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1、Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 41 A class of the world学习目标 Know more about the worlds geography. pare the physical features with the Asian physical features.新课导入There are many countries in the world. Do you want to know them? 新课讲解THINK ABOUT ITWhich country would you like to visit? Why?What do you know

2、 about that country? Ms. Morin teaches English in Edmonton. The students in her class e from all over the world. Last week, she asked her students to prepare presentations about their home countries. Today is the time to “show and tell”新课讲解Mariana Today I want to tell you about my home countryBrazil

3、. Its the largest country in South America. It has a huge river called the Amazon and a rainforest with more trees than you can imagine. My people are known for our fun dances and colourful culture.新课讲解Akia Ten years ago, my family came to Canada. We came from Turkey. Do you know that Turkey is in b

4、oth Europe and Asia? There is a famous bridge called the Bosphorous Bridge.It connects Europe and Asia. Turkey is modern and old, rich and poor. Everything es together to make it a great place to discover.新课讲解 I was born in Egypt. Many tourists know about the pyramids, but there are other interestin

5、g things to see and do in Egypt. You can relax on a boat tour of the Nile. You can ride a camel in the Sahara Desert or walk in the ancient markets in Cairo. Many things in Egypt will surprise you, not just the pyramids.Ahmed新课讲解Im from China. My country has a long history and rich culture. It has t

6、he largest population in the world. It has developed quickly in recent years. The Great Wall and the Terra Cotta Warriors are famous all around the world.Liu Yang More students e to the front to talk about their countries with pride. All of them are proud of their home countries.新课讲解Language point 1

7、Last week, she asked her students to prepare presentations about their home countries.prepare作及物动词时的用法: prepare/prpe(r)/v.准备;预备prepare sth.“准备某物”,后接名词或代词作宾语。宾语表示准备的内容。Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.妈妈正在厨房准备晚饭。新课讲解prepare sth. for sb.“为某人准备某物”She prepared a nice breakfast for us.她给我们准备了可口

8、的早餐。prepare oneself for sth. “使自己对某事有准备”He prepared himself for defeat.他使自己对失败做好准备。prepare oneself to do sth. “准备做某事”He is preparing himself to go on a trip.他正准备去旅行。新课讲解Language point 2It has a huge river called the Amazon and a rainforest with more trees than you can imagine.imagine的用法:imagine sth.

9、想象某物I can imagine the scene clearly.我能清晰地想象这个情景。imagine that 从句 设想I once imagined that he was a thin and tall man.我曾设想他是个高高瘦瘦的男人。imagine/mdn/想象;设想新课讲解imagine sb./sth.to be.想象某人/某物是The boy imagined himself to be a pilot.那个男孩想象自己是一个飞行员。imagine doing想象做She imagined walking into the office and handing i

10、n her resignation.她想象着自己走进办公室,递上辞呈。imagine sb. doing sth.想象某人做某事I cant imagine myself teaching in front of so many people.我不能想象自己在那么多人面前教书。新课讲解Language point 3My people are known for our fun dances and colourful culture.be known for因而闻名,相当于be famous for。e.g. Scotland has many lakes and mountains, an

11、d is known for its beautiful countryside.苏格兰有许多湖泊和山脉,并因其美丽的乡村而名。新课讲解1Lets Do It ! Read the lesson and tick the correct answers.1Where does Ahmed e from? Brazil. Turkey. Egypt.2Wheres the Amazon? In Brazil. In Turkey. In Egypt.3What connects Europe and Asia? The Amazon. The Bosphorous Bridge. The Nil

12、e.4What can you do in the Sahara Desert? Walk in the markets. Ride a camel. Take a boat tour.新课讲解2 Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks. Brazil is the _country in South America. It has a huge river _the Amazon. Turkey is in both _and_. The wellknown Bosphorous Bridge _Europe and Asia.calledl

13、argest EuropeconnectsAsia新课讲解 Besides the pyramids in Egypt, there are other things to see and do. Many things in Egypt will _you. China has a long history and rich culture. It has the largest_. The Great Wall is _around the world.surprisepopulationfamous新课讲解3Fill in the blanks with the correct form

14、s of the given words.1Lots of_(tour) e to visit that famous place.2That lazy bear always_(relax) 15 hours a day. Thats why hes a little bit heavy now.3The students are busy_(prepare) for the ing exams.touristsrelaxespreparing新课讲解4A bridge_(call) the Golden Gate Bridge_(surprise) us a lot. We hope to

15、 travel back there again someday.5That lady took great_(proud) in her sons.called surprised pride新课讲解4Write a passage about your home city or town.Task tips: Where is it? How big is it? What is the population? What is it famous for? Beijing is my hometown. It is the capital city of our country. It i

16、s a city in northern China. It has a population of nearly 20 million. It covers more than 16,000 square kilometres in area. Beijing is known for its places of interest,such as the Great Wall,Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum,and so on.当堂小练词语运用 1. Brazil is the_ (large) country in South America. 2. She takes great_(proud) in her childrens su ess. 3. Its hard to imagine_(live)on the moon. 4. There is a famous bridge_(call) the Bosphorous Bridge in Turkey. 5. Linda stayed up late and p_ herself for the math exam last night. largestpridelivingcalled repared课堂小结重点单词:prepare, imagine, pride重点


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