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1、Unit 6 Lets Go!Lesson 34: On the Farm学习目标1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:countryside,feed,pick,friendly。2.让学生了解更多表示农场生活的词汇。3.让学生了解一些有关表示动作进行的句型。 思 考新课导入思 考Have you ever been to a farm?你去过农场吗?新课导入思 考What can you see on the farm?animalsplants新课导入Do you know these animals?goat chickendogsheepcatrabbitcow pig新课导入Look

2、 and guess!What are they doing?新课讲解Jack: Wow, Li Ming! This farm is beautiful and its so far from the city.Li Ming: I love the farm! The _ is so nice and quite.Jack: What do you like to do here?Li Ming: I like to _ the animals and _ vegetables and fruit. e on! Lets feed the animals!Jack: I m afraid.

3、 Are the animals friendly?Li Ming: Dont worry! The animals are very nice. e on! We can feed the cows.Jack: OK.countrysidefeedpick新课讲解Li Ming: You are doing a good job, Jack! The cows like you.Jack: Thanks! They are eating very _.Li Ming: This is my favourite cow. Her name is Niuniu.Jack: Hello, Niun

4、iu. Are you hungry?Niuniu: Moo.Jack: She is answering me. This is fun!quicklyListen and fill in the blanks.Li Ming and Jack are feeding the cows.新课讲解Language point 11.And its so far from the city. so意为“如此”,表示程度,用作副词,在句中可以修饰形容词或副词。My mom is so happy.我妈妈如此的高兴。far from意为“远离”。My new home is far from the

5、 city.我的新家远离城市。【拓展】far的反义词是near。We live near our uncles.我们住得和叔叔家很近。新课讲解Language points 22.I like to feed the animals and pick vegetables and fruit. feed 意为“饲养,喂养,供养”。e.g.Dont feed the animals at the zoo.不要在动物园喂动物。e.g.He has a big family to feed.他得养活一大家子人。新课讲解Language points 33. e on! e on表示请求、鼓励、劝说等

6、,意为“来吧;行啦”。e.g.Come on,Lucy,come on.Dont be so shy.来吧,露西,来吧。别这么害羞。4.Are the animals friendly? friendly用作形容词,意为“友好的”,短语be friendly to意为“对某人友好”。e.g.John is friendly to his classmates.约翰对他的同学们非常友好。新课讲解Language points 45.Dont worry! worry用作动词,意为“担心”,worry about属于动词短语,意为“担心”。e.g.Dont worry about me,mom!妈

7、妈,不要担心我!【拓展】worry的形容词是worried,构成短语:be worried about担心。e.g.Parents are worried about their children.父母担心他们的孩子。新课讲解Language points 56.You are doing a good job,Jack! do a good job意为“做得好”。e.g.Mary is doing a good job.玛丽做得很好。新课讲解Listen to the passage and match the people with the actions.isfeeding the ch

8、icken.playing with the dog.picking apples.新课讲解Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm with Jack. This farm is beautiful and its so _ from the city. Li Ming _ the farm. The _is so nice and quiet. He likes to _the animals and _ vegetables and fruit. The animals are

9、very _. His favourite cowIs Niuniu.farlovesfarmfeedpicknice新课讲解Pair workWork in pairs. Talk about your favourite animals. Draw a picture and write about your favourite animal.新课讲解Tips: What does it eat? What colour is it? Is it big or small? Is it cute? Can you feed it?_新课讲解Example I have a cat. Her

10、 name is Little Girl.She is white and brown. Her eyes are very big, but her mouth and nose arevery small. She is very quiet and cute.I like her very much. 当堂小练一、按要求改写句子。1. Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm. (画线提问)_2. This farm is beautiful! (改为感叹句)_3. We can feed the cows. (画线提问)_Whose farm is Li Ming visiting?How beautiful this farm is!What can you feed?当堂小练4. The cows like you. (改为一般疑问句)_The animals are friendly. (转换为同义句)_The cows dont


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