1、扮Executi靶ve Imag版e Re-En胺gineeri耙ng Seri柏es佰(Dr. Jo叭yce Knu岸dsen & 跋Desmond隘s 3D H霸olistic袄 Approa板ch)败Series 稗1 Works颁hops O熬uter Ap邦pearanc把e Perfe疤ction叭INTRODU盎CTION般“She唉 walks 靶into a 邦room an扒d five 坝people 啊run up 扳to gree八t her. 袄She is 熬not as 案qualifi翱ed as y傲ou, but办 she ge肮ts the 稗job昂”
2、肮.扳 Why? 瓣“皑She has般 charm氨”凹 -笆 百Dr. Joy霸ce Knud艾sen巴However碍, it is澳 拔“隘o稗nly whe阿n you h笆ave att摆ended t碍o the s坝maller 绊details澳 of you般r appea安rance c按an you 拜go to t把own on 熬the cha埃rm”哀 said 坝F. Scot肮t Fitzg办erald半. Most 翱importa捌ntly, 捌the sou办rce of 埃our ima案ge 拜project傲ion 隘(Inner 澳Image)
3、罢determi皑nes搬 the le隘vel of 吧our exc熬ellence扮 in sel安f-image艾 and pe矮rceptio敖n 板managem背ent柏. 鞍This is柏 an iss芭ue of 懊“肮Ultimat矮e Empow蔼erment澳”佰 to opt把imize b懊usiness般 succes哎s and m拔ay be t艾he 盎“搬Final C跋ompetit扳ive Adv爱antage奥”扒 that w吧e canno安t affor版d to un挨deresti案mate氨: 唉Holisti澳c Image碍WHO
4、SHO吧ULD ATT敖END:凹CEO, 暗busines绊s熬 founde隘r, mana吧gers, H爸R & tra霸iners, 唉marketi胺ng exec搬utive, 拜busines澳s & lif佰e coach碍, and p哀rofessi把onals w百ho wish办 to enh百ance th靶eir tot笆al qual把ity exp坝ression爸 from h百ead to 艾soul an盎d hair 捌to toe 疤through绊 the un昂derstan啊ding an敖d 百applica肮tion爱 of 3D 办Hol
5、isti耙c Image唉 Model.DETAILS摆Worksho爱p A: Ou班ter App霸earance拌 Perfec稗tion fo胺r Profe懊ssional扒s颁Persona百lized o伴utcome班Persona百lized c颁olor/se瓣asonal 拌assessm安ent啊Color f稗an for 邦persona拜l color绊 co-ord敖ination唉 (makeu瓣p & war霸drobe)伴Persona绊lity & 瓣tempera巴ment aw碍areness俺 and it昂s linka搬ge to j盎ob p
6、ref伴erence佰Content肮Color p安sycholo搬gy拌Color a傲nd seas八onal an隘alysis 矮from th扒e insid靶e out (凹from te碍mperame案nt, per氨sonalit百y, skin皑 undert稗one to 爸outer c芭olor st爱rategy瓣Date & 笆Time邦6 pm to霸 10 pm,白 1扒2跋 & 1柏3懊 白Sep碍 2005伴Worksho邦p B: 艾Self Im哀age Dia凹gnosis 拌I 蔼懊 A fund伴amental扳 prepar跋ation f唉
7、or a Ne稗w You 绊Persona瓣lized o办utcome扮Persona把lized i奥mage di邦agnosis唉Life wh扮eel con邦dition 胺awarene扮ss啊Persona巴l wardr袄obe 3翱-step r埃e-const佰ruction百 and ta芭ilor-ma爱de hair耙-style 班advice安Content佰Skin an耙d nail 哎analysi版s案Face sh皑ape ana败lysis安Figure 唉analysi袄s哎Life wh耙eel & l翱ife sty安le anal盎ysis
8、胺Wardrob吧e audit坝Hair & 瓣hair st蔼yle ana坝lysis敖Date & 板Time跋6 pm to岸 10 pm,罢 佰26版 & 按27暗 Sep 20唉05胺Worksho癌p C: Fa隘shion, 凹Style &罢 Dress 肮Code, I笆mage fo耙r Men &罢 Women,搬 Self I扒mage & 爸Impress吧ion Man俺agement佰Persona瓣lized o袄utcome白Open ca皑se stud唉ies dis半cussion胺 and ad拔vice am啊ong tra扒iner an白d
9、parti鞍cipants矮 based 碍on thei背r workp敖lace pr癌oblems吧Content柏Various啊 dress 拔codes a唉t perso懊nal & c败orporat癌e level疤Image o安f male 吧& femal捌e execu疤tive白The pow吧er of i霸mpressi案on and 半image m坝anageme斑nt tech摆niques蔼Date & 笆Time昂6 pm to稗 10 pm,稗 板3艾 & 按4瓣 Oct 20叭05FEE爱Individ碍ual wor哎kshop e稗nrolme
10、n爱t 办HK$2,10般0 皑Full se爱ries en颁rolment懊HK$5,70罢0 百F半ACILITA罢TOR俺Image d白e Monde败 Certif邦ied Ima摆ge Cons拔ultancy敖 (Holis懊tic)袄Founded捌 by Mr.鞍 Desmon八d Chan,艾 般MBA, AI奥CI皑,稗 氨CIP, 拔CPBA, C敖PVA, CA蔼IA, 扮CTRI, 埃CPAC, C胺SL, Aro翱mathera俺p佰ist般Preside扮nt of t哀he Asso八ciation搬 of Ima俺ge Cons稗ultant 岸Inter
11、na按tional 按(AICI) 奥唉 H.K. C按hapter 邦and Asi拜an Head按quarter隘 Presid傲ent of 斑the Aca霸demy of耙 Holism绊 & Inne澳r Welln碍ess, In班ternati霸onal (A按HI). 拜It is t爱he firs唉t U.S.A鞍. AICI 熬certifi阿ed imag罢e consu佰ltancy 懊firm an摆d publi肮c pract拔ice of 败interna叭tional 扳certifi蔼ed holi摆stic im扮age con蔼sulting碍 t
12、raine板r in Ho扮ng Kong疤 and Ch板ina. Al瓣l consu肮ltants 盎and tra艾iners a爸re AICI笆 傲certifi佰ed霸 and/or熬 have a巴ttained哎 intern盎ational蔼 accred巴ited tr唉ainer s岸tatus. 般Cliente啊le of I把mage de鞍 Monde办 Certif胺ied Ima摆ge Cons拜ultancy爱 (Holis癌tic) in啊cludes:办 Sino G翱roup, P办acific 盎Century俺 Insura袄nce, Ma肮nu
13、life 瓣(Intern哀ational瓣) Ltd, 拔Hong Ko澳ng Prop凹erty an吧d City 八Univers挨ity of 安Hong Ko跋ng.et案c 摆ACCREDI跋TATION癌A Certi邦ficate 蔼of Atte唉ndance 盎will be阿 awarde邦d by PE翱AK upon把 comple扒tion of跋 each w跋orkshop安.稗For par癌ticipan氨ts who 耙would l艾ike to 案further拌 their 奥study i岸n holis矮tic ima熬ge cons班ulta
14、ncy佰 and/or瓣 to bec昂ome a p捌rofessi半onal pr哀actitio白ner, th奥e follo唉wing ac把credita唉tions a俺re gran氨t翱ed to g罢raduate办:按The att熬endance挨 certif白icates 柏are acc邦redited白 by Ima八ge de M胺onde Ac挨ademy a唉t Work/艾 Image 疤de Mond叭e. Cert拌ified I斑mage Co罢nsultan绊cy (Hol白istic) 半for the颁 Holist班ic Imag柏e Co
15、nsu哎ltancy 疤Double 败Certifi昂cation 罢& Diplo邦ma Prog巴rams. 案Exempti懊on on m懊odule b半asis wi瓣ll be g安ranted 暗to the 伴mention隘ed prog拜ram enr埃ollee b澳ased on吧 their 般Worksho绊p Certi阿ficate/跋s.VENUE埃VTC Tow唉er, 27 哀Wood Ro霸ad, Wan袄chai, H癌ong Kon拜g懊MEDIUM 胺OF INST摆RUCTION盎Taught 啊in Cant板onese w哎ith Eng
16、凹lish ma绊terialsENQUIRY版Worksho凹p:艾矮Ms. Les摆ley Wat瓣t (tel:岸 2836 1巴941)暗Enrolme跋nt:凹搬Ms. May搬 Chan (安tel:敖 2836 1佰906)半Website瓣: www.p袄eak.vtc八.edu.hk8/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 香港灣仔活道27號職業訓練局大樓8字樓Tel 電話: 2836 1922Fax 傳真: 2891 5707E-mail電郵: peak.hkWeb-Site網址: HYPERLINK .hk .hk
17、報名表ENROLMENT APPLICATION FORM報名須知1.每項課程請用一份表格,如有需要可自行影印。2.付款方法:2.1如選擇以支票繳付課程費用,請將表格連同劃線支票郵寄親身交回本院(每課程請寫一張支票),支票抬頭請寫:職業訓練局2.2如選擇以信用咭繳付課程費用,請將表格傳真郵寄親身交回本院辦事處 (每次付款港幣5000元或以上方可使用信用咭)傳真:2891 5707地址:香港灣仔活道27號職業訓練局大9樓3.所有課程名額均以先到先得方法分配,本院將不會處理所有未填妥之表格或沒有連同支票交回之表格。4.凡成功申請者將於開課前至少七天接獲本院以郵遞或閣下指定的方法通知開課詳情。本院對
18、因郵遞失誤而寄失的開課通知書,概不負責。如在開課前尚未接獲通知,申請者應致電本院查詢(電話:2836 1906)。5.除因課程取消或改期外,一切已繳費用概不退還。6.收據將於第一堂派發,惟稍遲繳費者,收據將會稍遲發出或寄出。本院對因郵遞失誤而遺失的收據,概不負責。7.申請表格可於本院網頁.hk下載。NOTES FOR APPLICANTS1.Please use one form for each course and photocopy if necessary.2.Payment Method:2.1If you pay the course fees by cheque, please
19、return the form to us by mail / in person with a crossed cheque (one cheque for one course) payable to Vocational Training Council.2.2If you pay the course fees by credit card, please return the form to us by fax / by mail / in person. (Credit card only for HK$5000 or above per payment)Fax:2891 5707
20、Address:9/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong3.All places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Incomplete form and form received without payment will be regarded as unsuccessful application.4.Successful applicants will be notified on the class information by mail or any other
21、 ways specified by you at least 7 days before class commencement. PEAK will not be responsible for loss of class information sent by mail. Please contact us if you do not receive the information before the class commencement (Tel.: 2836 1906).5.All fees paid are non-refundable unless the course is c
22、ancelled or rescheduled.6.Receipt will be distributed at the first lesson while late payment may cause delay in receipt issuing. PEAK will not be responsible for loss of receipt sent by mail.7.Application form is also available on our website at .hk本人欲報讀以下課程:課程:Executive Image Re-Engineering Worksho
23、p 開課日期:I wish to apply for training of:Course : _ Commencement Date : Sep to Oct 2005課程名稱:Course Title : (please tick) _ Workshop A _ Workshop B _ Workshop C _ Full Series申請人資料PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT為方便電腦記錄,請以英文填寫Please use English for completing the form 姓名#:(先生/太太/女士)(中文)(英文) Name# : (Mr/Mrs/Ms)(
24、Chinese) (English) 香港身分證號碼 HKID No.: _ #(請填與香港身分證相同姓名Please put in name as appeared on your HKID card) 機構名稱Organization: 職位Position: 部門Department: 教育程度:中學預科大學研究院 Educational Level Attained : Secondary Post-secondary University Graduate Post-graduate 通訊地址Mailing Address: 電話(日間):Telephone(daytime): 手提:Mobile: 傳真:Fax: 電子郵件E-Mail: 如閣下是管理發展服務會
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