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1、环境设计史教学大纲课程代码074104131课程名称环境设计史英文名称History of Environmental Design课程类别专业基础课课程性质必修学时总学时:48上机学时:0实验学时:0实践学时:0学分3开课学期第三学期开课单位设计学院适用专业环境设计授课语言中文授课先修课程中外设计史(一)、(二)课程对毕业要求的支撑本课程对学生达到如下毕业要求有如下贡献:1.设计知识:掌握扎实的基础知识和专业技能,能够将艺术与设计的专业知识和理论用于解决复杂的设计实践问题。2.问题分析:能够应用设计学的专业知识和理论,并通过文献研究以识别、表达和分析复杂的设计问题,以获得有效的设计对策。4.



4、,增加学生对传统艺术的认识,了解传统的审美观念,着重于训练学生对形体理解能力和再创造能力、对色彩的分析能力,使学生掌握造型美化规律和色彩搭配规律。教学内容与学时分配课程目的、任务与内容组织(1学时)教学要求:要求掌握课程的主要目的与任务,了解环境设计发展史。以中国古典园林为例,讲述中国古典园林的辉煌成就,对世界园林发展的独特贡献,培养学生对专业的热情以及对中国园林的自豪感。(二)古代园林室内发展史(5学时)从史前到早期文明时代的建筑(2)古典文明:希腊与罗马建筑(3)早期基督教、拜占庭与罗马风建筑(4)伊斯兰建筑A. 中世纪伊斯兰园林 B. 伊斯兰建筑及室内(5)西方中世纪建筑(6)意大利文艺

5、复兴建筑 A. 16世纪意大利台地园 B. 17世纪法国勒诺特园林C. 意大利文艺复兴建筑及室内(7)巴洛克与洛可可风格建筑(8)18世纪英国自然风致园教学要求:掌握世界室内发展的历程和各个时期建筑流派的室内特征。重点:掌握各个历史阶段有代表特征的建筑历史专用术语,学会用示意图进行名词解释。难点:学会用示意图进行名词解释。(三)近现代西方建筑室内发展史(10学时)(1)18世纪下半叶20世纪初建筑及室内 4学时 A.建筑创作中的复古思潮 B. 探索新建筑的运动 C. 新建筑运动的高潮(2)现代建筑的发展 4学时(3)当代建筑的发展 4学时教学要求:掌握近现代西方建筑发展历程和建筑的室内特征。重

6、点:掌握近现代各个历史阶段西方有代表特征的建筑流派。难点:名词解释各种。(四)中国传统园林的发展(4学时)(1)中国古典园林史 4学时 A、中国古典园林生成期 1学时 B、中国古典园林转折期 1学时 C、中国古典园林高峰期 1学时 D、中国古典园林成熟期 1学时(2)中国古典园林实例评析 2学时教学要求:通过对中国古典园林发展历程的简述,了解造园背景、构园要素及造园重点:对中国古典园林的功能、构成要素、特点等方面进行初步了解。难点:剖析中国古典园林的特点。(五)中国传统建筑室内的发展(2学时)(1)中国传统建筑的类型、结构与构造 1学时(3)内檐装修与传统建筑设计思想 1学时(六)园林与室内史

7、作业辅导(2学时)(七)理论教学内容(4学时)(1)中国古代艺术和西方古代装饰艺术的讲解 2学时(2)现代装饰艺术讲解 1学时(3)创作方法的讲解 1学时(八)装饰绘画作品创作(20学时)(1)中、西方装饰艺术经典的临摹、课外收集资料 4学时(2)现代装饰艺术的临摹与借鉴、课外收集资料4学时(3)装饰画创作、课外收集资料 12学时根据需要,进行12次的外出社会调研实验教学(包括上机学时、实验学时、实践学时)无教学方法课程教学以课堂教学、课外作业、综合讨论、课堂技法训练等共同实施。考核方式本课程注重过程考核,成绩比例为:平时表现:20%园林与室内史作业:40%装饰绘画作业:40%教材及参考书1中

8、国古典园林史(第二版),周维权,清华大学出版社,2008(十一五规划教材)2世界室内设计史,(美) HYPERLINK /book/search_pub.php?category=01&key2=%C5%C9%B6%FB&order=sort_xtime_desc t _blank 派尔著, HYPERLINK /book/search_pub.php?category=01&key2=%C1%F5%CF%C8%BE%F5&order=sort_xtime_desc t _blank 刘先觉, HYPERLINK /book/search_pub.php?category=01&key2=%B

9、3%C2%D3%EE%C1%D5&order=sort_xtime_desc t _blank 陈宇琳等译,中国建筑工业出版社,20073外国建筑历史图说,罗小未、蔡婉英编,同济大学出版社,20044外国造园艺术,陈志华,河南科学技术出版社,20135中国古典园林分析,彭一刚,中国建筑工业出版社,20086詹姆士.特里林编著,装饰艺术的语言,浙江摄影出版社,2016主要参考资料:7 E.H.贡布里希,秩序感装饰艺术的心理学研究,广西美术美术出版社,2015“History of Environmental Design” SyllabusCourse Code074104131Course T

10、itleHistory of Environmental Design Course CategorySpecialty Basic CourseCourse NatureCompulsory CourseClass HoursTotal Curriculum Hours:48; Computer Aid Class Hours: 0; Lab Hours: 0; Practice Hours: 0Credits3Semester3InstituteSchool of DesignProgram OrientedEnvironmental DesignTeaching LanguageChin

11、esePrerequisitesThe World History of Art and DesignStudent Outcomes (Special Training Ability)This Course is useful for students to meet the following graduation requirements: 1,2,4,6 and 101. Design Knowledge: Students should master sound basic knowledge and professional skills and can apply what t

12、hey have learn about art and design to solving complicated problems in practice. 2. Problem Analysis: Students are able to apply professional knowledge and theory they have learn about design and identify, express and analyze complicated design problems through literature research to work out effect

13、ive solutions. 4. Research: Students should research complicated environmental design problems by considering basic principles in design and art and using scientific methods, including designing experiment, observing and analyzing what happen during experiments, geographic culture and art trend, for

14、ming reasonable and effective designs during information collection and assorting. 6. Design and Society: Students can make proper analysis, assess influences of solutions to complicated problems in environmental design and creation on society, health, safety, law, culture, aesthetics and life quali

15、ty, based on background information related to environmental design, and understand what duties they should assume. 10. Communication: Students can communicate with peers and public about complicated environmental design problems, including preparing design documents, writing design instructions, de

16、livering statements, articulating or responding orders, and has international view to communicate in international culture background.Teaching ObjectivesThe purpose of learning this course is to understand the theoretical framework of the development of Chinese and foreign classical gardening and in

17、terior design. It requires the students to acquire the contextual knowledge of classical gardening and interior design. Course DescriptionBoth gardening and interior design are closely related with architecture. For this reason, this course takes the western architectural history as the clue and att

18、aches more importance in the development history of gardening and interior design. Traditional Chinese gardening and interior design history is aided by the lecture form which is combined with field visit, thereby enabling the students to understand the characteristics of Lingnan traditional gardeni

19、ng.Teaching Content and Class Hours Distribution(I) Organization of curriculum objectives, tasks and contents (1 class hour)Teaching Requirements: To master the main objectives and tasks of the course, and to understand the development history of environmental design. Taking Chinese classical garden

20、s as an example, this paper describes the brilliant achievements of Chinese classical gardens, their unique contributions to the development of world gardens, and cultivates studentsenthusiasm for their specialty and pride in Chinese gardens.(II)ancient gardening and interior design history (7 class

21、 hours) (1) Architecture in prehistoric and early civilization times(2)Classical civilization: Greek and Roman architecture(3)Early Christian, Byzantine and Rome style architecture (4)Islamic architectureA. Medieval Islamic gardening B. Islamic architecture and interior(5)Western medieval architectu

22、re(6)Italian renaissance architecture A. Italy terrace garden of the 16th century B. Le notre gardens in France of the 17th centuryC. The Italian Renaissance architectural and interior(7)The baroque and rococo style building(8)Britain Landscapegarden in the 18th centuryTeaching requirements: the stu

23、dents should master the development course of the worlds interior as well as the interior features of architecture sects of each period.Key points: to master the representative architectural historical special terms of each historical stage; to learn to explain the glossaries with the help of diagra

24、mmatic drawing.Difficult point: to learn to explain the glossaries with the help of diagrammatic drawing.(III)the development history of the interior of western architecture in modern times (12 class hours)(1)architecture and interior from the second half of the 18th century to the early 20th centur

25、y 4 class hours A. The restorative trend in architectural creation B. The movement of exploring new architecture C. The climax of the new architecture movement(2)The development of modern architecture 4 class hours(3)The development of architecture in the contemporary era 4 class hours Teaching requ

26、irements: to master the development history of western architecture in modern times and the interior features of the architecture. Key point: to master the representative western architecture sects of each historical stages in modern times. Difficult point: Explanation of the glossaries.(IV)The deve

27、lopment of Chinese traditional gardening(6 class hours)(1)History of Chinese classical gardening 4 class hours A、generation period of Chinese classical gardening 1 class hour B、changeable period of Chinese classical gardening 1 class hour C、peak period of Chinese classical gardening 1 class hour D、m

28、ature period of Chinese classical gardening 1 class hour(2)Instance analyses of Chinese classical gardening 2 class hoursTeaching requirements: to understand the background of garden-making, designing elements and landscape architecture through a brief introduction to the development of Chinese trad

29、itional gardening.Key point: to have a general knowledge of the functions, components and features of Chinese classical gardening. Difficult point: to analyze the features of Chinese classical gardening.(IIV)The development of Chinese traditional architecture interior(6 class hours)(1)types of tradi

30、tional Chinese architecture 1 class hour(2)structure and tectonics 1 class hour(3)eave decoration 3 class hours(4)design philosophy of traditional architecture 1 class hourTeaching requirements: to understand the background of garden-making, designing elements and landscape architecture through a br

31、ief introduction to the development of Chinese classical gardening.Key point: to have a general knowledge of the functions, components and features of Chinese classical gardening.Difficult point: to analyze the features of Chinese classical gardening.According to the courses need, investigation outside for 1-2 timesExperimental TeachingTeaching MethodTeaching method of this course is


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