1、材料化学专业毕业论文课程大纲课程编号: 100091312课程名称:毕业论文高等教育层次:本科课程在培养方案中的地位:课程性质:必修对应于材料材料专业中的有机功能材料、无机非金属材料与先进纳米复合材料方向,属于:BJ基础课程基本模块开课学年及学期:本科四年级第8学期课程总学时:15周 ,总学分:15一、目的与任务 毕业论文是在完成教学计划内所有课程后进行的教学环节,是材料化学专业本科生培养所必需的、极其重要的理论与实践相结合的综合性教学环节。其目的是为了培养学生综合运用所学专业理论知识的能力及解决实际科研问题的能力,初步了解本专业某一方向学科发展的前沿和发展趋势,包括资料收集、科学研究和生产实
2、践的过程培养及撰写研究报告的能力培养。通过本教学环节的训练,使学生具备独立从事科学研究及生产实践的能力。二、内容、要求与进度安排 1内容与进度安排 本教学环节以学生在固定教师的全面指导下参与本专业科研或开发等项目中某一具体要解决的问题为研究内容而进行的。具体内容包括:文献检索、外文翻译、开题、实验、撰写论文及毕业答辩等几部分。 进度安排:本教学环节时间为一个学期,毕业论文工作在指导教师的指导下由学生完成如下三个教学过程: (1)开题:查阅、收集与毕业论文选题相关的学术资料,制定研究方案,该阶段时间为2-3周。(2)试验:根据制定的研究方案进行试验研究工作,该阶段时间为12-13周。(3)撰写论
3、文:通过整理试验结果,由本人撰写毕业论文,该阶段时间为2-3周。在每年的五月一日前后进行期中检查,完成开题报告。 2要求 (1)毕业论文字数(包括图表)应在15000-20000字左右,其中文献综述字数应在5000字左右。(2)毕业论文工作期间,学生应至少阅读15篇以上的相关文献资料,其中外文文献不得少于10篇,并至少翻译一篇外文文献。(3)毕业论文应字迹工整、图表齐全、数据可靠、论述有理、结论正确。(4)毕业论文应包括500字左右的中文及相应的英文文摘。(5)毕业论文要求计算机打印,不得手写。三、考核与成绩评定 毕业论文的成绩由论文指导教师、论文评阅人和答辩委员会三方面各按百分制评定,然后再
4、乘以相应的加权系数后综合给出。其中论文指导教师、论文评阅人和答辩委员会所给成绩在最终论文总成绩中的比例依次为20%、20%、60%。论文评阅人、答辩委员只对论文本身进行评定,而论文指导教师除对论文本身进行评定外,还对所指导学生平时的出勤情况、劳动纪律及与其他同学的协作情况等进行综合评价。毕业论文的最终成绩以优、良、中、及格和不及格五级制评定。 毕业论文的最终成绩根据以下几个方面来评定:1选题;2论文工作量;3论文的学术质量;4论文的书面质量;5答辩时回答问题的情况。四、大纲说明 1进行方式:毕业论文要求对学生进行综合训练,要尽可能包含材料制备、测试和分析等环节,题目要多样化,要结合实际,尽量避
5、免虚拟题目,鼓励学生将计算机运用于毕业论文的工作中。不允许做完全相同的题目。对于有计算机知识基础的学生,也可选做计算机辅助材料设计、计算机在材料科学的应用等题目。 2学期安排:第八学期。The course outline of the graduation thesisCourse code: 100091312Course name: graduation thesisPeriod: 15weeks;Credits: 15Term(If necessary): 8Applicative specialty: Material ChemistryObjective and taskGradu
6、ation thesis is an education link which will proceed when you finished all the courses in the teaching plan. In the progress of cultivating undergraduates of Material Chemistry specialty, the graduation thesis is an extremely essential comprehensive teaching link to combine theory with practice. And
7、 its objective is to cultivate students ability to comprehensive use of the professional knowledge and to solve the practical problem in scientific research and engineering. In the meantime, students also should have the first understanding of the frontier research subject and the developing tendenc
8、y of one of the direction in their own major, including data collection, the cultivation of scientific research and production practice, as well as the ability training of writing research report. Through the training of this teaching link, student should get the ability to perform independent scien
9、tific research and production practice. Content, requirement and the scheduleContent and the scheduleIn this teaching link, students should participate in a specific problem of the scientific research or development project in their own major, under the guidance of a fixed teacher. The specific cont
10、ents are as follows: Information retrieval, foreign language translation, thesis proposal, experiment, writing papers and the graduation thesis defense.Schedule: The period of this teaching link is one semester. And the students should finish the work of graduation thesis under the guidance of the t
11、eacher. This task includes three teaching progress:(1) Thesis proposal: looking up and collecting the academic information which related to the graduation thesis; making up the research schedule. The time of this period is 23 weeks.(2) Experiment: carrying out the experiment research according to th
12、e research schedule. The time of this period is 1213 weeks.(3) Writing graduation thesis: By collecting the experiment result, students should write the graduation thesis by themselves. The time of this period is 23 weeks. There will be a medium-term inspection around May 1, and you should finish th
13、e thesis proposal report before that day.RequirementThe number of the words of the graduation thesis (including the chart) should be 1500020000. The number of the words of the literature review should be around 5000.In the period of graduation thesis work, students should read at least 15 relevant d
14、ocument literatures. In the meantime, the number of the foreign literature shouldnt less than 10, and the student need to translate at least 1 foreign literature.The graduation thesis should be written neat and orderly. Except, the paper should have the completed charts, the reliable data, the reaso
15、nable discussing and the correct result. The graduation thesis includes an abstract of Chinese and homologous English, and the number of words should be around 500.The graduation thesis needs to be printed by the computer instead of handwriting.Assessment and achievement evaluationThe score of the g
16、raduation thesis will be evaluated by the faculty adviser, paper reviewer and thesis oral defense committee according to the hundred-mark system. Then multiply the score by its corresponding weighting coefficient to get the final grade. The scaling factor in the final thesis score of the faculty adv
17、iser, paper reviewer and thesis oral defense committee respectively are 20%, 20% and 60%. The paper reviewer and thesis oral defense committee only assess the graduation thesis, but the faculty adviser not only assess the paper itself, but also the comprehensive assessment of attendant, labour disci
18、pline and the team collaborates with other students. The final grade of the graduation thesis is evaluated as excellent, good, middle, pass and fail. The final score of the graduation thesis will be evaluated by the following aspect: 1. The selection of projects; 2. The amount of paper work; 3. The academic quality of the paper; 4. Written quality; 5. The situation of answering questions in the thesis defence.Outline descriptionWay: The g
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