



1、8A Unit 1 Friends姓名班级一,单项选择()1. Tm very.Could you please get me some water?A. hungry B. happyC. illD. thirsty()2.playing chess after school ?A. Lets B. What about C. Why not D. Dont()3. She is honest girl. A., a B. / C. an D. the()4. Li Lei is one of in our class.A. best students B. a good student C

2、. the best students D. good students )5. She would like to be artist in future.A. a;/B. an; the C. an; a D. the; the)6. No one plays with him, so he feels very.A. happyB. happilyC. boredD. boring)7. -is your height? -180 cm.A. HowB. WhatC. How longD. How far)8. Jack is as as his best friend.A. more

3、hard-working B. hard work C. most hard-working D. hard-workingC. famous D. greatD. handsomeD. easyD. better)9. Mo Yan is an writer. A. excellent B. useful)10. This man is our English teacher.A. beautiful B. prettyC. sweet)11.1 think maths is than Chinese.A. more difficult B. difficult C. hard )12. W

4、ho is swimmer, Peter, Simon or Millie?A. fastB. the fastest C. best)13. Our classroom is larger than theirs.A. more B. quiteC. veryD. much)14. At last he began to cry.A. hard and hardB. more hard and more hardC. harder and harderD. less hard and less harder)15. He knows a little about Maths and his

5、brother knows even.A. muchB. moreC. lessD. fewer)16. -Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday afternoon?-Yeah.we had!A. How a fun B. What funC. What a fun D. How fun)17. China is country in the world.A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third l

6、argest )18. One of the popular expressions in 2012positive energy”.A. isB. areC. wasD. were)19. Of all the subjects, English is for me.A. interestingB. more interestingC. the most interestingD. much more interesting)20. -How long will take you to repair my bike ?-Half an hour.A. thereB. thatC. itD.

7、this)21. Tm so hungry, can I have?A. anything eat B. something eating C. anything to eat D. something to eat )22. There is a big cake.share it.A. May be we can B. We may beC. Maybe can we D. Maybe we can)23. We are all sorry to hear that the number of the Asian tigers is getting these years.A. fewer

8、B. smallerC. moreD. bigger)24. There arent enough chairs. Would you please ones here?A. to bring another threeB. bring more threeC. to take three otherD. bring three more)25. He always tells funny things to me and always.A. makes me to laughB. makes me laughingC. makes me laughD. makes me laughs)26.

9、all the singers, I like Song Zuying best.A. Among B. Of C. In D. A and B)27. The weather in Shenyang is even colder.A. than that in Beijing B.than Beijing C.than in Beijing D.as that in Beijing)28. If there no buying and selling of animals, there no killing in nature.A. will be; is B. is; isC. to; a

10、t D. at; to)29. She is very patient young children.A. withB. inC. at D. of()30. Mr Li asks us to remember that careful we are,mistakes we will make.A. the more; the fewerB. the fewer; the moreC. the more; the moreD. the less; the fewer()31. Look at the two beautiful models. The one in red is of them

11、.A. the slimmestB. slimmer C. the slimmer D. slim()32. “Three“ is three timesone and twiceone”.A. as much as; as much asB. more than; more thanC. as much as; more thanD. more than; much as()33. - She keeps her room clean. - What a girl!A. helpfulB. tidyC. friendlyD. beautiful用所给单词的适当形式填空think good f

12、riends should be (help).Yesterday he(give) his seat to an old woman on the bus.He jumped into the water when he heard a boy(call) for help.You need some food when you are(hunger).My father can do it(good).dont believe him because he is(honest).Peter is(heavy)of the three boys.She wants to be a(sing)

13、.She uses her bedroom as her(draw) room.A good friend should(is) honest.He is very( humour)As a student, we should do our(good) to study hard.This book is not as(interest) as that one.She is fat. Do you know her(weigh)?15.1 am(will) to teach these children.Jiao Liuyang is one of the best(swim) in th

14、e world. She swims very fast.- Why Robin is(happy) all the day? - She lost her favourite book.Aging has become a(society) problem in our country.-It kept raining the whole day last Sunday. I had to stay at home.-Me too. It was the(bad) day this month.Lang lang is famous for(play) the piano.三.句型转换The

15、re is nothing wrong with my bike . (写出同义句) There wrong with my bike .Would you like to see a film with me ?(写出同义句)you to see a film with me ?Our monitor (班长)is very tall and strong.(对划线局部提问) your monitor like?The boy is the tallest in his class.(写出同义句)The boy is than student in his class.Please give

16、 the old man your seat.(写出同义句)Pleasethe old man.Would you like to drink something?(写出同义句)Would you like?Do you believe your mothers words?(写出同义句)Do you believe your mother?.南京是世界上最古老的城市之一。Nanjing is in the world. 教室里没有其他人 了 o in the classroom.我不相信你,因为你不老实。I dont you, because you,re not.我可以和他讲任何事情,因为

17、他总会替我保密。I can, because he always me.我认为好朋友还应该是有趣的I think6他长大后想当一名教师。He when he.他不喜欢和别人交朋友。He doesnt like to others.这个男孩从不撒谎。The boy never.9他没有时间关心他的孩子。He has no time to his children.我的老师很有幽默感。My teacher has. Marry 从来不说别人的坏话。Marry never about others. May 既可爱又漂亮。.May is. May喜欢说她朋友们坏的事情。May likes to ab

18、out.当有事情烦扰我时候,我总是会去找她。When something me, I can always. May 是一个真正的朋友。May is a.她在任何时候都愿意帮助别人。She help people. 他是我们班最高的男生。He is in our class.她的嗓音很棒,她想将来成为一个歌手。She has. She wants to be a singer.他戴着又小又圆的眼镜,这副眼镜使他看起来很聪明。He glasses and they.他讲很有趣的笑话,并且总是让我大笑。He and always.我的爸爸是一名艺术家,他有很多的艺术品。My father is a

19、nd he has lots of.澳大利亚因袋鼠而著名。 Australia its kangaroos.当他经过课桌时,他总是把我的书撞到地上。When he the desk, he often my book the floor.他的脸是方形的。He.我想成为一名社会工作者当我长大的时候。I wantawhen I. 我第次见至U她在两年前oI two years ago.他既是我最好的朋友,又是我的同学。He is my classmate.她的明亮的,带着笑意的眼睛,让她看起来既美丽又善良。Her eyes make her.当我觉得无聊或者不开心的时候,我经常去找他。When I

20、,I oftenher.她总是脸上带着微笑,看起来很开心。She always and.五.完形填空 One day Daddy and I went out a walk. On the way we 2 a lot of people. We went up and 3 a look. Oh, dear! 4 did we see? There 5 a donkey(驴)in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get 6.Then a policeman came.n 7 donk

21、ey is this?” he asked. Its 8 J said a farmer, “but I 9 move it. The policeman and the farmer did 10 best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the 11 of the cars and the buses were 12.nWe cant move the donkey/* the farmer and the policeman said. What shall we do? Give him a carr

22、ot/ my father said. H 13 a good idea! said the farmer.Soon he found a 14 and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, itjumped up and walked after the farmer. 15 thejumped up and walked after the farmer. 15 the)1. A. for )2. A. saw )3. A. enjoyed )4. A. When )5. A. is )6. A. past )7. A

23、. Who )8. A. mine )9. A. can )10. A. his )11. A. drivers )12. A. worried )13. A. Hes )14. A. carrot )15. A. Some ofB. fromC. atD. onB. lookedC. looked forD. watchedB. hadC. playedD. gaveB. WhereC. WhatD. WhichB. wasC. hasD. hadB. toC. onD. upB. WhosC. WhichsD. WhoseB. meC. youD. myB. cantC. couldD.

24、couldntB. herC. theirD. itsB. workersC. ridersD. teachersB. happyC. gladD. pleasedB. She*sC. Which isD. That*sB. catC. dogD. camelB. Little ofC.A11D. Few ofcars and buses could get past at last.八任务型阅读Dear Zhang Hua;Do you know anything about Thailand? It is a country in South-east Asia. I have been

25、in Thailand for a few days with my parents. We are here for a holiday.Now we are staying in Bangkok(曼谷).It is the capital of Thailand and it is a very interesting place to visit. Yesterday we visited some places of interest in the city. They are great! This morning we went shopping. Bangkok is a wonderful place to shop for jewellery and clothes. My mother bought a nice necklace. My father and I bought some fashionable T-shirts.Thailand is c


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