1、Chapter OneUnit FourQualities and Prerequisites for a Translator The American translation theorist Eugene Nida (奈达) writes: He (the translator) must understand not only the obvious content of the message, but also the subtleties of meaning, the significant emotive values of words and the stylistic f
2、eatures which determine the “flavor and feel” of the message In other words, in addition to a knowledge of the of the two or more languages involved in the translational process, the translator must have a thorough acquaintance with the subject matter concerned.译者的作用 翻译牵涉诸多的领域,比如语言、逻辑、修辞、文体、美学等。译者不仅
3、要了解翻译活动本身的各个方面,还要掌握有关翻译活动的各种不同的知识、理论和观点,起到“作者”和“译者”的双重作用。作品的审美价值由作者创造,又由读者通过自己的审美经验来实现。而译者首先得实现原文的审美价值,再将它转换成新的审美对象,最后在译文、读者那里得以复现。形象点说,译者就是一个为读者传达作者思想的“传话人” ,是两种语言文化间的“使者”,出入于两种文化之间的“双文化人”、“双语人”,“努力充当具有普遍意义的精神交易的中介人,并以促进这一交流为己任”,肩负着跨文化的任务,传递着跨文化的信息,从事着文化沟通的事业,进行着文化“复制”的伟大工程。 1. 6. 2 对译者的要求 翻译中,既要做到
4、语言意义上的等值,又要做到文化意义上的等值,一名称职的译者在学识和才情方面必须具备以下素质: 1. Have a good command of both the source language(源语) and the target language(目的语) 扎实的语言基本功。译者应具有较强的驾驭译出语和译入语的能力,能正确理解原文,熟练运用本族语。 A translator must have an excellent command of both the source and target language to ensure that his/ her comprehension i
5、s accurate and his/her renderings are smooth and faithful to the original text. Good expressions should be grammatically correct, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable, and culturally appropriate. 外语水平 英汉翻译时,英语的重要性主要体现在理解( 即对原文信息理解不深不透或对深层隐晦的寓意未能理解,甚至理解错误) 汉语水平 汉语水平的重要性是体现在外汉翻译中(汉语水平较高者往往能得心应手,左右
6、逢源,在文学翻译中尤为突出) 有人认为,翻译外国小说等文学作品,三分靠外语,七分靠汉语,不管其说法是否科学,至少可以说明译者汉语水平的重要性。 e.g.(1) Youre telling me. (slang: I know that very well./ I knew that long ago.) e.g.(1) Youre telling me. (slang: I know that very well./ I knew that long ago.) 我早知道了. /还用你告诉我!(2) Henry Kissinger had slept there before, in July
7、 and again in October. (2) Henry Kissinger had slept there before, in July and again in October. 这之前,亨利.基辛格在七月和十月两度在这里下榻。(3) Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flattered her. (误):米勒为了逢迎切斯特菲尔德夫人而替她画了一幅像。 (3) Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flattered her. (误):米勒为了逢迎切
8、斯特菲尔德夫人而替她画了一幅像。 (正):米勒给切斯特菲尔德夫人画了一幅像,该像之美简直超过了她本人。(4) You cant be too careful. (4) You cant be too careful. 你怎么小心都不过分.(5)陈先生乃中国学界泰斗。 (5)陈先生乃中国学界泰斗。 Mr. Chen, our respected teacher, is a renowned master in the academic circles of China.(6) 你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。 (6) 你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。 If you want to g
9、ain anything, you must constantly deepen your studies.e.g.(7) And then Kino stood uncertainly. Something was wrong, some signal was trying to get through to his brain. Tree frogs and cicadas were silent now. And then Kinos brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the sound-the keening, m
10、oaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death.原译:然后奇诺犹豫不决地站着。有什么事情出了毛病。有一个信号想要进入他的脑子。雨蛙和蝉现在都沉寂了。然后奇诺的脑子从它的赤热的集中状态中清醒了过来,他辨别出了那个声音来自山腰的那个山洞的号啕,呜咽的,越来越高的,歇斯底里的哭声,死亡的声音。改译:这时,基诺呆呆地站着,心神不定。他觉得有点不对头。脑子里总觉得有点什么事。雨蛙和蝉都寂然无声了。基诺的脑子渐渐地从火热的紧张状态中清醒过来。他慢慢地
11、听出了这个声音来了-是从山上洞穴里传来的一声声断肠的号叫,泣血的悲鸿,死亡的哭诉。(8) It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silence at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fall
12、ings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm. (8)It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silence at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, rising
13、s, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm. 译文: 绿草萋萋,白云冉冉,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此清新可爱;蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声歇,大地音寂,这日子是如此安静。然而并非安静,因为万物以其特有的节奏,或动、或摇、或震、或起、或伏。(王佐良译)2. Bicultural CompetenceConsiderable knowledge of the two cultures is also very important. A qualified translator should be not only bilingual, b
14、ut also bicultural. It is always assumed that translators are at least bilingual, but this is really not enough. To be a fully competent translator, one also needs to be bicultural in order to “read between the lines”. A translator must be able to sense what is purposely left implicit in the source
15、text and what can and should be made explicit in the translated text. Biculturalism is something which must be absorbed and experienced in a living situation. There are, however, some competent translators who have never had the privilege of living in the country in which the source or target langua
16、ge is spoken, and accordingly, they have had to depend upon voluminous reading. (Nida, 2001:99) Cultural awareness is a must for the translator, which means that he understands what happens when he sends a message from one culture to another. i.e. to understand subtle difference of meanings and conn
17、otations between cultures, between subcultures, between situations and contexts. e.g.虎口拔牙 beard the lion(拔狮子的胡子)狐假虎威 ass in the lions skin (披着狮子皮的驴)拦路虎 a lion in the way (拦路狮)摸老虎屁股 twist the lions tail (拨弄狮子尾巴)虎落平阳被犬欺 Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. (兔子也敢摸死狮子的胡子。) 有些动物在英语和汉语中代表的含义总是有细微的区别,如:
18、pig:英语:贪心,丑陋; 汉语:懒、笨wolf:英语:贪心; 汉语:凶狠bear: 英语:脾气坏、没有规矩; 汉语:动作 慢、笨拙peacock:英语:傲慢; 汉语:美丽bee:英语:忙碌 汉语:勤劳 e.g.(1) It was Friday and soon they would go out and get drunk. 星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街去喝个酩酊大醉。 (2) “三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。”这就是说,群众有伟大的创造力。(毛泽东:组织起来) (3) “三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。”这就是说,群众有伟大的创造力。(毛泽东:组织起来) “Three cobblers
19、with their wits combined equal Chukeh Liang the mastermind.” In other words, the masses have great creative power. (4) 这对年轻夫妇并不匹配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。 This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shi a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei a well-known ill-tempered brute. 汉语原文用了借代的修辞手法
20、,以西施代替“温柔、美丽”,以张飞代替“粗鲁、暴躁”,译者采用直译加注释的办法,既保留原文风格,又使读者容易理解。(5)这个女人真是红眼病,连朋友长得好看都嫉妒。 原译:This woman has red eyes and is jealous of her friends being pretty. (4)这个女人真是红眼病,连朋友长得好看都嫉妒。 改译:She is a green-eyed woman, even jealous of her friends good looks. (6) 在现代城市生活中,街道妇女为城市的安全与稳定做出了很大的贡献 原译:In modern urba
21、n life, street women have made a great contribution to the security and stability of the city. 改译:In modern urban life, housewives of the neighborhood (community) have made a great contribution to the security and stability of the city.分析:英语中的“street woman”特指“街头出卖色相的妇女”,是“妓女”的代名词。虽然两者在字面上似乎对等,但意思却完全
22、不同。“street”一词在英语中作修饰语时,表达的常常是贬义。(7) 随着经济改革的日益深化,这座昔日被誉为远东金融、经济和贸易中心的城市正在为促进长江流域的经济发展起着龙头作用。原译:With its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic and trade hub of the Far East, is playing a dragon head role in boosting economic development in the Yangtze River
23、valley.改译:With its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic and trade hub of the Far East, is playing a leading role in boosting economic development in the Yangtze River valley.(8) 今晚公司总经理将设宴为您洗尘,请您携带家人一起光临。原译:Our managing director will host a reception banq
24、uet to wash your journey dust off tonight, and we would like you and your family to come.改译:Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight, and we would like you and your family to come to the dinner.分析:“洗尘”是汉语文化中特有的一种说法,指“设宴欢迎远道而来的宾客”,而不是“洗去灰尘”的意思。3. Adequate knowledge of
25、 the subject matter concerned“ subject matter concerned”是指译者对所译的材料的有关知识。(译者应该是杂家)In addition to an excellent command of both source and target languages, translators usually should specialize in one or more areas of knowledge in which their competence is needed, e.g. aeronautics, chemistry, artifici
26、al intelligence, mechanics, accounting, international law, medicine, or agronomy. But some more common fields may also require considerable specialization of knowledge, e.g. manuals for television repairs, exotic cooking recipes, and building codes. (Nida, 2001:100)The grater the translators knowled
27、ge of the subject matter involved in translation, the less difficult the comprehension of the source text, and the more accurate the representation in the target language. The translator should make a study of the original work, and acquire relevant information about the subject matter, the content
28、of the text, the author, and the background, etc. e.g.(1) The Security Council has been seized of the question since then. e.g.(1) The Security Council has been seized of the question since then. 安理会自那时以来就一直受理这个问题。(2)Nintendo will also remain a player in the games markets. This low-market leader has
29、 done well by relying on its own mega-successful characters: Pokemon, Marion and Donkey Kong. 原译:任天堂也将在游戏软件市场中继续扮演一个角色。这个低端市场的领先者日子过得不错。它主要依靠它自己成功的几个游戏软件:Pokemon, Marion 和 Donkey Kong. (2)Nintendo will also remain a player in the games markets. This low-market leader has done well by relying on its
30、own mega-successful characters: Pokemon, Marion and Donkey Kong. 改译:任天堂也将在游戏软件市场中继续扮演角色。凭借着它的几个大受欢迎的招牌人物:宠物小精灵,超级马里奥和大金刚,这个低端市场领先者日子一直过得不错。(3)Unfamiliar environment often creates unease and anxiety. As a result, individuals tend to seek out the familiar. The large American chain hotels such as Holid
31、ay Inn and Ramada, and the restaurant chains such as McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut have capitalized on this anxiety. Regardless of where you are in the world- North America, Europe, or Asia- The McDonalds hamburger will taste the same and the Holiday Inn will look the same.3)Unfamiliar environment o
32、ften creates unease and anxiety. As a result, individuals tend to seek out the familiar. The large American chain hotels such as Holiday Inn and Ramada, and the restaurant chains such as McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut have capitalized on this anxiety. Regardless of where you are in the world- North A
33、merica, Europe, or Asia- The McDonalds hamburger will taste the same and the Holiday Inn will look the same.译文:陌生的环境常常使人产生焦虑和不安的感觉。因此,人们往往会寻找熟悉的东西。美国的假日饭店、华美达等连锁饭店、麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客等连锁餐厅就是针对这种心理而开设的。不管你在地球的哪个地方北美、欧洲或亚洲-麦当劳的汉堡包吃在嘴里都是完全相同的味道,假日饭店看上去也是一模一样。4. A sense of Responsibility Another important facto
34、r involved in translation is a translators sense of responsibility towards the original text. Translators act ideally as historians and demonstrate a fundamental respect for the original text as a sacred and inviolable form. To this end, every translator should strive for accuracy, precision and obj
35、ectivism hi his work. e.g. dry goods 纺织品 wet goods 酒类产品 dry state (美国)禁酒洲, dry law (美国)禁酒法令 white wine 白葡萄酒, dry white wine 干白葡萄酒area bell: 地下室门铃Rose-leave: 玫瑰花瓣Bears grease: 发油Kitchen stuff: requisites for the kitchen as vegetables, etc.指蔬菜等厨房里的必备品 black tea black sheep in the red feel blue black a
36、nd blue brown sugar for good Pull ones leg black tea 红茶 black sheep 害群之马,败家子 in the red 赔本经营的,负债的 feel blue 感到沮丧 black and blue 青一块紫一块 brown sugar 红糖 for good 永久地,一劳永逸地 pull ones leg 开玩笑,捉弄人black figure/in the blackblack booksblue buttonblue-eyed boysthe white coffeeHe has a yellow streak in him.Do
37、you see any green in my eye?black figure/in the black 盈利,赚钱black books 失宠blue button 有权进入股票交易的经纪人blue-eyed boys 受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的人the white coffee 牛奶咖啡He has a yellow streak in him.他生性胆小。Do you see any green in my eye?你认为我幼稚可欺吗?E.g. If it worked once, it can work twice. 如果它能工作一次,它就能工作两次。 如果它一旦起作用,它能作用两
38、次。 如果再操作一次,它能工作两次。 要是马上干的话,能干两倍的活。 一旦开始,永不停息。 举一反三。 如果它一旦工作,就将取得两倍功效。 立即工作,效率两倍。 万事开头难。 一次得手,再次不愁。【解析】其实这是一则谚语,答案是(10) 。对于谚语、熟语、俗语等,翻译时一定要多查辞典, 多翻阅资料,不能似是而非,凭想当然去译。E.g. The child has started going on all fours. 人类起源于四肢动物。 人类经历了四个阶段。 这个小孩已经四岁了。 孩子会爬了。 这个小孩开始全面发育。 那个孩子开始四管齐下。 这个男孩四周观望。 这个男孩开始闯荡四方。 这个男
39、孩每天四点出发。 孩子们开始四面离散。 这个孩子四处奔波。 这个孩子已经鼓足干劲,全力以赴。 这孩子一年四季忙个不停。 孩子们赤身裸足地玩起来了。 这个小孩在接受四个方面的训练。 小孩在满四岁时就什么都懂了。 这个孩子已经开始跳在四个孩子当中。 那个孩子已经同时进行四个项目了。The child has started going on all fours.答案 :孩子会爬了。 【解析】只要查词典就会发现“on all fours” 是 “匍匐,爬着”的意思,决不会译错。译错的原因是语言基本功差。 5. Plenty of practice and Adequate knowledge of
40、Translation Theories and SkillsPractice makes perfect. Adequate knowledge of the translation theories and skills guides translators practice and enhances translators understanding of the nature of translation. 翻译的过程中应力戒下面六种不良倾向 : 一戒对原文词义理解失误。对词义的理解一靠在英语学习中积累的词汇知识 , 二靠对上下文的融会贯通,而后者是翻译学习者应特别注意的。缺乏经验的译
41、者常把字典奉为至上至尊的圣旨,觉得只要是字典上查到的词 , 用在译文中便没错。字典当然是要依靠的。几本好字典是翻译工作者所不可或缺的工具。但是 , 我们同时也应认识到 , 词义是在具体的语篇中才能准确显示出来的。同一个词 , 放到一个新语篇中就成了一个新词。二戒对原文结构认识不清。在这方面我们以前学过的语法知识能发挥很大的作用。英语和汉语分属印欧和汉藏两大语系, 结构差别比较大。英语仍保留着曲折变化 , 句子重形式上的语法组合, 从属成分和句子主干间有显明的形式关系。着手翻译之前务必要认清原句的层次脉络 , 确实理解了再来翻译。 三戒背景知识缺乏。对与原文有关的历史、社会、文化、地理以及相关专
42、业知识 , 是保证译文质量的关键之一。只有语言知识 , 没有或缺乏背景知识 , 也无法译出可信、可读的译文。 四戒逐字死译。在二戒中我们谈到了英语重形式结构的特点,一些专门论述中称之为 重形合 (hypotactic) 。而汉语结构与英语有很大不同。汉语句子相对来说结构较为松散 , 词组和小句组成句子主要靠顺理成章的意念铺排 , 形式特征不象英语那样明显 ( 常被称为 重意合 paratactic) 。因此译者必须顺应汉语行文的特点 , 译文的建构要突出一个 变 字。词类常常要变通 , 句子结构也常常需要加以变化。只有这样译文语篇才能为读者所接受 , 达到其交际目的。逐字死译常常是造成所谓翻译
43、腔的重要原因。 五戒译文逻辑连贯失调。译者必须有明确的语篇意识。你写出的小句、句子都不是孤立的 , 它们必须有机地组合在一起 , 形成一个逻辑和语义连贯的整体 , 才能有效地传达信息。 六戒只顾炫耀译文文笔。作为译者 , 必须认识到译文总是以原文为依据的。译文的构建不同于文章的写作 , 不能按自己的意志随意发挥。译文的文体特点应与原文趋于一致 , 朴实、平易的原文决不宜译成华丽、高雅的译文。当然 , 译者也是可以有自己的风格的 , 但译文的风格必须顺应原文 , 不能突破原文而自立一套 , 喧宾夺主。至于用译文的文笔掩饰对原文理解的不足 , 那就更不可取了。如:No difficulty, no
44、 fun. 若无难度,则无乐趣。(不要译成:不经严寒冰雪苦,哪来梅花放清香。)要求: (1) 不断提高自己对英语语篇的理解能力。扎实的词汇基础是理解能力的重要保证,因此必须努力扩大词汇量,掌握常用短语、习语及常用搭配。对基本语法及句型也要 了如指掌。以上这些都要通过大量的、广泛的阅读来实现,而决不是靠突击式的背单词表。必须严正指出,我们所说的理解能力不完全是标准化考试中那种 阅读理解 。那样的 阅读理解 片面性很大,还不是一个译者所需要的对语篇各个层次的深入、细致的理解。提高理解能力的最佳途径就是大量的阅读,精读和泛读合理结合的大量阅读。 另外,理解不单单是文字问题 . 没有相关的知识,即使没
45、有词汇及语法结构方面的障碍,也不一定读得懂,读得透。著名语言学家吕叔湘说过: . 了解原文的第三道关,就是字典不能帮忙的那些东西:上自天文,下至地理,人情风俗,俚语方言,历史上的事件,小说里的人物,五花八门,无以名之,名之曰 杂学 。所以,要做一个好的译者,还必须尽量多地了解各个学科的基本常识。在翻译实践中还要勤查勤问,千万不要想当然。 (2) 不断提高汉语的写作能力。汉语虽然是我们的母语,但决不能认为在汉语行文上就可以掉以轻心了。规范使用汉语的文字及句式,保证行文的道地,文体的适切,仍 然是我们应当孜孜以求的。为达到这一目的,应该在学习英语的同时,阅读优秀汉语作品,不断提高汉语修养。还要注意
46、汉语各种文体在用词及构句方面的特征,以 便在翻译相应英语文体时使用。 (3)不断积累和丰富翻译经验。学习翻译不能空谈,必须大量实践。所谓实践包括两方面的含义。 一是在自己的实践中琢磨体味,二是从他人的实践中汲取有用的东西。关键在于要结合自己的实践,要有思考、有评判地区去阅读。最后, 还必须付诸自己的实践 - 这是学习翻译、提高翻译水平的最重要的途径,是对翻译能力的最有效的检验。一个翻译学习者不经过 3 至 5 万字 ( 指汉译文的字数 ) 的练习,是谈不到对翻译能有什么体会的。这也就意味着在一年的学时间里,每周至少要做 7 至 8 百字的练习。翻译是一种技能,不亲手实践根本无法提高,任何翻译原
47、则、技巧之类,也只能对勤奋动笔翻译的人才能发挥作用。 Exercise: Now look at the following seemingly easy sentences and see if you can translate them easily.(1) He is easily the best student in the class. (1) He is easily the best student in the class. 误: 他很容易地成了班上最好的学生。 正: 他绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生。(2)The stranger robbed his wife. (2)Th
48、e stranger robbed his wife. 误: 那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。 正: 那个陌生人抢了他的妻子的钱(东 西)。 (3) Her mother died of difficult labor. (3) Her mother died of difficult labor. 误: 她母亲劳累而死。 正: 她母亲死于难产。(4)I wont do it to save my life. (4)I wont do it to save my life. 误: 为了救自己的命,我不会干。 正: 我(宁)死也不干。(5) I have no opinion of him. (5) I
49、 have no opinion of him. 误: 我对他没有看法。 正: 我觉得他不怎么样。 (6) He was then bright in the eye. (6) He was then bright in the eye. 误: 那时他眼里放出了光芒。 正: 此时他已(喝得)酩酊大醉。7) For all I care, you can throw it away. 7) For all I care, you can throw it away.误: 我最在乎的是,你把它丢了正:你把它丢了,我也不在乎。 (8) Their panic was their only punis
50、hment. (8) Their panic was their only punishment. 误: 惊恐是他们受到的唯一处罚。 正: 他们只是受了一场虚惊。 (有惊无险) (9) Do you have a family? (9) Do you have a family? 误: 你成家了吗? 正: 你有孩子了吗?(10) The lecturer carried his audience with him. (10) The lecturer carried his audience with him. 误: 演讲者把观众都带走了。 正: 演讲者博得全场喝彩。11. He is dea
51、d,as I live.11. He is dead,as I live. 他的确死了。12. I would rather have his room than his company.12. I would rather have his room than his company.我宁愿他不在。13. A man in Toms position was always in danger of being taken for a ride. 13. A man in Toms position was always in danger of being taken for a ride.
52、 处在汤姆这种地位的人,经常都有被人绑架去枪杀的危险。(take sb. For a ride: 架出去枪杀;诈骗)14. The dishonest salesman took the customers for a ride. 14. The dishonest salesman took the customers for a ride. 这个商人骗取顾客的钱财。15. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.原译:从那里,我
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