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1、PAGE PAGE 113沧州师范学院教 案20142015学年 第二学期分院(系、部): 外国语学院教 研 室: 大学英语教研室课程名称: 大学英语授课班级: 2014级生命科学系生物技术本1、2014级计算机系计算机科技本1、物联网本1 人数: 92主讲教师: 李 卿职 称: 讲 师使用教材: 21世纪大学英语2沧州师范学院制2014-2015 学年度第 2 学期 外国语学院 系、部,尊敬的 李卿 老师:本学期您将承担以下教学任务,请做好课前准备并按课表做好计划。要求严格遵守教学工作规范,认真完成教学任务,积极改进教学方法,努力提高教学质量。课程代码AJX034002名称大学英语类别专业必

2、修( )专业选修( )公共必修( )公共选修( )考核方式考试( )考查( )授课对象 2014级生命科学系生物技术本1、2014级计算机系计算机科技本1、物联网本1学生人数共 92 人上课具体时间及地点星期一上午3、4节;星期三上午3、4节。地址:理科楼5阶梯 教学任务周学时授课周数学分考核方式理论课4174考试实验课实习(实训)其他任课教师意见及签名:年 月 日教研室主任签名:年 月 日系部主任签名:年 月 日说明:1. 本表作为教师每学期承担教学任务的依据,由教研室、系部主管教学主任和任课教师签字后生效。2. 本表由各系部负责填写一式三份,一份交教务处存档,一份发给任课教师,一份存入教师

3、个人业务档案。教 案(首页)课程名称大学英语课程性质学位课( ) 必修课() 选修课( )授课对象2014级生命科学系生物技术本1、2014级计算机系计算机科技本1、物联网本1课程学时68周学时4起止周1至18周学时分配4学时/周,8学时/单元授课方式理论课();实践课( )考核方式考试( );考查( )使用教材21世纪大学英语综合教程2、21世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程2主要参考资料及指定参考书21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程教学参考书221世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程教学参考书221世纪大学英语应用型自主练习2审核意见 教研室主任(签字): 年 月 日教 学 进 度 表生物技术本1、计算机科

4、技本1、物联网本1班 2014级 科目:大学英语 任课教师:李卿 2015年03月01日周次月 日 至 月 日课时教 学 内 容备注13月9日至3月15日Unit 1 Food and HealthText A Eating Food Thats Better for You, Organic or Not 23月16日至3月22日Text B & Part C & listening of Unit 133月23日至3月29日Unit 2 AnimalsText A Loving Memory: Elephant ReunionNew words and Text explanation43

5、月30日至4月5日Text B & Part C & listening of Unit 2 54月6日至4月12日Unit 3 SportsmanshipText A An Uplifting PowerNew words and Text explanation64月13日至4月19日Text B & Part C & listening of Unit 374月20日至4月26日Unit 4 VolunteeringText A A Reason for LivingNew words and Text explanation84月27日至5月3日五一放假95月4日至5月10日Text

6、B & Part C & listening of Unit 4105月11日至5月17日Unit 5: ValuesText A Inaugural Address of John F. KennedyNew words and Text explanation115月18日至5月24日Text B & Part C & listening of Unit 5125月25日至5月31日Writing and translating about Band-4Text A Here Comes the East 136月1日至6月7日Listening about Band-4146月8日至6月

7、14日Unit 6 AdvertisementText A The Effects of TV Advertising on Children156月15日至6月21日Text B & Part C & listening of Unit 6166月22日至6月28日Unit 7 China in the 21st Century 176月29日至7月5日Text B & Part C & listening of Unit 7187月6日至7月12日复习考试注:1、教学计划进度表填写要认真具体,日常教学要按此计划内容进行,如有变动需报教务处。2、备注填写填写特殊教学形式,如:参观、见习、实验

8、等,以及特殊教学内容、复习、考试或改变原计划内容增换新内容及特殊情况。3、一式两份,系(部)存一份,自存一份。周 次 1 日 期2015.3.9节 次 3-4授课内容Unit 1 Food and Health ( Part A)授课学时2教学目的1.Teach the students new words and phrases2. Make the students grasp important grammatical points.3. Help the students to have a thorough understanding of organic food.教学重点New

9、words and phrases; sentence structures教学难点Some new words and phrases; understanding of the text教 具 和媒体使用Textbook and PPT教学方法Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises教学过程1. Starter.2. Theme-related Information3. Warming-up.4. Read the new words and phrases.5. Fast reading for the exercise on P7-8

10、 of SB. 6. Detailed learning of the text.7. Assignments.8. Answer students questions.思 考 题 作 业1. What do you think of organic food? 2. Review the words and phrases.3. Preview the rest of the text.4. Do the exercises of section A.Unit 1: Food and HealthPart A: Eating Food Thats Better for You, Organi

11、c or NotStep 1: StarterDirections: Put the words / expressions in the box into the correct categories. (anti-biotics, more healthy, poultry, food addictives, meat, more nutritious, synthetic pesticides, vegetables, less contaminated, growth hormone, diary, genetically modified organisms, chemical fe

12、rtilizer, eggs, safer, drinks )Words / expressions for things that are not included in organic food: Words / expressions for possible advantages of organic food:Words /expressions for different kinds of organic food: Step 2: Theme-related InformationA: Directions: Enrich your vocabulary.society acce

13、ptable daily intake (ADI) 每人每日容许摄入量;appetite 食欲; dietaryhistory 饮食习惯; eatingout 出外用膳foodgrainotherthanwheatandrice 杂粮; foodhygienelaw 食品卫生法 malnutrition 营养不良; metabolism 代谢; nutrient 营养素obesity 肥胖; vitamin 维生素B: Show students a picture of the food pyramid. It helps us know how to eat right. Eating r

14、ight helps us stay healthy. There are 6 food groups in the pyramid. The sixth food group is fats and sweets. These foods taste good, but they are not good for us. We should eat less of them.The five main food groups are grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and milk. We should eat foods from each of

15、these groups every day.C: 10 healthy food: red wine; green tea; tomatoes; salmon, nuts; spinach; oats; broccoli; blueberries; garlic 10 junk food: instant noodles; fried food; canned food; pickled food; preserved fruit; industrial food; ice cream; biscuits; barbeque ;carbonated drink Step 3: Warm up

16、 A: Directions: Watch the video clip and do the exercise on P2. Or the teacher can read the passage with answers to train students listening skill. B: Discussion. (choose one of them) 1. Why would people rather pay extra money for organic food? ( Cues: chemicals; non-organically produced food; resid

17、ue; pesticide; fertilizer) Suggested Answers Many people just dont trust those chemicals and dont want to put them into their bodies. Since virtually all non-organically produced foods contain residues of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals, the only way to avoid them is to buy organic foods

18、.2. Is organic farming less damaging to our environment? Why? ( Cues: damaging; release; ecosystem; energy; waste) Suggested Answers Organic farming is less damaging to our environment for the following reasons: a. Organic farms do not consume or release synthetic pesticides into the environmentsome

19、 of which have the potential to harm soil, water and local terrestrial and aquatic wildlife although it must be noted that organic pesticides still have the potential to be as damaging to the environment as synthetic pesticides. b. Organic farms are better than conventional farms at sustaining diver

20、se ecosystems, i. e. populations of plants and insects, as well as animals. c. When calculated per unit area, organic farms use less energy and produce less waste, e. g., waste such as packaging materials for chemicals. Step 4: Read the new words and phrases.Step 5: Fast reading for the exercise on

21、P7-8.Step 6: Detailed learning of the text.Paragraph 11. take to conceive a liking for e.g. Sandra took to it straight away. 桑德拉一眼就喜欢上了它。Charles has an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to. 查尔斯性格古怪,凯莉从未真正喜欢过他。2. considerable a. great in amount or sizee.g. He made a considerable sum of

22、money in real estate. 他做房地产生意赚了一大笔钱。3. enthusiasm n. a strong feeling of interest, excitement, or admiration about sth.e.g. The proposal aroused little enthusiasm in the group. 该建议在这些人中未引起多大兴趣。His enthusiasm made everyone else interested. 他的热情激发了大家的兴致。4. grocery n. (store) a store that sells food an

23、d other things used in the home e.g. A new supermarket opened across the street, and Peters grocery business was soon in a bad way. n. (pl.) the food or other goods sold in a grocery storee.g. A delivery van has brought the grocery order. 送货车已把定购的杂货送来了。5. Harris PollCultural note: Created in 1963 by

24、 Louis Harris & Associates, The Harris Poll is one of the worlds longest-running and most respected public opinion polls. Results of the Harris Poll are quoted frequently in the media, receiving thousands of mentions annually. 6. on occasion sometimes but not often e.g. On occasion prisoners were al

25、lowed visits from their families. 有时家属可以探视犯人。Paragraph 27. assistant professorCultural note: In the U.S., “professors” commonly occupy any of several positions in academia, typically the ranks of assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. Assistant professor is an introductory level

26、 professor, a position generally taken after receiving Ph.D. and/or completing a post-doctoral fellowship. After 48 years, assistant professors will be either tenured or dismissed from the universityParagraph 38. inevitably ad. used for saying that sth. is certain to happen and cannot be avoidede.g.

27、 Inevitably he failed the exam, because he was lazy. 他很懒惰,考试当然不及格。The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions. 这个决策必将导致政治上的紧张局面。9. magic n. special powers that make the person using it able to do impossible thingse.g. The fairys magic changed the two brothers into swans. 仙女使魔法将两兄弟变成了天鹅。

28、a. used in or using magice.g. The caliph of Bagdad flew on his magic carpet to Arabia. 巴格达的国王驾着魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。10. cure v. make sb. healthy againe.g. Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal. n. act of curing or process of being cured e.g. Theres no known cure for a cold. 治疗感冒尚无良方。

29、Paragraph 511. guarantee v. to promise that sth. will happen or be donee.g. The policy guarantees us against all loss. 这种保险契约保障我们免受任何损失。 n. a formal promise that sth. will be done or will happen e.g. You have my guarantee that Ill finish the job on time. 我向你保证按时完成工作。12. But eating “organic” offers n

30、o guarantee of any of that.Paraphrase: But eating “organic” does not promise that people are eating well, healthily, reasonably, even morally13. secondary a. coming after sth. that is first or primary; of less importance, value, etc. than what is primarye.g. Many older people still believe that wome

31、ns careers are secondary.许多上了年纪的人仍然认为妇女的职业生涯并不那么重要。14 .primary a. most important; fundamentale.g. The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods.做广告的根本目的是增加货物的销售量。Paragraph 615. substance n. a type of solid or liquid that has particular qualities e.g. Be aware of what you do with this dang

32、erous substance. 你处理这些危险品时,可要当心。Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance water. 你处理这些危险品时,可要当心。16. stick to decide what to do, say, believe, and not change thise.g. We dont want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts! 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!He is a man who sticks to his friends. 他是个忠于朋友的人。1

33、7. consume v. use sth., esp. time, energy or fuele.g. Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the worlds energy.每年美国人所消耗的世界能源占很大比例。 v. eat or drink sth.e.g. The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. 18. evidence n. (of/for) facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that sth. ex

34、ists or is true n. (of/for) facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that sth. exists or is truee.g. He was punished for giving false evidence. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。evidence n. (be in ) present and clearly seene.g. Hes the sort of man who likes to be very much in evidence at important meetings, i.e. who

35、 likes to be seen and noticed. 他是非常喜欢在重大会议上出风头的那种人。19. shift n. a change in the way most people think about sth., or in the way sth. is done e.g. A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over. 重量的突然转移导致船翻了。 v. change your opinion or attitudee.g. A sunset like this shifted its tints every mom

36、ent. 像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。20. process n. a series of actions, developments, or changes that happen naturally e.g. I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated cess v. treat food or some other substance by adding other substances to it, for example to give it color or keep it freshe.g

37、. Supermarkets sell many vegetables that have been processed. Paragraph 721. link to make a connection between two or more situations, events, or peoplee.g. These two events were linked to each other.Paragraph 822. be certified as provide evidence for; stand as proof ofe.g. The accused has been cert

38、ified (as) insane/certified to be insane.有书面证明被告精神失常。23. enabling legislationCultural note: An enabling legislation is a statute empowering a person or body to take certain action, especially to make regulations, rules, or orders. For example, enabling acts often establish government agencies to car

39、ry out specific government policies in a modern nation state. The effects of enabling acts from different times and places vary widely.24. address v. think about and begin to deal with (an issue or problem)e.g. It is time we addressed the main item on the agenda.现在我们该把注意力集中到议事日程中的主要项目上来了。25. Hence,

40、the organic status of salmon flown in from Chile, or of frozen vegetables grown in China and sold in the United States-no matter the size of the carbon footprint left by getting from there to here.Note: Therefore, as long as the salmon, which are imported from Chile and the frozen vegetables, which

41、are grown in China and sold in the United States, meet the standards, they are organic, no matter how much greenhouse gases are emitted for them to get to AmericaParagraph 926. hence ad. from that fact or reason or as a result e.g. The town was built near a bridge on the River Cam; hence the name Ca

42、mbridge.该城市建在康姆河上一座桥的附近,由此而得名康桥(现译作剑桥)。cf. accordingly consequently hence so therefore thus 这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。 accordingly 书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果。e.g. They asked him to leave the meeting, and accordingly he went. 他们要他离开会场,因此他走了。consequently 正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。 e.g. The bank refused to help the company; con

43、sequently, it went bankrupt.银行拒绝帮助这家公司,因此该公司破产了。hence 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的、必需的,但强调其重要性;常用于无动词短语中。so 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。therefore 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。 e.g. I think, therefore I exist. 我思故我在。thus 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。27. carbon footprint The total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organizati

44、on, event, product or person. Greenhouse gases can be emitted through transport, land clearance, and the production and consumption of food, fuels, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, buildings, and services. For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon

45、 dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted.28. leave behind depart and not take along e.g. He left his wife and children behind. 他抛下了妻儿。The young athlete soon left the others far behind. 他抛下了妻儿。Step 7: Assignments.Step 8: Answer students questions. 周 次 1 日 期2015.3.11节 次3-4授课内容Unit 1 Food and

46、 Health ( Part A)授课学时2教学目的1.Teach the students new words and phrases2. Make the students grasp important grammatical points.3. Help the students to have a thorough understanding of organic food.4. Help students to master some skills of doing exercises教学重点New words and phrases; sentence structures; r

47、eading in depth教学难点Some new words and phrases; understanding of the text教 具 和媒体使用Textbook and PPT教学方法Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises教学过程1. Check homework. 2. Detailed learning of the text.3. Hold a discussion.4. Do the exercises of Section A. 5. Assignments.6. Answer students questions

48、.思 考 题 作 业1. What do you think of organic food and conventional food? 2. Review Text A.3. Preview Text B/Part C/Grammar.Step 1: Check homework.1. Ask several students to answer the question “What do you think of organic food?”2. Choose two students to read the text and mark their reading.Step 2: Det

49、ailed learning of the rest text A.Paragraph 1029. sustainable a. capable of being sustainede.g. sustainable development 可持续发展30. farming n. the practice of cultivating the land or raising stocke.g. sustainable farming 农业的可持续发展Its difficult to make sheep farming pay here. 养羊业在这里难有收益。cf. farming agric

50、ulture 这两个词都有“农业”的意思。farming 较为口语化,指畜牧、果物栽培、粮食栽种等农业的特定领域,有时也指小规模家庭经营的农场等。agriculture 一词较为正式,一般用来指农业这一整体。另外,学术上论及农业时,也用agriculture。 e.g. He wrote a paper on modern agriculture in Japan .他写了一篇关于日本现代农业的论文 。31. in spirit 精神上e.g. I cant come to your wedding, but Ill be there in spirit.我无法亲自参加你的婚礼,但精神上我与你

51、同在。32. operate v. (cause to) work or be in actione.g. The machine is not operating at maximum efficiency.这台机器目前的运转效率未达到最佳状态。 v. carry on trade or businesse.g. Our company operates in several countries. 我们公司在好几个国家有业务活动。-v. cut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased parte.g. The surgeon o

52、perated on her to remove a tumor. 医生为她开刀切除肿瘤。Paragraph 1133. responsible a. having done or been the cause of esp. sth. bade.g. Whos responsible for this terrible mess? 谁应该对这一团糟的局面负责? a. having the duty of looking after sb. or sth.e.g. The teacher made me responsible for keeping the class in order wh

53、ile she went out. 老师外出时要我负责维持教室秩序。34. at least not less thane.g. He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day. 他每天至少抽半包烟。反义词at moste.g. It will take two hours at most to get there . 最多两小时便可到达那里。35. manufacture v. make or produce esp. by machinery or other industrial processes and usu. in lar

54、ge quantitiese.g. This firm manufactures cars. 这家公司批量生产汽车。 n. manufacturing e.g. The manufacture of these very small components is expensive.制造这些非常小的部件成本是非常高的。36. total v. amount in number to e.g. They were left with debts totaling 100,000. 留给他们的债务总计 为 10万美元。 v. add up the full number or amount of e

55、.g. I totaled my expenses with a calculator. 我用计算器算出开支总额。Paragraph 1237. in general without distinction of one from otherse.g. In general, people dont like to be made fun of. 大体上讲,人们都不喜欢被捉弄。38. OreoCultural note: Oreo is a trademark for a popular sandwich cookie by the Nabisco Division of Kraft Food

56、s. The current design consists of a sweet, white filling commonly referred to as “cream” or “crme,” sandwiched between two circular chocolate or golden cookie pieces. Over 491 billion Oreo cookies have been sold since they were first introduced, making them the best selling cookie of the 20th centur

57、y. 39. conventional a. tending to follow accepted customs and proprietiese.g. Im afraid Im rather conventional in my tastes. 我恐怕我在个人爱好方面是相当保守的。conventional a. following what is traditional or the way sth. has been done for a long timee.g. More and more people are turning away from conventional Weste

58、rn medicine to alternative methods of treatment . 越来越多的人不再求助于传统的西方医术而转向非传统的治疗方法。40 .New York UniversityCultural note: New York University (NYU) is a private, nonsectarian research university based in New York City. NYUs main campus is situated in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan. Founded i

59、n 1831, NYU is one of the largest private, nonprofit institutions of higher education in the United States. Paragraph 1341. Michelle ObamaCultural note: Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is the wife of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, and is the first Afr

60、ican-American First Lady of the United States. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Obama attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School before returning to Chicago and to work at the law firm Sidley Austin, where she met her future husband. Subsequently, she worked as part of the staff of Chi


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