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1、15/16英美文化教学大纲执笔人:余莲君一、课程性质、地位和作用本课程是我院英语教育专业的一门选修基础课程,属A类(理论)课,为英语教育专业的选修课程。通过本课程的学习,让学生了解英美国家地理、历史、政治、经济、社会、文化和生活等方面知识;同时通过课文的阅读,提高学生对社会与文化类英语读物的阅读能力,学会用英语进行相关的交谈、讨论,并培养学生正确分析认识有关英美国家问题的能力,并能以正确的眼光分析看待问题。二、课程教学对象、目的和要求本课程适合英语专业二、三年级学生。开设本课程的目的在于使学生通过学习,能够比较全面地了解英美国家的各种差不多情况和制度,学会与之相关的英语语汇和表达方式。 本课程

2、涵盖量较大,要让学生在较短的时刻内完全了解英美两国的具体情况是无法做到的。因此,在进行本课程的教学时,应注意以下几点: 1学生在课外多收集关于英美两国的资料,有助于充分理解各个部分的知识。 2. 教师除了进行课堂讲解外,还应多提供一些知识内容有关的资料。 3.要求学生做好课前预习和课后知识的巩固。三、课程的相关课程及其关系本课程的前导课程为英语精读、泛读、英语听力、英语口语、语法等。通过这些课程的学习,学生差不多形成了较好的听讲读写能力,能够为本课程的学习提供较好的语言基础。 学好本课程后,学生的英语基础得到提高,反过来能够促进其他课程的学习。 四、课程内容及学时分配本课程安排在第四学期选修,

3、总课时为34节。全部为理论教学。Chapter 1 General Introduction to Physiographical Features教学时数:2课时教学内容:1、The Locations of the UK and the USA;2、The physiographical Features of the UK;3、The physiographical Features of the USA;4、Rivers and Mountains教学重点:1、The physiographical Features of the UK and the USA;2、The signif

4、icance of the geography of the USA to the development of the economy.教学难点:1、The physiographical Features of the UK and the USA;2、The significance of the geography of the USA to the development of the economy.Chapter 2 The Beginnings of the UK and the USA 教学时数:2课时教学内容:1、The Beginnings of the UK; 2、Th

5、e Beginnings of the USA; 教学重点:1、The importance to discover America ; 2、the conflicts between England and American colonists.教学难点:1、The importance to discover America ;2、 the conflicts between England and American colonists.Chapter 3 Significant Events Before the End of the Second World War教学时数:3课时要紧

6、内容:1、Significant Events in the UK Before the First World War; 2、Significant Events in the USA Before the First World War; 3、The UK and the USA in the Two World Wars; 教学重点:1、The Magna Carta and its nature;2、The Hundred Years War; 3、The Industrial Revolution ; 4、The War of American Independence;5、 The

7、 causes of World War I and the roles that the 2 countries played in the war. 教学难点:1、The Magna Carta and its nature ; 2、The causes of World War I and the roles that the 2 countries played in the war. Chapter 4 The Postwar UK and USA教学时数:2课时教学内容:1、The Postwar UK; 2、The Postwar USA; 教学重点:1、The UK natio

8、nalization; 2、The decrease of UKs economy and Why; 3、USAs economy power in the world; 4、The Civil rights movement in the US; 5、The Cold War after World War II.教学难点:1、The decrease of UKs economy and Why; 2、The Cold War after World War II.Chapter 5 Population and Major Cities教学时数:1课时教学内容:1、The Composi

9、tion of Population in the UK; 2、The Composition of Population in the USA; 3、The Major Cities. 教学重点:The similarities and differences of concentration of population in the UK and the USA.教学难点:The similarities and differences of concentration of population in the UK and the USA. Chapter 6 British and A

10、merican Political Systems教学时数:3课时教学内容:1、The Political System; 2、The Legislative Body; 3、The Executive Body; 4、The Judicial Body 教学重点:1、The political systems and parties of the UK and the USA; 2、The USAs “System of Checks and Balance”教学难点:1、The political systems and parties of the UK and the USA; 2、T

11、he USAs “System of Checks and Balance”Chapter 7 British and American Political Parties and Elections 教学时数:3课时教学内容:1、British Political Parties; 2、American Political Parties ;British Elections; 3、American Elections. 教学重点:British and American Party system and their political views and principles教学难点:Br

12、itish and American Party system and their political views and principlesChapter 8 British and American Economy教学时数:2课时教学内容: 1、Features of the British and American Economy ; 2、British and American Industry;3、British and American Agriculture ; 4、British and American Trade and Finance ;教学重点: The featur

13、es of the UK and USA economy.教学难点: The features of the UK and USA economy. Chapter 9 British and American Science教学时数:2课时教学内容: 1、British Science ;2、American Science ; 教学重点:The problems of the British science教学难点:The problems of the British science Chapter 10 British and American Education教学时数: 2课时教学

14、内容: 1、Introduction to British and American Education;2、Elementary and Secondary Education ;3、Higher Education; 教学重点:The higher education in the UK and USA.教学难点:The higher education in the UK and USA.Chapter 11 British and American Religion教学时数: 2课时教学内容: 1、A General Introduction ; 2、The British Worsh

15、ip; 3、The American Worship.教学重点:The similarities and differences between the British Worship andAmericanWorship;教学难点:The similarities and differences between the British Worship and American Worship; Chapter 12 British and American Media教学时数:2课时教学内容: 1、The Press and the News Agencies ; 2、The Broadca

16、sting. 教学重点:The advantages and disadvantages of TV教学难点:The advantages and disadvantages of TV Chapter 13 British and American Traditions and Customs教学时数:1课时教学内容: 1、Three Royal Traditions ; 2、Three “Donts” ; 3、The American Spirit of “Do-It-Yourself”; 4、TheSelf-Made Man;5、 Love of Privacy; 6、Politenes

17、s ;7、John Bull; 8、Uncle Sam. 教学重点:Comments on the Self-Made Man.教学难点:Comments on the Self-Made Man.Chapter 14 British and American Holidays and Sightseeing教学时数:1课时教学内容: 1、British and American Holidays; 2、British and American Sightseeing; 教学重点:Holidays in the UK and the USA;教学难点:Holidays in the UK an

18、d the USA. Chapter 15 British and American Sports教学时数:1课时教学内容: 1、British Sports;2、American Sports.教学重点:The popular sports in the UK and the USA;教学难点:The popular sports in the UK and the USA.Chapter 16 National Anthems and National Flags教学时数:1课时 教学内容: 1、God Save the Queen(King); 2、The Star-Spangled B

19、anner; 3、Union Jack; 4、The Stars and Stripes.教学重点:The National Flag of the USA教学难点:The National Flag of the USAChapter 17 British and American Foreign Relations教学时数:2课时教学内容: 1、British Foreign Relations;2、American Foreign Relations. 教学重点: 1、The relations between the UK and the USA, the USA and Russia

20、,the USA and the PRC ;教学难点: The relations between the UK and the USA, the USA and Russia,the USA and the PRC ;Chapter 18 British and American Social Life教学时数:2课时教学内容: 1、British Social Life; 2、American Social Life; 教学重点: 1、The gap between the poor and the rich;2、Comments on the divorce rate in the US

21、A .教学难点: 1、The gap between the poor and the rich; 2、Comments on the divorce rate in the USA . 五、考核 本课程为考查课 ,采纳闭卷笔试的方式。考试时刻100分钟。采纳名词解释、填空/多项选择、简答等形式考察学生对以英美国家社会、文化各方面的熟悉与掌握情况,以及考察学生在所学知识的基础上对一些涉及所学国家问题的分析能力。学生总评成绩取决于学生的出勤情况、课堂参与、课后作业和期末考试成绩等。出勤占10%,平常成绩占40%,期末成绩占50%。六、教材与参考书。教材选用英美国家概况高等教育出版社 隋铭才编著

22、同时参考朱永涛编著的英美文化教程外研社出版 附各章节的习题:Chapter 1 1、Where are the UK and USA respectly located? 2、What is the possible significance of the geography of the USA to the development of the economy in the country?Chapter 2 1、Compare the beginning of the UK with the USA. 2、What were the conflicts between England a

23、nd Americancolonists?Chapter 3 1、Why could the Industrial Revolution first take place in the UK? 2、What is the significance of the American Civil war? 3、What roles did the UK and the USA play in the Second WorldWar? Chapter 4 1、What is the real problem of the Northern Ireland and is yoursuggestion o

24、f solution to the problem? 2、Why was there a cold war after the Second War? What is itsconsequence?Chapter5Who were the natives in the UK and in the USA?Chapter6 1、What is the political system of the UK and the USA? 2、Why do the British value their opposition party?Chapter 7 1、Why do the British exercise the two party system? 2、Compare the British party system with the American partysystem in terms of their process , political views, the ways andprinciples?Chapter 8 1、Compare the industry in the UK with that in the USA? 2、What are


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