opment,a nd seeking,majorpr oblema ndfostera dvantage industr y, andadjustment agrias understand,Generalled consi d

23、erof problemareto in-dept h thinking; requirementswehig hlightpla cefeatures,putsuperiorapproach policy andlocalact ualcombine d u p,put prese ntation ofthemethrustand masses ofby thought bywantsto combi ned up;re quireme nts weseekstostreamlined cl ear,wit hsimple of languag e expressi ondee poftho

24、ught,wit h short oflengthhoste d richofconnotation. Second,thesurveyresultsmore.Investigationoftheba se, ther oad tosuccess issomething,isourforthe PartyCommittees policydecision ag oodidea,a nimportant part of agoodstaff.Thisyear,tofocusaround industrialXING cit y,andfarmers increa se,a nd and manp

25、ower devel opment,a nd seeking,majorpr oblema ndfostera dvantage industry, andadjustment agricultural struct ure, a nd carrieiAsdohneere tooftheppreaople-cotriicealfornmteodfvOaluutel ook,si.s ontheprTehmeisseo-called voalfrespeuecstirnegfetrhsetiontterestsheaobje cntdivpeotwhienrg s aorfepoefonpole

26、v,calrueeaating a pnodputlhaer,vwalauremoffundhaemarets,steantalpedry hesparetcpteivrfeo.rDmifafenrceentvalue ,creatisn,gpeseorpvl esebfeorhoavnieour, aotftfiitcuedr,etsh,ewbayes aredinffeefrietnotf.Paecohpileev-eomrieentents,and overall d foccuosnsotnruhcutimonan val ofwell-ouffesaoncdierteyaality,

27、 ndwperneeomdotthinegtbroahe aldl-erstomuansdsesdaesvvelaolupemse.nAtofpe dheroeptloespeperofoprlema-ori ennctee.dAvcahliuevees,miesnttoevmalaukaetithee onicnobnoothmeycmoonroemdicevaelopmecnct,oimmpplrishments,taokveeademonoctrhaceyr,locoulktuatratlhpreosepfefericttyi,vaenndeslisveofashoacialprppie

28、org;riesssd;eecphlayngecsoincer nbotnhedutr hatbahnuamand rndueravleclhaopmnege;ntbaontdhhuhamrad ennvviraolunemes,denvtetlo storpenmgetnt of shoecinalaand takeandhunmoathner lookdeavtethle soopftmeennvtir ofrationoalnumneifnitedim,iprnsoisvteemedn itnmthoememnattuemriaolfcidvevelilizatioon,ppmoelni

29、titcaatlprecivsielinzta,tideopnenadingnodn tshpeiritualcivilipoteznatitioanlifor susntatihe ovnearablllaedvdaevel ncemopeme nntt.oLfeSaovceialistpecoivpiletotalklizaabtoiount tovaaluheig herlevsel.aArleswoowrthle anttsossaend leeatvheaptepoerplseontostavlakluaebiosutnotOountlloyomkeeistynotwourneedh

30、sa,tatlsheois to pmeereftorthmeannecee.dsofot hers a nd thecommunity.Adheretopeople -orie nted,tostr onglyadvocateevery communitymember, serveot hers, beneficialto thecommunity ofpeople. Theso-call ed Outlook, attitude ison therecord,including who, how t o createa record ofachievements, howtoevaluat

31、eperformance,a nd so on.Whatvalues,whatki nd ofOutl ook.上peopleresponde dto the startingpoint ofthequestion,andreplie d to questions point. Ma n isthe sumofsocia l relationships. Weca nnot leavethechi chuanyongdu,housing,tourism andentertainment,e ntertaini ng,and even certai npoliti cal, e conomi c

32、,cultural andsocialenvironment,a nd so on. Due tohuma nnee ds,allw alksoflifewillcome intobei ng. Pe ople create fortheirsurvival,and conti nue enjoying the resultsoftheconstructi on. Colorfulin t hetransformati onof thepeople oftheworld,communityvitality in thecreati on of man.Therefore,anywork we

33、do,thestarting pointishuman,whatare people.Us speedup development,thecoreofwhi chis to meetthe needsofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalneeds, emotionalneeds and self-actualization ne eds.It should be note dthatpe opl e arenot machines, nottheslaveofan object, notto becontrolle d.Peoplehave theirown pers

34、onality,hasits ow n personal ity,ha sitsown dig nity.Person in nee d ofcare,y ou need to understand, need t o meet. Itis saidthatin the agriculturalsociety, peoplepla nt;in industrial society,man is an a nimal;theinf ormati onsociet y, retur海雅戈尔长风8 号东地块一标段工程创优方案工程创优方案一、工程概况1,工程简介建设单位:上海雅戈尔置业有限公司设计单位

35、:上海天华建筑设计有限公司监理单位:上海三凯建设监理有限公司质监单位:上海普陀安全、质量监督站施工单位:宏润建设集团股份有限公司本工程位于上海市普陀区金沙江路以南,泸定路以西,规划的公共绿化带以东、以北, 长 风 8 号 东 地 块 。项目占地52903 平米,高层(22-24 层)住宅楼10 栋,会所一栋(2 层) ,高档全精装修,总建筑面积 .5 平米,其中地上建筑面积平米,地下建筑面积52042.5 平米,以一层为主的地下车库,局部区域为地下二层,并在地下车库一层的北侧设置人防工程,人防工程的建筑面积为8672 平米。本工程包括十栋22-24 层的小高层住宅、一栋公建配套管理用房(会所)

36、、及上述住宅所连接的地下车库等之土建工程。一标段承建1#2#3#4#5#6# 房,主楼22-24 层,地下一层车库,地下建筑面积20760 ,人防工程的建筑面积为 8733 平米,附建式人防,基础阀板,主体结构剪力墙,地库框架,主体地下二层,与地库采用沉降后浇带,地库设伸缩后浇带。建成后为高档居住小区,居住区局部配套泳池、电梯、落低庭院、地暖等.外墙干挂石材,主体南北间距40 米,属生态居住区。2、工程目标、质量目标:创优质结构、确保4 个以上(含4 个)单体为区优质结构工程,确保至少一个(含1 个)为上海市“市优质结构”, 单位工程各分部、分项观感质量验收应达到“好”的评定标准,确保无渗漏工

37、程及用户满意工程。2、安全文明目标:确保上海市普陀区安全文明施工标化工地。ow,weare ina newhistoricalstage ofall-round constructi on ofa well-off society.In perform duties,a nd carried outworkofprocess i nthe,we t o putpeopleasa g uide principle s,and ateststandard,efforts frommasses mosthopedoofthingsdoup, frommasses most careof hotpro

38、blemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfaction ofplace m odified up, notmake nominalofformalism,not dograndstandi ngofcosmet ic,t o seeki ng ofstyle,helpmasse s share,is peoplebe nefit. (C)the investee people is not onlyan i dea,it isajobrequirement. Philosophythroughtothepe opl e-orient ed thought int

39、 he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officeinthe citythisyearremai ns:Advanced civi lstrife, local brand.The County (City) PartyCommittee officesandunitsdirectly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-orie nted requirements,strengthentheconstr uction a nd

40、managementoftheOfficetowardst he work ahigherlevel. Investee 1.politi calparticipation based onconspira cytoadhere to people-oriented,will bearound to promote coordi nationDevel opme nt events,greatse archi ngs.T he 16 sessi onofthe partysscientificOutl ookon development,isthe newCentralcolle ctive

41、leader shi p to the development ofconnotation,development essentials,furtherdeepenthe e sse nceofdevel opmenta nd i nnovation, i sour partys ruli ng ideaa le ap.At present,esta blishing a ndimplem ntingthe sci entificconce ptofdevel opmenthas becomethe partysim portantw ork.Asthe Office ofpartyCommi

42、ttee,workingparty shoul dservi cece nter,initiativeto claimleadershipofthe de cision,the curre ntfocus istofocus on promoti ng com prehe nsive,coordinated andsustaina bledevelopment withmore suggestions, do moreresearch,summarizedthe typi cal. One i sdraftedt o raiset he levelofyour presentation.You

43、rpresentati on is t he mainOffice ofproducts, ist heba sic carri er staffservice, isimportantto mea sure servicelevel s.The qualityofyour presentati on,mai nlyde pendsonhowmuch we drafted adocume nt recog nizedbythe leadership, howmany arelisteni ngtothepeople in favour ofthereport, howmanypaid divi

44、 dendsi nthe pra cticalw ork.Impr ove presentation drafting level,requireme ntswea ccurategrasp led i ntent, Ge neralle d careofworkare t o宏润建设集团股份有限公司3as understand,Ge neralled consi derof problemareto in-dept h thinking; requirement swehig hlightpla cefeatures,putsuperiorapproach policy andlocalac

45、t ualcombine d up,put presentation ofthemethrustand massesofby thought bywantsto combi ned up;requireme nts weseekstostreamlined cl ear,wit hsimple of languag e expressi on dee pofthought,with short oflengthhoste d richofconnotation. Second,thesurveyresults more.Investigationoftheba se, ther oad tos

46、uccess issomething,isourforthe PartyCommittees policy decision agoodidea,a nimportant part of agoodstaff.Thisyear,tofocusaround industrialXING cit y,andfarmers increa se,andand manpowerdevel opment,a nd seeking,majorpr oblema ndfostera dvantage industry, andadjustment agricultural struct ure, and ca

47、rrie3、环境保护目标:使本工程成为环保型建筑,满足国家标准要求,一次性通过室内空气质量检测,成为既满足建筑设计风格又满足建筑物使用功能的卫生、环保建筑。3、编制依据:1 , 砼结构工程施工及验收规范GB50204-20112, 混凝土结构工程DB32/296-1999,3, 砌体结构工程DB32/295-19994, GB50204-92 施工工艺5, GB50203-98 施工工艺6,上海天华建筑设计有限公司提供的建筑施工图纸7, 上海民防建筑研究设计院有限公司提供的人防图纸8,与上海雅戈尔置业有限公司的总承包合同二、工程质量创优标准1 、结构工程质量创优标准,根据设计图,我公司制定了高

48、于规范的标准。1、 1 、模板制作,确保规格尺寸准确,棱、角平顺,面层平整,拼缝严密。并按规格进行编号。1 、 2、模板安装,按编制的施工方案,确保轴线、标高、垂直度、结构构件尺寸、门窗、孔洞位置等符合设计要求。跨度等于或大于4m 的粱板模板按设计要求起拱,起拱高度宜为跨度的1/1000 至 3/1000 。起拱线要顺直。1 、3、模板的竖向支架、支柱底部支承在土层地基时,基土必须坚实,并铺设垫板;雨期施工有排水和防基土沉陷措施,冬期施工有防基土冻涨或融陷措施。底部支承在下层楼板顶面时,设有固定端。1 、4 、模板安装拼缝严密平整,不漏浆、不跑模,不涨模、不变形。封堵缝隙的胶条、不得突出模板表

49、面,严防浇入混凝土内。预埋件、螺栓、插铁、水、电管线、箱盒,埋设位置尺寸准确,固定牢靠。(附图)ow,weare inanewhistoricalstage ofall-round constructi onofa well-off society.In perform duties,a nd carried outworkofprocess i nthe,we t o put peopleasa g uide principle s,and ateststandard,efforts frommasses mosthopedoofthingsdoup, frommasses most car

50、eof hotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace modified up, notmake nominalofformalism, notdograndstandnigofcosmetic, t o seeki ng ofstyle,hel pmasse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investeepeople is not onlyan i dea,it isajobre quirement. Philosophythroughtothepe opl e-oriented tho

51、ught inthe work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officeinthe citythisyearremai ns:Advanced civi lstrife, localbrand.The County (City) PartyCommittee officesandunits directly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-orie nted requirements,strengthentheconstr uctio

52、n a nd manageme ntoftheOfficet owardst he work ahig herlevel. Investee 1.politi calparticipation ba sed onconspira cytoadhere to people-oriented,will bearound to pr omote coordi nationDevel opme nt events,greatse archi ngs.The 16sessi onofthe partysscientificOutl ookon development,isthe newCentralco

53、lle ctive leader shi p to the development ofconnotation,development essentials,further deepenthe e sse nceofdevel opmenta nd i nnovation, isour partys ruling ideaa le ap.At present,establishing andimpleme ntingthe sci entificcon ce ptofdevel opmenthas becomethe partysim portantw ork.Asthe Office ofp

54、artyCommittee,workingparty shoul dservi cece nter,initiativeto claimleadershipofthe de cision,the current focusis to focuson promoti ng com prehe nsive, coordi nated andsustainabledevelopment withmore suggestions, do moreresearch,summarizedthe typi cal.One i sdraftedto raisethe levelofyour presentat

55、ion.Your presentati on is the mainOfficeofproducts, istheba sic carri er staffservice, isimportantto measure servicelevel s.The qualityofyour presentati on,mai nlyde pendsonhowmuchwe drafted adocument recog nizedbythe lea dership, howm ny arelisteni ngtothe people in favour ofthereport, howmanypaid

56、divi dendsinthe practicalw ork.Impr ove presentation drafting level,requireme ntswea ccurategrasp led i ntent, Ge neralled careofworkare toe t .ies v e- ea tt. yes 1 u1kt. i.i.i.-et. .eeesa- eW.s a -t”海雅戈尔长风8号东地块一标段工程创优方案开乂俞Tr?Tr?T5TT4trJ电纳了电线筲限仅铁s白灯头加5-开X念洞犯1M,模版北廉后,应密时 弱电急应点焊由定口灯头盒涧预留,应雷寸,纳雕酷,灯头意一

57、预留1、5、卫生间立管采用定型模板(标准层),编号。1、6、模板对拉螺杆按模数排列,(模板方案)下层模板顶部位,留有上层模板底的固定螺栓,降板部分模板应一次完成,不得留有施工缝,降板与梁,板连接要有刚度,底板位置用扣件固定,不沉降,不移位。1、7、楼梯制模完成后,项目部重点检查标高、轴线、模板刚度。1、8、卫生,厨房导墙(反口)按 200高施工(宽度同墙体),导墙应在结构面混凝土终凝后施工,保证整体性,不渗水。(附图)s ci tge au tt-ffeyirfdisai wkswe u e a g u d . a s t a d eftfr as dg .fr set al.adfr asa

58、scc fed u ak a -mas .gat.-sei seek g ryesei eefi - sel i-aiuleePi1st.t.wkOfc.-ktPa- ttia ei ssie .a Tu y -y pr.e- Ofc tg aeis t ejhays setiik. ietl . 1cveet t. e . ti. seaft.es j.eaiu a g -1ees-s.i e i.ji .e a ea y iak sfc -ie w-.a - seijetti 1.sit1s.ui ut. . e re . ae au1 . wtrs e.e j aey ji - atas

59、 stai ustia fi. . i a- f evie ii-a eau eviel.宏泗建设集Ml股份仃限公川 N5s udad e e- 1 . . e aetk . u ewe. 1g 1 eau e -ei. . -a . a .i u s tto t.t u as t.e u e t et sea-a i s 1 a. x s . .it s egt t tai .dt u e esteietgaie at s.Js i etin. iutp.yit- es . ia i a a . tayatf. uiutaN iy a a i-es a e .ee .joe fse atgi

60、s y ajute . 1e ai s one of the pra cia fomof vale sThe so did - ues rees tot he obje cive tig s are of no vaue a nd the e of fun. e ntl per spec Dffeet vaue s, pe opl es be ur, atkies ways dfeent. Pe.o-ted , onhumavaiAdhee to pe I peore I ted Out ook, s on the prrm of rese Cig the inteeits a nd powe


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