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1、1 Which of the computers do you prefer ? Actually I dont like of them.AbothBeitherCnoneDneither2 The story is so amazing ! Its the most exciting story。 Ive ever read. But perhaps it wont be liked by .AeverybodyBsomebodyCanybodyDnobody3 Are these chairs enough for your group ? No. We need five chairs

2、.AotherBsomeCanotherDothers4 Would you like some salad ? Yes, please. Its my favourite. I think is more delicious than salad.AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything5 Did you get any fish when you were fishing yesterday ? Yes. I got than any of them.AmanyBa lot moreCmuchDthe most6 Does your uncle live

3、 alone in his house ? Yes. Though he has a wife and two children, but of them lives with him.Anone BallCbothDneither.7 Did you hear ? Yes. Its terribleAsomething specialBanything specialCsomething usualDanything usual8 What do you think of this exam ? It is easy, but I dont think can pass it.Asomebo

4、dyBanythingCeverybodyDnobody9 Its very hot. Would you like to drink ? Yes, please. Thank you.AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything10 Where can we have supper tonight ? Oh, if you dont mind , we can do it at of these restaurants.AallBeitherCanyDeach11 Smoking is bad for your health. Yes, I know. But

5、 I simply cant .Agive it inBgive it upCgive it out Dgive it away12 Have you finished your work yet ? No, not yet. I think itll take ten minutes.AanotherBotherCothersDmore13 Why not borrow some money from your friends ? But I know of the people here except you.AeverybodyBnoneCanybodyDno14 Dad, Ive ju

6、st seen only one copy of BASKETBALL at that newsstand(报摊). Go and buy , Lillian.AoneBitCanotherDthis15 Heres coffee and tea. You may have . Thanks.AeitherBeachConeDit16 How many people were hurt in the accident ? .AEverybodyBSomebodyCNoneDAnybody17 are you going to be when you graduate from Wuhan Un

7、iversity ? A reporter. That is my dream job.AWhoBWhomCWhatDHow18 What do you want to buy for your mother as a birthday present ? Im not sure.AanotherBelseCotherDany19 What do you think of the environment in our city ? I think there is air pollution than before and our city looks more beautiful.Alitt

8、leBlessCa littleDfew20 Are you ready for the meeting tomorrow ? Yes. goes on quite well.ANothingBSomethingCAnythingDEverything21 How long will you stay in Wuhan ? Perhaps for ten days.AotherBothersCanotherDsome22 Could you give me some advice on how to face this situation ? You should go on with you

9、r work now others say.AhoweverBwheneverCwhateverDwherever23 When shall we meet again ? Make it day you like. Its all the same to me.AotherBanyCthe otherDanother24 What do you think of your new classmates ? Most of them are kind, but is so good to me as Linda.Ano one BnoneCevery oneDsomeone25 Which o

10、f the two rooms would you like, sir ? Oh, .Aall BeveryCeachDneither26 Got any result of the Worlds Table Tennis Championship in Japan ? Well, I was trying to, but found .AoneBno oneCnoneDsome27 Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning ? . Youd better come here on Friday morning .AEitherBNoneCNeit

11、herDBoth28 You have been sitting on my hat and now it is out of . Oh, Im really sorry.Adate BshapeCorderDstyle29 Mr Li is ill in hospital. When shall we go to see him ? day of this week is OK. But the sooner the better.AAllBAnyCEitherDEvery30 Do you like the comedy star Zhao Benshan or the action mo

12、vie star Jackie Chan ? . I like Yao Ming.ANeitherBEitherCBothDAll31 Will your parents come to dinner with us ? No. of them is free today.ABothBNoneCNeitherDEither32 Though they were all very tired, of them would stop to have a rest. How hard-working they were !AoneBno oneCnoneDsome33 Can you tell me something about the city of Shanghai ? No problem. Thats just the city I visited last summer.AhowBwhereCwhatDwhich34 When shall we meet again next week ? day is all right for me because Ill have nothing important to do.ANeitherBEitherCAnyDAll35 Is


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