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1、倒装句Inversion语法系统课授课老师:Tina么是倒装句?为什么要倒装? 主谓顺序 强调倒装句的类型完全倒装部分倒装特殊倒装完全倒装代表词:Now, then时间空间表语前置表示地点或者方位的词放在句首把全部谓语放在主语前面。1. 时间词前置表示时间的词 now, then 等放在句首,句子用倒装。 Now comes your turn.Then came the chairman.2. 空间词前置表示地点或者方位的副词,介词短语放在句首,谓语常常是be, come, go, lie, run, stand等。这些方位词有:here, there, in, o

2、ut, up, down, away 等。A variety of flowers grow inside the garden.The super heroes rushed out.The girl went away.Inside the garden grow a variety of flowers.Out rushed the super heroes.Away went the girl.There be 的倒装以及变式。be 动词可替换成 stand / live / stand / lie / exist等。There are three books on the deskT

3、here near the sea.海边住着一位老渔夫。(live)There in the center of the town. 城镇中心有一座高楼。(stand)lived a old fishermanstands a tall buildingFrom the valley came a tinkling sound.Opposite our teaching building stands a department store.On the wall hangs a picture.Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, cand

4、les and toys.The bus is coming here.完全倒装只有一般时态,没有完成时,没有进行时。当主语为代词时,不倒装。Here comes the bus.He is coming here. Here he comes.Present at the meeting were Professor White and Professor Smith.Enclosed are some pictures I have just taken.Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.Standing beside t

5、he table was an interpreter.Lying under the big tree is a little boy.Located in the west of the school is our school library.Seated on the ground are a group of young men, playing cards.3. 表语前置表语位于句首,倒装。小结:全部倒装部分倒装只把助动词, be动词或情态动词放在主语之前。Hardly had he arrived when it began to rain heavily.Not only di

6、d she make a promise, but she also kept it.Such a brave boy is he that we are all proud of him.1. 否定词放句首2. only + 状语3. so/such . that 从句4. if 引导的虚拟语气省略表达部分倒装sion1. 否定词放句首表示否定意义的词 not, never, not, little, few, seldom, nowhere, at no time, by no means, never, hardly, little, by no means, on no conditi

7、on, under no circumstances 等放在句首,用倒装。By no means will I believe what he says.Never have I seen such a moving film.Nowhere else can we find such a comfortable place.Not a single mistake did he make.hardly . when.no sooner . than.not only . but also. not until固定句型中含有否定词的倒装hardlywhen/no sooner thanHe h

8、ad hardly handed in his paper when he realized his mistakes.He had no sooner handed in his paper than he realized his mistakes.主句倒装,从句不倒装。Hardly had he handed in his paper when he realized his mistakes.No sooner had he handed in his paper than he realized his mistakes.not only . but also. She not on

9、ly made a promise, but she also kept it.Not only did she make a promise, but she also kept it.主句倒装,从句不倒装。Not until The problem will not be settled perfectly until we have had a chance to discuss it.Not until we have had a chance to discuss it will the problem be settled perfectly .步骤:Not 放在 until 前把

10、 not until 放在句首主句半倒装Not until several years ago_ how serious the pollution was.people did realizepeople realizedidnt people realizedid people realize2. only + 状语You can learn writing well only in this way.We can succeed the next time only if we keep on working hard.当only+主语时,句子不用倒装Only she can work

11、out the difficult problem.Only in this way can we make progress.Only when the war was over were he able to get happily back to his work.Only by changing the way we live can we save our earth.Often did we warn them not to do so, but they wouldnt listen.3. so/such . that 从句so/such . that 引导的结果状语从句中,如果

12、so/such 放于句首,主句倒装。So well did the workers do their work that they fulfilled the plan ahead of time. So easy was the work that they finished doing it in just a few days.练习:Light travels so fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to i

13、magine its speed.Such great progress _ that she was praised by her teacher.she makesshe madedid she makeshe did make4. if 引导的虚拟语气省略表达倒装句用于省略 if 的虚拟条件状语从句中。(把从句中的 were, should或 had 提到主语的前面)If I were you, I would not let her go.=Were I you, .If they had helped us, we would not have failed it.=Had they

14、 helped us, .If they should come tomorrow, we would finish it.=Should they come tomorrow.步骤:把if去掉助动词/系动词/情态动词提前,其余部分照抄特殊倒装Although she is young, she can handle it.He was praised, but he remained modest.Though she is a housewife, she knows a lot about law.as/though 引导的让步状语从句,“虽然”。.Young as/though she

15、 is, she can handle it.Praised as/though he was, he remained modest. Housewife as/though she is, she knows a lot.小结:不能和 but 连用。名词放句首,去掉冠词。although 不能倒,though 可倒可不倒,as 必须倒。补充以 so, neither, nor开头的句子表示情况一致。He fought for political rights for black people, so did his wife.I wont go, nor will any of my classmates.If you dont go to the meeting, neither will I.She never laughed, nor did she lose her temper.- You have finished your task.- So we have.“How nice you are!” said he.So sb: 某某也一样Neither/nor sb:某人也一样不So sb :


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