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1、Job DescriptionFOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGERTitle ofition:Food & Beverage Manager 餐饮部经理Reports to:General Manager 总经理ition Overview:Management of the day to day operation of restaurant and bar, plusliaison with Front office and Housekeng. Ensuringt servicestandards are maainedhese areas, profitabilityized

2、 andcustomers needs met. The cost is well controlled in eaeal andseason. 管理餐厅和酒吧的运营,与前厅部和客房部合作。保证这些区域内的服务标准,最大化达到客人的需求。严格控制成本KEY TASKSDuties职责EXPECTED RESULTSEnsuret your team tiver quality servi, bothhe productionof customer service at all pos of salehe ho.保证你的团队在对客服务和产品的所有点上提供高质量的服务和全面的酒店的销售。Ensur

3、e the correct operation of the servi己部门内正确的运营in your department 保证自Effective leadership of all department staffs.有效地部门所有员工。Motivate and create a team spirit in your department.在部门内激励和创造团队精神Ensuret the profitability of your department is consistent.保证自己部门的利润持续增长Ensure app d Ensuret the healnd safety

4、regulations are comp d windhe department,保证健康安全规定在本部门完好地实施。t there is compliance with the work legislation in Food andBeverage departments.保证餐饮部门内的工作与法律规定相符合。 Regular liaison with Maenance ensuring maenance requests are completed quickly focusing on guest needs as a priority.经常性地联系维修部门保证维修要求快速完全地完成以

5、关注客人的需求作为任务。的首要Preparation odaily report and monthly reports, commenting onkey performance indicators.准备餐饮效指标给予建议。和月,对主要主要绩Names/:Signature/签名:Addressed to/收件人:Written by / 起草Francis TamFrancis TamIbis China/宜必思中国Checked by / 审核Stephanie MoretStephanie MoretIbis China/宜必思中国Approved by / 批准Gilles Lar

6、riveGilles LarriveIbis China/宜必思中国FUNCTION: FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGER / 职务: 餐饮部经理No. PER 025Page/页数:1/7Revi/版本:0Date/日期:17/07/2008QUALITY PROCEDURE质量程序MODULE:NELEnsure daily operation to meet Accor Standards and complete Accorsannualernal audit. 保证按照标准操作日常运营,并很好地完成年度审计工作。Liaise with Housekeng to ens

7、ure area cleanliness standards aremaained while meeting productivity goals.在完成产品的生产目标上与客房部协调保证区域内清洁标准受到良好。Ensure there is management support and presence visible on restaurant, bar and kitchen during key times throughout the day. 保证餐厅里能得到管理层支持,尤其是在一天中的主要时间Establish excellent relationships with the c

8、nts.与客户保持非常好的关系FinanlResponsibilities/ DutiesHave an excellent knowledge of the servioffered by the hoandensuret all customers are aware of them. 熟练地掌握酒店提供给客人的服务所有的客人都知道这些服务。Optimize earnings (number of covers and average price) for your po s of sale.在每个销售点上最大化销售额(上座数量、平均账单等)Be involved he pricing p

9、olicy of your management team.要参与管理层的价格策略yze customer feedback and implement any corrective actions with the agreement of management 分析顾客的反馈并在得到管理层同意后实施改正的行动方案。Be involvedhe local environment in order to identify the specificneeds of the customer 深入到当地的环境中明确顾客的具体需求。Any other duties assigned by your

10、manager.其他由总经理分配的任务。Establish in conjunction with teral Manager finanlperformances for revenue, expenditure and market share andensure department achieves these达到部门的目标。Develop working plans to meets.与总经理的财务目标挂钩保证s; compare actual achievementsagainsts periodically; take nesary corrective action if no

11、t on.开发工作计划以达到目标;将实际的结果与阶段性的目标相比较;如果没有达到,要实行必要的改正行动。Ensure all billing is accurate and correct monies are collected. 保证所有的账单都准确并收入正确的钱款。Participatehe management of all purchases of stocks of food anddrinks.参与管理所有的食品和饮料的库存采购。Check the inventories carried out.检查库存盘点的实施。Take part in preparing annual bu

12、dgets for your department,yze theresults and implement any corrective as required.参与部门年度定,分析结果并实施要求的改正措施。的制Take part with Head Chef in preparing thes, purchasing and theupdating of the technical和更新技术文件。s.与厨师长配合参与准备菜单、采购Check andyze all management reportsve been compiled inNames/:Signature/签名:Address

13、ed to/收件人:Written by / 起草Francis TamFrancis TamIbis China/宜必思中国Checked by / 审核Stephanie MoretStephanie MoretIbis China/宜必思中国Approved by / 批准Gilles LarriveGilles LarriveIbis China/宜必思中国FUNCTION: FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGER / 职务: 餐饮部经理No. PER 025Page/页数:2/7Revi/版本:0Date/日期:17/07/2008QUALITY PROCEDURE质量程

14、序MODULE:NELconnection with turnover, average covrice, ratios, businessforecasts, staff schedules.检查并分析所有的管理,分析所有与人头数、平均消费、比例、业务、员工排班有关系的数据。Facilie the smooth running of the department through adequate supply of materials and equipment.通过适当的材料和设备的供给协助部门运转。Be pro-active in controlling costs being full

15、y aware of forecastedbusiness anded profitability whilst maaining standards.在控制成本方面要积极并对业务警觉,在保证标准的情况下提高利润。Human ResourResponsibilities人力资源职责Establish on-going On Job Training Programs with持续的部门技能培训he department 建立Induct new staffo the team, department and Hohek oftheir employment following guidelin

16、es. Ensuret all staff under yourcontrol carries out their duties 将新员工介绍给团队、部门和酒店。所有的员工都在你的控制之下完成他们的职责。Openly communicate with staff ensuring regular briefings occur and all relevant information is passed on.开放地与员工沟通保证经常的会议和传达所有相关的信息。Ensuret strategies and practiare in place to facilie the efficienta

17、nd effective staffing of department to achieve finanl and servicequality的目标。s.保证有策略和实践来支持部门有效地达到财务和服务质量Create a teamt works together with trust and takes responsibility tomeet the goals of the department / Ho.创建一个能够在信任和负责任的基础上合作工作的团队共同完成部门和酒店的目标。Develop and implement with Team Leaders, strategies to

18、 minimize staff turnover.与领班一起开发和实施策略以减少员工的流失。Appraise staff performance utilizing the ACCOR performance review system; ensure frontline performance reviews are conducted forprobationary and annual reviews; correct performance ies andcounsel as required.使用的表现评估系统评估员工表现;确保在试用期后和每年年底对一线员工的表现进行评估;根据需要对

19、一些员工的表现问题给予更正和。Ensure staff presenion is consistent with Hostaff handbook;uniforms correctly presented; name badges worn.确保员工的衣冠作装与员工手册要求的一致,包括工服的穿着;名牌的佩戴。Achieve effective communication by briefing and debriefing staff, holding regular departmental meetings and actively encouragingtransparent commu

20、nication with other departments withhe Ho.通过与员工的沟通会达到有效的沟通,举行定期的部门会议并积极地鼓励与酒店其他部门的透明的沟通交流。Recruit stafft are technically skilled or have potential to be throughtraining, and have a natural inclination towards customer focusedservice. 招聘有技能的员工或者能够通过培训掌握技能的员工,并具有自Names/:Signature/签名:Addressed to/收件人:W

21、ritten by / 起草Francis TamFrancis TamIbis China/宜必思中国Checked by / 审核Stephanie MoretStephanie MoretIbis China/宜必思中国Approved by / 批准Gilles LarriveGilles LarriveIbis China/宜必思中国FUNCTION: FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGER / 职务: 餐饮部经理No. PER 025Page/页数:3/7Revi/版本:0Date/日期:17/07/2008QUALITY PROCEDURE质量程序MODULE:NEL

22、然的关注客人的特质的员工。Systems & Procedures系统和程序Log and inform your Manager of any system problems. Suggest anyimprovements procedures.t could be made to improve existing systems and并通知你的经理关于任何系统问题。对现存的系统和程序提出改进建议。Follow policies and procedures outlinedhe ACCOR Brand Standards Manual, Departmental Servi tanda

23、rds / ProceduresManual and ACCOR Policy Manuals.遵守品牌标准手册、部门服务标准、程序手册和政策规定的品牌标准。Ensuret all equipment is working correctly and all employees aretrained to work safety with it.保证所有设备正确地并且所有的员工都经过的培训。Health & Safety健康与安全Use safe manual handling techniques, practiafe work habits, wearprotective clothing

24、 provided where nesary and take a consuliverole in assisting and maaining a clean, tidy work area and a healthy and safe working environment.用安全手工处理技巧去工作,并养成安全工作的,穿着酒店配发的必要的保护性工作服并去协助保持一个卫生整洁的工作环境和健康地点。Ensure storage and maenance of food and material meet hygienic standards; manage the restaurant as

25、 per requirements of local hygiene and immunity 保证食品、原料、保管、库存、制作等符合卫生标准,按照当地卫生防疫要求进行餐厅管理。Maain procedures to minimize our impact on the environment and prevent pollution. 保持减少对环境的影响和防止污染的程序。Report any health or safety hazards, faults, repairs, cleaning needs and accidents to your Manager 对任何安全健康隐患、错

26、误、修理、清洁的需要和紧急事故要给你的经理。Ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and used only forthe pure for which it wasended. Report all broken or damageddepartmental equipment to your manager 保证所有设备都保持了良好的工作顺序并都被正确地使用。向你的经理汇报所有的破损或者部门设备的损坏。Contribute to cost control through energy conservation, correct

27、 storage of all materials and use of equipment per operating standards andmanufacturers specifications. 通过能源保护控制成本,正确地的材料并按照制造商的明确的操作标准来使用设备。所有Be fully conversant with departmental fire and evacuation procedures.要求完全掌握部门的消防和疏散程序。Customer ServiceProvide efficient, friendly and profes客人提供快捷的友善的和专业的服务a

28、l service to all guests.为所有的Lead by exle when attending to guest requests. Show efficiency inconstantly striving to provide Total Customer Satisfaction.处理客人要求Names/:Signature/签名:Addressed to/收件人:Written by / 起草Francis TamFrancis TamIbis China/宜必思中国Checked by / 审核Stephanie MoretStephanie MoretIbis Ch

29、ina/宜必思中国Approved by / 批准Gilles LarriveGilles LarriveIbis China/宜必思中国FUNCTION: FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGER / 职务: 餐饮部经理No. PER 025Page/页数:4/7Revi/版本:0Date/日期:17/07/2008QUALITY PROCEDURE质量程序MODULE:NEL时要做出榜样。在坚持持续地提供全面的客户满意时展示效率。Take initiative to ensureteractions with our customers (ernal orexternal) ar

30、eitive and productive; call your Manager if difficultiesarise.主动展示保证在所有与客户互动的过程中都保持积极和有效(和外部客人);如果有寻找你的经理的支持。Work together with trust sot colleagues and management meet the goals of the department/Ho. 与同事和管理层在信任的基础上合作以完成部门和酒店的目标。Treat customers and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect,se

31、nsitivity and transparency. 遵从尊重、透明和信任。Take every opportunity to be a “sales的价值观,对待顾客和同事要秉承” by active selling of spe he Ho.充分利用每一个机会lpromotions and facilities available with销售酒店的任何产品和设备设施。Attend to major operational problems and needs promptly includingcustomer complas, enquiries and requests. Prac

32、ticeitive problemsolving in all aspects of customer service.快速地关注所有运营问题和需求包括顾客题。、要求和疑问。在所有对务方面演练积极地解决问Answer all correspondence and enquiries received during the working k within 24 hours of receipt; maain good public relations with customers.在工作时间快速回复所有接到的询问和要求小时之内;与顾客保持良好的关系。Maain staocus on the C

33、ustomers need, individualizing andalizing service wheresible, encourage staff to use initiative.保持员工关注在顾客需求上,在可能的地方提供个性化服务,鼓励员工主动采取行动。Encourage customer feedback regarding product and serviheHo. Listen to and take action on this feedback.鼓励顾客提供关于产品和服务的反馈。聆听并对这些反馈意见采取行动改进。OtherTake responsibility to

34、ensure all required tasks are completedaccuray and within given time frames. 承担责任保证所有要求完成的工作在规定时间内准确地完成。Participate in scheduled training and development programs providedby the Hoto improve self and department standards and attenddepartmental meetings as required. .参加酒店计划好的培训提高自己和部门标准并按时参加要求的部门会议。E

35、nsure whereversiblet employees are provided with a workplace free of discrimination, harassment and victimization. 保证为员工提供一个无、骚扰和受的工作环境。Treat customers and colleagues from all cultural groups with respectand sensitivity.对待所有的客人和同事使用的价值观尊重和信任。Follow property procedures with respect to grooming, perfo

36、rmanceand conduct standards, occupational healnd safety, emergencyNames/:Signature/签名:Addressed to/收件人:Written by / 起草Francis TamFrancis TamIbis China/宜必思中国Checked by / 审核Stephanie MoretStephanie MoretIbis China/宜必思中国Approved by / 批准Gilles LarriveGilles LarriveIbis China/宜必思中国FUNCTION: FOOD AND BEVE

37、RAGE MANAGER / 职务: 餐饮部经理No. PER 025Page/页数:5/7Revi/版本:0Date/日期:17/07/2008QUALITY PROCEDURE质量程序MODULE:NELprocedures and all othroperty policies and procedures as detailedhe employee handbook / department procedure manuals /company policy manuals. 遵守酒店规定的仪容仪表制度,表现标准、工作健康和安全、紧急程序和其他所有酒店政策/部门程序/公司政策手册等。

38、Ensure Ho, Customer and Staff information or tranions are keptduring or after employment with the company. 保证对酒店、客户和员工的信息在雇用中和离职后都保守。Any other reasonable request within your range of competence asrequired by your Ho的能力。Manager. 任何其他可能被你的酒店管理层要求Ensure neat, clean and functionally operating outlets ar

39、e presented at all times.保证餐饮部的所有餐厅随时保持干净整洁并具功能性。Treat complas of harassment and discrimination promptly andly.快速处理骚扰和的并保守Ensureity and secure storage of allellectual propertyand data bases, bothand electronic. Adhere to ACCORernet and据、资料。遵守policy 保证安全保存所有的酒店电子的和纸质的数的网络和邮箱政策Asset Responsibilities/

40、DutiesAssist managers and team leaders to present neat, clean and functionally operating outlets.协助经理和团队领班展示餐厅的清洁、整齐和功能性的运营Maain a register of all service equipment maenance andbreakages; ensuret regular programmed maenance is carriedout to manufacturers specifications.保持所有的服务设备的维修和破损;保证经常性地按照制造商的具体

41、的要求进行计划项目的。Ensureity and secure storage of allellectual propertyand data bases, bothand electronic. 确保所有无形资产和数据的 Utilize and和纸制版安全保存和其性。ernet andstrictly in conjunction wiCCORernetpolicy 严格遵守的网络和邮箱政策适用网络和邮箱。Be fully conversant with the Hos fire and emergency evacuation procedures.完全了解酒店的消防和紧急逃生程序。Report any damages to Ho, guests or stassets on theappropriate incident report form.在事故人、或者员工的财务的损毁。格式中任何酒店、客AuthoritiesTheition has all authority needed to achieve the abovees, theonly limiions being;此职位有所有为达到以上结果需要的权利,只排除以下:All capital expe


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