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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1 She will finish the project within three days! - _! I could do it in three hours.AYou are right. BIm stuck. COh, come on DDont mention it.2It

2、was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I it?Ahad doneBhave doneCdidDam doing3Mike is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does his boss.AservesBsatisfiesCpromisesDsupports4The professor _about how to protect the endangered animal in the conference at this

3、time tomorrow.Atalked Btalks Chas been talking Dwill be talking5My cousin insisted that she _ to Australia for further study. But the company refused her application.AsendsBwill be sentCbe sentDwould be sent6My summer camp isnt good fun, but it is real learning experience for me.Aa; /Bthe; aC/; aDa;

4、 the7You mean the position is still vacant?Yes, but you must know our job is very demanding._.AWith pleasure BI dont mind CDont mention it DThats all right8 Do you know anything about British history?_. I have no interest in it.ATake it easy! BPlease dont bother.CIts up to you. DNo. Its beyond me.9-

5、Whenever you want a good meal, come to my restaurant and eat for free.-Believe me. That is an _ I will not refuse.AapproachBofferCideaDinstruction10We are living in an age_ QR codes(二维码)are becoming more and more popular in our daily life.AwhyBthatCwhoseDwhen11It really matters _ he treated the late

6、st failure, for the examination is around the corner.AifBthatCwhyDhow12Im sorry you have been waiting so long, but it will still be some time _ you can get your passport.AsinceBtillCafterDbefore13Scientists have many theories about how the universe into being.AcameBwas comingChad comeDwould come14By

7、 serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, _ can be very eye-opening and rewarding.AwhoBwhichCwhatDthat15Life is a journey _with hardships, joys and special moments.AfilledBto fillCfillingDhaving filled16- Could we accomplish the task according to the schedule? - I d

8、oubt that. The problem remains _ we can get financial aid within this week. Athat Bhow Cwhy Dwhen 17Do you have a minute? Ive got something to tell you.Ok, _ you make it short.Anow that Bif only Cso long as Devery time18He always keeps an eye on shortcomings of his brothers _ refusing to admit his o

9、wn mistakes.Abut BwhileCalthough Dthough19She seems to prefer American TV Shows to talking to meAto watchBto be watchingCwatchingDhaving watched20To apply for a short-term study visa in the UK, I have to be able to speak some English, but I want to go there just to learn English.Oh, its really_.Aa c

10、onfidential sourceBa catch-22 situationCa Pandoras boxDa Herculean task第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) If youre new to San Francisco, paying the city a visit, or simply looking for a new playground for you and your dog, here are four of the finest dog parks in San Francisco.

11、Corona Heights Dog ParkOften visited by residents from all over the city because of its nearness to the Randall Museum, Corona HeightsDog Park offers pets and owners breathtaking views, after a steep hillside climb, and a fenced dog area that allows dogs to let loose without a leash(狗链). Owners will

12、 also enjoy the playground, tennis courts and basketball courts. Dolores Dog ParkThe grounds of Dolores Park once served as camps for those who were left homeless by the 1906 earthquake, but now often visited by crowds of Mission District people. Four-legged friends can also wander about carefree of

13、f-leash while making friends with other members of the doggie community. Pine Lake Dog ParkNoteworthy for its place as a rest stop for hundreds of species of birds to fly to and from warmer climates, Pine Lake Park is also prized by city dogs and their owners for their nice hiking paths, picturesque

14、 lake suited for swimming, and an off-leash area on the parks west end that lets dogs run free. Buena Vista Dog ParkAt 146 years young, Buena Vista Park is San Franciscos oldest park. Dogs and owners with plus energy will love burning it on this parks steep paths and winding staircases. Dog owners s

15、hould have good control over their dogs, as its quite easy for dogs to get separated when going through Buena Vistas many twists and turns.1、Why do dog owners take their pets to Dolores Dog Park?ATo let them socialize.BTo give them rescue lessons.CTo help them lose weight.DTo increase their physical

16、 activities.2、Which dog park is popular with bird lovers?ACorona Heights Dog Park.BDolores Dog Park.CPine Lake Dog Park.DBuena Vista Dog Park.3、What is special about Buena Vista Dog Park?AIt is suitable for swimming.BIt is close to a museum.CDogs must be on a leash.DDogs can go climbing22(8分) In 201

17、5, a man named Nigel Richards memorized 386, 000 words in the entire French Scrabble Dictionary in just nine weeks. However, he does not speak French. Richards impressive feat is a useful example to show how artificial intelligence worksreal AI. Both of Richard and AI take in massive amounts of data

18、 to achieve goals with unlimited memory and superman accuracy in a certain field.The potential applications for AI are extremely exciting. Because AI can outperform humans at routine tasksprovided the task is in one field with a lot of datait is technically capable of replacing hundreds of millions

19、of white and blue collar jobs in the next 15 years or so.But not every job will be replaced by AI. In fact, four types of jobs are not at risk at all. First, there are creative jobs. AI needs to be given a goal to optimize. It cannot invent, like scientists, novelists and artists can. Second, the co

20、mplex, strategic jobsexecutives, diplomats, economists go well beyond the AI limitation of single-field and Big Data. Then there are the as-yet-unknown jobs that will be created by AI.Are you worried that these three types of jobs wont employ as many people as AI will replace? Not to worry, as the f

21、ourth type is much larger: jobs where emotions are needed, such as teachers, nannies and doctors. These jobs require compassion, trust and sympathywhich AI does not have. And even if AI tried to fake it, nobody would want a robot telling them they have cancer, or a robot to babysit their children.So

22、 there will still be jobs in the age of AI. The key then must be retraining the workforce so people can do them. This must be the responsibility not just of the government, which can provide funds, but also of corporations and those who benefit most.1、What is the main purpose of paragraph 1?ATo intr

23、oduce the topic.BTo mention Nigels feat.CTo stress the importance of good memory.DTo suggest humans go beyond AI in memory.2、Which of the following best explains “outperform” underlined in paragraph 2?ABe superior toBBe equal toCBe similar toDBe related to3、Which of the following jobs is the most li

24、kely to be replaced?AThe writer.BThe shop assistant.CThe babysitter.DThe psychologist.4、What does the text suggest people do about job replacement of AI?ALimit the application of AI to a certain degree.BGet more support from the government.CApply for the donation from companies.DUpgrade themselves a

25、ll the time.23(8分) Many of us listen to music while we work, thinking that it will help us to concentrate on the task at hand. And in fact, recent research has found that music can have beneficial effects on creativity. When it comes to other areas of performance, however, the impact of background m

26、usic is more complicated.The idea that listening to music when working is beneficial to output probably has its roots in the so-called “Mozart effect”. Put simply, this is the finding that spatial rotation performance(空间旋转能力) is increased immediately after listening to the music of Mozart, compared

27、to no sound at all.How sound affects performance has been the topic of research for over 40 years, and is observed through a phenomenon called the irrelevant sound effect. To study irrelevant sound effect, participants in the research are asked to complete a simple task which requires them to recall

28、 a series of numbers or letters in the exact order in which they saw them. The tricky thing is being able to do this while ignoring any background noise.Two key characteristics of the irrelevant sound effect are required for its observation. First, the task must require the person to use their rehea

29、rsal abilities(复述能力), and second, the sound must contain acoustical variation(声学变化). Where the sound does not vary much acoustically, the performance of the task is much closer to that observed in quiet conditions.The irrelevant sound effect itself comes from attempting to process two sources of ord

30、ered information at the same timeone from the task and one from the sound. Unfortunately, only the former is required to successfully perform the recall task, and the effort in ensuring that irrelevant order information from the sound is not processed actually hinders(阻碍) this ability.A similar conf

31、lict is also seen when reading while in the presence of lyrical music. In this situation, the two sources of wordsfrom the task and the soundare in conflict. The cost is poorer performance of the task in the presence of music with lyrics.What this all means is that whether having music playing in th

32、e background helps or hinders performance depends on the task and on the type of music, and only understanding this relationship will help people maximize their productivity levels.1、“Mozart effect” is mentioned to _.Aexplain how music can relax peopleBshow music can improve performanceCadvise peopl

33、e to listen to Mozart musicDstress Mozart music gains wide attention2、It can be inferred that participants in the research _.Ahave improved their rehearsal abilityBperform better in the quiet conditionsCignore the background noise successfullyDprefer the music with great sound variation3、Paragraph 6

34、 is written to _.Asupport an ideaBmake a contrastCintroduce a topicDdescribe a fact4、What is the best title for the passage?AMusic shapes your lifeBMusic develops your creativityCChoose quiet music for your workDDoes music make you concentrate?24(8分)Scientists have long known that herbivores (食草动物)

35、affect the plant diversity around them. In highly productive ecosystems, like jungles, animals would favor dominant, fast-growing plants. This would free up nutrients and space, allowing for a greater variety of plants to boom. In contrast, herbivores in regions with low plant biomass, like deserts,

36、 would eat whatever they could find, only driving down plant diversity.Now, a team of scientists has tested this hypothesis(假说). Burkepile, a biology professor in UC Santa Barbara, and his colleagues reviewed 252 studies comparing plant diversity in areas where herbivores were and were not excluded.

37、Their study revealed that whether herbivores increase or decrease plant diversity depends on whats on the menu. In general, the correlation (相关性) between herbivory and diversity wasnt nearly as clear as everyone had expected. However, the team noticed a much stronger association: when the ecosystem

38、hosted a particularly vigorous species of plant, herbivory seemed to be crucial in maintaining biodiversity.For instance, grasslands in the tallgrass prairie in the American Midwest tend to be dominated (控制) by fast-growing grasses, such as big bluestem. The team discovered that herbivores had an ou

39、tsized effect on maintaining biodiversity by keeping big bluestem from taking over dozens of smaller, slower growing plant species. However not all herbivores are on an equal foot. The team found that the connection between herbivory and diversity was particularly strong in grasslands where more ani

40、mals feed on grass than on herbs and bushes. This seems reasonable, since grasses tend to be the dominant species in grasslands, as the name suggests.These findings are more than academic. “Weve seen three decades of really important papers saying that ecosystems work better when you have more speci

41、es in them,” Burkepile said. “What our data suggests is that herbivores are especially important for maintaining this biodiversity in places where you have a really dominant plant species.” As biodiversity continues to decline worldwide, conservationists are looking for ways to prevent catastrophic

42、losses. “This suggests that one possible approach to managing ecosystems and biodiversity is to use herbivores to manage these dominant species,” Burkepile added.1、According to Paragraph 1, how do herbivores help to increase biodiversity?ABy consuming dominant, fast-growing plants.BBy destroying jun

43、gles and freeing up space.CBy adding more nutrients to the soil.DBy eating up low plant biomass.2、The underlined part in Paragraph 3 most probably implies that _.Aherbivory has nothing to do with biodiversity in a given ecosystemBherbivores decrease biodiversity in tallgrass-dominated ecosystemsCsma

44、ll animals help to protect biodiversity in grasslands without bushesDthe degree to which herbivores affect biodiversity is related to plant species3、What is the author trying to tell us in the last paragraph?AThe limitations of the new study.BThe potential application of the new study.CThe contradic

45、tion between the past view and the new findings.DThe importance of maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity.25(10分)Community Service AwardWhat do you do make your community a better place?How has volunteering changed you and he way you view he world?Write an essay describing your experiences and be r

46、ecognized for all that you do.You can also give a description of the special person you meet during your volunteering and youll always remember and give him/her the chance to be recognized in a national magazine,Teen Ink!PrizesEach year at least two teens are honored for outstanding service to their

47、 community by Teen Ink.Contest winners receive $100 for their favorite charity and a copy of the magazine featuring their winning essay.Plus,theyll have the opportunity to choose from an exciting selection of Teen Ink merchandise(商品)clothing and other itemsavailable only from Teen Ink.GuidelinesTeen

48、 Ink will only consider original essays written by teens.Essays should be between 150 and 1,000 words.Share a moving experience.Tell us about someone special you met through volunteer work.Describe what you do and why its important to you.Give examples and remember to use as much detail as possible.

49、For more suggestions on how to write a winning essay,see our Community Service Writing Tips.Submit entries through our website.All community service-related pieces submitted to Teen Ink are automatically considered for the contest.See our submission guidelines for more information.DeadlinesThere are

50、 no deadlines for this contest.Entries are considered for publication in Teen Ink magazine and online throughout the year.Winners will be announced after the June issue is published.Heres how you can reach us:Our mailing address: Teen In box 30 Newton,Ma 02461Phone number: (617) 964-6800.Main email

51、address:EditorTeenIsubmissionsTeenISubscriptionsTeenI1、Who can have the chance to win Community Service Award?AVolunteers for the community service.BSpecial people organizing the contest.CAll the readers of a national magazine.DSomebody viewing the world differently.2、What can we know about the awar

52、ds from the text?AThe awards are randomly distributed.BThe awards are offered by the magazine.CWinners can get a copy of the magazine every year.DThe merchandise in Teen Ink is only available to the winners.3、What is the requirement of the essay for the contest?AIt should be originally written by te

53、ens in England.BIt should tell readers a special volunteer.CIt should give examples and details.DIt should be submitted before June.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) It was just a harmless Valentines Day joke. Old Lady Hayes 1 it. She used to scream

54、 at us for “borrowing” a few of her precious raspberries(木莓), like we were 2 gold.George practiced 3 the box out of reach by the string. I couldnt wait to see it fly away when she tried to pick it up.I was first to 4 my dad in the doorway. I froze. Within seconds, my 5 was shared by all. Dad walked

55、slowly to the empty candy box. He picked it up, and watched it swing back and forth. Then he looked into the eyes of the 6 boys.“It doesnt seem so long ago that I was playing Valentines Day 7 ,”he said, “One year my cousins and I decided to try one on our Grandma Walker 8 we loved her. We just wante

56、d to have some 9 . We sneaked up to her 10 and drew a gift there with red paint. Then we kicked the door and 11 behind the bushes. When Grandma 12 appeared, she looked down. Even from 15 feet away we could see the 13 in her eyes. Grandma 14 for the fresh paint. Slowly, she 15 our joke. She tried to

57、smile, absently wiping red paint on her clean and white apron(围裙).”Dad 16 and for the first time I noticed that his eyes were 17 .“Grandma died later that year. I never had another 18 to give her a real valentine.”Later that night a red. heart-shaped box was 19 on Mrs. Hayes front doorstep We hid be

58、hind the bushes to see how she would 20 to receiving a full box of candy.1、AdeservedBgotCmadeDcalled2、AfindingBstealingCbuyingDgiving3、AopeningBclosingCpullingDputting4、AknowBobserveCwatchDnotice5、AhappinessBanxietyCexcitementDcuriosity6、AfrightenedBsurprisedCdelightedDamused7、AjokesBgamesCrolesDspo

59、rts8、Aeven thoughBso thatCin caseDas if9、AtroubleBinfluenceCtimeDfun10、AroomBhouseCdoorstepDwindow11、AsatBhidCstoodDfled12、AgraduallyBsuddenlyCfrequentlyDfinally13、AhurtBjoyCtrustDconcern14、AreachedBsearchedCaskedDwaited15、Aturned intoBgave awayCfigured outDtalked about16、AleftBfinishedCstartedDpaus

60、ed17、AweakBbrightCopenDwet18、AsolutionBmethodCchanceDexample19、AopenedBcarriedCplacedDmade20、AreplyBreactCreferDreturn第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)On the first day of my first grade, I stood by the door with butterflies in my stomach. I 1(voice) my biggest concern to my m


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