1、第 页教 学 内 容 提 要备注Unit 8 Claim and Settlement 索赔与理赔8.1 Introduction(简介)(5 mins) 目的:掌握在发生损失时,如何进行索赔和理赔信函的处理。8.2 Writing Skills(写作技巧)(5 mins)索赔信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:回复索赔信函(索赔有理由情况下)的写作步骤及常见表达方式:如果未能对索赔进行及时、有效的处理,则应立即告知对方信已收到,并说明正在调查此事,以后会给出充分的答复。回复此类索赔信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:8.3 Specimen Letters(样函)(55 mins)Letter 1:Cl
2、aim on wrong goodsLetter 2:A reply to the claim on wrong goodsLetter 3:Complaint for low qualityLetter 4:A reply to the aboveLetter 5:Claim on the seller for the damaged goodsLetter 6:A reply to the aboveLetter 7:Claim for short weightLetter 8:The settlement of the claim for short weightLetter 9:Arb
3、itration awardNotes to the specimen letters1. everything appears to be correct and in good condition一切似乎都是正确完好的2. contents of this case箱内(所装)货物3. to arrange for the dispatch of replacements安排货物更换事宜4. at ones disposal任你使用,任你处理5. go into调查,仔细审查6. through a confusion of numbers由于号码混淆,through 为介词,表示原因之意
4、 7. We shall be grateful if you will keep case No.3 and contents until called for by the local agents of World Transport Ltd., our forwarding agents, whom we have instructed accordingly.请将第3号箱和所装货物代为保存,等候世界运输公司驻你地代理人前来领取。世界运输公司是我们的运输代理行,我们已委托该公司代为办理。8. dispose of处理,处置9. rest with取决于,归于 10. shortweig
5、ht adj./n短重,也可以写作short-weight。如:We lodge a claim against you for a short weight of 4.82 M/T.(我方为短重4.82公吨向你方提出索赔。) short:短少,短缺,不足。可以与许多名词或过去分词构成复合词,如: short delivery n. 缺交,短交 short-delivered adj. 短交,缺交 short shipment n. 短装,装载不足 short shipped adj. 短装,装载不足 short-landed adj. 短卸 short-paid adj. 少付 short-
6、invoiced adj. 发票少开 short-established adj. 少开 11. Survey Report 检验报告 Survey Report on Quality品质鉴定证明 Survey Report on Weight重量鉴定证明12. the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission对外经济贸易仲裁委员会13. CCPIT(the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)中国国际贸易促进委员会8.4 Focal Words(焦点词汇)cla
7、imn. 索赔,赔偿要求claim for表示索赔原因,索赔的金额 claim for damage,claim for USD10 000claim on表示对某批货物索赔 claim on the goodsclaim against表示向某人索赔 claim against the underwriters表示“提出”索赔的常用动词:lodge,file,raise和put in。此外,还可用make,issue,register,render,enter,set up等lodge a claim against(with/ on/ upon)sb. for sth.为某事向某人提出索赔
8、 We shall lodge a claim against the insurance company for the goods damaged during transit.accept a claim 同意索赔entertain a claim 受理索赔reject a claim 拒绝索赔settle a claim 解决索赔waive a claim 放弃索赔withdraw a clam 撤回索赔vt. 索赔,要求赔偿 to claim USD50,000.00 to claim USD50,000.00 for damage to claim USD50,000.00 on
9、the goods to claim USD50,000.00 from the underwriters We should claim USD2,500.00 from you for the loss caused by improper pensatevt. 补偿,赔偿 The success will compensate you for your efforts. You should compensate us for the loss caused by the late delivery. compensation n. 补偿,补偿,报酬 You will get compe
10、nsation for what you have done. The buyer claimed a compensation for USD1 200 for the damage.claim compensation from sb. for sth. 就某事向某人要求索赔 We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage. What compensation can you offer for my work per week? compensation trade补偿贸易full compensati
11、on全额赔偿complainvi. 诉苦,申诉,抱怨complain to sb. of /about sth.(因某事而向某人表示不满) The buyers complained to the seller of the excessive moisture contained in the minerals. The buyers complained about the excessive moisture of the minerals. The buyers complained that the minerals contain too much plaint n. 抱怨,申诉,
12、投诉 We have noted your complaint and will do our best to avoid a repetition. make(lodge / file / lay)a complaint against sb. for sth.(因某事而向某人表示抱怨) This being the case, we have to lodge a complaint against you for the inferior quality. complaint n. 抱怨者,控告者,投诉者settlevt. 解决;清偿,结算 Any dispute that may ar
13、ise from under this contract shall be settled by arbitration. We will ask the Bank of China to help us settle payment. Please settle this long outstanding account without further delay. We are requested to settle your account within one week.settlement n. 解决,清偿,理赔 We hope we can reach an amicable se
14、ttlement before long. For a settlement of our account of USD300, please send us your cheque. settlement of disputes 解决争端settlement options 索赔选择权Arbitratevi. & vt. 仲裁,公断,裁决 Both sides agreed to arbitrate. The two parties hereby agree to arbitrate their disputes if any.arbitration n. 仲裁 This is the ma
15、ximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration. When no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration.arbitration clause仲裁条款arbitration award仲裁裁决arbitration application仲裁申请arbitrati
16、on procedure仲裁程序arbitrator n. 仲裁员,仲裁人refundvt. 归还,偿还 refund the excess on a tax refund the goods to the sellern. 归还额,偿还额 obtain a refund of a deposit The shipping company will give you a refund of freight if the goods are lost. refundable adj. 可归还的,可偿还的 The bid bond is refundable to those bidders wh
17、o are not the winner. refundment n. 归还,偿还,退款8.5 Useful Phrases and Sentences(实用语句) (25 mins)1. 关于申诉/抱怨的用语 to make a complaint against a person to complain of something to a person to have a complaint on to receive a complaint on to repeat complaints about to report a complaints on to have a cause fo
18、r complaint to have no complaint to make to have something to complain of to a person to acknowledge an error to correct an error2.关于索赔的用语 claim for indemnity to have a claim on to send in/ to enter/ to put in ones claim for compensation to lodge/ to file ones claim with a person for/ to submit ones
19、 claim to a person/ to place ones claim before a person to lay claim to to enter a claim forwith/ to file a claim forwith/ to put in a claim forwith to satisfy ones claims to accept/ to meet / to entertain ones claim to avoid/ to obviate a claim to withdraw/ to waive/ to abandon a claim3.关于赔偿的用语 to
20、compensate for losses to a person with/ to compensate a person for losses with/ to recompense a person for losses with4.关于质量的用语 We regret to have to inform you that the tins of lobster which you sold me on 29 June have caused numerous complaints. We regret to say that a part of the goods, indeed, ne
21、arly half, have lost a good deal of their quality by wetting from sea-water.5.关于与样品不一致的用语 The goods submitted do not correspond with the sample sent. We find every bale weighs short. We greatly regret to say that the goods are not in accordance with your sample.6.关于包装不良的用语 With regard to the fruit,
22、I am astonished to learn that it arrived in such a bad order, every precaution having, as I considered, been taken to insure its preservation. We regret to find on opening up 20 cases of the glass delivered here yesterday that 15% of the sheets are broken, 45% show bubbles, and nearly all are badly scratched.7.关于商品更换、退还的用语 They say they are to receive the compensation money from the co
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