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1、专题05语法填空(原卷版)目录一、语法填空01(2022,四川德阳中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When I was a child, I loved to visit my grandparents9 farm. There was always something new to do,46 (see) and to enjoy.One day, I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to my grandparents, farm to celebrate my birthday. We a

2、ll liked eating strawberries and we went to pick 47 (they). We each took a basket. But I was lazy. I took the 48 (small) basket. While the others were picking strawberries, I had a rest. Before we 49 (return), I put a lot of grass in my basket and then I put a few strawberries on top. The basket loo

3、ked full. My grandfather said he was proud 50 my hard work.The next morning my grandmother made many 51 (pie). There was a big pie which 52 (make) just for me. It looked nice! But when I began to eat it, I found there was nothing but grass under the top strawberries! You can guess 53 surprised I was

4、.My grandfather looked at me 54 (calm) and said, “When you cheat others, you cheat yourself. He didnt need to say more but taught me 55 good lesson. 二、语法填空02(2022四川乐山中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。A Postman of SmilesJohn Matson has been a postman for four years. He loves being out in the fre

5、sh air and meeting people. He has made 61 (friend) with many of his customers and enjoys talking with them while he is working.However, when COVID-19 began, John9s life and work 62 (change) a lot. He still saw his customers, 63 he had to talk with them from a safe social distance (社交总巨离).He was feel

6、ing 64 (little) happy than before.What could he do to cheer both 65 (him) and others up? John found some cool Halloween costumes (万圣节月艮装)in his house. He asked his manager if he could wear them to work. He wanted 66 (try) tosend smiles to people.wide对应的副词是widely“广泛地”,故填widelyo四、语法填空04(2022四川南充.中考真题)

7、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。One day, a baby snail found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell at any time. Heasked his mother, “Why was I bom with a shell? It 36 (grow) so hard and heavy. His mother said, Because we dont have bones(骨头)37 (support) us. We move slowly, so we need a shell to

8、 protect us.”The baby snail asked again, The caterpillar (毛毛虫)has no bones, either, and she cant move quickly. Why can she live 38 a shell?” The mother snail answered 39 (patient), “Thats because she will become a butterfly. She can fly high into 40 sky which can protect her.”The baby snail then cri

9、ed, “We are so poor! We have no 41 (protect) like that!” His mother smiled at him, Thats why we have a shell. My dear, imagine 42 we dont have the shell, what will happen to us? Our bodies will be 43 (dry) out by the hot sun and well have nowhere to sleep. Whats 44 (bad), well die in the heavy rain.

10、 We dont depend on the sky. We should depend on 45(we)“【答案】36. grows 37. to support38. without39. patiently40. the41. protection42. if43. dried44. worse45. ourselves【解析】本文主要讲述了蜗牛妈妈向宝宝解释蜗牛身上壳的作用的故事。.句意:它长得又硬又重。此句是陈述事实,句子用一般现在时,主语it是第三人称单数形式,动词用 三单形式,故填grows。.句意:因为我们没有骨头支撑我们。此处指支撑我们的骨头,用动词不定式作后置定语,故填t

11、。support。 38.句意:为什么她没有壳也能活?根据“The caterpillar (毛毛虫)has no bones, either”及常识可知,毛毛虫是 没有壳的,without“没有”,故填without。.句意:蜗牛妈妈耐心地回答。此空修饰动词answered,要用副词,故填patiently。.句意:她可以飞到能保护她的天空。此处指飞向天空,表特指,用冠词the,故填the。.句意:我们没有那样的保护。no后接名词,protect对应的名词是protection“保护”,故填protection。.句意:亲爱的,想象一下,如果我们没有壳,我们会发生什么?根敏,maginewe

12、 dont have the sh叫what will happen to us”可知,如果没有壳会怎样,用if引导条件状语从句,故填if。.句意:我们的身体会被烈日晒干,没有地方睡觉。根据will be”及by the hot suiT可知,此处用一般将 来时被动语态will be done的结构,此空应填过去分词,故填driedo.句意:更糟糕的是,我们会死在大雨中。whats worse”更糟糕的是,固定搭配,故填worse。.句意:我们应该依靠我们自己。当主语与宾语是同一人称时,宾语用反身代词,故填。urselves。 五、语法填空05(2022,四川自贡中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白

13、处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The willow branch (柳树枝)is a part of the willow tree. In ancient China, willow branches were often used as a parting gift between friends and family 56 (member). Even today, willow branches 57 (mention) in many cases as a symbol of saying goodbye. Do you know58?One reason is tha

14、t willow trees are strong. They can live 59(easy) in any place, wet or dry, north orsouth. Because of this, giving a willow branch to say goodbye to loved ones is a way to tell them you hope they will get used to 60 (they) new living environment.For another reason, the pronunciation for the willow t

15、ree liu (柳)“is similar 61 the character ”liu (留)“in Chinese, which means inviting someone 62(stay) 一only the tones are different. So 63(offer) a willow branch means asking the other party to live for a longer time, even though we know that they must leave.Its said that this custom became popular dur

16、ing the Han Dynasty. At that time, Baqiao, a bridge in Changan, todays Xian, was 64 common place to say goodbye. People often 65(stop) there andhanded willow branches to people who were leaving.【答案】56. members 57. are mentioned58. why 59. easily. their61. to62. to stay63. offering64. a65.stopped【解析】

17、本文讲述在中国古代,朋友别离之时,远走的一方常常会被赠予柳条作为离别礼物的原因。.句意:在古代中国,柳树枝经常被用来作为朋友和家庭成员之间的离别礼物。根据between friends and” 可知用复数名词形成并列结构,表达“成员”用复数名词“members”。故填members。.句意:甚至是今天,柳树枝在很多场合被提及,把它当作离别的象征。根据“today”可知句子是一般现在时,主语“willow branches”是复数概念,主语和动词之间是被动关系,表达“被提及”用一般现在时的被动 结构are mentioned”。故填 are mentionedo.句意:你知道是为什么吗?根据后

18、文“One reason is that”及“For another reason”可知后文讲述柳树枝被当 作离别的象征的原因,此处句子表达“为什么”,用疑问词“why:故填why。.句意:不管是潮湿还是干燥,南方还是北方,它们可以在任何地方很容易生存下来。动词力ive”用副词 修饰,表达“容易地用easy的副词形式“easily”。故填easilyo.句意:因此,对爱的人说再见的时候松柳树枝是为了告诉他们,你希望他们能习惯新的居住环境。“new living environment”是名词短语,前面用形容词性物主代词,表达他们的用their”。故填their。.句意:另一个原因是,“柳”的发

19、音和中文里“留”的发音相似,有请某人留下来之意,只是两个字音调不 同。句子表达“和某物相似”,用短语“be similar to”。故填to。.句意:另一个原因是,“柳”的发音和中文里“留”的发音相似,有请某人留下来之意,只是两个字音调不 同。句子表达“邀请某人做某事”,用短语“invite sb. to do”。表达“留下来,待”,用动词不定式t。stay。故 填 to stayo.句意:因此,松柳树枝意味着请另一方在待久一点,即使我们知道他们必须要离开了。根据“a willow branch means”可知句子缺主语,主语表达“主动给,用动名词“offering”。故填offering。

20、.句意:那时,在长安(现在的西安)的一座桥,叫瀚桥,是人们告别常去的地方。句子表达泛指“一个 常去的地方、common”是辅音因素开始的单词,用不定冠词“屋。故填a。.句意:人们经常在那里停下脚步,给即将离开的人送柳树枝。根据and handed可知句子是一般过去时, 用动词过去式形成并列,表达“停止”用stopped”。故填stopped。六、语法填空06(2022四川广元中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡相 应的横线上。China is a large country. It has special cultures with

21、a very long history.Chinese food plays 51 important role for Chinese families. Chinese people eat their meals with chopsticks. One of the main foods 52 (be) rice. Tea is a favorite drink.Chinese calendar is different from the one in 53 (west) countries. New Years Day is in late winter. It is also ca

22、lled the Spring Festival. And it also has some special 54 (tradition) cultures. For example, sweeping the floor 55 New years Day sweeps away all the old years bad 56 (lucky).The Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, follows a twelve-year cycle. Each year is 57 (name) after an animal. For example, the

23、 year that begins in 2022 is the year of the tiger.Chinese is a little difficult language. Chinese writing 58 (develop) for over 4,000 years. It has thousands of characters. A character stands for a word and also a 59 (mean). Besides Putonghua, Chinese people speak some other 60 (form) of the langua

24、ge, and there are many kinds of dialects (方言).【答案】51. an 52. is 53. western 54. traditional 55. beforeluck57. named58. has developed 59. meaning 60. forms【解析】本文介绍了一些中国传统文化:食物、历法、生肖及语言特点等。.句意:中餐在中国家庭中扮演着重要的角色。此处是泛指一个重要的角色,且“importan仍是以元音音素 开头,用不定冠词an。故填an。.句意:主要食物之一是米饭。固定句型。ne of+名词复数”之一 谓语动词用单数;本文应用

25、现在 时态,此处为一般现在时,应用is。故填is。.句意:中国的历法与西方国家的不同。空后有名词“countries”,此处需用形容词修饰名词。western“西 方的“,形容词。故填western。.句意:它也有一些特殊的传统文化。空后有名词“cultures”,此处需用形容词traditional传统的”来修饰。 故填 traditional o.句意:例如,新年前扫地,一扫旧年的霉运。根据习俗常识可知,在春节前会扫地。before”在之 前”。故填before o.句意:例如,新年前扫地,一扫旧年的霉运。空前有名词所有格“the old years,其后需跟名词形式 hick“运气”,b

26、ad luck霉运,坏运气”。故填kick。.句意:每年都以一种动物的名字命名。固定短语be named after”以命名”。故填named。.句意:中国文字开展了 4000多年。根据“for over 4,000 years”可知,本句是现在完成时(have/has done); 主语“Chinese writing”是单数,助动词用has。develop的过去分词为developedo故填has developedo.句意:一个字符代表一个词,也代表一个意义。空前有不定冠词“葭,其后跟名词单数形式,meaning“意 思”,名词。故填meaning。60.句意:除了普通话,中国人还讲其他

27、形式的语言,还有很多种方言。“some” 后跟名词复数形式。故填forms。七、填写适当的单词补全对话07(2022.四川成都中考真题)Bob, an exchange student from the UK, is at Li Mings home in Chengdu. They are talking about the photos on the wall.B-Bob L-Li MingB-Bob L-Li MingB: What are you picking in the photo?L: Mulberries. Mulberries like these taste delici

28、ous.B: Oh, really? Are mulberries 51 fruit in Chengdu?L: Yes, there are a lot every May. You know Sichuan has a long history of silk culture. Silk from Chengdu became famous 52 as early as 2,000 years ago. I mean nearly all the people in the country knew it! And mulberry53 are the main food for silk

29、worms.B: I see. Where did you pick the mulberries?L: Inside an ecological (生态的)park in Chengdu. 54 like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms are hot in May.B: Wow! The ecological park 55 like a great place. What else can you do in the park?L: You can rent (租)a piece of land and grow crops or veg

30、etables. Some experts will give you help if necessary.This way, you can learn more about 56.B: Thats a good way to 57 the life on the farm. It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel58.L: Thats true. It has many 59. It also produces food for the city and makes the city greener.B: Could you

31、 60 me there this weekend? I cant wait to visit the ecological park.L: No problem.【答案】51. common#popular 52. widely53. Ieaves54. Activities55. sounds/seems56. farming. experience#enjoy58. relaxed59. advantages 60. take【解析】本文是鲍勃李明在谈论墙上的照片。.句意:桑甚在成都常见/受欢迎吗?根据“Yes, there are a lot every May.”可知,每年五月都有很

32、多桑意, 所以桑意在成都很常见/受欢迎,common常见的/popular”受欢迎的”,在句中作表语,故填common/popularo.句意:早在 2000 年前,成都的丝绸就闻名遐迩。根据“Silk from Chengdu became famous.as early as 2,000 years ago.”可知,早在2000年前,成都的丝绸就闻名遐迩,widely”普遍地,广泛地”,在句中修饰动词,故 填 widely o.句意:桑叶是蚕的主要食物。根据And mulberry.are the main food for silkworms.”可知,桑叶是蚕的主 要食物,leaves“

33、叶子”,在句中作主语,故填leaves。.句意:摘桑、养蚕等活动在五月很热门。根据ike picking mulberries and feeding silkworms”可知,这些 都是活动,activities“活动”,在句中作主语,句首需大写首字母,故填Activities。.句意:生态公园听起来/似乎是个不错的地方。根据“The ecological parklike a great place.”可知,生态公 园听起来/似乎是个不错的地方,sounds”听起来/seems“似乎”,在句中作谓语,故填sounds/seemso.句意:通过这种方式,你可以学到更多关于农业的知识。根据“Y

34、ou can rent a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables.”可知,种庄稼或蔬菜帮助了解农业,farming“农业”,在句中作宾语,故填farming。.句意:那是体验/享受农场生活的好方法。根据Thats a good way to.the life on the farm.”可知,是体验/ 享受农场生活的好方法,experience”体验”/enjoy享受”,用于不定式结构中,故填experience/enjoy。.句意:它可以帮助你忘记生活中的压力,感到轻松。根据It may help you forget the pressure

35、in life and feel.?9 可知,农场生活帮助你放松,relaxed“放松的”,在句中作表语,故填relaxed。.句意:它有很多优点。根据“It has many”和上下文可知,有很多优点、好处,advantages优点、好处工 在句中作宾语,故填advantages。.句意:这个周末你能带我去吗?根据Could youme there this weekend?”可知,请对方带自己周末去公 园,take“带”,情态动词后用动词原形,故填take。八、短文改错08(2022四川遂宁中考真题)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个

36、漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉。修改:在错误的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:,每句不超过两处错误;.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;3,只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。In Sunday morning, a terrible accident happened to my best friend Tom While he is riding a bike to thesupermarket, the car suddenly came out. Tom was listening music on his bike and he

37、 didnt pay attention to the car. Luckily, the driver in the car was such careless that he didnt stop in time and hit Tom. Tom was badly hurt. When I saw he in the hospital, he regretted what he did in the morning. Because there are much cars in the street and not every driver follows the rules, so y

38、ou must be careful when you cross the road. He said to me. Safety is the more important thing in life79【答案 1 In Sunday morning, a terrible accident happened to my best friend Tom. While hejs riding aOnwasbike to the supermarket, the car suddenly came out. Tom was listening A music on his bike and he

39、atodidnt pay attention to the car. Luckily, the driver in the car was such careless that he didnt stop Unluckilysoin time and hit Tom. Tom was badly hurt. When 1 saw he in the hospital, he regretted what he did himin the morning. Because there are much cars in the street and not every driver follows

40、 the rules, manyso () you must be careful when you cross the road. He said to me. Safety is the more important去掉somostthing in life/9【解析】本文主要讲述了汤姆在路上骑自行车听音乐时遭遇了交通事故,作者在医院看见汤姆,告诉他过 马路一定要小心,不是每个司机都会遵守交通规那么。The manager agreed. And people smiled 67 (happy) when they saw John in his costume. The next day

41、, he dressed up as 68 ancient soldier and everyone loved it. Some would even wait by their windows and doors 69 order to see him. From then on, John decided to wear his funny costumes every day.“So many people are happy and look forward to 70 (see) what I end up wearing,99 said the postman. “I think

42、 I love my job more than ever now!” 三、语法填空03(2022.四川眉山.中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Peking Opera (京剧)is a traditional form of Chinese culture. In Peking Opera, each character has their face painted in a special way. By looking at the face painting, the audience (观众)can know whether the chara

43、cter is good 46 bad.Where did this kind of face painting come from? An old story told us that it had something to do 47 the Prince of Lanling. This prince was one of the four most handsome 48(man) in ancient China. Some soldiersin the princes army 49(think) that he was weak because of his good-looki

44、ng face. So, to make himself look50(strong) than his appearance, the prince wore a mask with an ugly face painted on it.Another face painting story was about Li Longji, 51 emperor in the Tang Dynasty. He loved opera very much. One day, a clown actor (丑角)fell ill right before a performance. The emper

45、or planned 52(play)this role himself. Then he covered his face with a piece of white square jade (玉)so that others wouldnt be able to recognize 53 (he). Ever since then, clown actors 54(continue) to paint white squares on their faces.As time went on, face painting started being 55 (wide) used to sho

46、w the characters of different roles. It has become one of the many special art forms of Peking Opera.四、语法填空04(2022.四川南充中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。One day, a baby snail found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell at any time. He asked his mother, Why was I born with a shell? It 36 (g

47、row) so hard and heavy. His mother said, Because we dont havebones(骨头)37 (support) us. We move slowly, so we need a shell to protect us.”The baby snail asked again, “The caterpillar (毛毛虫)has no bones, either, and she cant move quickly. Why can she live 38 a shell?” The mother snail answered 39 (pati

48、ent), “Thats because she will become a butterfly. She can fly high into 40 sky which can protect her.”The baby snail then cried, We are so poor! We have no 41 (protect) like that!” His mother smiled at him, “Thats why we have a shell. My dear, imagine 42 we dont have the shell, what will happen to u

49、s? Our bodies will be 43 (dry) out by the hot sun and well have nowhere to sleep. Whafs 44 (bad), well die in the heavy rain. We dont depend on the sky. We should depend on 45(we).99五、语法填空05(2022,四川自贡中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The willow branch (柳树枝)is a part of the willow tree. In ancient

50、 China, willow branches were often used as a parting gift between friends and family 56 (member). Even today, willow branches 57 (mention) in many cases as a symbol of saying goodbye. Do you know58?One reason is that willow trees are strong. They can live 59(easy) in any place, wet or dry, north ors

51、outh. Because of this, giving a willow branch to say goodbye to loved ones is a way to tell them you hope they will get used to 60 (they) new living environment.For another reason, the pronunciation for the willow tree “liu (柳)“is similar 61 the character “liu (留)“in Chinese, which means inviting so

52、meone 62(stay) 一only the tones are different. So 63(offer) a willow branch means asking the other party to live for a longer time, even though we know that they must leave.Its said that this custom became popular during the Han Dynasty. At that time, Baqiao, a bridge in Changan, todays Xian, was 64

53、common place to say goodbye. People often 65(stop) there andhanded willow branches to people who were leaving.六、语法填空06(2022四川广元,中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡相 应的横线上。China is a large country. It has special cultures with a very long history.Chinese food plays 51 important role for

54、Chinese families. Chinese people eat their meals with chopsticks. One of the main foods 52 (be) rice. Tea is a favorite drink.Chinese calendar is different from the one in 53 (west) countries. New Years Day is in late winter. It is also called the Spring Festival. And it also has some special 54 (tr

55、adition) cultures. For example, sweeping the floor 55 New years Day sweeps away all the old years bad 56 (lucky).The Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, follows a twelve-year cycle. Each year is 57 (name) after an animal. For example, the year that begins in 2022 is the year of the tiger.Chinese is

56、 a little difficult language. Chinese writing 58 (develop) for over 4,000 years. It has thousands of characters. A character stands for a word and also a 59 (mean). Besides Putonghua, Chinese people speak some other 60 (form) of the language, and there are many kinds of dialects (方言). 七、填写适当的单词补全对话0

57、7(2022.四川成都中考真题)B-Bob L-Li Mingdelicious.Bob, an exchange student from the UK, is at Li Mings home in Chengdu. They are talking about the photos on the wall.B: What are you picking in the photo?L: Mulberries. Mulberries like these tasteB: Oh, really? Are mulberries 51 fruit in Chengdu?L: Yes, there

58、are a lot every May. You know Sichuan has a long history of silk culture. Silk from Chengdu became famous 52 as early as 2,000 years ago. I mean nearly all the people in the country knew it! And mulberry53 are the main food for silkworms.B: I see. Where did you pick the mulbemes?L: Inside an ecologi

59、cal (生态的)park in Chengdu. 54 like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms are hot in May.B: Wow! The ecological park 55 like a great place. What else can you do in the park?L: You can rent (租)a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables. Some experts will give you help if necessary.This way, you ca

60、n learn more about 56.B: Thats a good way to 57 the life on the farm. It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel58.L: Thafs true. Tt has many 59, It also produces food for the city and makes the city greener.B: Could you 60 me there this weekend? I cant wait to visit the ecological park.L:


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