1、 Associate professor Yang Lihua Email: International MarketingBilingual Program8/14/20221Course RequirementsFinal Exam (50%)Case Write-ups (20%)1 Major Case Write upsWorking in GroupsClass Participation (30%)PresentationReadingsClass attendanceHomework8/14/20222Text Structure Introduction to Interna
2、tional Marketing The International Marketing Environment International Marketing Strategy (STP)International Marketing Entering Modes Competitive Strategy International Marketing Mix 8/14/20223CHAPTER 1Introduction to International Marketing8/14/20224Content1 How Do We Define Marketing2 Core Concept
3、s of Marketing3 Company Orientations Toward the Marketplace4 Marketing in the 21 Century5 What Is International Marketing8/14/20225Terms and key wordsConsumer valueConsumer/customer satisfactionMarketingPricingPromotionDistribution customer orientationto meet/satisfy customers needsmarketing concept
4、sTarget Markets SegmentationPositioning 8/14/20226DiscussionMarketing & Selling/ sales8/14/202271 What is marketingAs a managerial definition, marketing has often been described as “the art of selling products. But Peter Drucker says that “the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim
5、 of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy.In theory, good marketing would make sales superfluous, but in practice everyone sellseven the best marketers. Refer
6、to P3-48/14/20228There are many definitions of marketing. The better definitions are focused upon customer orientation and satisfaction of customer needs. We see marketing management as the art and science of applying core marketing concepts to choose target markets and get, keep, and grow customers
7、 through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value. (Source: Philip Kotler)8/14/20229What is marketing Con.See S.Carters definition in P3 ( to build lasting relationship through)Refer to Figure 1-1 (P4-)8/14/202210CompetitionCompanyCustomer Product Market MarketingManagementCom
8、pany AnalysisCustomer AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisProductPricePromotion PlaceA Marketing Management Framework (3Cs+4Ps) 8/14/202211Managing the Marketing ProcessCustomerCompetitionCompanySegmentationTarget Position ProductPricePromotionPlace8/14/202212 Target Markets & SegmentationNeeds, Wants, and D
9、emands Product or Offering Value and Satisfaction Exchange and Transactions Relationships and Networks Marketing Channels Supply Chain Competition Marketing Environment2 Core Concepts of Marketing8/14/202213Needs, Wants, and DemandsNeeds需要 P4-A human needs is a state of deprivation of some basic sat
10、isfaction.人类的需要是指没有得到某些根本满足的感受状态。Needs describe basic human requirements such as food, air, water, clothing, and belonging. (Refer to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (five levels of needs) 8/14/2022148/14/202215Needs, Wants, and DemandsWants 欲望These needs become wants when they are directed to specific o
11、bjects that might satisfy the need. Wants are devices for specific items that can satisfy those needs. P4-Clearly, needs are a basic feature of all human society, however, wants are shaped by ones society. An American needs food but wants a hamburger, French fries, and a soft drink. A person in Sout
12、ern China needs food but wants rice, vegetable, and pork.8/14/202216Needs, Wants, and DemandsDemands are wants for specific products backed by an ability and willingness to pay. P4- A 特定种类品种 B 特定品牌Wants become demands when supported by purchasing power .当具有购置能力时,欲望便转化成需求。 Many people want a Mercedes
13、; only a few are able and willing to buy one. 8/14/202217Do marketers create needs?However, marketers do not create needs: Needs preexist marketers. Marketers might promote the idea that a Mercedes would satisfy a persons need for social status. They do not, however, create the need for social statu
14、s.Marketers, along with other societal influences, influence wants. 8/14/202218Market-driven or market-driving?Sony has introduced many successful new products that customer never asked for or even thought were possible: Walkmans, VCRs, and so on. Sony goes beyond customer-led marketing; it is a mar
15、ket-driving firm, not just a market-driven firm.It directs the needs for recreation to their products. 8/14/202219product or offering Refer to P4-Products are anything that can be offered to an individual to satisfy a need or want P4-8/14/202220Consumer valueIn terms of marketing, the product or off
16、ering will be successful if it delivers value and satisfaction to the target buyer. Customer value is the difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product. Refer to P5- We define value as a ratio between what the customer gets an
17、d what he gives. Definition 1Definition 28/14/202221“顾客让渡价值Customer Delivered Value 是指顾客总价值Total Customer Value与顾客总本钱Total Customer Cost之间的差额。Review 8/14/202222Question 1Based on this equation, the marketer can increase the value of the customer offering by ?(1) raising benefits, (2) reducing costs,
18、 8/14/202223Question 2Can customers judge product value objectively?Often not. They act on perceived value. Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a products performance matches a buyers expectations. Refer to P58/14/202224Value from the Customers PerspectiveZeithaml (1988) states four express
19、ions of value:1. Value is what I get for what I give (P5-)- net value2. Value is low price- discounts, special deals, seasonal pricing and introductory pricing3. Value is the quality I get for the price I pay- prestige pricing4. Value is whatever I want in a product- offering more or less for differ
20、ent market segmentsSource: Zeithaml, V.A. (1988), Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52 , pp.2-22. 8/14/202225Relationships and NetworksRelationship marketing aims to build long-term mutually satisfying relations
21、 with key partiescustomers, suppliers, distributorsin order to earn and retain their long-term preference and business. Relationship marketing builds strong economic, technical, and social ties among the parties. It cuts down on transaction costs and time.8/14/202226Relationships and NetworksThe ult
22、imate outcome of relationship marketing is the building of a unique company asset called a marketing network. A marketing network consists of the company and its supporting stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, university scientists, and others) with whom it has built mutually
23、 profitable business relationships.8/14/202227Marketing ChannelsTo reach a target market, the marketer uses two main kinds of marketing channels.Communication channels deliver messages to and receive messages from target buyers. They include . The marketer uses distribution channels to display or de
24、liver the physical product or service(s) to the buyer or user, which include warehouses, transportation vehicles, and various trade channels such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. 8/14/202228Marketing mixMarketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketin
25、g objectives in the target market. McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four Ps of marketing. 8/14/2022298/14/202230However, Robert Lauterborn(罗伯特劳特明) suggested that the sellers four Ps correspond to the customers four Cs. New Marketing Litany: 4Ps Passe; C-Words
26、 Take Over,1990 8/14/202231Exercises for 2P15-Multiple choices #1、6、88/14/2022323 COMPANY ORIENTATIONS TOWARD THE MARKETPLACEIn fact, there are five competing concepts under which organizations conduct marketing activities: - Production concept cost - Product concept (quality) - Selling concept (pro
27、motion) - Marketing concept (consumer) - Societal marketing concept 8/14/202233Exercises for 3P15-Multiple choices #2、3、4、5、98/14/2022343Cs 8/14/202235The client has one major competitor in beverage, but no major competitor in their foods portfolio. The beverage portfolio consists of sodas, waters,
28、juices, teas, health drinks, and new specialty bottled drinksno alcoholic beverages. The food portfolio consists primarily of snack foodsfor throughout the day (ie, breakfast, lunch, and later). The clients main competitor is a major beverage companybut they dont have any sort of food portfolio.- Th
29、e clients share is 17% across the food service market. But within this market, the market share for the client varies in the different segments and subsegments. There are three primary segments in the food service market: cafeteria/ workplace food service, restaurants (which is comprised of fast foo
30、d, slow fast food/ alternative fast food, and other), entertainment/ theme park venues, and 4) misc. Amongst these segments, restaurants is definitely the largest70% of the market.- Within restaurants, there are a few subsegments: 1) fast food (Wendys, BK, McDonalds), 2) slow fast food/ alternative
31、fast food (Chipotle, Au Bon Pain, Cosi, California Pizza Kitchen Express, Wolfgang Pucks). The fast food segment is dominated by our major competitor, who has a 70% market share in the segment. Slow fast food/ alternative fast food is a smaller segment, but it is growing at 30% a year, as a part of
32、a trend of eating healthier.8/14/202236 Chapter 1 Introduction (Con.)8/14/2022374 Marketing in the 21 CenturyIn 21st century, the three developments spell endless opportunities to the companies .Globalizationtechnological advancesderegulation8/14/202238Globalism TrendsGlobal economy - trading blocsG
33、lobal communications and mediaInformation, services, cultures, brandsGlobal industriesExamples include: finance, media, computers, telecommunications, autos, processed foodsStandardising products and marketing programsRationalising R&D and production activities Management networksSupporting industri
34、es8/14/202239technological advances尤其是信息技术IT的迅猛开展,催生了新型的业态E-Business, E-Services。网上银行、网上零售商店、网上书店、网上订票系统等的出现,不仅代表着一种新的效劳传递方式,更是以全球的观点来重新定义竞争市场。 8/14/202240Company Responses and Adjustments20世纪90年代三大管理方法: Reengineering: From focusing on functional departments to reorganizing by key processes, each ma
35、naged by multidiscipline teams. Alliances: From trying to win alone to forming networks of partner firms.Benchmarking(标杆管理): From relying on self-improvement to studying world-class performers and adopting best practices. 起源于20世纪70年代末80年代初,在美国学习日本的运动中,施乐公司佳能首开先河。 8/14/202241Company Responses and Adj
36、ustments E-commerce: Making virtually all products available on the Internet. B2B purchasing is growing fast on the Internet, and personal selling can increasingly be conducted electronically.Outsourcing: From making everything inside the company to buying more products from outside if they can be o
37、btained cheaper and better. Virtual companies outsource everything, so they own very few assets and, therefore, earn extraordinary rates of return. Decentralized: From being managed from the top to encouraging more initiative and “entrepreneurship at the local level. (empowerment) Individualization:
38、 From selling the same offer in the same way to everyone in the target market to individualizing and customizing messages and offerings.8/14/202242 5 What Is International MarketingDefinition (compared with )International Marketing has been defined as the matching of company resources to foreign cus
39、tomer needs in the context of achieving company goals. 国际营销学是市场营销学的延伸与开展,是一门研究企业如何满足国外消费者和客户需要的科学。The levels P7-Reasons for International MarketingInternational marketing challengeInternational marketing Process 8/14/202243Differences Between International Marketing and Domestic MarketingThe only di
40、fference in the definitions of domestic and international marketing is .in more than one nation (environment)Scope of activities Nature of activitiesMore challenges ;More variables;More complex 不可控制的,必须通过自我调整,适应这些因素。For more details, pls refer to P8-98/14/2022447The International Marketing TaskPolit
41、ical/legalforcesEconomicforces12Environmentaluncontrollablescountry market AEnvironmentaluncontrollablescountrymarket BEnvironmentaluncontrollablescountrymarket CCompetitivestructureCompetitiveForces Level of TechnologyPriceProductPromotionChannels of distributionGeography andInfrastructureForeign e
42、nvironment(uncontrollable)Structure ofdistributionEconomic climateCultural forces34567Political/legalforcesDomestic environment(uncontrollable)(controllable)8/14/202245Figure : Internationalisation driversDrivers of the decision to internationaliseReduction in trade barriers, regional trade grouping
43、s, privatisation of government business8/14/202246 WHY GO GLOBALGrowth Access to new markets 绕开壁垒,巨大市场Access to resources (land, labour, capital) to obtain - Increased Market Size - Return on Investment - Economic of Scale and Learning - Location AdvantagesSurvivalAgainst competitors with lower cost
44、s (due to increased access to resources)8/14/202247Why Go Global?For US-based companies, 75% of sales potential is outside the US.About 90% of Coca-Colas operating income is generated outside the US.For Japanese companies, 85% of potential is outside Japan.For German and EU companies, 94% of potenti
45、al is outside Germany.8/14/202248the Main Barriers to International MarketingSelf-Reference Criterion自我参照标准 P74- - an unconscious reference to ones own cultural values, experiences and knowledge as basis for decisions. - understanding the world using our own experience and context. 当20世纪70年代的石油危机是否导
46、致西方国家对自行车需求的增加?8/14/202249 SRCaffects our ability to observe and interpretleads to misunderstanding, failed negotiations, failed products and projectsmisunderstanding body languagemisinterpreting what we see (and dont see)要“自以为非,不要“自以为是8/14/202250CASE STUDY美国出口商与德国进口商签订了一笔合约,付运一批30 000磅美国新鲜冻猪肝,通常可售品
47、质水平,上等品牌.货物是按照美国市场的苛刻标准准备的,出口商以为这笔交易可以一帆风顺地完成了.可当猪肝运到德国时,买方却提出了这样的异议:我们订购的是通常可售水平的猪肝可你们运来的有40%却是母猪的肝.谁在乎这些肝是母猪身上的还是公猪身上的 出口商问道.“我们在乎,德国人说,“在德国我们可不能把海绵状的母猪肝充着结实的公猪肝来卖.这批货卖不出我们预期的价钱。要防止全部损失,惟一的处理方法就是降价。你们必须给我们1000美元的价格折扣.美国商人拒绝降价,他如此执著,局部原因或许是因为他觉得这等于是侮辱美国消费者的口味。美国人想:“只要是猪肝,母猪肝也好公猪肝也好,倘假设美国人觉得美味可口的,那么
48、对谁来说都是一样的.看来卖方和买方在饮食习惯问题上永远不可能取得一致。讨论在这个案例中自我参照标准可能起了什么样的影响。 8/14/202251International Marketing ProcessRefer to P10-whywhetherwherehow8/14/202252Being Globally Aware for objectivity know oneself, ones own cultural biasesCultural awareness is the ability to understand culturesyour own and the othersb
49、y means of objective, nonjudgmental comparison. tolerance of cultural differences beware trap of falling in love with another culture knowledge of:cultureshistoryworld market potentialglobal trends: economic, social and political8/14/202253References and , International marketing, Irwin Megraw-Hill
50、2004Taylor W Meloan and John L Graham ,international and global marketing .机械工业出版社 2005Marketing Management. Millenium Edition,Custom Edition for University of Phoenix,2002国际市场营销学(英文版第2版)国际营销专业英语 江春 等对外经济贸易大学出版社.2006.10 8/14/202254Mini-case studyOur client is an Italian paper manufacturer. They make
51、 high-end glossy and matte paper thats used in corporate brochures, magazine ads for Gucci and Prada, etc. Its a commodity product.They have one factory that produces 150,000 tons of paper a year. 90% of this is sold into the Italian market, which gives it about a 20% market share. The other 10% is
52、sold outside of Italy. They would like to build another factory to produce another 150,000 tons a year. This would cost $100 million. They would like us to tell them whether or not this is a good idea.8/14/202255Recommended approachHaving the Three Cs in your head will help you ask the right questio
53、ns: Customers: Who are they? Is there enough market demand for additional capacity? Competitors: Who are they? Where are they? What market share do they have? How are their prices relative to ours? Can we capture any of their share? Company: How much will this additional expansion cost the company,
54、and what will the benefits be? Does this fit with the companys current plans?8/14/202256Key factsThe Italian market will continue to grow at about 10%. Germany is very hot and growing at about 15%. Other Eastern European markets are growing as well.Your largest Italian competitor has 40% share. An i
55、nternational competitor has 10% and the other 30% is fragmented among small players.There are about 12 players and only 2 paper machine manufacturers in Europe. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing and nobody else is investing in additional capacity right now.8/14/202257Questions:Determine whe
56、ther it makes sense to add capacity. You can also probe whether a new factory is the right way to go, or whether it might be more feasible and profitable to add capacity to an existing plant, acquire another company, etc.8/14/202258End of Chapter 18/14/202259Chapter 2International marketing environm
57、ent Culture8/14/202260Key words - Values and beliefs - Social Institutions - Business Ethics - Manners and Customs - Religions - Language - context - Social InstitutionsSocial normsRegulationsethicsMaterial ElementsAestheticsBusiness EthicsTabooEthnocentrism 8/14/202261Content Definition of culture
58、Classification of cultureElements - Values and beliefs - Social Institutions - Business Ethics - Manners and Customs - ReligionsManagement Implications8/14/202262CultureCulture is a system of learned, shared, unifying, and interrelated beliefs, values, and assumptions. (P64 in textbook)Ways of livin
59、g, built up by a group of human beings, transmitted from one generation to anotherHowever, cross-national interactions are principally influenced by three distinct, yet highly inter-related constructs: national characterorganizational cultureindividual competence and personality factors.8/14/202263H
60、igh-Context cultures V.S low-Context cultures Context语言沟通无论怎样不精确,都是明确表达的,但很多的商务沟通却要依赖于无法用语言表达的弦外之音In the Edward T. HallsTheory, context relates to:the framework, background, and surrounding circumstances in which communication or an event takes place.It includes Vocal & Physical language, such as ey
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