




1、Medical English WritingMay, 2014Assignment ( Chapter 1 )I1. A light and electron microscopic study of two cases of primary sarcoma of heartPrimary sarcoma of heart: A light and electron microscopic study of two cases 光镜和电镜研究两例原发性心脏肉瘤2. Experimental study of laser surgery of the liverLaser surgery of
2、 the liver: An experimental study 肝脏的激光手术的实验性研究/肝脏的激光 手术: 一项实验性研究3. A report of 60 cases of primary vaginal carcinomaPrimary vaginal carcinoma: A report of 60 cases 60例原发性阴道癌报告Assignment ( Chapter 1 )4. Fifteen years clinical experience with carcinoma of the pancreasCarcinoma of the pancreas: Fiftee
3、n years clinical experience 胰腺癌的15年临床经验5. Carcinoembryonic antigen(癌胚抗原) in breast cancer tissue is a useful prognostic indicatorCarcinoembryonic antigen in breast cancer tissue : A useful prognostic indicator 乳腺癌组织中的癌胚抗原一种有用的预后 指标Assignment ( Chapter 1 )II1. Circulatory failure of metastatic carcin
4、oma of the lung Circulatory failure in metastatic carcinoma of the lung 肺癌转移中的循环衰竭2. Evaluation of etiology of liver disease in renal- transplant patientsEtiology of liver disease in renal-transplant patients 肾移植患者的肝病病因Assignment ( Chapter 1 )3. Diabetes after the infectious hepatitis: A follow- up
5、studyDiabetes after infectious hepatitis: A follow-up study 传染性肝炎继发糖尿病患者的随访研究4. The use of radioactive iodine at the evaluation of thyroid nodulesUse of radioactive iodine in the evaluation of thyroid nodules 用免疫活性碘评估甲状腺结节Assignment ( Chapter 1 )5. Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in flexible fib
6、eroptic bronchoscopy (可曲光学纤维支气管镜 检法)Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis by flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy Or: Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopyin thediagnosisofpulmonary tuberculosis 用可曲光学纤维支气管镜检法诊断肺结核Assignment ( Chapter 1 )III.1. 革兰氏阴性菌休克169例分析Analysis of 169 cases of shock caused by gram- negati
7、ve microorganisms(Shock caused by gram-negative microorganisms: Analysis of 169 cases)2. 肿瘤患者化疗前体重下降对预后的影响Prognostic effect of weight loss prior to chemotherapy in cancer patients(Influence of weight loss prior to chemotherapy on prognosis in cancer patient)Assignment ( Chapter 1 )3. 原发性肝癌二级预防的随机分组前
8、瞻性研究Secondary prevention of primary liver cancer: A randomized controlled prospective study4. 放射免疫法测定血清17-羟孕酮以诊断与治疗 先天性肾上腺增生Application of serum 17-OH-progesterone radioimmunoassay to the diagnosis and management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia Assignment ( Chapter 1 )Radioimmunoassay of serum 17-
9、OH-progesterone for diagnosis and treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia)5. 关节镜(arthroscopy)辅助治疗掌指关节内骨折(metacarpophalangeal intraarticular fractures)Treatment of metacarpophalangeal intraarticular fractures (assisted) with arthroscopyAssignment ( Chapter 1 )Medical English Writing (2)Writing a
10、research paperParts of a manuscriptTitleAbstract (and key words)IntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussionAcknowledgementsReferencesFiguresTables Legends IMRADBasic style: introduction, methods, results and discussionServes as an organizational formatIMRAD is a format, each paper differsHistory of IMRADOr
11、iginally proposed by the British scientist Bradford HillDeveloped by by French chemist Louis Pasteur Established by American Standards Institute in 1972Developed in 1978 by a team of medical journal editors during a meeting in Vancouver(温哥华), Canada The team developed into the International Committe
12、e of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE国际医学杂志编辑 委员会), which proposed The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (URMSBJ生物医学杂志投稿统一要求)Introduction ContentsBackground: Statement of general area or history of problemSignificance: Statement of importance or needsDevelopment: St
13、atement of previous findings, reports or studiesObjective: Statement of purpose of current studyScope: statement of specific area of problem to be studiedIntroduction RequirementsGo straight to the point 开门见山Lay stress on the key points 重点突出Be practical and realistic 实事求是 A guiding principle 引导作用Kno
14、wn information in general Unknown information QuestionApproachIntroduction begin to tell a story 1Begin with what is known(A) 2State what is unknown(B)3State the question what your study will answer(C) 4 Describe the experimental approach(D)Optimal Medical Therapy with or without PCI for Stable Coro
15、nary Disease William E. Boden, M.D., N ENGL J MED 2007; Vol.356 No.15During the past 30 years, the use of percutaneouscoronary intervention (PCI) has become common in the initial management strategy for patients with stable coronary artery disease in North America, even though treatment guidelines a
16、dvocate an initial approach with intensive medical therapy, a reduction of risk factors, and lifestyle intervention (known as optimal medical therapy). In 2004, more than 1 million coronary stent procedures were performed in the United States, and recent registry data indicate that approximately 85%
17、 of all PCI procedures are undertaken electively in patients with stable coronary artery disease. PCI reduces the incidence of death and myocardial infarction in patients who present with acute coronary syndromes, but similar benefit has not been shown in patients withstable coronary artery disease.
18、 This issue has been studied in fewer than 3000 patients, manyof whom were treated before the widespread use of intracoronary stents and currentstandards of medical management.(A)Although successful PCI of flow-limiting stenoses might be expected to reduce the rate of death, myocardial infarction, a
19、nd hospitalization for acute coronary syndromes, previous studies have shown only that PCI decreases the frequency of angina and improves short-term exercise performance. Thus, the long-term prognostic effect of PCI on cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary artery disease remains unc
20、ertain. (B)Our study, the Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive DrugEvaluation (COURAGE) trial, was designed to determine whether PCI coupled with optimal medical therapy reduces the risk of death and nonfatal myocardial infarction in patients with stable coronary artery disea
21、se,as compared with optimal medical therapyalone.(C)(D)Tenses Simple present tense: 表述真实的、普遍认可 的研究结果或研究结果的提示。或提出问题present perfect tense:表述研究现状Past tense:表述发现的内容及过去考虑过或 做过的内容,或未定论的研究结果,或研究 导向的目的Common Sentence Patterns 引用文献资料:sb. (sb. et al) found /reported /described /mentioned /showed that sth. was
22、 found/ reported/mentioned by sb.It has been reported/demonstrated/observed that 表达不同观点和意见:studies have differed in their conclusion on/about/regardingThere has been different/conflicting reports onThere has been considerable professional debate on/aboutThere has been controversies over/conflicting
23、results about/on表示尚待解决的问题:Little work has been done onRelatively little knowledge is available related toLittle attention has been paid/given to It is unclear/uncertain/unknown whether is/remains controversial /unexplored /unclear /unknown /difficult 表示本研究的重要性:has practical significance/implication
24、for has been the subject of intensive researchhas been the focus of much interest and debate.表示研究的内容和目的:The purpose/objective/aim/goal of this study /investigation is/was toThis study aimed toThis study was designed /undertaken /performed /conducted /carried out toThe present study was undertaken to
25、 The study here reported was undertaken to This study was In an attempt to determine/assess/investigate to In an effort to/in order to In this study, we attempted/aimed/ sought to Material and Methods Write this section first!How was the problem studiedUsually arranged chronologicallyreads like a co
26、okbook, to provide enough details and reference materials for the other researchers to evaluate and repeat the present studyMaterial and Methods Contents1)简要说明研究设计(study design / protocol),如: 回顾(retrospective / review),前瞻(prospective), 临床(clinical),动物(animal),实验 (experimental),活体内(in vivo)活体外(in vit
27、ro), 原位(in situ),随访(follow-up),对照(controlled), 随机)random / randomized),双盲交叉(double- blind crossover),人群(population / cohort / migrant),对比(comparative),流行病学 (epidemiological)等研究性质; Material and Methods Contents 2)详细说明研究对象(subject)情况,包括动物 (animal)和病人(patients)性别(sex)、年龄(age)、 物种(species)、品种(breed)、生理状
28、态 (physiological state); 微生物菌株(strain)、血清 型(serotype)及其他区别特性(identity characteristics);随机分组方法(methods of any random assignment of subjects to groups)和选择 标准(criteria for admission to study groups);Material and Methods Contents3)详细说明所用的药物(drug),激素 (hormone),试剂(reagent)和其他化学品 (chemical)的名称、商标(trademark
29、)、 生产厂家(manufacturer)及所在地 (location); 4)简要说明测定方法(method of measurement), 包括名称,引文(quotation)和偏差 (variations);5)简要说明统计学分析方法(method of statistic analysis)Writing detailsUse subheadings, pay attention to the coherence Use tables (e.g., patient characteristics) and figures (e.g., analysis of data) to cla
30、rifyExplain limitations in brief Last paragraph is statistical analysis -how data are summarized, statistical test, measurements compared, P valueWrite in past tense generallyUse both first person or third person (more common)Common Sentence Patterns选择研究对象:Inclusion/Entry/Exclusion criteria were/inc
31、luded Selection was based on , were selected based on The major criteria for inclusion in the study were were entered into/recruited from/selected from /enrolled at were excluded from the study/participation表示研究对象分组:were divided /grouped /stratified /classified /categorized /assigned /randomized int
32、o were randomly allocated to (based on )表示材料来源:1. was (obtained)from 2. was provided by 3. was purchased from4. was donated by/a donation from /a gift from 5. (sources of material )表示实验动物: were bred in/fed/ maintained/raised with/ under were fasted/starved 12 hours prior to operation. were anesthesi
33、zed with were caged, fed, ad libitum with tap water and diet weighing and were used for the study.were killed by decapitation/cervical dislocation(断头) /exsanguination(放血).were sacrificed with 表示借鉴他人的实验方法:was isolated/separated by the procedure /technique of was prepared/carried out according to the
34、method described by was determined by/measured with 表示稀释、培养was diluted to incubated with at (temperature)for hours. was grown in medium was suspended to/at a concentration of was stored at ( temperature)表示实验标本制备:Samples of/for were obtained/taken from were collected/harvested under conditions.were f
35、ixed(固定) with/in were stained (染色)with were embedded(包埋) in/with were prepared were dehydrated(脱水)in/by were sectioned at a thickness of 表示诊断和治疗:was diagnosed by/diagnostic ofwas diagnosed as/with (according to/on the basis of )3. Diagnosis of was confirmed/made/established.4. miss/overlook diagnosi
36、s (漏诊)of 5. was misdiagnosed as/was mistaken for (误 诊)6. be treated by 7. be treated for 8. was on therapy9. was referred/transferred to Results what were the findingsFunctions: state results of the study and present data that supports resultsContents: results and dataOrganization: chronological or
37、from most to least importantWriting details Be brief and uncluttered, use subheadingsUse past tense generallyGive specific comparisonsPresent detailed data in figures and tables to keep written data to a minimumProvide appropriate statistical details without commentsCommon Sentence Patterns结果表明:The
38、results/findings showed/suggested /indicated /demonstrated/revealed/documented that It was found that We found that was/were found to 表格与插图的表达:is shown/presented in Table/Figure Table/Figure shows/indicates/demonstrates /illustrates that As shown in Table/Figure 表示与有关: was strongly associated with w
39、as inversely correlated with was inversely/indirectly proportional to was in direct proportion to was compared to/with ; as compared with/to数值表达:was increased/decreased by/to多数值表达,常采用逗号、分号或括号隔开表示数量的一部分,用of,out of,among等介词直接用数字形式及符合,如 “” “” “” “” “” “” “”等表示数字对比如:”ratio” “ :” “/” “versus/vs/v.” “rate
40、”表示数值范围: (range) from to/between and, vary from to, with a range to,表达统计学意义:There is/was significant difference in between andThe difference in between and is/was significant is/was significantly difference from No significant difference was found /noted /observed in between and Discussion what do y
41、our findings meanMost difficult Part!Answer the question posed in IntroductionExplain how results support answers and how answers fit with existing knowledge on the topicExplain the findings, relationships, and generalizations of your resultsExplain the significance of your resultsHas a beginning, m
42、iddle, and endReqDiscussion Contents 1)background 2)general findings 3)introduction of points 4)comparison in the context of other studies 5)suggested meaning 6)conclusion 7)future studies Common Sentence PatternsThe data/results suggest /demonstrate /confirm /indicate /reveal that2. experiments/res
43、ults/findings/investigation/ facts supply a basis for 3. The results are consistent/in accord with the theory /idea/proposal/hypothesis/pervious studies that 4. similar to that reported/described by Common Sentence Patterns5. Results are contrasted with/different from 6. may have caused by 7. may le
44、ad to/result in/account for 8. Although /Even if , it should (not) be possible to 9. One interpretation of this difference between and is 10. On the basis of/based on these premises 11. We can speculate on 12. Whetherremains/is yet to be determined13. Further analysis/experiments will be necessary /needed to confirm14. We conclude that/our conclusion is that/it is our conclusion that15. in summar
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