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1、Unit 1 Changes m the Way We LiveText ALanguage Sense Enhancement(P. 12)special qua I i t ies 2) a tight budget 3) enterta i n4) anyway 5)6) requ i rement9) I nsteadLanguage FocusVocabularyI. 1. (P. 15 )1) On ba Iance wicked5) iI lustrated boundaryi nvoIvedinvolved7) on a smaI I scmachinery2) resistb

2、udget10) economicIe 8) temptat i on3) hau I4)I ower i ng 8)11) bIast i ng 12)just about4) improvements 5) aside from6) suspect(P. 16 )cut back / down 2) pick up3) get by4)get throughface up to6) turn i n7) mak i ng up for 8)think up(P. 17 )pursued h i s mathemat icaI stud i es and taught h imseIf as

3、tronomy.often generate misIeading thoughts.attach great importance to combining theory with practice i n our work.be suspected of doing everything for money.before he gets through life.(P. 17 )the i r i ndoordev i cestackeda profitthe improvementtemptat i onto i nvest i non a globaI sea Ienever d i

4、ned outIL ConfusabIe Words (P. 18 )1) househomehome, fami I y 4)household1) doubtsuspecteddoubted4)suspected5)suspectIII. Word Formation (P. 19 )r i sefinalreguI arcash 5)hows and whys6) upped7)ye I I owed 8) bottIed9) I ower 10)searchComprehensive ExercisesL Cloze(P. 20 )gets bytemptat i onget thro

5、ughsuppIementprofitstack ing(P. 21 )rep I aced 2) cons i der 3) quit 4) wor I d 5) toughfueIs 7) provide 8) Iuxur ies 9) ba Iance 10) i dea IIL Translation(P. 21 )We have a prob I em with the computer system, but I think it is fair ly minor.My father d i ed when I was too young to I i ve on my own.

6、The peopIe of my hometown took over (responsibi I ity for) my upbringing at that point.The toys have to meet str ict / tough safety requi rements before they can be so Id to chi Idren.Radio and television have suppIemented rather thanrep Iaced the newspaper as carr iers of new and op i n ion.When it

7、 comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articIes from many newspapers and magaz ines around the worId.(P. 22 )A decade ago, Nancy d i d what so many Amer i cans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened a household device store i n her ne i ghborhood. Peop I e I i ke Nancy made the d

8、eci si on pr imar iIy for the improvement in the qua Iity of thei r I i ves.But, to run a business on a smal I scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the var ious kind

9、s of insurance she needed.Fortunate I y, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better Iife.Text BComprehension Check (P. 27 )1) g 2) f 3) e 4) d 5) b 6) h 7) a8) c1) g 2) f 3) e 4) d 5) b 6) h 7) a8) ca c d

10、b a cTranslation (P. 28 ).什么 你说那听起来不像你府上的生活其实,不仅仅是你一个人 这么想。事实上,大多数人可能都跟你一样这么想的。.例如,交给比弗吧一剧中妈妈带着珍珠项链,穿着高跟鞋做 家务。爸爸整个周末都穿着西装,系着领带。.要是电视网或有线电视没有中意的节目,录像制品商店可以提 供好莱坞制作的品质迥异的节目:新近发行的电影、动画片、“成人” 电影、体育锻炼节目、旅游、体育及入门指南录像带。.如今,妈妈在看她的有线电视销售服务节目的时候,爸爸可能 想租一部动作片。而在姐姐想看辛普森一家时,弟弟妹妹却在玩 让我们炸毁土星的电子游戏。Language Practice

11、(P. 28 )VocabularyI. 1- (P. 44)1) decades2) h i stor i c3) imposed4) re Iigious5) sIender6) web7) bade8) s i te9) on the s i de10) author i zed11) terminaI12) make thebest of2. (P. 45)1) went through2) stood up for3) laid down4) take on5) let (us) down6) draw on7) fa I I i nto8) pass for3. (P. 46)ar

12、e fully confident that the Amer icans wi I I not be abIe to just ify thei r measures to protect the struggling Amer ican steeI i ndustry.in the eyes of Joe Klein , staff wr iter of the New Yorker and author of The Natura I, the most taIented pol itician of h is generat i on and the most compeI Ii ng

13、.people are reaI Iy intent on destroying themseIves with drug.couId forge a comp IeteIy di fferent approach to Ii fe.is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and soci a I prob Iems i n the Iong run.(P. 47)As for do not compeI capture ofhave forgedAt huge r i sk t

14、he mission she I terwho aboIishedIn the eyes of raciaIWords with Multiple Meanings (P. 47)I II tell you i n a minute how I have atta i ned the genuine sense of belonging i n America, but f i rst I et me hear about your French tr i p.Most McDonald s I ook a I most the same on the outside, but actuaI

15、Iy there are about 16 different basic designs.Loan i ng money from the banks i s but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.This second-hand car has been nothing but troubIe: it s a I ways break i ng down.In your resume you ve mentioned everything but one vital point.Our tec

16、hnicians have discovered a simple but effective so Iut i on to the prob Iem.I am sorry, but I think you shouldn, t have I ingered on over coffee and missed the last bus.The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evi I, but by simple i gnorance.Usage (P. 49)I one I y2. f r i end I y3. week I y m

17、onth I yI ove I ycoward Iy6. kindly / saintly 7. lively8. mother IyComprehensive ExercisesL Cloze1. (P. 50)1) forged2) stand up3) compe I I ed4)convictions5) mission6)abo I i sh7)intent on8) risk9) In theeyes of 10) threats2. (P. 50)1) ass i stance2) involved3) estimated4) coincidence5) emerged6) re

18、ferred7) numerous8)stat i oned9) concern10) captureIL Translation(P. 51)Though great I y affected by the consequences of the globa I financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the chaIlenge and overcome the crisis.Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compeI Ied to I eav

19、e our cher i shed v i I I age and move to the new settlement.According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commerc i a Is*Hav i ng spotted a truck dr i ver dump i ng contami nated waste a I ongs i de the river, the o I d man

20、 reported to the po I ice at once.Some sc i ent i sts ho I d to the f i rm conv i ct i on that peop I e wi I I come to I i ke genet ica I ly mod if ied crops someday s i nee they can i ncrease yields and he I p combat hunger and d i sease i n the developing worId.(P. 52)Short Iy after he ach i eved

21、freedom Henson became i ntent on ass i st i ng fugitive sIaves. He secret Iy returned to the United States from Canada severa I times to he I p others to trave I the Underground Ra iI road to freedom. Once some sIave catchersclosed in on the escaping sIaves and Henson when they were on the run. He d

22、isguised them and successfuI Iy avoided capture.Later he bui11 a smaI I sett Iement i n Dresden, Canada for escaped s I aves, setting up a chape I and a schoo I. He he I d to the conviction that sIavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no Ionger existed.Te

23、xt BComprehension Checkb c d b b aTranslation1,这一和平的不服从行为在蒙哥马利引发了抗议,最终使少数民 族权利在法律上发生了变化,开创了美国民权运动的新时代。.后来她解释说,这儿似乎是她结束受人摆布,弄清如果有的话 她究竟有何人权的地方。.但是,蒙哥马利的黑人团体认为应该团结在她周围组织抗议活 动,她是适合担此重任的公民,因为她是该市最优秀的公民之一。.他说:“只有极少人能说自己的行动和行为改变了国家的面貌。罗莎帕克斯就是那些人中的一个。”Language Practice(P. 58)d e f b g a(P. 59)1) trialequaI

24、i ty4) arrestedrepresentat i ves2) act i v i st5) transportation3)6)7)I ega I8) boycotts9)fame10) representat ion11) ushered i nlain i n honor / i n stateUnit 3 SecurityText ALanguage Sense Enhancement1. (P. 70)1) electronic built i n2) hooked up to 3) suburban 4)5) uncommon6) announcingfeatured7) s

25、urveiI lance 8) symboI 9)10) attached toLanguage FocusVocabulary1. (P. 72)1) threatens3) civilize5) wandered7) without so2) by a smaI I margin4) cIosed up6) pastemuch as8) s i deways9) hook up to10) un i versa I11) chart12) Bathed i n(P. 73)narrowed down3) cut offIooked back on4) fit i ntowear (the

26、other) downI ies in7) put up8) stand for(P. 74)which is likely to make peopIe vuInerabIe to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of ClinicaI Medicine in Oxfordwith mi rrored doors had to be bui 11 in so as to make thei r smaI I bedroom look largerfeature the space shutt I e Cha I I

27、 enger blowing up i n January1986 - killing a I I seven crewthreatened to keep the pup i I s i n after schoo I they were quieted at onceare a major barr ier to the country s economic growth dueto the fact that imported 01 I has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange / because imported oi I has absorbe

28、d 40% of its foreign exchange(P. 74)Iooked back on, atmosphere, urban Iifeera, hooked up to, the eIectron i cthe suburb, a sophisticated, system, analyze, make errorsI L Co 11 ocat i on (P. 75)1) away3) forward / through5) off7) back downIII. Usage (P. 76)1. Internet i s not such an2) inside / in4)

29、back6) home8) i n, outunusua I word as i t used to be.Most men do not Iook unattract ive in them.WeaI thy as she is, she i s not unconcerned by her sudden unempIoyment.This claim is not unreaI istic in view of a sharp decrease in the city s violent cr imes.H i s poor hea I th i s not unre I ated to

30、h i s unhea I thy way of I ife.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. (P. 77)1) Statistics3) era5) on the latch7) barr iers9) reflection2. (P. 78)2) rural4) stood for6) vuInerabIe8) electronic10) civilizedtougherI iablesh ifteIectr i ccaut i ousth i eves9) chances6) sophisticatedbreak10) signsIL Translat

31、ion(P. 78)The Internet is changing the way peopIe live, no matter whether they are in urban or rural areas.Mediurrrsized and smaI I companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the gIobaI econom ic crisis than Iarge ones.With regard to our term papers, the professor asked us to ana Iyze the chart

32、of unempIoyment fi rst, and then provide critical reflections on the nation s economic development.) It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketbaI I match by a large margin.Looking back on my twenty years teaching in high schooI,I attributed my success to patience, talent, and the

33、 constant pursuit of knowledge.(P. 79)11 i s almost impossible to keep a determined burg I ar out. Al I you can do is discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patroIs. Common sense tells us that I ight i ng i s a barrier to cr imi naI activity. A I i ght shouId be fixed i n the

34、doorway and switched on at night. Make sure / Assure yourseIf that you don t I eave the door on the latch i f you happen to be the I ast to come i n. I f you dec i de to buy a soph i st i cated electronic a I arm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addi

35、tion you may have it hooked up to a police station.Text BComprehension Check (P. 85)b 2. bTranslation (P. 85).时至今日,我成了一个典型的被枪支制造商看重并视为其潜在买主的那种女人成了成千上万个采取这种行动的人中的一员。.据称他的犯罪行为非常野蛮,他加害于人的欲望非常强烈,这 使我开始对自己在任何情况下决不杀人的信念产生了怀疑。3,我意识到,自己曾积极提倡的一府情愿的和平主义会为害自身, 更糟的是,会为害我的儿子。于是我极不情愿地决定:为了我们的生 存,我必须确保有一个最佳选择方案。4.

36、我手指扣住扳机,最后用力一扣,在亲手结束侵入者性命的同 时也庆幸自己没有成为牺牲品。Language Practice(P. 86)dfhagebc(P. 86)belief 2) wrapp i ng 3) draw the I i ne at 4) break i nto5) take the p I unge 6) squeeze 7) advocated 8) i nsure9) i n h i s favor 10) Under no c i rcumstances 11) on1) accordingly2) Ioose1) accordingly2) Ioosethe Ii ne

37、12) aimed atUnit 4 Was Einstein a Space AlienText ALanguage Sense EnhancementL 1) concentrationIi e downba I anceengross himseIf instimulatedmore socur iousassessmentcred i tedi nteI Ii genceLanguage FocusVocabulary1. (P. 104)concentrationst imu I at i ngfabr i ci f anyth i ngreaIityintuitiontriflea

38、t the turn of the century11) mess12) undermine(P. 105)1)approve of2) sIow down3)take i n4) sucked i nto5)set apart6)dozed off7)caI I forth8)stretch into9)keep up with10)be Ii eve i n(P. 105)provided inspi ration for many art ists and musicians over the decades.is credited to his powers of imaginatio

39、n.on the foundations of an agr iculturaI revolution.not to make any comp I a i nts i n the presence of the nurse.5)the outbreak of the Second WorId War.4 (P. 106)flawcame to the conclusionwould get nowherein a rowdozed offa messoutbreak ofhas underminedhas stra i nedI L Co 11 ocat i on (P. 106)With

40、Chr istmas only a week awayWith his physicaI condition improving day by dayWith our GDP growing steadiIyWith all the shops cIosedwith her eyes cIosedWith the fog Iift ing dur ing the nightHL Usage (P. 107)likeasasI ikeI i ke / as5. as / I i ke 6. as 7. I i ke 8. asComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. (

41、P. 108)never1) caution2) came to the cone I us i on3)get anywhere6)4) undermining5) not give / care a figf I aw9)7) beyond any doubt8) foundationremarkable / impressive10) imaginationachievementpovertyut i I i zed2. (P. 109)1)extent2) i nvent i ons3)bet4)manages5) vision6)eventua I I y10) breakthrou

42、ghI L Translation(P. 109)The vo I unteers sent / ass i gned by the Red Cross d i s i nfected, with great caution, the dr i nk i ng water i n the vi I I age so as to avoid an outbreak of pI agueEinstein spent many years try ing to unify the theor ies of eIectromagnetism and gravity but faiIed.Profess

43、or Wang rece i ved / won the Pres i dent i a I Award fro h i s excel lence i n st i mu I at i ng students creat i ve imaginat ionAs there were some major design flaws, the board of d i rectors didn t approve of the economic st imu I us package.Hav i ng rea I i zed that nobody cou I d he I p him, Jor

44、dan final ly came to the cone I us i on that he had to face real i ty and take up / meet the chaI Ienge by himseIf.(P. 110)What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UnitedNat i ons dec I ared it The Wor Id Year of Physics” . It was the 100 anniversary of Einstein s theory of relativity and

45、 the 50th ann i versary of h i s death. I n 1905 Einstein pub I i shed five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revo I ut i on i z i ng phys i cs. H i s great ach i evement can be cred ited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for au

46、thority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scienti st in the 20 century.Unit 5 Giving ThanksText ALanguage Sense Enhancement 1. (P. 146)1)decades2)undergoing3)had done wrong4)welcome reassurance5)appreciated6)brought back7) relatives8) accompIi sh9) consume10) represent i ngLanguage

47、FocusVocabulary1. (P. 149)1) sprinkled repay5) at seaIonged forin secret under way2. (P. 150)stretch outturns over5) put away go about2) in turn6) traditionaI10) unIoaded2) make out6) br i ngs back3. (P. 150)3) reversed 4)7) statement11) weep 12)3) hope for 4)7) got to 8)diminish, people are working

48、 to increase the use of solar energy.accord high priority to meeting the chaIlenges of economic and envi ronmentaI deveIopment in the region.are exposed to more information than were chi Idren of the past, it does not fol low that they automatically become more sophisticated.has been immersed in Bri

49、tish history and culture.i n a f I ash on June 1, 2000 when he I ost both I egs i n a ser i ous traffic accident.4. (P. 151)my sincere considerate of with gratitudeassembled amid the in quest ofwas marveIous had undergone swift and the rest11. Co 11 ocat i on (P. 151)1, fond of 2. sick of3. thoughtf

50、uI of 4.confident ofconscious ofcritical ofgu i I ty ofashamed ofHL Usage (P. 152) To know what people reaI Iy think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they say.It is cooperation, rather than conf I ict, that wi I I enab I e you to achieve your success.Ann made students think for themseIv

51、es rather than telling them what to think.I think T I I stay at home this evening rather than go / going out.Most peopIe are content to let perfect days happen at random rather than plan / planning for them.Comprehensive ExercisesL ClozeL (P. 153)1) at sea3) reverse5) repay7) assembled9) unIoad i ng

52、2. (P. 153)1) Instead3) richer5) cher i sh7) specific9) mi racIesIL Translation(P. 154)Turn ing over4) got to6) gratitude8) immersed in10) swift2) possessions4) breath6) spec i a I8) shining10) giftGrandma took it for granted that food pr ices would soar, soshe bought a lot of rice.I can quote you s

53、everaI instances of her dedication to science.The 1980s saw the start of the swift deveIopment of some specia I economic zones i n China.Tension between the two countr ies stemmed in part from the latest spy affai r.Peter has worked i n a I aw f i rm for many years. You can consider having him as yo

54、ur Iawyer to act on your behaIf when you need Iega I help.2. (P. 154)Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgi ving George was immersed in the d iary I eft to him by hi s father, who died at sea after he comp I eted two successive tr ips around the worId. The diary brought back every moment George had spent w

55、ith his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf. George s father used to impress on him the need to undergo a I I kinds of hardship in quest of excellence. Even today, George still remembers how his father wouId quote Aesop s famoussaying “Gratitude i s the s i gn of nob

56、I e souls“ and te I I him to accord the greatest importance to it.Unit 6 The Human TouchText ALanguage Sense Enhancement1.cur Ii ngIook i ng the partmasterpieceto excessFor the restsmeI Iing strongly offancyIight and fragi Iesiight hold upon the worIdstreamingLanguage FocusVocabularyI. 1.masterp i e

57、cesfragiIefancy5) cling to7) acute9) mock11) Sin2.1) gave i n / gave up3) s i zed up5) pulling upsit up(P. 178)nonsense6) endure8) whistle10) subtracted12) flutter / flutter i ng2) figure out4) wiped out6) wear away8) hear of / aboutusuaI Iy stand out in chi Idhood memor iesa joint bachelor? s degre

58、e program in envi ronmentaI studies together with Duke Universitystill staIks the countryscarce Iy any surface water i n the desertfor change in the election law is so persistent that both houses have promised to consider it4. (P. 178)dreary mingled with not to excess a merrycal led to us in a whisp

59、er in tune withbackward wet through won t hear of turn loose yourWords with Multiple Meanings (P. 179)He went to Paris on business Iast month.The train to BrusseIs goes at 2:.As soon as they arr i ved at the meadow, the shepherd I et the sheep go.We went exp I or ing together in the mountains. / We

60、wi I I go exp lor ing together in the mountains.Let s go and have a dr ink in the bar.The store is going to cIose up soon.South Koreans went crazy when the i r soccer pIayers beat the Spanish team in the quarterfinaIs,When Mother came out of the house, she found her chi Idren gone.Usage (P. 180)a li


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