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1、走向高考 英语路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索外研版 高考总复习 Module 1Europe 必修三第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练 3单 元 语 法 4基础知识巩固 5课 时 作 业 6话题作文晨诵 1话题作文晨诵话题:国家与地理假设你去年去了伦敦旅游,以下是此次旅行的情况:时间去年暑假人员你与父母出发地点香港飞行时间大约14小时逗留时间8天主要参观景点大本钟(Big Ben)、伦敦眼(the London Eye)、白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)和泰晤士河(Thames River)(乘船游览)最后一日行程你在酒吧会见了伦敦的网友;父母外出购物旅游感受逛伦敦

2、最好的方式是带上地图四处走;酒店的人员都很友好,愿意尽力提供帮助写作内容:将此次经历用英语写成旅游见闻,发表到某英语论坛上与网友共享。内容应包括:1出发时间、地点、人员、飞行时间及逗留时间;2游览景点及最后一日行程内容;3对旅游的感受。.头脑风暴,知识链接单词短语1.vacation n假期2last持续3impress打动4explore探索1.pay a visit to 参观某地2not only.but also.不仅而且3go shopping 去购物4so.that 如此以致于句式1.We flew from HongKong and the flight lasted for a

3、bout 14 hours.2On the last day during our visit, I met an online friend there in a bar while my parents went shopping.3What impressed me most was that people in the hotel were so friendly that they would do anything they could for you, and I found that the best way to explore the city was to go arou

4、nd with a map of it.范文必背Last summer vacation, my parents and I paid an eightday visit to London. We flew from Hong Kong and the flight lasted for about 14 hours. During our stay there, not only did we visit Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, but we also took a boat trip on Thames River. On

5、the last day during our visit, I met an online friend there in a bar while my parents went shopping. What impressed me most was that people in the hotel were so friendly that they would do anything they could for you,and I found that the best way to explore the city was to go around with a map of it

6、.基础知识梳理.单词速记核心必记1_(prep.)横过;穿过2_(vt.)面向;面对3_(n.)山脉4_(adj.)坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的_(n.)情况;形势;处境;地理位置5_(adj.)位于_(n.)位置across facerangesituatedsituationlocatedlocation6_(prep.)在对面_(vt.)反对7_(vt.)签署_(n.)签名8_(n.)协议;契约_(v.)同意_(n.)不一致;争论9_(n.)产品;农产品_(n.)产品;制品_(n.)生产;产量oppositeopposesignsignatureagreementagreedisagr

7、eementproduceproductproduction高频必知10_(n.)象征;符号11_(n.)计划,项目;工程12_(adj.)古代的13_(n.)特点14_(vt.)统治;治理_(n.)政府15_(n.)代表_(vt.)代表symbolprojectancientfeaturegoverngovernmentrepresentativerepresent.短语互译1有史以来_2自从一直_3据;依照_4另一方面;反过来说_5一点点地;逐渐地_6be situated/located in/on_7because of_8be known as_9compared with_10ha

8、ve control over_of all timeever sincein terms ofon the other handlittle by little位于,坐落于因为;由于作为而出名/闻名与相比控制情景活用用上面单词或短语的正确形式填空The Great Wall, which _(被认为是) the “10,000li Great Wall”, runs _(穿过)North China like a huge dragon. It is a _(象征) of the wisdom of the _(古代的) Chinese. Today it is being destroye

9、d _(逐渐地), _(面对) a dangerous _(处境). Luckily, the _(政府) of our country has taken measures to protect it.The gallery, _(位于) just _(在对面) the theatre, is the landmark of this city. _(与相比) other constructions, it has some unique _(特点), and just _(因为) this, it has been visited by people _(自从一直) it was comp

10、leted 5 years ago.答案:is known as; across;symbol, ancient; little by little; facing;situation; governmentsituated/located/lying; opposite; Compared with;features; because of; ever since.典句析练1_ is another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉比利牛斯山脉。解析当地点状语放在句首时,句子应用完全倒装。仿写沿途全是参天大树,其中一些有近百年的历史。_ ar

11、e thick and tall trees, some of them with a history of nearly 100 years.2Their work has influenced other writers _.他们的作品影响了后世的作家。解析ever since“自此,自从一直”。表示以过去某一时间为起点持续到现在的某一动作或状态,常与完成时连用。仿写自从在学校认识至今,我们一直是朋友。We _ we met at school.3_Amy _ Helen is English.埃米和海伦都不是英国人。解析neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词的选择应遵循“就近原

12、则”。仿写今天你和他不能休假。_ to take a leave today.答案:1.Between France and Spain; Along the road2.ever since; have been friends ever since3.Neither; nor; Neither you nor he is.课文回顾Paris is _(1)_(situate) on the River Seine, which is visited by more than eight million _(2)_(tourist) every year. The most _(3)_ pl

13、ace for visitors is the Eiffel Tower, the famous _(4)_ of Paris.One of Barcelonas most famous _(5)_ is the church of the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an _(6)_ called Gaudi.During the Renaissance, some of the greatest _(7)_ of all time lived and worked in Florence. Many of Florences most be

14、autiful paintings and sculptures were _(8)_(produce) by great artists.Athens is known as the birthplace of western _(9)_(civil), where lived Greeces best writers, whose work _(10)_(influence) other writers ever since.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_(9)_ (10)_答案:(1)situated(2)tourists(3)popular

15、(4)symbol(5)landmarks(6)architect(7)painters(8)produced(9)civilization/civilisation(10)has influenced考点探究演练 1.face vt.面向;面对n面孔填空激活知识_ _ this situation they felt both joyful and fearful._ this situation they felt both joyful and fearful.面对这样的形势,他们感到既高兴又害怕。The policeman showed great bravery _ _ _ _ da

16、nger.那名警察面临危险时表现出大无畏精神。答案:Faced with; Facingin the face of知识拓展(1)be faced with/by 面对着face up to 敢于面对(2)face to face 面对面lose face丢面子make a face 做鬼脸save face 挽回面子提示:(1)be faced withbe confronted with,侧重指“面对着”这种状态,而face sb./sth.侧重动作;(2)facetoface与face to face的区别在于:前者通常只能作前置定语,后者可以作状语或表语。2compare vt.比较,

17、对照;喻为,比拟填空激活知识If you _ the two books, you will see that this one is better.如果你比较一下这两本书,你会发现这一本好一些。Mans life _ often _ _ a candle.人生常被比为蜡烛。答案:compareis, compared to构建导图助记注意:在表示“把与相比”时,compared with.与compared to. 皆可用,尤其是用在过去分词作状语的句子中。Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。Compared to/wi

18、th her book, my book is much more interesting.与她的书相比,我的书要有趣得多。真题寻踪(2014北京阅读D)But while a shops scent might not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds, it is certainly there.但是尽管一家商店的香味与灯光和音响相比,不那么显著,它的确存在。3range n山脉;范围;幅度vt.排列;变化;包括之间的各类事物填空激活知识The company sells new cars with _ _ _ _ prices.

19、该公司销售价格差异很大的各种新汽车。The students in our class _ _ 16 _ 21 in age.我们班学生的年龄从16岁到21岁不等。答案:a wide range ofrange from/between; to/and知识归纳(1)a wide range of 大范围的;各种各样的within range of. 在范围内;在射程之内(2)在和之间变化The ship came within range of vision.已经看得见那只船了。The temperature ranges between 0 and 30.温度的变化范围在零摄氏度到30摄氏度

20、之间。助记4sign vt.签署;签名;做手势;做记号n记号,符号;招牌;迹象填空激活知识He _ _ _ _ lower her voice.He _ _ _ _ _ _ lower her voice.他打手势要她把声音放低点。Great wealth is not _ _ _ great intelligence.巨大的财富并不是高度聪明的标志。答案:signed to her tomade/gave a sign to her toa sign of知识拓展sign to sb. to do sth. 打手势让某人做某事sign in/out 签到/签退sign up 报名参加a si

21、gn of. 的标志/迹象make/give a sign to. 对做手势(2013北京高考)Her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three.她妈妈在她三岁时让她报名参加了体操训练。5.refer to 查阅,参考;谈到,提到;涉及,适用于填空激活知识If you want to know his telephone number, you may _ _ the telephone directory.如果你想知道他的电话号码,你可以查电话簿。The old soldier _ _ his experiences during

22、 the Long March.老战士谈到了长征时的一些经历。These books _ _ Asian problems.这些书涉及亚洲问题。答案:refer toreferred torefer to知识拓展(1)refer.to. 把提交给,把委托给;使向请教,使求助于;把归功于;认为起源于(2)refer to.as. 把称作Tom is going to refer the matter to the meeting.汤姆打算把这件事交到会议上去处理。I referred her to Tom for further information.我让她到汤姆那儿去询问详情。6in ter

23、ms of据;依据;就而言;在方面;用的话填空激活知识_ _ _ _, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说则不然。It is difficult to express it _ _ _ _ .用科学术语来表达它是困难的。答案:In terms of moneyin terms of science知识拓展in the long/short term长/短期be on good/friendly/bad etc.terms (with sb.)(与某人)关系好/密切/不好等come to terms(with

24、 sb.)(与某人)达成协议提示:在以上的短语中term与terms有不同的意思。term“学期;术语;期限”;terms“措辞;条件;关系”。7.Between France and Spain is another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.在法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉比利牛斯山脉填空激活知识仿写句子_山里有座庙。_在森林的中间有一个很深的湖。答案:In the middle of the mountain lies a temple.In the middle of the forest lies a deep lake.知识归纳完全倒装三条件:(1)表示方

25、位或时间的副词或表示方位的介词短语置于句首;(2)谓语动词为be或lie, come, go, stand等动词;(3)句子的主语是名词。注意:若句子的主语是代词,而不是名词时,主谓不倒装。单 元 语 法 (1)一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态(2)主谓一致语法填空1Not only I but also Jane and Mary_tired of having one examination after another.答案:isnot only.but also连接两个并列主语时谓语动词为就近原则。2When and where to build the new factory_not decided yet.答案:isWhen


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