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1、.:.;【教案背景】面向学生:小学五年级学科:英语课题:Book 10 Module 6 Unit 1 Well see lots of stones.学生课前预备:1学生听录音预习课文,了解课文大意;2初步掌握本课生词,并画出不了解的地方;3有条件的学生可就本课内容在网上搜索相关的信息,以便课堂交流。【教学课题】New Standard English Book 10 Module 6 Unit 1 Well see lots of stones. 【教材分析】本课选自新规范英语一年级起点第十册第六模块第一单元,讲述英国巨石阵。其言语功能是议论将要进展的一次游览,言语构造是What will

2、 we see there? Well see lots of very big stones. How will we get there? By car. It will take three hours.教学目的: a.言语知识目的:学习目的语句 What will we see there? Well see How will we get there? By It will take b.言语技艺目的:在完成知识目的的根底上,经过对话和课堂活动的开展,培育学生的协作才干、竞争认识和综合运用言语知识的才干。c.情感态度目的:经过活动,激发学生表达的愿望,调动学生参与的热情,实现目的语句

3、的学习与拓展。在学习的过程中感受祖国大好河山的绚丽。教学重、难点:重点:学生可以运用目的语句描画和描写将要进展的一次游览。难点:对文中出现的特殊疑问词what, how, why的区别与运用。【教学方法】本课采用图片、视频等手段进展直观教学,同时运用义务型的教学方法,为学生创设与学习,生活贴近的言语情境;同时学生经过模拟录音、教师、导游等进展言语呈现,教师适时的给与鼓励。在学习中注重发扬学生的自动性与发明性,加强小组间、学生间的协作与交流,培育学生的交往才干。【学生分析】本单元的学习主要是运用未来时对事件的描画。学生在三年级的教材中曾经学习过未来时的表达方法。因此本课主要是复习,稳定,提高和拓


5、学预备】PPt课件、录音机、巨石阵短片、CD-ROM。【教学过程】I. Warmer.1. Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. How are you? 2、Free talk: How old are you? How do you go to school? Where are you from? Where do you live? Do you like Jinshitan? Ok, good. Lets Enjoy some pictures from Jinshitan.设计意图:经过交流学生的身边事,拉近师生间的间隔 ,放松学生的心境,使学生进入到思

6、想形状,激发学习兴趣,为下步欣赏金石滩的奇石做预备。 3. Enjoy the pictures from Jinshitan.(PPt) T: What will we see from the pictures? Ss: Well see HYPERLINK image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%BD%F0%CA%AF%CC%B2%20%B1%B4%B6%E0%B7%D2 image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%BD%F0%CA%AF%CC%B2

7、%20%B1%B4%B6%E0%B7%D2 HYPERLINK image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail HYPERLINK image.baidu/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=202126592&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&fm=result&fr=&sf=1&fmq=1332030457718_R&pv=&ic=0&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=

8、2&word=%BD%F0%CA%AF%CC%B2+%B9%EA%C1%D1%CA%AF&s=0#pn=15 image.baidu/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=202126592&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&fm=result&fr=&sf=1&fmq=1332030457718_R&pv=&ic=0&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&word=%BD%F0%CA%AF%CC%B2+%B9%EA%C1%D1%CA%AF&s=0#pn=15 4. T. Well see lots of stones. T

9、hey are beautiful. And they are magic.师板书课题设计意图:由图片引出单词stone, 进而引出课题内容,顺利过渡到本课重点巨石阵。 Ss read it together.II. Presentation.1Lead out “Stonehenge.1).T: In England , there is a very old place. There are lot of big stones. People call it Stonehenge.2). Ss read the wordStonehenge after the teacher. Then

10、read one by one.3).Ss: Its Stonehenge. ( T shows the word and Ss read it together.)4). Today well talk about something about “ Stonehenge. First, lets enjoy the video about “Stonehenge. (Watch the video about Stonehenge) 设计意图:利用多媒体课件创设真实情景,并采用师生互动,营造亲密调和的学习气氛,分散难点,为新授做铺垫。 HYPERLINK v.youku/v_show/id

11、_XMjA2ODMzMDM2.html v.youku/v_show/id_XMjA2ODMzMDM2.html5). What do you know from the video?2. Text teaching.( 1).T: Very good. Lingling and Amy are going to see Stonehenge.They are talking about it. Lets discuss with them.(2)Listen and think:(CD-Rom) HYPERLINK tudou/programs/view/yCvmhr0j39U/ tudou

12、/programs/view/yCvmhr0j39U/When will we go to Stonehenge?What will we see there?How will we get there?(3)Answer the question. 师板书(4)Time to travel to Stonehenge from London(PPT)TransportTimecar3 hoursbus4 hourshelicopter45 minutesbike10 hours设计意图:针对本课重点句型,进展强化训练。(5)Listen and repeat. And pay attenti

13、on to the new words.PPT Read and make sentences. Then write down.# place-an old place-Stonehenge is an old place. A beautiful place - is a beautiful place.# circle- in a circle - They are in a circle. / The children sit in a circle.Draw a circle. / circle the # build - Why did people build this? A b

14、uilder will build a building.# solve - solve the mystery/ question- Maybe you will solve the mystery.# hope- I hope so!(6)Read and think: What is Stonehenge like? Do you like Stonehenge? Why? 完成板书 in a circle ( let a student draw a circle on the blackboard) on top of ( let the students put their boo

15、ks on top of their heads) mystery ( Its a secret. No one knows.) (7). Sum up: Be a little guide. Can you introduce the Stonehenge to others. (T show the picture of Stonehenge.)设计意图:循序渐进、层层深化、扎实有效地推进目的语句的学习。III. Practice and production ( PPT )1. Close books and fill in the blanks according to the dia

16、logue. Let the students fill the blanks. Then check together.On Saturday Amy and Ling are going to see_ . Its a very _ place. Its _ thousand years old. They will see lots of big _. They are in a _. Some stones are on _ of others. Its very _. No one knows why people _this. Its a _. They will get ther

17、e by _. It will take_ hours.2.Choose and complete. Let the students fill the blanks. Then check together. on top of half an hour solve the mystery an old place in a circle (1)The Great Wall is _.(2) The big clock is _ the hill(小山).( 3)The students sit _on the floor.(4)My father goes to work by bus.

18、It will take _.(5)I hope I can _.3.Do a survey. May Day is coming. Lets do a survey.Your partner(同桌) Yourself他本人Where will you go?What will you do ?What will you see?How will you go there?How long will it take?4.Plan on May Day (五一出游)Write the composition. The May Day is coming. I will go to _. I wi

19、ll see _. I will _I will go there by _. It will take _. 设计意图:创设情境五一黄金周要到了,让学生选择感兴趣的旅游景点,为学生提供一个互动交流的学习过程,加强语文的输出练习,强化英语的运用功能。 = 4 * ROMAN IVSummaryToday we talked about something about Stonehenge. Maybe you will go there someday. I hope you can solve the mystery. So ,boys and girls, work hard! So much for the class. See you ! And say goodbye to the teachers.(设计意图: 将义务活动延神到课堂之外


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