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1、全国1月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. The fact that the same object is called a “table” in E

2、nglish and a “桌子” in Chinese shows that language is _. ( )A. systematic B. arbitrary C. symbolic D. vocal2. All languages have kinship terms and distinguish characteristics in relatives. For example, “grandmother” versus “mother” distinguish generation, and “妈妈” versus “婆婆”distinguish blood relation

3、ship. Then what characteristic does “mother” versus “father” distinguish? ( )A. generation B. blood relationship C. sex D. marriage3. The first week day after Christmas is called _ when presents are traditionally given to dustmen, postmen and a few other public servants. ( )A. Christmastide B. Boxin

4、g Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. Easter4. When you say someone is a busybody, you mean that he is a _ person. ( )A. tiresome B. handsome C. meddlesome D. troublesome5. How many sentences below have hypotactic relations? ( )Bread and butter is my usual breakfast.He bought bread, butter, milk, etc.Ill joi

5、n you if it doesnt rain tomorrow.I think it will rain tomorrow.A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 46. Although English and Chinese are both SVO languages, the two sentences below show that there are differences in _. ( )Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.上海是世界上最大旳都市之一。A. grammar B. branching patternC

6、. object D. word order7. There are weapon names both in English and Chinese. An American father names his son as Brenda. Similarly, a Chinese father may name his son as _.( )A. 杨剑 B. 杨坚C. 杨涛 D. 杨军8. In China, when a visit is over and the guest is seen to the door, the host most probably may say “请走好

7、”. The English equivalent of such utterance is “ _”. ( )A. Have a smooth trip B. Walk well, pleaseC. Good-bye D. Its nice to have met you9. “To make a cat laugh” means _. ( )A. to be tragic B. to be comicC. to be proud D. to be serious10. The phrasal verb “look into” corresponds in meaning to the si

8、ngle word _. ( )A. investigate B. expect C. despise D. watch11. “To be very careful and correct in ones behaviour” is synonymous to _. ( )A. “to keep ones nose clean” B. “Mr. Right”C. “to keep ones own company” D. “to mind ones ps and qs”12. In the sentence “Hes merely parroting what many others hav

9、e said”, the word “parroting” refers to _.( )A. estimating B. imagining C. imitating D. acknowledging13. Which of the statements is NOT true? ( )A. Honorifics are language forms used in speeches to show respect to a superior.B. There are more honorifics in Oriental languages than in European languag

10、es.C. Japanese is particularly rich in honorifics.D. English is particularly rich in honorifics.14. In English culture familiarity is highly valued. Suppose you are an American university professor, if you want to enjoy a harmonious relationship with your colleagues, youd better allow yourself to be

11、 called _.( )A. John Smith B. Professor SmithC. Mr. Smith D. John15. What is the logical relation of the sentences below? ( )I was not informed. Otherwise I should have taken some action.A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal16. When hearers, topics and environments change, the speakers spe

12、aking styles vary. There are 5 different styles: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate. Which of the following statements is intimate style? ( )A. Visitors should go up the stairs at once.B. Would you mind going upstairs right away, please?C. Time you all went upstairs, now.D. Up you go,

13、 chaps!17. To avoid ambiguity,_ are seldom used in English documents _. ( )A. loan words B. personal pronounsC. long sentences D. learned words18. Mars is the Roman god of _. ( )A. beauty B. the sea C. the sky D. war19. The distance zone ranging from 4 to about 8 feet is referred to as the _ zone. (

14、 )A. public B. intimateC. socio-consultative D. casual-personal20. The uncontrollable shaking of our knees and trembling of our hands when we are experiencing fear are examples of _.( )A. adapters B. illustratorsC. affect displays D. regulatorsII. Each of the following incomplete statements is follo

15、wed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. In its narrow sense, culture is called _. ( )A. anthropological culture B. academic cultureC. small c cult

16、ure D. large C culture22. The social circumstance of language use includes at least _. ( )A. language users B. settingsC. weather conditions D. topics23. Morphemes can be classified into _ morphemes. ( )A. reflective B. inflectional C. derivational D. derogative24. If you want to gain the attention

17、of a stranger, you may say “_”. ( )A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Hello D. I beg your pardon25. Which of the following expressions are examples of allusions from history? ( )A. Woodwooz. B. A Trojan horse.C. Waterloo. D. A Tridom rat.26. In the sentence “Shed taken a blue fit if shed known her son was

18、out in a boat alone.”, the meaning of “a blue fit” is _.( )A. extreme annoyance B. irritationC. alarm D. disappointment27. To sound modest and humble was vital to the ancient Chinese people, one might call his son as _. ( )A.犬子 B.令郎C.令爱 D.小儿28. If the sentences in a text exhibit cohesion, they are c

19、onnected by _ means. ( )A. grammatical B. systematic C. lexical D. meaningful29. The differences between American English and British English are mainly _ in nature.( )A. grammatical B. lexical C. phonological D. stylistic30. What is the meaning of the gesture “touching or pointing to ones own nose

20、by raised thumb” in western culture? ( )A. Its me. B. Im great. C. Im right. D. Im the one. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(20%)31. When we say that language is systematic, we mean that language is _ governed.32. The English equivalent of “副” is “vice”, “deputy” and “associat

21、e”, Among them,_ is often used together with president, chairman, governor, etc.33. Morphemes are smallest units of _.34. In informal situations, English speakers tend to address others by using their _ names, such as “Tom”, “George” etc.35. “An Englishmans _ is his castle” is a well cited proverb i

22、n literature on cross-cultural communication.36. “As brown as a _” is used by English speakers to describe skin which is very brown, especially from the sun and weather.37. Pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions that are used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths are _.38. Hypotactic relations at the sentential level refer to constructions whose components are linked through the use of _.39. The word in American English for “教职工” is _.40. Cultures that allow people to interact at a great distance are referred to as _ cultures.IV. A


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