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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1If you can do what youre weakest _, you can handle any challenge.Afor Ba

2、tCwith Dto2The document film _ next week aims at introducing local cultures to the world.AreleasedBbeing releasedCto be releasedDhaving been released3_ a record-breaking seven Golden Globes, the musical La La Land surprisingly does not appeal to Chinese viewers.AWinning BWonCHaving won DTo win4You c

3、an use a large plastics bottle, _ cut off, as a plot to grow flowers in.Awith its topBthe top of whichCwhose topDits top is5-Hello, Kate. How is your weekend at home?-Awful! You know it is the first time I _ alone at home, bored to death.Ahas leftBhad leftChad been leftDhave been left6What surprised

4、 us most is that he doesnt know _ the differences between the two books lie.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhere7I think that this is the best mobile phone available in the world. No other one can _it.AcompareBmatchCproduceDwin8The high-anxiety focus on reading score may have narrowed student_to knowledge abou

5、t the world that can improve their reading.Aidea Baid Cbelief Daccess9Listening to language recording in bed seems like an easy way to _ some new vocabulary.But does this learning method actually work?Apolish up Bmake upCpick up Dbuild up10You can use this room for your club activities tomorrow _ yo

6、u keep it tidy and clean.Afor fear thatBin caseCon condition thatDeven if11Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan, _ that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature?Athe oneBoneCthoseDones12There a slight decrease in his weight but he eats too much.AwasBcould have beenCha

7、d beenDcould be13Excuse me, sir, didnt you see the red light?Sorry, my mind _ somewhere else.Ahas been wanderingBwas wanderedCwas wanderingDhas been wandered14_ is important in study is diligence rather than intelligence.AWhichBWhatCWhoDWhen15Did Tom go back late last night? No. It was just nine ocl

8、ock he arrived home.Awhen Bafter Cuntil Dthat16Its hard for elderly people to see _ convenience a smart phone can bring to us.Awhat Bwhich Cwhose Dhow17Time is pressingYou cannot start your task _ soonAtooBveryCsoDas18The college examination is _ easier this year than I have expected.AfairlyBquiteCr

9、atherDvery19After he consulted with his professor,an idea was beginning to_ in his mind.Apay offBtake shapeCwork outDmake up20Jane realized her _ to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres within 30 minutes.Aachievement BcommitmentCcompetition Dambition第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选

10、项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) Solar power is helping bring about a future of cleaner energy, but there are limits to where rigid solar panels (刚性太阳能电池板)can go. A new kind of solar cell made with a mineral called perovskite (钙钛矿)can go almost anywhere, says physicist Olga Malinkiewicz. We can use perovskite cells

11、 on the surfaces of the building, on the roofs of the buildings, on the roofs of the cars and on the electronic devices. We can use it on the sails. We can use it in the balls, tents and unlimited applications. Malinkiewicz says perovskite has become a favorite among solar panel researchers. Because

12、 it can be printed, everyone can use it on every surface.Malinkiewicz developed a way to print perovskite panels like an inkjet printer. She co-founded a company to produce them, called Soleil Technologies, after the Baltic sun goddess. Construction company Skanska is testing the panels at their War

13、saw headquarters. Adam Targowski is sustainable (可持续的)development manager for Skanska. They work perfectly, even when they are not well exposed to sunlight. So we can use them in all surfaces of the building. Soleil calculates that about one square meter of panel can supply a days worth of power for

14、 one workers computer and lights. And they keep getting better as research continues, says the companys scientific director Konrad Wojciechowski.For other technologies, it took decades to really enter markets. Perovskite has been around only for few years in scientific research, so there is still a

15、lot to be done, but potential is basically pretty much unlimited, I think. There are still durability and other problems to work out, but several companies expect to have perovskite panels on the market this year.1、What do we know about perovskite solar cell from the first paragraph?AIts delicate.BI

16、ts complex.CIts flexible.DIts expensive.2、What does the underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refer to?ASkanska and Adam Targowski.BMalinkiewicz and Skanska.CSoleil Technologies.DPerovskite panels.3、What can we infer from the last paragraph?AIt needs years to put perovskite panels into mark

17、ets.BScientists think perovskite panels are ready for markets.CPerovskite has been studied for decades.DPerovskite panels will soon be seen in the market.4、What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo explain how to use perovskite panels.BTo introduce perovskite panels.CTo advertise a new solar power

18、 cell.DTo propose scientists to further study perovskiet cells.22(8分) Have you ever heard of agritourism where you can experience farm life? If not, Dr. Cindy Ayers-Elliott will tell you the real story of Foot Print Farms.The original concept of building Foot Print Farms was simple. When Ayers-Ellio

19、tt returned to her hometown after graduation,she didn t have to look any further than her state s alarming health statistics to find a mission. Everywhere she turned, there were reports of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. “The problem was already identified. explains Ayers-E

20、lliott. “Too many Mississippians were seriously unhealthy and it didnt take research to see that. And many of the state s greatest health challenges could directly result from poor diet. ”These days,Foot Print Farms, which started with a few raised beds of herbs and vegetables, is making fresh, natu

21、rally grown food. When speaking of the key to my success,the co-op model works because we share the work and rewards,” notes Ayers-Elliott. “ A perfect example is the Wingfield High School football team. To earn the money for equipment and other items, players committed to working five hours a week

22、on the farm,and by the end of the summer they had produced 1,000 melons and the profits from their sales helped to buy weights,T-shirts,sweat suits and pregame meals. But the lessons they learned about the rewards of hard work and working together to accomplish something were even more valuable prod

23、ucts of their efforts. ”It s a model that can easily be learned in other places and I m looking forward to seeing some of our current partners do just thatto take what they have learned here and spin it off in other communities,Ayers-Elliott remarks. She is now looking forward to developing an agrit

24、ourism aspect to the farm, where visitors can experience farm life, learn new skills and take with them seeds of inspiration they can sow in their own communities when they return home.1、What made Ayers-Elliott set up Foot Print Farms?AThe problems faced by local farmers.BHer further research into h

25、eart disease.CThe failure of her career after graduation.DThe health state of people in her hometown.2、Why does the author take the football team as an example?ATo advocate the concept of independence.BTo stress the importance of teamwork.CTo support the idea of co-op model.DTo explore the key to su

26、ccess.3、What is Ayers-Elliott s attitude towards the future of Foot Print Farms?AOptimistic.BSkeptical.CCautious.DAmbiguous.4、What is the main idea of the text?ANaturally grown food benefits peoples health.BFood Print Farms is making a difference in Mississippi.CAyers-Elliott encourages people to ex

27、perience farmDAgritourism is becoming increasingly popular in America.23(8分) Did you know that people who live in different parts of China have different habits and preferences?For example, people from southern China prefer to eat vegetables, while people from north China like to eat meat But what c

28、auses these differences?According to a new study published in the journal Cell in October, gene variations (基因变异) might be responsible for these differences, Xinhua reportedIn the study, researchers from Chinese genome-sequencing (基因组测序) firm BGI collected genetic information from 141,431 Chinese wo

29、men The women came from 31 provinces and consisted of 36 ethnic minority groupsThe researchers found that there are six gene frequencies that are different among people from both northern and southern China They found that natural selection has played an important role in the ways that people living

30、 in different regions of China have evolved, affecting their food preferences, immunities (免疫性) to illness and physical traits (特点), the New York Times reportedThe researchers reported that a variation of the gene FADS2 is more commonly found in northern people than it is in southern people It helps

31、 people metabolize (新陈代谢) fatty acids (脂肪酸), which suggests a diet that is rich in meat According to Xinhua, this is due to climate differences Northern China is at a higher latitude, which means its cold and dry throughout the whole year This weather is difficult to grow vegetables in Therefore, no

32、rtherners tend to eat more meatThe study also found differences in the immune systems of both groups Most people in southern China carry the gene CR1, which protects against malaria (疟疾) This is because malaria was once quite common in southern China In order to survive, the genes of people in the s

33、outh evolved to fight against this disease However, people in the south are also more vulnerable to certain blood-borne illnesses, as they lack the genes to stop themGenes can also cause physical differences between northerners and southerners Most northerners have the ABCC11 gene, which causes dry

34、earwax (耳屎), less body odor and fewer sweat secretions (分泌), The New York Times reported These physical differences are also more beneficial to living in cold environments Southerners are less likely to have this gene, as it did not evolve in their population1、Whats the new study mainly about? _AThe

35、 genes of Chinese minority groupsBHabits of people from different regions of ChinaCDifferences in the genes of people from different parts of ChinaDPhysical differences between northerners and southerners2、A variation of the gene FADS2can help our body _ Astore fatBdigest meatCfight diseaseDcontrol

36、body temperature3、The underlined word vulnerable in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _ AunprotectedBuninterestedCgenerousDresponsible4、Compared with people in south China, most northerners _ aare immune to malariabcatch blood-borne illnesses easilychave less body odordsweat less frequentlyAabBbc

37、CbdDcd24(8分) Students should be able to show what they know. Many folks take this as an apparent truth. But I think it demands closer examination.Possessing a skill or piece of knowledge is not the same thing as being able to show it. This is why many smart young people hate school. Understanding,fi

38、guring out,and getting a handle on a piece of knowledge is really exciting,but having to prove to somebody else that you understand is a pain in the neck.Finding proof of student learning is a huge part of the teachers job,and whether it is done poorly or not makes all the difference in that teacher

39、s effectiveness. There is a huge difference between“how do I figure out if this student understands”and“how do I make this student prove to me he gets it”.The first is a valuable approach;the second is the first step on the road toward wasting everybodys time.And theres the problem. If we start with

40、 the assumption that a student who knows must be able to show his knowledge to our satisfaction,we will be traveling down the wrong road. The more we demand that students prove to us that they know the stuff,the more we will design artificial tasks that demand a set of skills and knowledge entirely

41、different from those we really want to measure.As a classroom teacher,I have to remember that the burden(重担)is on me to find a way to see what my students know;the burden is not on them to put on whatever trained monkey show.It may not be the worst thing ever to say,“Students should be able to show

42、what they know.”But I think its far more useful to say,“Teachers should be able to discover what students know.”1、What does the underlined phrase in the second paragraph mean?AVery dangerous.BVery annoying.CVery surprising.DVery frequent.2、According to the third paragraph,a teacher should have the a

43、bility to_.Adiscover whether his students have understoodBavoid wasting the precious time in classCapply various approaches while teachingDgive students the chance to prove themselves3、What does the author think of the artificial tasks designed to test student learning?AThey should be limited in num

44、ber.BThey are a huge burden on teachers.CThey should mainly focus on effectiveness.DThey slide away from the original purpose.4、What is the main idea of the passage?AStudents should be able to show what they know.BThere are many ways to find proof of student learning.CTeachers should be able to disc

45、over what students know.DThere should be better understanding between teachers and students.25(10分) In the western Los Angeles sits the famous city of Hollywood, known as the global center of movie studios and film stars.The Selig Film Manufacturing Company was the first major film company to come t

46、o Hollywood, shooting its first film entitled The Heart of A Race Tout in 1908. The next year the film company built the first permanent film studio.Although electric lights existed at that time, none were powerful enough to adequately expose film. The best source of illumination for movie productio

47、n was nature sunlight. Besides the sunny weather, film producers were also drawn to Hollywood because of its open spaces and wide variety of natural scenery.Another reason was the distance of Southern California from New Jersey, which made it more difficult for Thomas Edison to enforce his film pate

48、nts. At that time, Edison owned almost all the patents relevant to film production. As a result, in the East, movie producers acting independently out of Edisons Motion Picture Patents Company were often accused by Edison. But in Los Angeles, things were different. If he sent his men to California,

49、word would usually reach Los Angeles before they did and the movie makers could escape to nearby Mexico.In 1911, a second movie studioNestor Studios, was founded. At about the same time, many film production companies from New York and New Jersey started moving to sunny California because of the goo

50、d weather.The first Academy Awards presentation ceremony took place in 1929 in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Tickets were $10 and there were 250 people attending the ceremony.From about 1930, five major “Hollywood” movie studios in Hollywood, Paramount, RKO, 20th Century Fox, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer an

51、d Warner Bros, owned almost all large theatres throughout the country for the exhibition of their movies. The period between the years 1927 to 1984 was considered the “Golden Age of Hollywood”.1、The word “illumination” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _.AlightBstoryCpatentDfilm2、According t

52、o the text, film producers were drawn to Hollywood for the following reasons EXCEPT _.Aopen spacesBvarious sceneryCunique cultureDsunny weather3、What can we infer from paragraph 4?AThomas Edison moved his office to Hollywood to enforce his film patents.BMovie producers working on the West Coast were

53、 never accused by Edison.CEdisons Motion Picture Patents Company owned many studios in Hollywood.DMovie makers in Los Angeles could work independently out of Edisons control.4、What do we know about the first Academy Awards presentation ceremony?AIt was held in a restaurant.BThere were 250 people rec

54、eiving the awards.CThere were 250 people present at the ceremony.DIt was held by five major “Hollywood” movie studios.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)My mother spent her childhood with her father on their farm in the US. She learned how to mend fen

55、ces, plow fields, and make cheese. And she learned farm life doesnt offer 1 rewards, but if you stick with it, the effort and the long days 2 My grandpa spent his later years living on a comer of the 3 , named Cherry Ridge, where they 4 riding horses together every Saturday before he died in 2012.Si

56、nce that time, the farm has 5 into Cherry Ridge Therapeutic Learning Programs, a center for learning, horseback riding and companionship.I am a road scholar, learning in an experiential way, Mom told me. I feel I was 6 with eyes to see the needs of a(n) 7 spirit, she added. She has partnered with a

57、8 called Working to Empower Students Together (WEST), which helps young people with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral challenges, or unstable home environments.Moms latest project, the Farm Day Grief Camp, was 9 out of her grieving after the 10 of my grandpa.Im an adult woman who lost

58、my 11 only six years ago, Mom said. There is nothing 12 than nature and animals to help with the 13 process. The camps first visitors were five kids mourning the loss of a 7-year-old who died of cancer. 14 included painting and recalling the childs favorite things; and a balloon launch they called S

59、entiments to Heaven.Each camper wrote one thing they wished they could 15 with their departed(去世的)loved one on their 16 , Mom-said. Children living with physical disabilities are also 17 at Cherry Ridge. Recently, a student in a wheelchair smiled ear-to-ear as he led the farms mini horses around.Mom

60、s vision 18 children, ensuring the lessons she learned on the farm will be 19 for years to come. I know my grandpa would be 20 .1、Agood Breal Cdifferent Dinstant2、Arun out Bcome back Cgo by Dpay off3、Afarm Bschool Ctown Dcountry4、Aimagined Bavoided Cenjoyed Dmissed5、Adeveloped Bdivided Clooked Dbump


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