《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 12 Thank-you Letters_第1页
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1、Thank-you Letters Lecture 12Learning ObjectivesDefinition of Thank-you LettersFormats of Thank-you LettersSample of Thank-you LettersPractice on Writing Thank-you LettersTeaching Focus Thank-you Letter Part One Definition of Thank-you LetterI. Definition of Thank-you LetterA thank-you letter is writ

2、ten to express your gratitude for other peoples kindness, which is frequently employed in social intercourse. The thank-you letter can be used in many occasion to enhance personal and business relationship. II. The Purpose of Thank-you LetterA thank-you letter can be written for the purposes:1. for

3、invitation and congratulation2. for hospitality3. for presents or contribution4. for suggestion and recommendation5. for support and assistance6. for product delivery7. for interview Part Two The Format of Thank-you LetterI. The Format of Thank-you LetterA thank you letter still follows the format (

4、TDT) of the business letters as mentioned before.As for the content, (1) it usually begins with a statement of thanks for the occasion. (2) then describes the details, that is what you want to say about the kindness, the favor or the presents. (3) lastly, the thank-you letter ends by re-expressing t

5、he appreciation . II. The Tone of Thank-you LetterThe tone of the letter should remain: “Friendly all along”. III. The Contents of Thank-you LetterThe main contents (TDT) of the thank-you letter includes:(1) express your appreciation/thanks(2) highlight the details(3) express thanks againIV. The Req

6、uirements of Writing Effective Thank-you LettersTo write an effective thank-you letters requests:(1) Act Fast Plan to send out your thank-you letter as soon as possible( preferably within twenty-four hours)(2) Short and Simple Keep your thank-you letter short and simple, but, do use the letter to re

7、iterate a little details. (3) Proof Your Letter Spell check and proof the thank-you letter. Part Three The Sample of Thank-you LetterSample of Thank-you LetterJuly 8, 2008Dear Mr. WoodenThank you for your financial support to our technical training in the United States. The fifteen technical workers

8、 who will operate at the newly introduced production lineare now under express training of their English proficiencies. They will be sent to your company to receive technical training two months later, when we think their English is good enough to receive the training in the United States. Statement

9、 of thanksThe details Sample of Thank-you LetterThat is very kind of you to have promised to stand all their expenses in the United States. We believe, the training program will guarantee that the Business relations between us will develop smoothly and fruitfully. Yours sincerelyThomas JiangThomas J

10、iangRe-expressing the appreciationII. Useful Sentences for Thank-you Letter1. Just a note to tell you how much we appreciate the salesmanship and hard work you did during our sales drive last month. Without you, we could not have done it. Thank you once again for a great job. 2. We want to express t

11、o you and your staff our deep gratitude and appreciation for your companys generous sponsorship of the Annual Arts Festival. 3. Thank you very much for your excellent suggestion on how to reorganize our mailroom operation. II. Useful Sentences for Thank-you Letter1. 谨在此告知,我们非常感谢你在上个月的销售活动中的销售能力和辛勤工作

12、;没有你,我们不可能取得成功。 再次感谢你的出色工作。2. 我们希望对您和您的员工,为贵公司对年度艺术节的慷慨赞助表示深深地感谢与赞扬。3. 非常感谢您对重组我们邮件收发室的工作提出极好的建议。II. Useful Sentences for Thank-you Letter4.Thank you once again for the courtesy and kindness extended to us when Mr. Jones and I visited your printing plant last week.5. Thank you very much for your hos

13、pitality during our visit to Houston. My wife and I very much enjoyed meeting your family and hope you will give us a chance to reciprocate the next time you are visiting Boston. 6. in conclusion, we would like to express once again our deep appreciation for your cooperation.II. Useful Sentences for

14、 Thank-you Letter4. 再次为上周我和琼斯先生参观您的印刷厂受到的礼遇和友好表示感谢。5. 非常感谢我们访问休斯顿时您的热情款待。我太太和我十分高兴见到您的家人,希望下次您访问波士顿时能给我们一个机会予以回报。6. 总之,我们再次为您的合作表示深深地感谢。 Part Four Practice on WritingThank-you LetterThank-you LetterDateName/TitleBusiness/ OrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Name:Thank you for the excellent j

15、ob on our recent two-day sales conference. You and your entire staffwere so supportive and always available for our last minute changes. It was a real pleasure working With such a helpful and committed group of professional. I look forward to future successful meetings at the Summit Conference Cente

16、r. Sincerely yours, SignatureName感谢信日期姓名/头衔公司/机构名称地址城市,州 邮政编码亲爱的名字:感谢您在我公司最近举办的为期两天的销售会上的出色工作。您和您的全体员工鼎力协作,总能适应我们最后时刻的改变。我们很高兴与这样一个乐于助人、敬业的专业团队合作。我期待将来在高峰会议中心举办更多成功的会议。诚挚的签名姓名Writing PracticeDirection:Mr. Henry Miller from Refine Textile Co. Ltd. has visited Zhejiang Sunshine Cashmere Co., Ltd. in d

17、ue time and received warm welcome form Mr. Thomas Jiang. Suppose you are Henry and write a thank-you letter to Mr. Jiang after you come back. Thank-you LetterDateName/TitleBusiness/ OrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Name:I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accor

18、ded to me during my visit to your company. I would also like to thank you for considerate arrangement especially the meeting and discussion with you and your colleague, which I found very informative and useful. During the entire visit, I was overwhelmed by the vitality of your company and the enthu

19、siasm expressed by the staff on keeping cooperation with us. I sincerely hope we could have more exchangesI am looking forward to your early visit to Guangzhou when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay to Huzhou.With my best regards.Yours sincerelyHe

20、nry Miller Part Five HomeworkKey to Matching Match the English words and phrases with proper Chinese meanings.A. 非常感激B. 更加感谢C. 表达感谢D. 盛情款待E. 好意F. 始终不渝的支持 G. 十分高兴H. 特别感谢I. 对.充满感谢J.聊感感激之情( )generous hospitality ( )express gratitude( )deeply appreciate sth. ( )be grateful for( )a small token of appreci

21、ation ( )special thank you to sb.( )be all the more appreciative of sth. ( )be mighty pleased( )loyal support ( )kindness and courtesyI. Matching Match the English words and phrases with proper Chinese meanings.A. 非常感激B. 更加感谢C. 表达感谢D. 盛情款待E. 好意F. 始终不渝的支持 G. 十分高兴H. 特别感谢I. 对.充满感谢J.聊感感激之情( D)generous h

22、ospitality( C)express gratitude( A)deeply appreciate sth. ( I)be grateful for( J)a small token of appreciation (H )special thank you to sb.( B)be all the more appreciative of sth. (G )be mighty pleased( F)loyal support ( E)kindness and courtesyII. RearrangementA. I would also like to thank you for y

23、our interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.B. I sincerely hope we could have exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade relation and bring our business people

24、together. C. I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded time and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. D. with kind personal regards. E. I am looking forward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality

25、I received during my memorable stay in your beautiful country. F. During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China. Keys to II. Rearrangement1. C2.A3.F4.B5.E6.DIII. Translating into English1.无论如何,感谢你对

26、我们公司发展的一贯支持和辅助。2. 我很高兴能有一个新客户,但更让我高兴的是你这样的肯定我们,并把我们公司推荐给鲁伯特先生。3. 感谢你的家具订单和随附的发票。Keys to III. Translation1. At any rate, I want to thank you for your consistent help to the progressing of our company. 2. I was mighty pleased to have the new business, but even more pleased that you thought well enough

27、 of me to recommend my company to Mr. Robert.3. Thank you for your order for furniture and the check that accompanied it. IV. Translating into Chinese 1. On behalf of the children, staff and families of the Angels Health Center, I would like to thank you for the much needed donation of wonderful stuffed animals. We are most grateful for your kindness and generosity. 2.On behalf of all the participants in the Atlan


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