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1、词伙 2014 8 【8.31【830BBC gamesincreasegamesmayinfluencelikeDoom,Wolfenstein3DorMortalCombat增性的行increaseaggressivethoughts,feelingsandTheyt gamesmaybemoreeractive,andrequiretheplayernbecause词伙 2014 8 【8.31【830BBC gamesincreasegamesmayinfluencelikeDoom,Wolfenstein3DorMortalCombat增性的行increaseaggressiveth

2、oughts,feelingsandTheyt gamesmaybemoreeractive,andrequiretheplayernbecausetheyaggressivecharacter性的角色PsychologistsDrCraigAnderson,fromeUniversityofScienceTechnology,andDrKarenDill,fromLenoir-RhyneCollege,carriedouttwoThismediumispotentiallymorenDrCraigAnderson,IowaeUniversityofScienceandtyoungmenwho

3、arehabituallyaggressivemaybevulnerabletotheeffects,容易受到影响ofrepeated uretoviolentureto and identify with games4 any countriesschools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do youthinkarethecausesofthis?Whatsolutionscanyousuggest?Poor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widesprero

4、blemand t modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.1:poorstudentbehaviour=misbehavior=behavioural学习点roblem 词伙,普学习点3:很多同学关于开头4:this problem5:modernlifestyles 东西:1 分子分母法 2 百分比的表达变化 3 东西:1 分子分母法 2 百分比的表达变化 3 Nearly one in 10 students were bevedtobeunemployedsixmonthsafter graduating from UK

5、universities in 2012, new sistics show.Men were slightly more likelynwomentobeoutofwork,buttheiraveragepay was higher, says the Higher EducationSistics Agency (Hesa).About9%ofthosewhohadfinishedfull-timedegreeswereoutofNearly11%ofmenwereunemployed,comparedwith7%ofnewfemalegraduates. Average wages fo

6、r men was 21,000 a year, while for women it was19,000.AndmenweremorelikelytobeearningnOut of a total of moren 230,000 full-time graduates from 2011-12 whose destinationswereknown,72%wereworking,orworkingandstudying;15%were studying and 9% were unemployed.TheHesafiguresareforUKandEuropeanUnionstudent

7、swhostudiedatUK CustomerBBC 上课的时的3 The second showedt everybody canetemporarilymoreaggressiveafter even a brief exure to violent games.study227collegestudentswereaskedtoratetheirlevelofDr Anderson said: We foundtstudents who reported playing more violent games in junior and highschool engagedore agg

8、ressive behaviour,表现We also foundt amount of times pent playinghepastwas ted with lower academic grades,成绩更低 in college.he second study, 210 college students played either a violent (olfenstein3D)or game (Myst).YoucannotsimulateinalaboratorythecomplexltpeopleconcernedNearlytwo-thirdsofthoseremaining

9、thirdworkinginheUKwere in alroles,with tdidnotrequireadegree,accordingtoSalesandcustomerserviceoccupations accountedfor13%Nearlytwo-thirdsofthoseremainingthirdworkinginheUKwere in alroles,with tdidnotrequireadegree,accordingtoSalesandcustomerserviceoccupations accountedfor13%ofallleaverswhowerework-

10、the largest henon-aln9,500peoplewereworkinginwhatHesadescribesasoccupations,includingGrowingnumbersofchasofficejuniors,hospitalporters,waitersheUKnowrequireadegree,naquarterofjobs arenowavailableonlytograduates,accordingtostudybytheInstituteofEducationhemid-1980s,graduatejobsaccountedforaboutonein10

11、【8.28BBC文章 display exhibits, 陈列展品hidden culture, 软文化 ancient books, 古书 culturalgems,文化瑰宝historicallyimportant有历史价值的 cultural heritage,文化遗产toworthycauses,(将钱)enhanceeracyskills, historicallyimportant The nations museums have more exhibitsnspacetodisplaythemin-so50mof National Lottery money is being s

12、pent on an ambitious scheme to digitise vast amounts of our hidden culture and put it online for all to see,writes Giles Turnbull.Buriedindarkvaults,cellars,andmustystoreroomsallovertheUKarethousands, perhaps millions of historical and cultural gems,文化瑰宝.sandbooks,archaeologicalrecordsandfinds,oldph

13、otographs anddrawings;allofthemconsignedtoyearsinstoragebecausetheresimplyisnt anywhere to show them to the public.Spaceis atapremium Combined,theyrepresenttheheritageandcultureofthenation,andareincalculableEffortshavenowstartedtotakesomeofthisheritage-fragmentsscinating-anddigitisethemtingon Onerne

14、t,Combined,theyrepresenttheheritageandcultureofthenation,andareincalculableEffortshavenowstartedtotakesomeofthisheritage-fragmentsscinating-anddigitisethemtingon Onernet,thereisnoneedtolimittheexhibitionspace.Puttingthecultural heritage,文化遗产 on the web means suddenlybemadeavailabletomillionsofpeople

15、. Years of workTheNewOpportunitiesFund(NOF)isoneofthebodiessetuptodishoutmoneytoworthycauses,给有用的地方ttheinformationitcontainsComputersthemselvesingItsNOF-Digitiseisonesuchcause,designedtoopenupstomillionshistorically important 有历史价值的swhichwouldotherwiseberarely seen by human eyes.Itsanambitiousprojec

16、twhichwilltakeseveralyearstocomplete,althoughbatchofdigitisedinformationshouldbereadyofthis DigitisedinformationwillbeothreebroadcontentCulturalent:treflectstheheritageofacommunity,orcountry,includingfineorperformingarts,designorCitizenshipinamoderne: thelpspeopletos,includinginformationontheir righ

17、tsandobligationsin Re-skillingthenation:peopleandunderstandingofotherinformationsuchasscience,ndentionwastobuildalibraryoffreely-availablelearningmaterialsacrossthreethemes,saysChrisAnderson,NOFsheadof【8.27BBC Parentswhowanttheirchildrentoeatmorefruitandvegetablesshouldgivethem an apron and let them

18、 cook, recent research suggests.Byteachingourchildrentocooktheyaremorelikelytogrowuptobehealthybecausetheyhaveabetterknowledgeofcookingtechniques, 烹饪能力, preparing food,备餐 and new tastes.enhanceeracyskills, WatchingtalentedamateurcooksonMasterchefandgazinglonginglyatconcoctedbyTVwhat Beingabletocookr

19、itychefsisfine,butngthecookingourselveswhichhelpschildrenoWhenitcomestoyoungchildren,ICanCookonCBeebiesmightWatchingtalentedamateurcooksonMasterchefandgazinglonginglyatconcoctedbyTVwhat Beingabletocookritychefsisfine,butngthecookingourselveswhichhelpschildrenoWhenitcomestoyoungchildren,ICanCookonCBe

20、ebiesmightholdwhileyouputonthewashingbutitsnoreplacementettingoutthebutterflourandlettingthemmakeamess,or researchhasAstudyinool,byCityUniversityLondon,tcookingclassesaimed, bothschoolpupilsandadultshaditiveimpactmorepupilssayingtheyatemorefruitandvegfollowingtheAnotherstudy,carriedoutbytheSchoolFoo

21、dTrust,easuredtheimpactofnationalnetworkofschool-basedcookingclubsforfourtoeightyearsolds,tlearningtocookimprovedtheirrecognition,提高意识ofhealthier康的食物(FOOD 是不是可数名词)andtheirdesiretoBBC Naturesgift:TheeconomicbenefitsofpreservingthenaturalworldSlowingdownthedestruction,减少破坏oftheEarthsnaturalisessential

22、iftheglobal economy,andthe long tdriveit,aretoThecurrentrateofdestructionisestimatedtocosttheworldtrillionsofeveryyear,andthedamagewillonlygetgetworseunless wide-ranging广泛的措施aretakentostopThereasonissimplepopulationgrowthisthemaindriver,主因behindtare .Therearecurrentlyabout6.7billionpeoplelivingonEar

23、th,andthisnumberprojectedtogrowto9.2billionby2050 -ts roughlypopulationoftheUKbeingaddedtotheplanet Thismeanswellneed70%morefood,accordingtotheUnitedNations(UN),justofthemanyadditionalresonEarthsfinite.biodiversitylosseatingalife【8.25BBC Danish design is known to be 【8.25BBC Danish design is known t

24、o be cutting-edge 前沿的.tsalsothecasewhenit comes to modern housing.Butwhilearchitectsfromacrosstheglobe 全球arelookingtothesmall,innovative Scandinavian country for ideas to shbuildings, Danish townplanners are findingtthefutureofhousingishehousesRather, it henArchitecture is a mirror of the surroundin

25、g society, said town planner Jan Gehl, whoisalecturerattheDanishRoyalAcademyofFineArtsSchoolofArchitecture.Totheaward-winningarchitectmodernhousingisnotaboutthewaybuildingslook. Its about addressing the needs,满足需求 of the people who are to occupy the houses 使用这些房子.ThefutureCopenhagenisgreenandopen.We

26、arereturningtothetimeswhenthe streets and the exterior were symbols of exclusivity.Foryears,focushasbeenonerior,theactual heBut people in cities areingmore concerned with the potential of engaging withthecommunities,saidMrGehl,whoisseeinghisideasbeingadoptedbycity councils in Britain,across Europe,

27、Normerica, Asia and even Saudi Arabia.ToomuchAccording to Mr Gehl, housing has alwaysaddressed the diseases of society. Today, he argues, we suffer from anation,crime, drug abuse,药物 and loneliness. The cure, Mr Gehl insists, is to realisetlifeoutsidethefourwallsofaflatismore n life inside.Thus,in20y

28、earstime,Copenhagenwillhavemanymoresquaresandparkswhere inhabitants can enjoy each othersc ompany.Mr Gehls isbackedbyarecentreportbytheDanishInstituteforIf left unchecked, these preres willl ead to the ever-faster destruction of nature, whichcouldcosttheworld$28.6tn18.2tn)or18%ofglobaleconomicoutput

29、,经 济总量, by 2050,according to the UN-backed Principles of Responsible Investmentandcorporateenvironmentalresearchgroup【8.24BBC Question5WhyarevirtualingmorepopularI think one major reason t people today have work long 【8.24BBC Question5WhyarevirtualingmorepopularI think one major reason t people toda

30、y have work long After they get off work, they are It is difficult to ain face-to-face contact with hbours and .They may use virtual communities to develop their People today are also keen to increase their e in leisure In the virtual world, there are many people t is why they prefer to get online,

31、instead of municating with people in the real world for informati networkingeventsdeveloponlinelandeconomicwellbeingThe research suggestst people arereacting to busy careers, growing stress and toomuchself-realisationbyformingclosercommunitiesandcloserfriendships Untilnow, individualisationhasbeenan

32、importanttrendin oursociety, saidNiels Boettger-Rasmussen,whohasledaresearchproject othevaluesDanesandtheir housing preferen at the institute.Youcanchoosewhicheverlifeyoudlike.Andyouyourselfarealwaysthemost important project.Butincreasingly,peoplearefacingthedrawbackofanoverlyfreesociety的社会 andthey

33、aremovingocloser l【8.23Online communities,网络社区get and instant messaging are enabling people to ain pass information,传递信息 in unexpected ways, say A s 【8.23Online communities,网络社区get and instant messaging are enabling people to ain pass information,传递信息 in unexpected ways, say A s of online communitie

34、s by UK The Work Foundation t the web is much more localised, more honest and less n original predictions So-called line diaries l software , messaging systems, weblogs and shared is allowing people to make the net work for them and the virtual world,虚拟世界 New phenomena such as weblogs have allowed p

35、eople to share t and s with a wider audience but often provide a quite mundane nd honest view of Increasingly technologies allow people to find out about others in the world and keep in touch with or Will day-to-day lives, said the reports Rooted in The t virtual would allow people to unite in a as

36、and moving ly from l 全球村, creating false ernet community to another are not being borne People might not want to lise with their neighbours but instead BBC enhancingface-to-facecirculateinformation,信息交流 virtual world,虚拟世界Onlinecommunitieste information about crime mend a good The idea of a virtual l

37、ife makes no sense to most Mr in Britain, They dont really wantte information about crime mend a good The idea of a virtual life makes no sense to most Mr in Britain, They dont really want to get married, meet new or make ernet work for entirely on hem, he ernet. Instead they want to make Sites such

38、 with their , which allows people to keep in touch neighbours, are gaining People cal area, enter tcode to find out what is going on in their community events to how to get hold of a reliable People not want to lise with their neighbours but instead ate information, about crime al and very real, sai

39、d Mr mend a good plumber. It is very t the online world would limit the of time people spend nteracting with each other may be over-, the report l software is being to support real eraction and is n departing from it, ncing face-to-face id Mr 面对面的交流 Making Amateur clubs and local r existence and to

40、co-tions are using ernet to broadcast And er is also being helped by online communities such n, a site which allows consumers to give their views on any s they have As knowledge management and s to information e t to all of our l and economic well being, so it has lnetworks have grown Work er, said

41、Will Hutton, Chief Executive of This is anAs knowledge management and s to information e t to all of our l and economic well being, so it has lnetworks have grown Work er, said Will Hutton, Chief Executive of This is an idea the BBC is eager to build on with its iCan project, which ims to link peopl

42、e with shared erests in an attempt to increase tical awareness,提度Even business people are with visits to websites such develop line business On other hand, there as many plishmentsmakethemrolesforyoungSImon Question8DoyouthinkfamouspeoplehaveahugeinfluenceonyoungYes, rities can be an influence on th

43、e younger The main reason t many of them are role ls for young For le, some self-made rities have s by years of hard Their fans are also likely to demonstrate the same el of effort when they pursue a Another reason t rities lead a glamorous Young people admire these rities and copy behaviour in orde

44、r to attract This is why many young people spend a lot of on fashion and luxury 【8.21Doyouprefertouseacameraoraphonetotake I prefer to take photos by using my It is a portable【8.21Doyouprefertouseacameraoraphonetotake I prefer to take photos by using my It is a portable device,可携带的设备this means I can

45、 take it with me wherever I go and take hotos whenever I For le I can capture some l moments的时刻when I have a great dinner with my I can also store these pictures in my computer and in the I with relive these BBC inspire children to develop their talentsthrough application Self-made cerity(靠自己努力而成功的名

46、人) d themselves = worked hardDemonstrategreateffort=yearsofpracticeandhardwork=through Develop talentsDevelop skillswhichisrequiredforhowantstobetrulychosenfield.Anle is ,whoeworldyears of practice and hard work. This kind of self-made rity Actors,worked hard and d themselves to develop real skills

47、abilities.They demonstrate great effort, determination and andsportsTheadventofdigitalhaschangedthetraditionalcamera,butitsmost sbeen theadventoftheca eraphone,有照相机出现In2011-fromthecaptureandkillingColonelGaddafitooutbreaksofseriouslootingincapturedoncameraTheadventofdigitalhaschangedthetraditionalca

48、mera,butitsmost sbeen theadventoftheca eraphone,有照相机出现In2011-fromthecaptureandkillingColonelGaddafitooutbreaksofseriouslootingincapturedoncamerammerriots -But when the puttogetherphone,theywereseenas IrememberSonyEricssonin2001showedclip-oncamera,lTimes.Alongwitheveryone nMargolis,atechnologywriterf

49、ortheelse,Ithought why would youwantaiAlthoughstandalonedigitalcameraswerewidelypopularby2005,itwasthephone,andllythe t让大家都使用。Theimpactonalphotographershasbeendramatic.OnceuponatimephotographerwouldntdarewasteashotunlesstheywerevirtuallycertainitMargolisrecallsthestoryofaphotographerworkinginBerlini

50、n1939.Themaneightphotographicplates-eightpictures-touseinksofwork.Hedsuregotfouraward-winningoreto planitlikeahot,.heend,outoftheeightplates送一个digitalcamera 的BBC 文Theadventofdigitalhaschangedthetraditionalcamera,butitsmoststheadventofthecameraphone,有照相机出.In 2011 big-fromthecaptureandkillingof Colone

51、l Gaddafi to outbreaks of serious lootingin Englandmmer riots - werecapturedoncamerabreakingnewsgotthe right anglesgNazisandwould go k broughtdigitalphotographyto ibreakingnewsIn contrast, the camera can be less 【8.19However, the parents who do not allow their children sufficient free time for leisu

52、re activities outside school hours, are misguided. Such activities are far from being a waste of time for thechildren simply because they are not academic. It is important to remembert children need to develop skills other【8.19However, the parents who do not allow their children sufficient free time

53、 for leisure activities outside school hours, are misguided. Such activities are far from being a waste of time for thechildren simply because they are not academic. It is important to remembert children need to develop skills otherones, and the best way to do this is through activitiech as sports,

54、games and playing with other kids. If they cannot play make-beve games, how can they develop their imagination? How can they learn physical coordination or learn important sol lessons about winning and losing if they do not practice any sports? Many children form strong,al relationships with the fri

55、ends they playwith,andwithouttheopportunitytodothis,theycouldgrowupemotionally immature or unformed.学习点1:这个段落很值得学习地方是一些代词的使用,such,ones,they,todothis。大2But when the puttogetherphone,theywereseenas I remember SonyEricsson in 2001 showed oclip-on camera, says nMargolis, a technology writer for the Fina

56、nlTimes.Alongwitheveryone else, I thought why would you want a phAlthoughstandalonedigitalcameraswerewidelypopularby2005,itwasthemobile phone, and espelly the smartphonet brought digital photography to the masses 让大家都使用。.The impact on profesal photographers has been dramatic. Once upon a time a phot

57、ographerwouldntdarewasteashotunlesstheywerevirtuallycertainitwould Margolis recalls the story of a photographer working in Berlin in 1939. The man had eight photographic plates - eight pictures - to use in sixks of work. Hed be covering Nazi rals and would go thek before to plan it like a fihot, mak

58、ing sure he got the right angles,获得合适的角度.heend,outoftheeightplateshegotfouraward-winning part2 part3 eresting game Id part2 part3 eresting game Id like to talk about is This game was eresting and it was a great part2关于ameOutsideschoolhours, 放学后 ellectual skills,学习能力 ve games, 虚构的Develop imagination,

59、提高想象力 Physicalcoordination, 身体的协调能力 Learn sol lessons, 现实生活的知识alrelationships, EmotionallyUnformedminds, 可以看到早期的考官范文有问号,也有kids,这些其实都不是很因此到了剑8 和剑9,这些用法就销声匿迹了。Finally,Ithinkitisalsoimportanttoremember tchildrenneedtorelaxaswell aswork.Ifeverythingtheydomus vesome educationaloracademicrelevance, thenth

60、eywillsoongettiredofstudyingaltogether,whichisthelastthingparents would want.学习点1:it is important to remember2 学习点3:这个文章用的拓展方法是对比论证,对于拓展有问题的同学是个启示Educational relevance= relevant to education Gettiredofstudying=loseenthusiasmforstudiesHowever,theparentswhodonotallowtheirchildrensufficientfreetimeleis


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