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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、 I usually choose to take the train to travel _ Im free.-So do I. I think we can enjoy something beautiful on the trainA beforeBwhenC afterD though2、Tom and I like

2、 many same things. And I find we have a lot .Ain public Bin need Cin common3、-Do you still play football?-Oh, no. I_ it for the past three years.Ahavent played Bdidnt play Cwont play Dhadnt played4、I left a message to my parents yesterday, but _ of them called me back.AbothBallCneitherDnone5、David t

3、o join the singing club because he doesnt love singing at all.AfailedBpromisedCrefused6、The doctor did what he could the girl who was badly hurt in the accident.AsaveBsavingCto saveDsaves7、1The water dark and dirty. Its no longer safe to drink.Abecame Bwill become Chas become Dwas becoming8、_ new st

4、udy says that going to_bed late is harmful to our healthA/, /BA, /CA,theDThe, the9、Dad,could you tell me next Sunday?Nothing special.Awhat you didBwhat are you going to doCwhat did you doDwhat you are going to do10、My mother gets up early _ the morning every day. But she got up late_ the morning of

5、March 15th .Aon; inBin; onCin; inDon; on. 完形填空11、 On January3rd, Chinas Change 4 lunar probe ( 探测器) landed on the far side of the moon. There is one side of the moon that always 1 Earth. But it has another side that we have never seen. This is the far side. Change 4 is the first probe in history to

6、2 land on this side. The landing is being seen as a major milestone in exploring space.While this task is of great importance in history, it will also 3 useful information that could inform our understanding of the early solar system (太阳系), and perhaps even the early space. Change 4 will help scient

7、ists learn more about the moon. 4 the far side is less influenced by Earths gravity, it is a good place for scientists to study deep space.Change 4 cant communicate with Earth 5 . But Queqiao, a relay satellite (中继卫星), can help us stay in touch. Queqiao was sent into space in May. After Change 4 lan

8、ded on the moon, Queqiao took pictures and 6 them back to Earth. Some spacecraft have taken pictures of the moons far side before, but no one has ever touched down there.The ground which Change 4 landed on is grey. It 7 billions of years ago. We can see small rocks and holes there.Change 4 took six

9、living things to the moon to see 8 life is possible on the moon. This is an important step toward long-term human tasks beyond Earth. The living things include cotton and potatoes. They 9 in a special box. There is also some water and a small camera in it. This is the first time humans have grown pl

10、ants on the moon. China hopes that humans will one day live on the moon.The great task will give 10 to the history and development of the moon. And China now plans to begin fully operating the third space station of the world by 2022.1AwatchesBcontactsCdiscoversDfaces2AprobablyBsuccessfullyCespecial

11、lyDcompletely3AcollectBconnectCcontrolDcompare4ASoBSinceCUnlessDUntil5AwiselyBsimplyCquicklyDdirectly6AledBhandedCsentDdonated7AformedBforcedCpaintedDstored8AwhyBwhetherChowDwhere9AjoinBarriveCgrowDcut10AcourageBrewardsCcluesDpraise. 语法填空12、One sunny afternoon Bernard Shaw was having a walk in the q

12、uiet field. The air was fresh and the view was beautiful. While he 1 (walk), a bike rider ran into him. Mr Shaw 2(fall) to the ground. The rider was very sorry. He got off his bike 3(help) Mr Shaw get up. Luckily, Mr Shaw 4(not hurt). Im so sorry! said the rider. Oh, no, said Bernard Shaw. I should

13、5 (say) sorry. Im sorry for not 6 (give) luck to you. Mr Shaw looked at the puzzled rider and added, If you killed me, you know, you would be famous all over the world. 阅读理解A13、NameConfederation of European BaseballHockey FederationVolleyball FederationAfrican FootballLogoFormation1953196319461957Le

14、adquartersLausanne, SwitzerlandKuala Lumpur,MalaysiaRio de Janeiro, BrazilCairo, EgyptRegionEuropeAsiaSouth AmericaAfricaMembers38301256Official LanguagesEnglish, Spanish,French, German, Italian, DutchEnglish, Chinese, IndianSpanish, PortugueseEnglish, French, ArabicWebsitewww.baseball 1When was Asi

15、an Hockey Federation(亚洲曲棍球联盟) set up?AIn 1953BIn 1963CIn 1946DIn 19572Which organization has the most members?ABCD3In how many organizations can English be spoken as an official language?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour4If you are from France, which sport can you probably take part in?ABaseball.BHockeyCVolleybal

16、lDFootball5If you want to know something about volleyball, you can go to .ABCDB14、On Feb 21, a special Chinese “diplomat (外交官)”, Bao Bao the panda, arrived in China from the United States. Many people in the US found it hard to say goodbye to her and were at the airport to see her leave.Bao Bao was

17、born at the National Zoo in Washington DC in 2013. Her parents are Tian Tian and Mei Xiang. They went to the US in 2000. “We have watched Bao Bao grow up during the past three years,” said Dennis Kelly, the zoo director. “Were going to miss her so much.”In fact, the zoo has been preparing for Bao Ba

18、o to leave since the moment she was born. Thats because under the agreement between China and other countries, all the pandas born outside China must return home by the time they are four years old.The flight took nearly 12 hours. A zookeeper and a doctor were on the plane together with Bao Bao. To

19、make her comfortable, the zoo put bamboo and other snacks on the plane. Now, Bao Bao is at her new home in Chengdu. She will start a new life there.Back to 1932, China first sent two pandas to the US as gifts. Right now, four zoos in the US have pandas from China. The pandas play an important role i

20、n the friendship between the two countries.Of course the US is not the only country with pandas. There were 44 pandas living in different countries around the world last year, reported Xinhua.1The people in the US _ when Bao Bao left the US.Adidnt mind her at all Bmissed her so muchCdidnt want to sa

21、y goodbye Dbought her some gifts2Whats the agreement about the pandas between China and other countries?AAll pandas born outside China must move to another city after they were born.BAll pandas born outside China must return to China at the age of four.CThe country where the pandas were born must of

22、fer good living condition for them.DThe country where the pandas were born must protect them from danger carefully.3China sends two pandas to the US _.Ato make them comfortable and happy Bto help them start a new life in USCto help the US zoos have more pandas Dto be a gift and symbol of friendship4

23、This passage might come from _.Aa newspaper Ba poster Ca story book Da guide booC15、Over the years, fried chips have become known worldwide and been enjoyed by adults and children in almost all countries. But do you know the worlds First Potato Fry Museum was opened in November, 2013 in Belgium? For

24、 the fans of fried chips (French fries), they have a museum of their own!The worlds first museum of chips, was set up by Eddy Van Belle and his son in Belgium. The museum calls itself the first and only museum for potato fries.Eddy and his son are always proud of their favorite food. Eddy said, Over

25、 the years, fries have become popular throughout the world. We are so proud that they originated from Belgium.So it is normal and necessary that the first fried chips museum is opened in Belgium, Eddy added.The museum is in an ancient building with two floors. The museum shows a lot of exhibits, inc

26、luding ancient potato cutters, chip-making machines, and the pictures about the history of potatoes. You can see different potatoes and chips. You can also learn to make chips. Its a great place to learn about the history of fries and enjoy eating them, too! Do you know the biggest fun in the museum

27、? You can eat many kinds of chips!1The Worlds First Potato Fry Museum was built in _.AAmerica BBelgium CEngland DAustralia2Why did Eddy and his son set up the museum in Belgium?ABecause there are more people interested in fried chips here.BBecause they are proud that Belgium is their motherland.CBec

28、ause they are the fans of fried chips.DBecause they want people to know about the history of fries.3Which of the following is NOT true about the museum according to the passage?AYou can see the oldest chip-making machine.BYou can make the chips by yourself.CYou can see different kinds of potatoes an

29、d chips.DYou can have fun eating many kinds of chips.D16、Different countries have different ideas about manners-how you behave when you are eating.In England,table manners are important.Good table manners in England are as follows:How to sit:You should sit up straight in your chair.It is not a good

30、idea to lean(倾斜)forwards or backwards.When you eat, you should not lean towards the plate,but bring the knife,fork or spoon towards you.At the same time,do not out your elbows on the table,nor reach over someones plate for something.Using your fingers:English people normally dont pick food up with t

31、heir fingers when they are eating main courses.If you are not sure,the safest is to use your knife or fork.There are,however,some foods that are usually eaten with fingers.They include sanwiches,burgers,crisps and fruit.Your mouth:It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food,or to eat with

32、your mouth open.And if possible,do not make any noises.Never lick(舔)your plate after eating.How much to eat:It is polite to eat the food that you have been offered,so a clear plate is a good plate.It shows that you enjoyed the food.If you cant finish everything and need to leave a little,thats also

33、okay.You could say something like“That was very nice,thank you,but Im just too full to eat another bite.”1How should you sit when you are eating in England?AYou should lean backwards.BYou should lean forwards.CYou should sit up straight in your chair.2What food do Englishmen eat with their fingers?A

34、Beef.BPizza.CJuice.3What is the good table manners in England?AReach over someones plate for something.BLick your plate after eating.CEat an orange with fingers.4What can we infer(推断)according to the passage?AEating with the mouth closed is a good manner.BWe mustnt leave anything on the plate any ti

35、me.CSaying sorry means we are full.5What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe differences between England and China.BGood table manners in England.CThe importance of table manners.E17、Its 7 a.m. in my hometown in Germany. The clock radio wakes me up softly with American pop music.Still sleepy, I

36、walk into my bathroom. Each new day Im happy about these beautiful Italian tiles here they were really a good choice. After a shower, I used a towel that is made of Egyptian cotton, very soft and smooth.Time for breakfast. Colombian coffee fills the kitchen. I pour the coffee into my earthenware cup

37、, hand-made in Spain, and enjoy French bread with it.Quickly I jump into my car-German engineering-and drive to the office. There, I turn my computer on, and Microsoft, the American software, helps me organize my work.Lunchtime-I go to the charming Italian restaurant just around the corner. I really

38、 like the pizza there!1What time does the writer set the morning clock radio?AAt six.BAt seven.CAt eight.DAt nine.2What does the underlined word tiles mean in Chinese.?A炊具.B衣柜C瓷砖D微波炉3What does the writer think of the towel?AHe is satisfied with it.BHe doesnt like it.CHe thinks its very cheap.DHe lov

39、es the design.4Where is the writers earthenware cup made?AIn Germany.BIn Italy.CIn Colombia.DIn Spain.5What does the writer try to tell us?AWe should try to use goods made in our own country.BWe should learn from other countries to make better products.CGoods made in other countries are much better

40、than those in our own country.DMany cultures are connected with our life to make it more interesting and enjoyable.F18、Once upon a time there was no tea at all in England. People there used to drink a light beer. No coffee or milk but large glasses of beer stood on the breakfast table!When tea was f

41、irst brought to England, an old couple got some as a special treat. But they did not know how it should be used. They cooked the leaves in hot water, and spread them on a piece of bacon(培根) which they were going to have for dinner. They ate the leaves, and threw the tea away! However, tea is becomin

42、g as popular as coffee and milk in England today.Tea is the leaf of a plant which grows widely in China, Japan and some other countries. Tea farmers usually grow a great many tea plants on a large piece of land. When the tea leaves are ready to be picked, it is the busiest time for tea farmers in a

43、year. They pull off the leaves and dry them. In their spare time, they pick out the best leaves and get them ready for market. In China, whenever a visitor comes into a house, he is served with a cup of tea.1What was served for breakfast in England long ago?ABeer.BTea.CCoffee.DMilk.2How did the old

44、couple deal with the tea leaves?AThey sold them.BThey ate them.CThey burnt them.DThey threw them away.3Tea farmers are the busiest in a year when theyAserve visitors at homeBsell tea in the marketCpick and dry tea leavesDlook for a piece of land4A is usually served with a cup of tea.AcoupleBfarmerCkingDvisitor5In which part of a magazine can we read the text?ANature.BCulture.CEnvironment.DTechnology.书面表达19、近几年,很多学校开设了特色课程(special classes),如摄影、手工制作、网球等等。我校开设此类课程已有一段时间,现向同学们征集对此类课程的看法。以下是你们班同学的观点,请根据表格中内容并结合你自己的想法谈一谈对特色课程的看法。Some students thinkOther


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