



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业六年级英语下册单元测练卷 (Unit 5)(全卷满分100分 测试时间40分钟)姓名 班别 成绩 听力部分(30分)听音,选出你听到的一项,把编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1A、put B、take C、trash( ) 2A、bright B、night C、fight( ) 3A、clean B、wash C、shop( ) 4A、take B、cake C、play( ) 5A、hang B、hand C、head( ) 6A、away B、way C、lat

2、e( ) 7A、put on B、turn on C、turn off( ) 8A、right now B、in a minute C、after that( ) 9A、clean up the room B、take out the trash C、hang up the shirt( ) 10A、Im proud of you. B、Ill do it later. C、Im putting them away.二、听音,判断你听到的内容是否与图意相符,相符写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听音选答语,把编号写在括号里。(10分) ( )1A、S

3、orry, I can . B、No, Im not. C、Sure, I will do it now. ( )2A、Yes, it is. B、No, its not C、OK. ( )3A、On the desk B、Close the door. C、Come here. ( )4A Oh, my god. B、No, Im not. C. Im so happy to hear that ( )5A、Put on your jacket. B、Take out the trash. C、Hang up your clothes.四、听音,填入所缺的单词,每空一词。(5分) 1、Can

4、 you _on the _?-Whats the weather like today? -Its _ . Jenny _ up the _ every day.4. He is _ _ his books.5. Whats the trash like? -Its _.笔试部分(70分)一单项选择。(15分)( )1. The classroom is messy. Lets _. A. sweep it up B. clean it up C. wash ( )2. Red and white is _. A. orange B. pink C. purple( )3. Tony, th

5、ese are your pants. _, please. A. Put it on B. Put away them C. Clean them up( )4. Its dark(黑暗的) now. Can I _ the light? A. open B. turn on C. turn off( )5. Its time for English class. _ your English book, please. A. Put away B. Take out C. Turn on( )6. _ your sister do it later? A. Does B. Did C. W

6、ill( )7. He _ some money from the floor an hour ago. A. picked up B. hung up C. took out( )8. Sorry, the kids _ busy now. A. are B. dont C. is( )9. Wait a _, please. A. second B. hour C. minute( )10. Did you have bread _ breakfast this morning? A. of B. to C. for( )11.We shouldnt _everywhere. A .tur

7、n off the TV B. take out our notebooks C .litter the trash( )12.Your shoes are wet. _,please.Take them off B .Put them on C. Clean them up( )13.Excuse me. Who can hang up the clothes _ me? My arm hurts.with B. to C .for( )14.Gogo, you did a good job.- _.Its nothing. B. Youre right. C. Yes, I am.( )1

8、5.Your father is sleeping. You should _. A .take out the trash B. turn on the light C. turn off the TV二选择单词或短语完成句子,把编号写在横线上。(6分)A. trash B. put them away C. in a minute C. for D. peaches E. just now1. Your books are on the floor. Please _. 2. She will call me _. 3. Put the _ into the trash bin.4. We

9、 didnt do it _. 5.Do the monkeys like _? Yes, they do.6. Is your father making a model ship _ your little brother? Yes, he is.三完成句子。(每空一词)(14分)1. Look! They are _ _ the room.2. Oh, the _ bin is full(满的). 3. Ann is _ at home. She always help her _ do housework.4. Can you _ _ the _? Sure, I will _ the

10、m _ in a _.5. Its cold outside. Please _ _ your _.四根据对话内容和上下文的提示,选出正确的句子,把其编号写在横线上,使对话通顺、合理。(5分)A. Did you do housework ? B. Where were you last Sunday? C. Wow. Im proud of you. D. How often did you do it? E. My mother.Jenny: 1. _ Ben: I was at home.Jenny : 2._ Ben: Yes, I cleaned up the room. Jenny

11、: Who did you help with? Ben: 3._Jenny: 4._ Ben: Very often.Jenny:_5._ 五 阅读理解(23分)A Not a dancer A young woman likes birds a lot. On a Sunday morning, she goes to a pet shop to buy a bird that can sing. The man sells her a nice parrot, and she takes it home. Then, she finds the bird has a broken leg

12、. She goes back to the shop and says to the shop assistant, “ One of the parrots legs is broken!”“ Madam,” he answers, “ When you buy the bird, you ask me to give you a singer, not a dancer.”(一)根据短文内容判断对错( T/F )(5分)( )1 The young woman like cats a lot. ( )2 She buys an ugly bird.( )3 She finds somet

13、hing wrong with the bird. ( )4 The bird can sing and dance.(二)根据短文内容选出正确的选项(2分)( )1 The young woman goes shopping on a _ morning. A .sunny B Saturday C Sunday ( )2 The young woman buys a _ in a pet shop. A dog B parrot C carrot(三)根据短文内容回答问题(6分)1 What does the young woman like? _2 Where does the youn

14、g woman buy the bird? _3 Can the bird sing or dance? _B Long long ago,a cat and a tiger were friends.The cat was small,and the tiger was big.They both needed to look for food every day.The cat was good at catching small animals, but the tiger wasnt. Every day the cat could find something to eat, the

15、 tiger couldnt. So the tiger asked the cat to teach him how to catch animals.And the cat said,“Yes.”Day after day the cat taught the tiger how to move quickly, how to run fast and how to jump.The cat was a good teacher.And soon the tiger learned at last. Then the cat said to the tiger,“I dont have a

16、nything more to teach you.”The tiger said to himself,“The cat cant teach me anything else.I am hungry and may just eat him up.”So the tiger jumped at the cat,but the cat quickly climbed up on the tree. The tiger said to the cat,“Oh no!You dont teach me how to climb the tree!” The cat laughed and sai

17、d, “Of course not.I may be little,but I am a cleve cat”(一)根据短文内容填上适当的单词,每空一词。(7分)1.The tiger was the cats _ long long ago.2.The _ caught small animals faster than the tiger at first.3.The cat taught the tiger how to _ quickly.4.The tiger wanted to _ the cat.5.The cat _ teach the tiger how to climb trees.6.When tiger wanted to eat the cat, the cat _ up the tree.7.The cat said he was _.


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