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1、冀教版英语九年级Unit 4Lesson 24 Writing a Poem 教学设计课题 Lesson 24单元Unit 4学科English年级9教材分析Lesson 24 is the sixth lesson in Unit 4, Book 5. This unit focus on the subject stories and poems, it also teaches the students culture about European. Students care about the subject because it is close to everyone. Less

2、on 24 mainly talks about the diary from Danny, it also teaches the students how to write.学习目标Knowledge objectives: To master the new words and some useful expressions in this lesson.Skill objectives: Through learning, improve the students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Learn to

3、 write the poem in English.Emotional objectives: To enjoy the pleasure of literature.4. Thinking quality objectives: To learn the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.重点To grasp the main words.To read the passage to understand and learn to use the phrases.难点To write a letter with what we l

4、earn in this unit.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Step 1. Lead in1.Watch the videos and talk about them:2.Read and compare the peom with the story. 看视频并讨论比较诗和故事激发兴趣并引入新课讲授新课Step 1. Presentation1.Look and say2.New wordsStep 2. Pair workLets playStep3. Reading task1. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks:

5、2. Read the text and answer the questions:3. Read the text again and translate the following sentences into Chinese.4. Discuss the following questions in groups.Step4. Lets do1. Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F)2. Use “must” to complete the dialogues. Then practice the dialogues with a

6、 partner.3. Project4.Write your own poem.看图学习新单词及句子单词操练听课文并填空根据课文回答再读课文并根据课文翻译分组讨论问题完成课本上和课文相关的练习通过展示的图片掌握课文中的新词汇巩固掌握新词汇,为阅读课文做准备有任务的听读练习,提高听读水平拓展课文内容,提高口语水平巩固和掌握文中重点词汇用法及课文内容Step5. Language points1. must2. encourage sb. to do sth3. decide to doStep6. ExerciseFill in the blanks according to the Chin

7、ese words or the first letter.1)He is a man with a double c_.2)Mr Zhang likes telling jokes very much. He is very h_.3)The little boy fell down from the s_ of the second floor and got hurt.4)Tom answered the question with a _(寓言).5)The _(情节)of the film is simple and interesting.2.Choose the correct

8、answers.1)This question is _. I can answer it _讲解课文中的重点语法完成习题对文章中出现的知识点,及时指出并讲解,为以后做题奠定基础日积月累掌握做题技巧Aeasy; easily Beasy; easyCeasily; easy Deasily; easily2)_ the beginning of the class, our teacher told us a funny story. AAt BIn CFor DTo3)She is _ poor _ afford the expensive suit.A.so; that B.enough;

9、 to C.too; to D.such; that4)Tom, this desk is _ heavy for me _ move. Dont worry. Ill help you. Asuch; that Btoo; toCso; that Dvery; that 5Whats that in the park? Its a baby elephant. Its _interesting.little Ba kind ofCkinds of Dkind ofStep 7 RefectionA great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight. 引导学生热爱和享受文学情感教育 P. B. Shelley, British poetStep 8 Homework1.Write a poem.2.Preview the words and phrases in Lesson 25.完成家庭作业课后巩固板书Unit 4 Stories and


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