惊蛰Awakening of Insects(中英双语解读-历史、由来、特点、习俗、饮食与相关文学)_第1页
惊蛰Awakening of Insects(中英双语解读-历史、由来、特点、习俗、饮食与相关文学)_第2页
惊蛰Awakening of Insects(中英双语解读-历史、由来、特点、习俗、饮食与相关文学)_第3页
惊蛰Awakening of Insects(中英双语解读-历史、由来、特点、习俗、饮食与相关文学)_第4页
惊蛰Awakening of Insects(中英双语解读-历史、由来、特点、习俗、饮食与相关文学)_第5页
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1、惊蛰Awakening of Insects目录 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc94430328 惊蛰Awakening of Insects PAGEREF _Toc94430328 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430329 一、惊蛰节气 PAGEREF _Toc94430329 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430330 Awakening of Insects PAGEREF _Toc94430330 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430331 由来 PAGEREF _Toc94430331 h 3 HYPER

2、LINK l _Toc94430332 二、惊蛰气候 PAGEREF _Toc94430332 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430333 Spring ploughing PAGEREF _Toc94430333 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430334 Spring thunder cracks the sky PAGEREF _Toc94430334 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430335 三、惊蛰风俗 PAGEREF _Toc94430335 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430336 1.惊蛰吃梨 PAGEREF _Toc

3、94430336 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430337 Eating pears PAGEREF _Toc94430337 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430338 2.祭白虎化解是非 PAGEREF _Toc94430338 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430339 Offering sacrifices to the white tiger PAGEREF _Toc94430339 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430340 3.蒙鼓皮 PAGEREF _Toc94430340 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc944

4、30341 4. “打小人”驱赶霉 PAGEREF _Toc94430341 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430342 Beating villains PAGEREF _Toc94430342 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430343 A good time for fishing PAGEREF _Toc94430343 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430344 5、饮食 PAGEREF _Toc94430344 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430345 四、相关文学 PAGEREF _Toc94430345 h 9 HYPE

5、RLINK l _Toc94430346 农谚 PAGEREF _Toc94430346 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430347 有怀正仲还雁峰诗【作者:舒岳祥】 PAGEREF _Toc94430347 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430348 春晴泛舟【作者:陆游】 PAGEREF _Toc94430348 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430349 菩萨蛮【作者:萧汉杰】 PAGEREF _Toc94430349 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430350 观田家【作者:韦应物】 PAGEREF _Toc94430350

6、 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430351 义雀行和朱评事(唐)贾岛 PAGEREF _Toc94430351 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430352 惊蛰家人子辈为易疏帘 范成大 PAGEREF _Toc94430352 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc94430353 游玉泉 朱翌 PAGEREF _Toc94430353 h 11一、惊蛰节气惊蛰,古称“启蛰”,是二十四节气中的第三个节气,标志着仲春时节的开始;太阳到达黄经345时。古代分惊蛰为三候:“一候桃始华;二候仓庚(黄鹂)鸣;三候鹰化为鸠。”惊蛰三候所代表的花信为:“一候桃花,二候杏

7、花,三候蔷薇。”该节气在历史上也曾被称为“启蛰”。夏小正曰:“正月启蛰”。在现今的汉字文化圈中,日本仍然使用“启蛰”这个名称。Awakening of InsectsThe traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Awakening of Insects (Chinese: 惊蛰) falls on March 5 and ends on March 19 this year.Awakening of Insects signals a rise in temperature and in

8、creased rainfall. As the third solar term in the lunar year, its name alludes to the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back to life. It is the key time for spring agricultural activities.由来惊蛰在历史上也曾被称为“启蛰”。夏小正曰:“正月启蛰”。在现今的汉字文化圈中,日本仍然


10、的春光了。Spring ploughingThe Awakening of Insects is an extremely important time for farmers and is widely seen as the beginning of the busiest time for agricultural work. During this period, most parts of China experience the quickest rise in temperatures, with the average level reaching above 10 degre

11、es Celsius, and there is a marked increase in sunshine, which provides good natural conditions for farming.Old Chinese sayings such as once the Awakening of Insects comes, spring ploughing never rests reveal the importance of this term to farmers.“春雷惊百虫”,温暖的气候条件却利于多种病虫害的发生和蔓延,田间杂草也相继萌发,应及时搞好病虫害防治和中耕

12、除草。“桃花开,猪瘟来”,家禽家畜的防疫也要引起重视了。这时,气温回升较快,长江流域大部地区已渐有春雷。我国南方大部分地区,常年雨水、惊蛰亦可闻春雷初鸣;而华北西北部除了个别年份以外,一般要到清明才有雷声。惊蛰雷鸣最引人注意。如“未过惊蛰先打雷,四十九天云不开”。惊蛰节气正处乍寒乍暖之际,根据冷暖预测后期天气的谚语有:“冷惊蛰,暖春分”等。惊蛰节的风也有用来作预测后期天气的依据。如“惊蛰刮北风,从头另过冬”、惊蛰吹南风,秧苗迟下种。Spring thunder cracks the skyThe spring thunder is most noticeable during the Awak

13、ening of Insects solar term. An old Chinese saying goes: If the first spring thunder crashes before the Awakening of Insects solar term, there will be abnormal weather that year. The Awakening of Insects falls after the end of winter and before the beginning of spring. Wind during this period is an

14、important factor in weather forecasting.Modern meteorological science shows that around the Awakening of Insects, the earth becomes humid and the hot air near the surface rises; meanwhile, the hot humid air from the north is strong and creates frequent winds. For this reason, thunder occurs in this

15、period. China covers a large range of latitudes from north to south, so the first spring thunder appears at different times in different areas.三、惊蛰风俗1.惊蛰吃梨在民间素有“惊蛰吃梨”的习俗。惊蛰吃梨源于何时,无迹可寻,传说闻名海内的晋商渠家,用上党的潞麻与梨倒换祁县的粗布、红枣,往返两地间从中赢利,渠百川走西口经商致富。后来走西口者也仿效吃梨,多有“离家创业”之意,再后来惊蛰日也吃梨,亦有“努力荣祖”之念。Eating pearsEating p

16、ears around the Awakening of Insects is a widely-practiced custom in China. As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes dry, people tend to feel their mouths are parched and tongues dry, which can cause colds or coughs. A pear is sweet, juicy and cold, moistening the lungs to arrest a cough. Ther

17、efore, pears are highly recommended during the Awakening of Insect2.祭白虎化解是非中国的民间传说白虎是口舌、是非之神,每年都会在这天出来觅食,开口噬人,犯之则在这年之内,拜祭时,需以肥猪血喂之,使其吃饱后不再出口伤人,继而以生猪肉抹在纸老虎的嘴上,使之充满油水,不能张口说人是非。Offering sacrifices to the white tigerAccording to ancient Chinese folklore, a white tiger is the creature that brings quarrel

18、s and disputes. It always begins hunting during the Awakening of Insects, and sometimes bites people. It is said that those bitten by a white tiger will encounter evil villains in their life that bring obstructions and bad luck. Therefore people offer sacrifices to the white tiger during the Awakeni

19、ng of Insects to protect themselves.When practicing this old custom, people draw the white tiger on paper, and then smear pigs blood and pork on its mouth. This means the tiger is fed so that it would not bite people, avoiding bad luck and conflict.3.蒙鼓皮惊蛰是雷声引起的。古人想象雷神是位鸟嘴人身,长了翅膀的大神,一手持锤,一手连击环绕周身的许多

20、天鼓,发出隆隆的雷声。万物之灵的人类也要顺应天时,凡事才能达到事半功倍之效。4. “打小人”驱赶霉每年惊蛰那天都会出现一个有趣的场景:妇人一边用木拖鞋拍打纸公仔,一边口中念念有词地念:“打你个小人头,打到你有气冇定抖,打到你食亲野都呕”的打小人咒语。Beating villainsVillain hitting originated in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and its a folk ritual popular in Guangdong and Hong Kong. The custom is practiced during the Awakening

21、 of Insects to expel the villain and to bring good luck. People often assign a specific witch (usually an elderly woman) to beat the villains. They use paper cut in the shape of humans to represent villains in their lives and the witch would use shoes or other tools to hit the paper to expel bad luc

22、k.In Hong Kong, the Swan neck bridge between Causeway Bay and Wan Chai has become a popular place for people to beat villains.A good time for fishingAround the Awakening of Insects, hibernating animals wake up, and so do fish. They swim from deep water to shallow water in search of food, mating and

23、bearing young. It is a good time for fishing.Fishing can provide mental and physical relaxation, especially for people living in the city. Driving to the suburbs, fishing in a lake, bathing in the sunlight, enjoying the singing birds, fragrant flowers and waving willows make for a perfect weekend in spring.5、饮食黄帝内经曰:春三月,此谓发陈。天地俱生,万物以荣。夜卧早行,广步于庭,披发缓行,以便生志。其意是,春季万物复苏,应该晚睡早起,散步缓行,可以使精神愉悦、身体健康。这概括了惊蛰养生在起居方面的基点要点。惊蛰过后万物复苏,是春暖花开的季节,同时却也是各种病毒和细菌活跃的季节。惊蛰时节人体的肝阳之气渐升,阴血相对不足,养生应顺乎阳气的升发、万物始生的特点,使自身的精神、情志、气血也如春日一样舒展畅达,生机盎然。从饮食方面来看,惊蛰时节饮食起居应顺肝之性,助益脾气,令五脏和平。宜多吃富含植物蛋白质、维生素的清淡食物,少食动物脂肪类食物。可多食鸭血、菠菜、芦荟、水萝


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