人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第1页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第2页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第3页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第4页




1、Using Language (1)一Listening and SpeakingLearning Aims(学习目标)Listening.(重点难点)Speaking.(重点难点)目标一目标一同步听力多维训练除略指导】英语听力测试不只是考查学生的英语听力,同时还会考查学生的临场应变能力、猜想能 力和记忆能力等。平时还要多积累一些常见的话题词汇和话题句式。本单元的话题是学习拨 打急救 ,学生不仅要学会拨打中国的急救 ,还应学会用英语拨打国外的急救 , 以备未来置身外语环境中。常见的话题词汇:breathe 呼吸calm down镇静下来keep/be/stay calm 保持镇静on one

2、s back 仰面躺着remove pillows 不枕枕头conscious有意识的;有知觉的常见话题句式:Could you tell me your address?你可以告诉我你的地址吗?What s your phone number?你的 号码是什么?What s wrong?怎么了?His lips arc blue.他的嘴唇发青。The ambulance is on (he way.救护车就在路上。Press the chest twice a second.每秒按压两次胸部。【听力集训】I .Do listening exercises on the book.In gro

3、ups, try to match the countries with the emergency numbers.(教材 P54)Match the pictures below to the medical emergencies, and then discuss the questions in groups.(教材 P54)Listen to a 999 call in England and answer the questions.(教材 P54)Listen again.Number the following instructions the operator gave.(

4、教材 P55)II .Listen to the material again on P54 and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(精听训 练)Operator: Hello, (his is the ambulance.Boy: Hi, it s my grandfather .his 1. breathing has gotten really bad.We need an ambulance!Operator: OK2could you tell me your address?Boy: 18 West Highgate.Oper

5、ator: And your phone number?Boy: Oh, it s 655-212.Please hurry! I think he* s dying!Operator: Now 3.cahn down and tell me what * s wrong.Boy: His face looks funny .(Screaming.) Granddad! Granddad! Keep breathing! Help, please!Operator: Right.How old is he?Boy: He s 68.Operator: And are you with him

6、now?Boy: Yes.Me and my mother.Operator: I* 11 tell you what to do.First, is he 4.on his back?Boy: Yes I just moved him on his back.Operator: Next,5.remove any pillows.Boy: OK.What next?Operator: Now look in his mouth.Any food there?Boy: No.Oh, he s started to breathe again!Operator: So, he* s breath

7、ing?Boy: Yes, but 6.his lips arc blue! He, s making strange noises! Can you hurry?Operator: The ambulance is on (he way.Is he 7.conscious now?Boy: No.(Boy starts cryingjHe s not breathing again!Operator: Listen to me! Next, tell your mum to put her hand in the middle of his chest, and press down.Boy

8、: Mum, put your hand in the middle of his chest and push down.Operator: You need to do this quickly.twice per second.Boy: Twice a second, Mum! Hurry! Oh, he s not breathing anymore!Operator: Just be calm and do what I tell you.The ambulance is on the way.8.Press the chest twice a second .Keep doing

9、it.Boy: Keep doing it, Mum!Operator: I know it? s very tiring.If your mother needs a break you should change places.Boy: Please huny up! .Oh, the ambulance is here! (Sound of a siren in the background.)Operator: I can hear them.I can hear them.Boy: Oh, thank you so much!目标二场景模拟体验感悟Activity 1 In grou

10、ps, discuss the following questions.(教材 P55)Activity 2 The pictures below show what to do to rescue someone from drowning.In groups, discuss what is going on in each picture.Use the words given below.(教材 P55)Activity 3 In pairs, role-play an emergency call.One of you will be (he friend of a drowning

11、 victim, and the other will be a telephone operator giving first-aid instructions.Use the pictures and useful expressions above to help you.(教材 P55)Activity 4 Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese in the brackets to complete the following dialogue.0=Operator B = BoyO: Hello, this is the emerge

12、ncy.B: Hi, it s my friend.Wc arc at the swimming pool and I think 1 .he s drowning(他溺水了). Wc need an ambulance!O: OK.Could you tell me your address?B: We are at the pond in Zhongshan Park.O: And your phone number?B: Oh, it s xxx-xxxx-xxxx.Please hurry! 2.1 think he s dying(我认为他要死 了)!O: And are you w

13、ith him now?B: Yes.O: r 11 tell you what to do.First, is he on his back?B: No, he, s 3.on his sidc(侧卧).O: Well, you 11 need to roll him over then.Can you do that?B: OK.What next?O: Now 4.chcck for a response(检查反响).When you call him. does he answer?B: No!O: So, is he breathing?B: No!O: 5.Does he have

14、 a pulse(他有脉搏吗)? 6.1s his heart beating(他的心脏在跳动吗)?B: Let me check.no!O: Listen to me! 7.Turn his head to the side(把他的头转向一侧),and then put your finger in his mouth to make sure that there is nothing in it.O: Now turn his head back up, and lift his chin back.B: Yes, OK.O: Just be calm and do what I tel

15、l you next.The ambulance is on the way.8.B】ow inlo his mouih until his chest rises(向他的嘴里吹气直到他的胸脯起伏).Do this twice.B: OK.now what?O: Now push down on the middle of his chest really hard and really fast.Every thirty pushes, stop and give him two more breaths.B: That sit?O: Yes keep doing this until (h

16、e ambulance arrives.And 9.don l hang up (he phone(不要挂断 )! I II be right here if you need more help.The ambulance is on its way.B: OK!3达标检测话题微写作请运用本课时所听到的话题词汇和话题句式,再根据下面的汉语提示写一篇关于急救的 文章。上学路上,我看见一个男孩仰面躺着,失去了知觉。他的嘴唇发青,他几乎没有脉搏。 因此我立刻叫了救护车。同时,我清理他的嘴巴,每秒按压两次他的胸脯,向他嘴里呼气, 直到他又呼吸起来。救护车来了后,急救医生说正是我的急救起了非常大的作用。On my way to school, 1 saw a boy lying on his back, unconscious.His lips were blue and he barely h


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