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1、携手合作开创中美经贸合作新局面各位来宾、女士们、先生们在华盛顿美好的秋季,我很高兴能出席中美高技术与战略贸易工作组第四次会议。这是在第 20届中美商贸联委会即将召开前的一次重要会议,对两国高技术贸易合作具有重要的促进 作用。在此,我谨代表中国商务部对会议的召开表示祝贺,向美国商务部、美国制造商协会 及所有参与组织本次会议的人员表示诚挚的谢意!作为中国商务部主管高技术贸易和出口管制的副部长,我深知此项工作的重要性。在扩大中 美高技术贸易方面,互信是关键,沟通是基础。在本次会议上,中美双方相关政府官员和企 业代表共同参加,这对增加中美政府层面和企业层面的相互了解、增进互信、促进中美高技 术贸易进一

2、步健康发展、造福两国人民具有重要作用。下面,我谈几点看法:一、关于中美经贸关系2009年是中美关系中非常重要而有意义的一年,双方确立了共同努力建设21世纪积极合作 全面的中美关系新定位。中美高层往来频繁,交流富有成效。中美经贸关系是中美关系的重要基础和组成部分。建交30年来,通过两国政府和业界的共 同努力,中美经贸关系稳定健康发展。根据中方统计,2008年双边货物贸易额达到3337亿 美元,比2001年翻两番,年均增长率达19.5%。美国对华出口 815亿美元,是2001年的3 倍,年均增长率15.2%。两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,美国是中国的第二大出口市场和第六大 进口来源地,中国是美国的第三大

3、出口市场和第一大进口来源地,连续7年成为美增长最快 的主要出口市场。两国在贸易、投资、科技、能源、环境等领域开展全方位合作,经贸合作 的规模迅速扩大,领域不断拓宽,内涵日益丰富,形式更加多样。两国经济互补性强,联系 紧密,相互依存度较高。当前,我们正经历着百年不遇的金融危机,世界经济陷入了自上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境 地,中国经济发展也面临着严峻考验,中美经贸合作也受到了一定冲击。中国作为负责任的 大国,在危机中采取了积极负责的态度。中国把扩大国内需求作为促进经济增长的基本立足 点,果断实施一揽子经济刺激计划。从今年上半年情况看,固定资产投资增长加快,消费需 求稳定较快增长,规模以上工业增速逐

4、月回升,银行体系流动性充裕。这些迹象表明中国经 济已经出现积极变化,形势比预料的要好。中国经济的稳定发展将给其他国家提供更多发展 机遇和就业机会,有助于提振世界经济信心。中方高度重视中美经贸合作。今年4月,中国商务部与有关商协会组织了84家企业、197 名企业家在美国14个州、16个城市开展了60多项经贸论坛、贸易和投资项目签约、投资 环境考察等促进活动,共签署贸易和投资协议183.4亿美元。在本月上旬中国全国人大吴邦 国委员长访美期间,中美企业界签署了41项合作协议,总金额达124亿美元。这充分表明 了中国政府在困难形势下,坚持以实际行动反对贸易保护主义,以加强合作应对危机的鲜明 立场。各位

5、朋友,在经济全球化深入发展的今天,携手合作是我们应对危机唯一正确的选择。在任 何情况下,中美双方都应从战略高度和长远角度看待和处理中美经贸关系,坚持“以合作化 解分歧、以合作促进发展”方针,努力寻找和扩大利益汇合点,共谋两国经贸合作发展的大 局。二、关于中美高技术贸易众所周知,美国高技术产业实力全球领先,但美在高技术领域对华出口的规模与这种领先地 位并不相称。当今世界技术发展日新月异,任何事物都应与时俱进。不合理的出口管制政策, 不利于中美两国贸易的健康发展。我注意到,奥巴马总统已于2009年8月13日指示美国家 经济委员会和国家安全委员会对包括军品和军民两用品贸易的出口管制制度进行全面的跨

6、部门审查,美商务部骆家辉部长也多次表示要改革美出口管制制度。我希望,美相关政府部 门在审议政策的过程中,能注重倾听中美两国企业的呼声,政策与制度的最终改革结果能有 利于简化对华出口许可证程序、放宽对华高技术出口限制,为两国企业扩大高技术贸易创造 有利条件。中国政府一直高度重视发展中美高技术与战略贸易合作。近年来,中美两国商务部为发展为 改善双边高技术贸易关系做了大量卓有成效的工作,取得了积极成果。例如双方在2007年 签署了中美高技术与战略贸易发展指导原则,达成了将民用航空航天和信息技术确定为 中美高技术与战略贸易重点合作领域的共识。尤其值得一提的是,双方于2009年1月在北 京签署了关于经验

7、证最终用户(VEU)现场访问问题的换函,建立起在VEU授权制度方 面的合作机制等。上述成果受到了中美两国企业界的欢迎,为进一步深化双边高技术贸易合 作奠定了良好基础。在今年7月举行的首次中美战略与经济对话上,中美双方就高技术贸易方面达成共识,同意 抓紧落实中美高技术与战略贸易发展指导原则,加快制订扩大中美高技术与战略贸易 重点领域合作计划。中方方愿与美方一道,积极行动,密切合作,切实推进两国在高技术 贸易领域的贸易合作。三、关于进一步扩大中美高技术贸易合作的建议展望今后,我提出如下建议:(一)加强沟通,增进互信在双边贸易中,虽然有一些摩擦,但两国政府对中美经贸关系问题的处理不断趋于成熟,加 强

8、合作、平等磋商正在成为中美经贸关系的主旋律。信任是合作的基础,在发展对华高技术 贸易方面,美方应把中方看作是可以真诚合作的伙伴。中美双方应认真落实中美战略与经济 对话和中美商贸联委会共识,通过中美高技术与战略贸易工作组,进一步加强定期磋商,审 议影响中美高技术与战略贸易发展的问题,进一步加强两国政府与产业间的协商与交流,在 增进互信的基础上,抓住机遇,扩大合作,促进中美高技术与战略贸易更大发展。(二)付诸行动,稳步推进两国商务部已经签署了中美高技术与战略贸易发展指导原则,用以指导、规范中美双边 高技术与战略贸易发展,根据指导原则,两国商务部已共同确定将民用航空航天和信息 技术作为扩大双边高技术

9、贸易的首批重点领域,并正在制订合作计划。两国商务部间的密切 合作,有利于增强两国企业开展高技术与战略贸易的信心,增加贸易机会。同时,我也特别 希望美方能重视解决中方关切,采取切实措施,扩大两国在民用航空航天和信息技术领域的 贸易合作,并努力取得实实在在的成果。(三)着眼长远,共同发展中国市场是一个充满商机、互利共赢的市场。经过30年的对外开放,中国经济总量上升到 世界第三,贸易总量居世界第二。中国对外贸易增长对世界贸易增长的贡献率一直保持在 10%左右的水平。中国开放的市场的国外企业提供了极佳的竞争舞台和丰厚的利润回报。根 据美国商会信息,四分之三的美国在华公司是盈利的,超过40%的在华公司利

10、润率超过了 他们在全球的利润率。在当前国际金融危机加深蔓延的情况下,尽管中国经济外部需求减少, 但在中国政府4万亿人民币刺激经济计划及相关政策的支持下,国内需求持续提升,固定资 产投资和消费需求较快增长。这将有利于中国扩大先进技术、设备和产品的进口。在座的许多朋友都是中国改革开放进程和中美经贸关系发展的见证人,很多公司既是中美经 贸合作的受益者,也是长期促进中美经贸关系稳定发展的积极力量。中国市场对美国企业是 充分开放的,中美之间有着巨大的市场需求。一个更加开放、充满活力的中国将成为美国更 加紧密的全方位合作伙伴。我知道,本次会议内容很丰富,今天主要是中美高技术企业间交流对话,明天还要进行政府

11、 间磋商,研究制订扩大双方在重点领域贸易合作的行动计划等。我希望,双方企业能抓住机 遇,多做交流,增进互信,扩大合作。最后,我预祝本次会议取得圆满成功!谢谢大家!Working Together to Create a New Chapter for China-US Trade and Economic CooperationDear Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,I am very pleased to come to Washington in this beautiful autumn for the fourth meeting of the China-U

12、S High Technology and Strategic Trade Working Group. This is an important meeting before the upcoming 20th JCCT and will greatly promote high-tech trade between the two countries. Hereby, on behalf of MOFCOM,I would like to congratulate on the meeting and extend my sincere thanks to DOC, NAM and all

13、 the organizers for their hard efforts.As Vice Minister of Commerce in charge of high-tech trade and export control, I am deeply aware of the significance of this job. Mutual trust is the key to and communication the basis for expanding high-tech trade between China and the US. With government offic

14、ials and business representatives from both sides sitting down together, this meeting will play an important role in boosting mutual understanding and mutual trust between the Chinese and US governments and industries, ensuring the sound development of Sino-US high-tech trade, and benefiting the two

15、 peoples.Now let me share with you my following observations.First, on China-US economic and trade relationshipThe year 2009 is very important and meaningful for China-US relationship. It is in this year that the two sides agreed on the new positioning of the relationship and were jointly committed

16、to building a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship in the 21st century. The two sides have witnessed frequent and fruitful exchanges of high-level official visits.China-US economic and trade ties are an important foundation and component of the relationship. Since the two co

17、untries established diplomatic relationship 30 years ago, bilateral economic and trade relations have developed steadily and soundly thanks to the joint efforts of the two governments and business communities. According to Chinese figures, bilateral trade in goods reached US$ 333.7 billion in 2008,

18、quadrupling that of 2001 with an average annual growth rate of 19.5%. The US export to China stood at US$ 81.5 billion, trebling that of 2001 with an average annual growth rate of 15.2%. The two countries are each others second largest trading partner. The US is the second largest export market of C

19、hina and its sixth largest source of import, while China is the third largest export destination and the biggest import source of the US, and has been the fastest growing major export market of the US for 7 years in a row. The two countries have launched all-dimensional cooperation in areas of trade

20、, investment, science and technology, energy and environment. The scale and scope of cooperation has been enlarged, and the cooperation is rich in contents and takes various forms. The two countries are strongly complementary in economy, closely linked and highly interdependent.At this moment, we ar

21、e experiencing a rarely seen financial crisis. With the world economy mired in the worst situation since the Great Depression of the last century, China is facing severe challenges in economic development, and China-US trade and economic cooperation has also been affected. As a responsible major cou

22、ntry, China has taken a positive and responsible attitude in the crisis. It has decisively adopted a stimulus package and identified domestic demand expansion as the basic standing point of economic growth. In the first half of this year, fixed assets investment increased faster and consumption dema

23、nd picked up steadily and rapidly. Industrial enterprises above designated size grew with each passing month, and banks enjoyed abundant liquidity. All those signs suggest that positive changes have taken place in the Chinese economy and the situation is better than expected. The steady development

24、of Chinas economy will provide other countries with more opportunities and jobs, and will help boost confidence in the world economy.The Chinese side places great emphasis on China-US trade and economic cooperation. Last April, MOFCOM and relevant chambers of commerce and trade associations organize

25、d a series of promoting activities in 16 cities of 14 states in the US , attended by 197 entrepreneurs representing 84 companies from China. Those activities included over 60 economic and trade forums, signing of agreements on trade and investment projects and investment environment study tours. The

26、 signed trade and investment agreements involved a total value of US$ 18.34 billion. During the visit of Wu Bangguo, NPC Standing Committee Chairman, to the US early this month, 41 cooperation agreements were signed between Chinese and American companies with a total value of US$ 12.4 billion. That

27、has fully testified to the unequivocal commitment of the Chinese government to opposing trade protectionism with real action and responding to the crisis with strengthened cooperation in the difficult situation.Dear friends,Cooperation is the only right choice for us to tackle the crisis in todays w

28、orld of in-depth globalization. Under whatever circumstances, both sides should treat and deal with China-US economic and trade ties from a strategic height and a long-term perspective. We should adhere to the guideline of “resolving disputes by cooperation and promoting development by cooperation”,

29、identify and expand the convergence of interests, and seek the overall development of China-US trade and economiccooperation.Second, on China-US high-tech tradeIt is well known that the US is the global leader in high technology, but that status is mismatched by the scale of the US high-tech export

30、to China. In todays world, technology is developing by leaps and bounds and we should keep abreast of the time. Unreasonable export control policy is unfavorable to the sound development of China-US trade. I have noticed that on August 13 this year President Obama designated the National Economic Co

31、uncil and the National Security Council to conduct a comprehensive cross-agency review on the export control regime of military products and products for both military and civilian use. Secretary Locke also repeatedly mentioned reforming the US export control regime. I hope the relating government a

32、gencies could heed the voice of Chinese and American businesses in the review process, and that the final outcomes of the policy and regime reform will help streamline export licensing procedures, ease high-tech export restrictions and create favorable conditions for companies of both sides to expan

33、d high-tech trade.The Chinese government always attaches great importance to China-US high-tech and strategic trade cooperation. In recent years, both DOC and MOFCOM have made tremendous and rewarding efforts to develop and improve bilateral high-tech trade. For example, the two sides signed the Gui

34、delines on the Development of China-US High Technology and Strategic Trade in 2007, reaching consensus on identifying civil aviation and aerospace and information technology as the priority cooperation areas of China-US high-tech and strategic trade. What is particularly worth mentioning is that the

35、 two sides signed the Exchange of Letters on the On-site Review of VEU in January 2009, which helps establish the cooperation mechanism of VEU authorization. Those achievements were welcomed by the business communities of both sides, and laid a good foundation for deepening bilateral high-tech trade

36、.At the first S&ED held last July, the two sides reached consensus on developing high-tech trade. They agreed to implement the Guidelines on the Development of China-US High Technology and Strategic Trade and accelerate the drafting of the Cooperation Plan for the Priority Areas of Expanding Sino-US

37、 High Technology and Strategic Trade. The Chinese side is willing to work closely with the US side and take concrete actions to promote the cooperation in high-tech trade.Third, suggestions on further expanding Sino-US high-tech tradeLooking forward to the future, I would like to offer the following

38、 suggestions:Strengthening communication and enhancing mutual trust.Despite the frictions in bilateral trade, the two governments are increasingly mature in dealing with Sino-US economic and trade ties. Strengthened cooperation and equal consultation are becoming the keynote of Sino-US economic and

39、trade ties. Trust is the foundation of cooperation. Thus in developing high-tech trade with China, the US side should regard the Chinese side as a partner that it could sincerely cooperate with. The two sides should earnestly implement the consensus reached at the S&ED and JCCT, further intensify re

40、gular consultations through the High Technology and Strategic Trade Working Group, review the issues hindering Sino-US high-tech and strategic trade development, strengthen consultations and exchanges between the two governments and the industries, seize the opportunity, expand cooperation on the ba

41、sis of enhanced mutual trust, and advance Sino-US high-tech and strategic trade development.Taking actions to ensure steady progressMOFCOM and DOC have signed the Guidelines on the Development of China-US High Technology and Strategic Trade to guide and regulate bilateral high-tech and strategic tra

42、de development. According to the Guidelines, MOFCOM and DOC have agreed to take civil aviation and aerospace and information technology as the first batch of priority areas of expanding bilateral high-tech trade, and meanwhile the two sides are drafting cooperation plans. The close cooperation betwe

43、en MOFCOM and DOC is conducive to boosting confidence of the companies of both sides in high-tech and strategic trade and to creating trade opportunities. Meanwhile, I particularly hope that the US side could seriously look into the concerns of the Chinese side and take concrete measures to expand t

44、rade between the two countries in civil aviation and aerospace and information technology, and work hard for tangible results.Taking a long-term perspective and seeking common developmentValuing mutual benefit and win-win, the Chinese market is full of business opportunities. Thanks to 30 years of o

45、pening up, the aggregate size of Chinas economy has jumped to No. 3 in the world, and its total trade volume ranks No.2. Chinas foreign trade has contributed some 10% to world trade growth for years. The open market of China has provided foreign companies with an ideal competition arena and lucrative profits. According to AmCham, three quarters of American companies operating in China are profitable, and the profitability of


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