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1、2012 年在职GCT英语和参考(A 卷文字版)外语运用能力测试(英语)(50 题,每题 2 分,满分 100 分)Part One Vocabulary and StructureDirections:There are tenplete sentenhis prt. For each sentence there re fourchoimarked A, B, C and D. Choose the onet best completes the sentence. Markyour answer on the ANSWER SHEET wisingle line through the

2、center.1. I realized I had let myself in something from which there was no turning _ _.A. around B. backC. away D. Down2. You are to stay at the howhere roomsfor you.A. have been booked B. are bookedC. would be booked D. were booked3. If you _to my advice, you wouldnt beA. listen B. listenedC. had l

3、istened D. would listenhis mess right now.4. Those close to him are _A. ensured B. confirmedt he hopes to stay on tillof his term.C. supe D. Convinced5.Working women havent left the family ro even harder to do both.A. expected B. wishedC. hoped D. Desiredehind: now they are _ _to work6. Modem techno

4、logy has broughtA. competent B. convenientC. conscious D. Completemunication betn people far apart.7. Under no_ _ are children allowed tols to their parents.A. circumstanB. situationsC. occas D. Moments8. We need a more capable leader, _ _wistrong will as well as good humor.A. who B.tC. one D. which

5、9. The lectures,_ _ the current hot ies, were well received.A.t coveredcoveredcoveringto cover10. Being anelligent boy, he _ _ such a foolish mistake.A. neednve made B. canve madeC. wonve made D. wouldnve madePart Two Reading ComprehenDirections:his part there are three passages and one chart ,each

6、followed by jive questionsor unfinished sements. For each of them, there are four choimarked A, B, C andD. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET wi line through the center.Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage:singleEver won the lottery? No? But didt stop you buyi

7、ng another lottery ticket? If the answeris another “no, you might call yourself an optimist.According to researchers at University College London , human beings are sanguinecreatures. It is allhe brain, they say. A study suggestst human brain is very efficienprosing good news: about 80% of people ha

8、ve a tendency to see the glass as half-full, nothalf-empty, even if they dont consider themselves to be optimists.The good news ist this brings a health benefit , Having aitive outlook on life reduanxiety. A study of nearly 100,000 women showed a lower risk of death from heart disease among optimist

9、s.But there are problems in always having an optimistic attitude. The authors of the study pooutt the 2008 finanl crisis may have been caused byysts overestimating their assetsperformance evenThere arehe face of clear evidence to the contrary.al health risks too. Dr Tali Sharot, lead researcher,said

10、: Smoking Killsmessages dont work since people think their chanof cancer are low. Theres a veryfundamental tendencyhe brain.But , as they say , every cloud has a silver lining. Even if seeing the world throughrose-colored glasseses a risk to our health, its not somethingt is likely to cause us to lo

11、sesleep. Lets just keep our chins up and keep smiling!11. What does “sanguine” (para.2) mean ?A .Depressed B Cheerful C. Lucky D. Emotional12. The study mentioned in Paragraph 2 indicatesA. are more optimisticn they bevet people_ .B. are less optimisticC. like good news moren they beven they thinkD.

12、 like good news lessn they think13 .What study mentioned in Paragraph 2 indicatesCollecting false informationOveremJ1hasizing evidence.Misjudging the situation.t people _ _.D. Givingssimistic forecast.The author suggestshe last paragrapht we_ _adjust our goals in lifelearn to release bad moodC. avoi

13、d beinD. maain aeroptimisticitive attitude15 .what is the main of the passage ?A. People tend to be optimistic even in crisis.B. Optimisjoy life bettern pessimists.C. Being optimistic has both benefits and risks.D. Optimism is what keeps us going forward.Questions 16-20 are based on the following pa

14、ssage:Thet its offi market forernational Olympic Committee (IOC) has launched an investigationo allegationslsoren 50 countries have been selling London Olympics tickets on the blackprofit. The IOC mean emergency sesnday Times newspon Saturday to lookr. The pr claimsto a pile ofevidence uncovered by

15、Britainhigh-ringOlympic offils have been selling tickets for the games at hugely inflated pri. The highestpriced tickets on the black market were for the mens 100-meter final. The roc has i sement saying it takes these allegations very seriously and has immediay taken theto investigate. ed astepsIOC

16、 rules forbid national Olympics committees from selling tickets overseas , increasingticket prior selling tickets to unauthorized,third-party resellers. Despite this, Sunday Timesundercover reporting as illegal ticket sellers say they have recorded evidence of 27 offilsselling tickets distributed to

17、 54 countries One of the most serious allegations was against theGreek Olympic CommitteeSpyros Capralos. He denies saying he had pulled stringswith the head of the London Olympics Sebastian Coe even though the prteds of itsreporters negotiations with Capralos on its website. Mr Capralos has so far r

18、efused to comment.16 The IOC is investigating its own offils for _.A. running the black market B. secretly meeting reportersC. illegally selling tickets D. criticizing Sunday Times17. The word “allegations “(Para.1)”probably means “_”A. discuss B. claimsC. announcements D. OpinionsSunday Times revea

19、led _.details about IOCs emergency sesevidence against some IOC offilsC. ticket prifor mens 100-meter finalD. pricing policy of the London Olympics19. Which of the following is NOT against the IOC rules concerning its offils?Selling ticketsRaising the priernationally.of the tickets.C. Selling ticket

20、s to unoffil resellers.D. Giving tickets to their friends.20 .Fawith the evidence against him , Capralos _ _blamed other offilsadmitted the factsC. ied a sementD. gave no responseQuestions 21-25 are based on the following passage:Pressed by competition and its own sucs, the popular search enginehas

21、createdan automated way to search for new employees who are fully appropriate as well ashigh-achieving.In a project, the 100,000 people who fill in online job applications foogle eaonthwill be asked to complete a complicated questionnaire(问卷) exploring their attitudes,behaviour, ality and background

22、s going back to their school days.The questions range from whether applicants have ever set a world record, to whether theirworkspace is messy or tidy or what magazines they read. Answers are studied byso themathematins to calculate a score meant to predict how wellrson will fitanizations diversifie

23、d and competitive culture.Psychometric tests( 心理测试) are already used by more traditional companies to selectworkers , but they are unheard of in a company like, which is built on a bef inindividual talent. The online questionnaire is based on the answers to 300 questions sent out lastsummer to every

24、 employee at the head office in Californias Silicon Valley. Some questions werefactual: What programming languages are you familiar with? Whaton?erneting lists are youOther questions, however, tried to establishality and behavioural characteristics:Have you ever tutored anotherson?We wanted to cast

25、a very wide net, said Laszlo Bock, Operations.It is not unusual to walko our office and bumps Vice-for Peopleo dogs. Maybe people who owndogs have someality featuret is useful.21has created a new way of recruiting in order to_ .find the most appropriate employeesbetter compete with other companiessp

26、read its unique co 叩orate cultureconduct an online research project22. The information gained from the questionnaire will be _ _.A.yzed in a reportB. summed up in a figureC.anizedo a chartD. kept in its raw se23 . What is true about theonline questionnaire?It was based on a survey of its employees.I

27、t focuses on background questions.C. It was designed by some mathematinsD. Is been filled out by 100,000 people24. What distinguishesonline questionnaire?A. Preferring those who own pets.B. Stressinerallal qualities.C. Asking more complex questions.D. Beving in high-achieving experience.25.By castin

28、g a wide net(last paragraph), Laszlo Bock meansA. recruiting a wide range of talentsfinding candidates with peculiaridentifying candidates with widepicking out as many applicants asality erestssibleQuestions26-30are based on the following chart :Cigarette Smoking by Grade Level: 2005-2009(说明:2005 年为

29、白框,2007 年为灰框,2009 年是黑框,扫描问题无法显示。)26. The pure of the chart is to show_ _ _the percentages of smokers in schoolsthe increase of smokers in grades 9-12 during 2005-2009the number of teenage smokers in grades 9-12the amount of money spent by young smokers- over the years27. Which grade had the highest

30、percentage of smokers in 2005?A. The 9th. B. The 10th.C. The 11th. D. The 12th28.The percentage of the 9th grade smokers in 2009 was _ A. 23.2 B. 25.2C. 31.2 D. 33.429. Which grade saw the greatest increase of smokers over the four years?A. The 9th. B. The 10th. C.The11th 可 D. The 12th.30. What tend

31、ency can we find from the chart? A .Smokers in all grades have increased.The higher the grade, the more the smokers.The older a student, the more he smokes.Low graders smoke less heavily.Part Three Cloze Directions:There are ten blshe following passage. For each numbered bl,there arefour choimarked

32、A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET wisingle line through the center.Working memory, or short-term memory, involves the ability to hold and useinformationhe immediate future.31 is only held in working memory for about 20 seconds.The challenget students32is to m

33、ove information from their working memorieso theirlong-term memories. If they dont do this in about thefew minutes after receiving theinformation,t information can be lost. To keep this newly learned material from33away,itneeds to enter the network of the brains wiring .After repeated practice, work

34、ing memories are set down as permanent neuronal(神经的) circuits34to be activated(激活) when the information is needed. When a memory has been recalled35 its neuronal circuits are more highly developedbecause of their repeated activation.36exercising a muscle, these circuits thene more efficient and easi

35、er to acs andactivate. Practice results37 repeated stimulation of the memory circuit. Like hikers along a path 38eventually leave a depreshe road, repeated practitimulates cellshe memory circuitsucht the circuit is reinforced andes 39. This means it can be quickly turned from off toon, and switched.

36、40through a variety of cues coming in from the senses.A. Material B. Information C. Knowledge D. AbilityA. have B. take C. face D. hold33. A slipB. turning C. moving D. stepA. useful B. good C. open D. readyA. usually B. often C. well D. soonA. During B. By C. Like D. UnlikeA. in B. at C. from D. wi

37、thA. where B. which C. what D. whoA. stronger B. weaker C .longer D. shorterA. over B. back C. off D. OnPart Four Dialogue Completion Part Three ClozeDirections:There are ten blshe following passage. For each numbered bl, there arefour choimarked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answ

38、er on theANSWER SHEET wisingle line through the center.Working memory, or short-term memory, involves the ability to hold and useinformationhe immediate future.31 is only held in working memory for about 20 seconds.The challenget students32is to move information from their working memorieso theirlong-term memories. If they dont do this in about thefew minutes after receiving theinformation,t information can be lost.


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