1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1The success of “one country, two systems” in practice has been universally _, and this policy continues to go strong.
2、Aacknowledged BappreciatedCaccomplished Daccompanied2Theres another way to survive this competition - a way no one ever seems to tell you about, _ you have to learn for yourself.AoneBitCthatDanother3What did she want to know, Tom?She wondered we could complete the experimentAwhen was it thatBit was
3、when thatCit was whenDwhen it was that4What happened to the young trees we planted last week?The trees _ well, but I didnt water them.Amight growBneednt have grownCwould have grownDwould grow5Owing to The Chinese Poetry Competition, publications on classical Chinese literature are _ a significant sh
4、are of storage space at the bookstore.Ataking up Bdividing up Cbreaking up Dputting up6- Are you happy with this laboratory? - Not a little. We cant have _.Aa worse oneBa nicer oneCa worst oneDa nicest one7Every man has his faults. We should, therefore, lean to be _ of others.AignorantBresponsibleCr
5、eliableDtolerant8The infrastructure project has consumed so much money that we cant find any financial support and have to _.Apull outBpull throughCcatch upDcatch on9 you can learn to appreciate the challenges in life, you will find inner strength.AWhen BWhileCBefore DUnless10Experts warn that medic
6、al waste from hospitals, if _properly, may lead to spreading diseases.Anot handledBnot being handledCnot to be handledDnot having handled11Sometimes it seems to bother the teacher _ all the students are being too quiet.AhowBwhatCthatDwhere12I have something important to tell John. But I cant find hi
7、m.His cell phone is here, so he _ have gone too far.AmustntBneedntCwouldntDcant13The customs officers were insisting that suitcases should be opened and their contents _ for closer inspection.Alaid outBgiven outCsent outDpicked out14The two pens are the same, but the red one cost _ that one.Aas much
8、 twice asBtwice as much asCmuch as twice asDas twice much as15_ that I wouldnt support myself at that moment.AI was weak enough BI was too weakCSo weak was I DSuch weak was I16Whitney Houstons sudden death suggests that drug abuse is such a serious problem _ we should deal with it appropriately.AasB
9、thatCwhichDwhere17In my opinion, parents and teachers are supposed to set an example of good behavior to children _ they are role models to them.AalthoughBeven ifCunlessDas18Tourists love Beijing, offers an infinite collection of delights ranging from 6 UNESCO World Heritage Sites to food from every
10、 corner of China and beyond.AthatBwhereCwhichDwho19_ the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.ANot completingBNot completedCNot having completedDHaving not completed20Raising the incomes of the poor is likely to be ineffective in a wealthy society, _ accompanied by other measures.A
11、onceBwhenCifDunless第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)It is a question people have been asking for ages. Is there a way to turn back the aging process?For centuries, people have been looking for a “fountain of youth.” The idea is that if you find a magical fountain, and drink fro
12、m its waters, you will not age. Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon searched for waters with magical powers in the early 1500s. But what he found instead is the American state of Florida.Researchers in New York did not find an actual fountain of youth, but they may have found a way to turn back the
13、aging process. It appears the answer may be hidden right between your eyes, in an area called the hypothalamus.The hypothalamus is part of your brain. It controls important activities within the body. Cai Dongsheng, a professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, found that hypothalamus stem
14、 cells influence how fast aging takes place in the body as well. He also reported that when the hypothalamus starts aging, so does the body.“So when hypothalamus function is in decline, particularly the loss of hypothalamus stem cells, and this protection against the aging development is lost, it ev
15、entually leads to aging.”Using this information, the researchers began trying to activate (激活) or energize the hypothalamus in laboratory mice. They did this by injecting (注射) the animals with stem cells. Later, the researchers examined tissues and tested for changes in behavior. They looked for cha
16、nges in the strength of the animals muscles. They also studied the social behavior and cognitive (认知) ability of the mice.The researchers say the results show that the treatment slowed aging in the animals. Cai says injecting middle-aged mice with stem cells from younger mice helped the older animal
17、s live longer.These findings could lead to new ways to help doctors identify and treat any number of health issues concerning aging problems. If the mice can live longer, does that mean people could have longer lives? This is the question Cai and his team are thinking about.1、What did Juan Ponce de
18、Leon find?AThe American state of Florida.BMagical powers.CA Fountain of youth.DA way to stop the aging process.2、What do we know about the hypothalamus?AIt is located in the eyes.BIt starts aging due to the increase of its stem cells.CIt plays a key role in controlling the aging process.DIt function
19、s well when the body starts aging.3、What did the researchers do during the experiment?AThey strengthened the muscles of the mice.BThey examined tissues and tested the behaviour of mice.CThey injected the stem cells into the younger mice.DThey changed the social behavior and cognitive ability of the
20、mice.4、What would the researchers probably do next?AInject stem cells of mice into humans.BResearch on the cognitive psychology.CHelp the mice live longer.DSee if anti-aging effects also work in human beings.22(8分)Ive been researching my family tree since 1998 ,and Ive long been curious about DNA as
21、 a way to learn more about my roots. The technology has come a long way in the last decade, and its become more affordable too. Finally, I went ahead and ordered a Y-DNA test.The results came in my email inbox from the DNA lab! When I logged in to see the results, there are 29 living people today wi
22、th whom I share a common direct male ancestor in about the last 1,000 years. They live in Ireland, England, Scotland, South Africa, the United States and probably elsewhere.I had two close matches, and the rest were more distant. They both live in Ireland! What makes the connection to these two men
23、so interesting is that most Irish genealogical (族谱的)records were burned in fires in Dublin and dont exist today. Without them, it s hard to trace Irish roots any further back than the 1800s. Ive written emails to both of them and hope to hear back !I did some more research on my Y-DNA and found my d
24、irect male ancestors were Celtics. They seem to have lived in Western Europe at the time of Ancient Rome. Migration patterns show that my DNA group likely originated in Western Asia, living there 20, 000 and 30, 000 years ago. There are relatives with similar DNA going thousands of years back in wha
25、t is now Iran, India, Syria, Israel and Turkey.I was so excited by these results that I decided to trace my motherly line too. My DNA is already at the lab, so now I just have to wait another month or so, and Im sure to find more interesting things.1、What is the authors purpose of doing a Y-DNA test
26、?ATo satisfy his curiosity about DNABTo know more about his ancestors.CTo find his families separated long ago.DTo rewrite genealogical records in Ireland.2、Which of the following can replace the underlined word “matches” in paragraph 3?AfriendsBrelativesCancestorsDcompetitions3、Where did the author
27、s family root in?AIreland.BWestern Asia.CAncient Rome.DWestern Europe.4、How did the author feel about the results of the DNA test?AInspired.BRelieved.CConfused.DDiscouraged.23(8分)Get Involved! Make a Donation!So what is rewilding?Imagine our natural homes growing instead of shrinking. Imagine specie
28、s (物种)diversifying instead of declining. Thats rewilding. Rewilding is ecological restoration. Rewilding offers hope for wildlife, humans and the planet.Why is rewilding important and necessary?Our natural ecology is broken. The places where you would expect wildlife to exist have been reduced to we
29、t deserts. The seabed has been destroyed and there have been no livingcreatures any more.Our wildlife is disappearing. Many wonderful species have declined over the past century. Weve lost more of our large animals than any European country.We need keystone species. These vital species, including to
30、p predators (食肉动物), drive ecological processes. Their loss has worsened our living systems.Nature looks after us. Good natural ecology can provide us with clean air and water, prevent flooding and store carbon. Rewilding can leave the world in a better state than it is today.What are challenges?As a
31、 long-term project, our “rewilding britain” has its challenges. Many people are notinterested, because we have got used to the lack of native forests. Many farmers oppose the idea. They thought it a crazy idea to bring back predators because they would start killing farmanimals. It takes time to edu
32、cate them. Above all, we need money! So we need your help!Make a donation.Help us bring back living systems and restore wild nature!With your help we can. . .Open up new chances for rewilding and push for change.Develop tools to educate, influence and spread the word.Thanks for your support.1、Which
33、of the following is the result of rewilding?ASpecies become various.BA lot of animals disappear.CEnvironments are destroyed.DNatural disasters happen regularly.2、According to the passage, one of the challenges at present is_.Apeoples doubtsBa lack of volunteersCa shortage of timeDfarmers disagreemen
34、t3、What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo introduce a new project.BTo call on people to give money.CTo warn people of the natural ecology.DTo convince people to change their mind.24(8分)“Its really a breakthrough,” said British scientist Guillem about the discovery of a planet “more or less” lik
35、e Earth that is orbiting Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to our solar system.Proxima b, or “Earth II”as you could call it , is a lttle bigger than our Earth, and its years only take 11days. Also, since it is so much closer to its red dwarf (矮小的) star than we are to the sun, the sky on its world i
36、s orange without any blue at all, creating a forever sunset effect.There are a lot of questions for life forms that could live on this new planet. As the Chicago Tribune wrote: “Do you have poetry? Superheroes? Television? Diets? Mean bosses? Do you have any interest in visiting other worlds? If so,
37、 put Earth on your Must See list. ”The discovery of the planet made us wonder if anyone had seen or heard of the space postcards from Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11space probes (探测器), sent up into space in 1972 and the next year. Together with the probes were pictures of a man and a woman, along with dia
38、grams of the solar system. Gold records were sent up into space on Voyager probes in 1977. If aliens (外星人) on Proxima b had played the record , they would have found human voices and pictures that showed the rich diversity of Earth.It might not be time to plan a visit to Proxima b just yeteven if it
39、 has an atmosphereas first , we would need to invent a way to get there in less than the 78,000 years it would take at 36,000 mph. “Proxima b looks to us like a promising Plan(et) B, just in case things go really south on this blue planet. ” the Chicago Tribune wrote.1、What do we know about Proxima
40、b?AIt has an orange sky.BIt is closer to the sun.CIt has no sunrise.DIt is as large as Earth.2、What could be found on the gold records sent up by Voyager probes in 1977?APictures of a couple.BMaps of the solar system.CRecorded sounds.DSeveral postcards.3、What does the underlined sentence in the last
41、 paragraph probably mean?AEarth moves to the south.BProxima b gets closer to Earth.CSituation changes favorably.DConditions on Earth get worse.4、What was the attitude of the Chicago Tribune towards the discovery of the planet?AExcited.BWorried.CUninterested.DProud.25(10分) New Year s resolutions(决心)h
42、ave been around long enough that we all scent to stick to the same ones-hit the gym, lay off the candy, read more books, call your mother-regardless of whether we follow through with our intentions.While January 1st seems like the perfect time to have a new start again, exactly when people developed
43、 that mindset(思维模式)isnt common knowledge. It turns out that the modern belief of a New Years resolution isnt as old as you thought. According to many historians, the ancient Babylonians were the first group of people to make New Years resolutions. However, instead of making a commitment to self impr
44、ovement, they made a commitment to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed.An ancient Roman tradition from 46 BC, bears even more likeness to modern resolutions. Emperor Julius Caesar declared January the month of Janus. Romans believed Janus looked backwards into the pr
45、evious year and ahead into the future. In his honor, they made sacrifices to the god and promises of good behavior for the coining year.But the modern New Years resolution didnt fully form until centuries later. The practice was common enough by the early 1800s. An article in 1802 states, Statesmen
46、have sworn to have no other objet in view than the good of their country. the physicians have determined to advise the use of medicine no more than is necessary, and to he very reasonable in their fees.”The first time “New Years resolution appeared as a phrase was in the January 1st issue of a Bosto
47、n newspaper in 1813. “I believe there are a lot of people, the article goes, “with a serious determination of beginning the New Year with new resolutions and new behavior, and with the full belief that they shall accept punishment for all their formerfaults and wipe them away.So as you make (and pos
48、sibly fail at) your New years resolutions, know that youre in good company.1、Whose New Years resolutions were most different from the present common practice?AAncient Babylonians.BAncient Romans.CStatesmens in the 1800s.DBoston peoples in 1813.2、According to Paragraph 4, the physicians focused their
49、 resolutions on_Aannual incomes.Bpersonal ambitions.Cprofessional honesty.Dacademic improvement.3、What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo encourage people to make New years resolutions.BTo give advice on how to make New Years resolutions.CTo compare different New years resolutions in his
50、tory.DTo introduce the development of New Years resolutions.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)Sea turtles are found in all warm waters throughout the world. Sea turtles are the 1 of the turtles. The largest kind of sea turtle can grow as long as eigh
51、t feet and 2 1,500 pounds. Even the smallest kind, Kemps-Ridley, can 3 to 28 inches long and weigh almost 100 pounds. Many other turtles are small enough to 4 in your hand. It is difficult to find population numbers for sea turtles because they do not 5 shore once they hatch and reach the ocean, whi
52、ch makes it hard to 6 them. Sea turtles 7 in the water because they are safer there. They cannot 8 their heads and feet into their shells like other turtles can. Sea turtles cannot hide inside their shells 9 other animals that want to eat them. They need to move quickly to stay safe.When the weather
53、 10 warm, sea turtles leave the ocean to 11 their eggs on the beach. This is the only time they will ever leave the water. Most 12 turtles spend part of the time in water 13 part of the time on land. It is easy to understand 14 sea turtles stay in the water. Their 15 to swim is greater than their ab
54、ility to walk. Their heavy bodies and unusual feet make it hard for them to 16 on land. They are better 17 for life in the water. They are well suited for life in the sea because of 18 their bodies are made.The way their feet are made helps sea turtles swim very quickly. Their feet look like long 19
55、 When they swim, they flap their feet like a bird flaps its wings. This 20 way of swimming benefits sea turtles. It allows them to escape from their enemies.1、AdwarfsBgiantsCmammalsDancestors2、AmeasureBweighCsellDsound3、Agrow upBbring upCtake upDgo up4、AsuitBfitCmatchDseize5、Ago toBturn toCback toDr
56、eturn to6、Akeep up withBkeep track ofCkeep in touch withDkeep to7、AswimBhideCsleepDstay8、ApushBdrawCdragDpull9、AawayBfromCforDto10、AbecomesBturnsCchangesDleads11、AlayBlieClaidDlain12、Athe otherBanotherCotherDothers13、AbutBandCorDso14、AwhenBwhereCwhyDas15、AtechniqueBtalentCabilityDopportunity16、Awalk
57、BtravelCwanderDplay17、AadoptedBadaptedCadequateDadmitted18、Athe wayBthe mannerCthe methodDthe shape19、ApaddlesBsticksCwingsDtails20、AabnormalBunusualCordinaryDunbelievable第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)If you think you cant do something, then you cant do it 1(real).Its that
58、 simple. And it is the saddest truth in the process of being 2(success). There are a variety of of 3(hardship) you will face in your journey to wherever you are going, and there is no way of 4(avoid) them, which is a natural part in the process. However, the biggest challenge you will likely face is
59、 5(you). You can accomplish almost anything you can dream of 6Motivation. But you will not accomplish even your most ordinary goals if you say you cant. You will never know how hard or how easy something really is if you never give it 7Chance. In turn, any chance is bound to 8(destroy) by a “Cant”.
60、You might not even be aware that you are your own worst enemy, and how much you are limiting yourself simply by saying that you “cant” do and turn them into 9 You can do.Always remember 10(think)that you CAN do it. 第四部分 写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(满分10分)28(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有
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