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1、美国文学题库及答案I.Multiple ChoiceAmerican literature is only more than years old.A. 500B.400 C. 200D.100The Puritan values did no include.A. wastefulness B. thrift C. piety D. hard workThe 18 th century was the age of the Enlightenment. was the dominant spirit.A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Romanticism D. R

2、ealismFranklin was the epitome of the.A. American Enlightenment B. Sugar ActC. Charlist movementD. Romanticismwas the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism.A. Franklin B. Hawthorne C. Paine D. Emerson“ Moby Dick was written byA. Mark Twain B. Thoreau C. Melville D. Whitman“The Scarlet Letter

3、is characterized by its.A. symbolism B. rationalism C. Platonism D. classicism“ Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of.A. Henry James B. Jack London C. Mark Twain D. Stephen CraneChoose the novel written by Henry JamesA. The Golden BowlB. The Portrait of a LadyC. Sister CarrieD. Daisy MillerEarly in

4、 the 20th century, published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra Pound B. T.S. Eliot C. Robert Frost D. both A and B11.is the founder of“ Imagist movement.A. Ezra Pound B. Hemingway C. Robert Frost D. SteinbeckMark Twain s works are characterized byA. Naturalism B. Transcen

5、dentalism C. Local ColorismD. Imagism13.is said to be the father of American poetryA. T.S. EliotB. E.D. RobinsonC. Philip FreneauD. DreiserHawthorne is regarded as a.A. naturalist B. classicist C. realist D. romanticistrepresents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.A. Emerson B. Fr

6、anklin C. Mark Twain D. Whitman“The Art of Fiction was written byA. Longfellow B. Henry James C. Fitzgerald D. FaulknerImagination plays the most important part in.第1页共8页A. realismB. romanticism C. naturalism D. classicism18.is considered to be the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.A. Mending WallC. A F

7、arewell to ArmsUncle Tom in the novelA. Negro slave B. salesmanDry SeptemberD. The Grapes of Wrath“Uncle Tom s Cabin was a(n )industrialist D. officerA. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism“The Great Gatsby is the masterpiece ofA. Whitman B. Fitzgerald C. Dickinson D. HemingwayT

8、he United States of America was founded in.A. 1776 B. 1876C. 1789D.1689The ancestors of American Indians wereA. Asians B. Africans C. Europeans D. Australians“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written byA. H.B. Stowe B. John Steinbeck C. Hawthorne D. Mark Twaindoes not belong to the lost genera

9、tion.A. Dreiser B. T.S. Eliot C. FaulknerD. Hemingwaywas well known for his story“ Rip Van Winkle.”A. Bryant B. Washington Irving C. Allan Poe D. Philip Freneau“ Farewell to Arms is the master pieced produced byA. Faulkner B. Dreiser C. Hemingway D. LongfellowIt was who wrote the formal declaration

10、of independence.A. Thomas JeffersonB. Benjamin FranklinC. WashingtonD. Washington Irving29.has been exerting a great and enduring influence upon world literature, especially that of France and European symbolism.A. FranklinB. BradstreetC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Philip FreneauThe masterpiece of Hawthorne

11、is.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Sister CarrieC. Richard CoryD. A Psalm of LifeEngene O Neill is a.A. novelist B. poet C. puritan D. dramatistHemingway s style of writing is characterized by.A. high-sounding wordsB. simple dictionC. complicated sentences D. mix metaphor33. T.S. Eliot is not only a poet bu

12、t also a.第2页共8页20. Mark Twain s works are characterized byA. criticB. statesman C. churchmanD. novelists“Long Day s Journey Into Night was written by.A. T.S. EliotB. O NeillC. Stephen CraneD. Saul Bellow“The Grape of Wrath is one of the remarkable novels ofA. the Civil War B. Depression C. Suppressi

13、on D. AggressionTheodore Dreiser showed the tendency in his novels.A. Puritanism B. classicism C. romanticism D. naturalismRalph Waldo Emerson was the leading figure of.A. TranscendentalismB. RomanticismC. RationalismD. Naturalism“The Sound and the Fury was the masterpiece ofA. Robert Lee Frost B. T

14、.S. Eliot C. Faulkner D. SteinbeckEmily Dickinson is an American.A. dramatist B. novelist C. female poet D. male poet“Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain sA. materialismB. classicismC. socialismD. colorism“ The Portrait of a Lady is one of best novels ofA. Henry JamesB. John SteinbeckC. Will

15、iam FaulknerD. Walt WhitmanWhat Whitman is famous for his.A. ”Leaves of Grass B.Mending Wall ”C. Richard Cory D.The Burial of the Dead“Catch-22 is the masterpiece ofA. Saul BellowB. Joseph HellerC. DreiserD. FitzgeraldThe English settlement in America began inA.1507B.1607C.1707D.1807The first World

16、War broke out inA.1614B.1714C.1814D.1914The jazz age refers to the decade ofA.1950 s B.1980 sC.1920D.1820Franklin was aA. Puritan B. romanticistC. classicistD. imagist“Rip Van Winklewas written byA. Freneau B. Allan PoeC. Washington Irving D. Thomas Jefferson“The Scarlet Letter“is the masterpiece of

17、A. Hawthorne B. Emerson C. BradstreetD. Allan Poe第3页共8页50.It was who wrote “ The Age of Reason ”A. Washington B. Jefferson C. Benjamin Franklin D. Thomas Paine“ Song of Myself is a written by Whitman.A. novel B. poem C. dramaD. essayTom in Beecher Stowe s novel“Uncle Tom s Cabin is a _.A. Negro slav

18、e B. American Indian C. School master D. industrialistMark Twain belongs to the literary school of.A. transcendentalism B. realism C. romanticism D. naturalismis a famous American female poet.A. Allan Poe B. Freneau C. Emily Dickinson D. Robinson“The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece

19、of.A. Mark TwainB. Henry JamesC. Stephen CraneD. Robert Lee FrostIt was who wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken.”A. Whitman B. Freneau C. Robert Lee Frost D. T.S.Eliotn Define the literary terms briefly in EnglishAmerican TranscendentalismRomanticismThe PuritansRealismEnlightenmentTranscendentalismEn

20、lightenmentIII Explain the following quotations in your own words.Success is counted sweetest By those who ne er succeed.Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by And that has madeall the difference.Let us, then, be up and doing, With heart for any fate;Still achieving, still

21、 pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked.Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.But still he fluttered pulses when he said,“Good morning ” , and he glittered when

22、he walked.something there is that doesn t love a wall,He says again,“ Good fences make good neighbors.Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreatBut to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than todayBut I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles

23、 to go before I sleep.N Answer the following questions in EnglishWhy is American literature important for you?What is the theme of The Waste Land ?第4页共8页Whose novel (or which novel) do you enjoy most?Why?What is the style of Hemingway s novel?What is the significance of American literature?Do you li

24、ke American literature? Why?s major works?What is the real theme in“ Sister Carrie ?What is the central subject and primary significance of HawthorneWhich American writer do you like best? Why?What is the theme of “ Catch-22 ” ?What are the features of Emily Dickinson s poems?Why should we learn Ame

25、rican literature?Which poem do you enjoy most? Why?美国文学作业参考答案I.Multiple Choice1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D TOC o 1-5 h z 11.A 12.C13.C14.D15.A16.B17.B18.D19.A20.C21.B 22.C23.A24.D25.A26.B27.C28.A29.C30.A31.D 32.B33.A34.B35.B36.D37.A38.C39.C40.D41.A 42.A43.B44.B45.D46.C47.A48.B49. A50.D51

26、.B 52.A53.B54.C55. A56. CII.Define the literary terms briefly in EnglishAmerican transcendentalism was a philosophical dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalistsrejected the materialistic psychology in favor of the idealism of Kant who asserted that intuitioncould surpass reason as a guide to the

27、 truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalism第5页共8页 emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the

28、 individual.Romanticism is characterized by the pursuit of freedom, emphasis of individualism, a relianceupon the good of nature and a natural man, and an abiding faith in the boundlessresources of thehuman spirit and imagination.The Puritans were members of the church of England who at first wished

29、 to reform or“ Purify itsdoctrines. They kept in commonwith all advocates of strict Christian orthodox, insisting on maH s original sin and depravity.Realism is a literary school. The American realist William Dean Howells refered to the method of realistic literary creation as“ nothing more and noth

30、ing less than the truthful treatment ofmaterial. The realists tended to be highly selective in their choice of material, focusing upon what seemed real to their largely middle-class readers.Enlightenment in America was a progressive a intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans fro

31、m the limitation of Puritanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for the establishment of their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress by education and appealed to Reason.American transcendentalism was a political

32、dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favour of the idealism of kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent andpervading andis the only reality in the universe in which natur

33、e stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalists emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.Enlightenment in America was a progressive intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans from t

34、he limitations of Purtanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress of education and appealed to reason.III Explain the following quotations in your own words.Those who ha

35、ve never succeeded before will enjoy the sweetness o success most.In my life and literary creation, I did not follow others footsteps (or footprints).SometimesI chose a different way. That was the reason why I was unique and different from them both in life and poetic writing.Let us rise up and take

36、 actionTo meet any challenge in our life.We should learn to work and to be patientAnd persevere in pursuing our goalTill we reap the fruit of achievement one after another.He always dressed himself properly and elegantly And he showed his kindness and considerateness when talked with others.Don t te

37、ll me in sad voice that life is nothing but an meaningless and empty dream.第6页共8页Only when you feel thirstiest and bitterest, can you really understand and enjoy the holy sweet drink.He stirred the pulses of the persons he was greeting with “Good morning” . While he was walking, his manners appeared

38、 to be so brilliant and attractive that he drow much public attention.Wall, as a barrier for communication or mutual understanding, is not good at all. Sometimes, itis necessary to remove the wall.Wall, as a boundary or limitation or border, is needed sometimes, so that good relations can be kept am

39、ong different strata of people, or different countries.Wall is a paradox, which is both good and bad in haman lifeThe honeysuckle qrows so agreeably and beautifully.However the beautiful flower hid its beauty in the quiet and lonely place.We had better take action every day, not remain idle and inac

40、tive so that we can make progress each day.have a lot of obligations and duties to fulfill, so there is still a long way for meto go before I can relax or leave this world.N Answer the following questions in EnglishKey points: the significance of American literature in the world literature themanife

41、station of American life and culture the requirement of improving EnglishThe theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the first world war, the sterility and turbulence of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.The answer d

42、epends on individual student s inclination.His style of writing is characterized by short and terse sentences, simple diction filled with emotion, vivid colloquialisms, and particularly the simplicity of his laconic statements.Key points: its place in the world literaturethe manifestation of American life and culturethe requirement of professional knowledge and skills as English majon.The answer is flexible. It depends on an ind


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