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1、学习 好资料更多精品文档学习 好资料4. I m fine ,thank you.更多精品文档牛津英语1A 测试卷(一)1. 写出你所听到的字母。1),2) , 3), 4), 5),6) , 7),8) ,9) ,10) ,2. 请把你听到的单词用圆圈圈起来。)bookrulerbag) rubber pen pencil)faceeyeear)dancedrawsing找出你所听到的数字139824361275二1.连线face跳舞read鼻子dance脸eye眼睛book阅读nose书2.翻译1) Open your book.听力。How are you ?Good morning .

2、Give me a rubber ,pleaseHello .MayIt s a tree.How old are you?I m fine.9) Thank you10) Close your book.牛津英语1A 测试卷(二)一,排列顺序1.Bb 2.Oo 3.Hh 4.Kk 5.Mm 6Nn 7.Ss 8.Aa 9.Zz 10.Xx11.Vv 12.Cc 13.Ff 14.Gg 15.Tt 16.Uu 17.Qq18.Yy 19.Ii 20.Pp21.Ee 22.Ll23.Ww 24.Aa 25.Jj26.Rrrubber钢笔leaf橡皮pen树叶dance脸moon桃子face跳舞p

3、each月亮s 或 es.1. read_ 2.jump_ 3.sing e9.watch_ 10.wash 四,英汉互译1. melon _ 2.apple _ 3.orange _4.peach5.book _6.ruler 7.ball8.nose9.mouth _ 10.ear _ 11.pencil _ 12.bicycle 13.dance 14.swing_ 15.eye _16.balloon17.pear _ 18.slide_19.paper_20.doll21.跳舞_ 22.眼睛_23.纸 _24.嘴 25.格尺 _ 26.自行车_ 27.气球 28.布娃娃29.铅笔 _

4、30.球 _31.甜瓜 _ 32.秋千 33.橘子 _34.桃子_35.书 36.鼻子 37.苹果 _38.梨 _39.耳朵_ 40.滑梯五翻译Open your book.Close your book.How are you ?Good morningGive me a rubber ,please.Hello ,I m May.Show me your book.How many books ?How old are you?I am five years old.六听力部分写出你所听到的数字。把你所听到的单词用圆圈圈起来.apple nose pear. Mother father s

5、istermouth face earmy your he(5)book pen pencil学习-好资料更多精品文档学习-好资料更多精品文档牛津英语1A测试卷(三)字母练习听力部分听录音,圈出你所听到的字母。1s x z2B D P3 U V W4 G J I5L I R6I a r7g i l8 o c q9 M NU10 b g y一(将你所听到的字母组合的序号填在括号内。)1 A. I J GB I G JC. JI G()2A .P QR LB . R L Q PC . LRPQ()3A .t v bB . betC . bc t()4A .p q b dB . b p d qC .

6、 qd b p()5A .S XZB . XZ SC . Z X S三、听录音给下列字母标序号FRPBGCXFEY()()()()()()()()()()笔试部分一、 正确抄写下列字母。L Q 1P K bg二、写出下面字母相应的大写或小写。CbfE 1A caFBDGhidegH默写 Aa-Zz 。写出所给字母的邻居四、判断下列各组字母的排列顺序,正确的写1、ABD ( ) 2、BGD () 3、LEN ( TOC o 1-5 h z 1 F2.G4. o 5. m 7 Hh 8.Ll3.k6.v8.Rr,“,不正确地写x。)4、EHK () 5、DEB ()10、CFI ()6、BGI (

7、 ) 7、HIG () 8、JKM () 9、FGJ (五、将下列字母重新组合成你所学过的单词。1、aftciershif4、der5. koCe6. lljey7. lod8. kcoo六.根据图片填入所缺的字母4.y ng5.p_ licem _ n6.fier _ an牛津英语1A测试卷(四)听力部分一,听一听,给下列单词或图片标号。ear peach apple leaf moon taro three bicycle()()()()()()()()正确的在括号中打二、听音判断下列图片,错误的在括号中打 “x”听一听,将你听到的句子排序。()Show me seven.()I can

8、sing.( )this is my father.()I like to eat mooncakes.()I have got an orange.听一听,圈出你所听到的单词。1、A、fatherB、sisterC、brother2、A、autumnB、toesC、 hand3、A、earB、eyeC、face4、A、penB、pencilC、 book5、A、swingB、slide五、听一听,圈出你所听到的句子。C、ball1、A、 This is my mother.B、This is my father.2、A、I can dance.B、I can write.3、A、Show m

9、e your rubber.B、Show me your ruler.4、A、This is an lemon.B、 That is a pear.5、A、Eat some cakes.B、Eat a mooncake.五、听一听,写字母。3458910笔试部分一、将单词和图片连线dollbicycle swingball balloon slide、读一读画一画a melon a peach a mooncake a bean a leaf an orange a pear三、将句子与小熊相应的位置连起来。2. Is this a rubber?)Yes, it is.) No, it is

10、nt.1. Is this a pencil?()Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.3. Is this a ruler?Is this a book?()Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.()Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.()I can read.()I can writeIs this a bag?()Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.五、看图选出正确的句子Is this a pen?()Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.()I can sing.()I can dance.()I can jump.()I

11、 can draw.()I can read.()I can write.口语部分()I can draw.()I can write.()I can dance.()I can sing.看中文,说单词滑滑梯 秋千气球 球自行车洋娃娃芋芳 月饼 叶子蛋糕豆 月亮朗读下列单词swing silde ballbicycle ball doll taro leaf bean mooncake moonballoon、朗读下列句子,对话Go to the silde.Pick up the doll.He has got a ball.She has got a doll.What has he g

12、ot?What has she got?This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.-Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?-I have got a ball. It is red.牛津英语1B测试卷(一)Listening 50%I.(听音,圈出正确的图片)8%II.(听音,选出你所听到的单词或句子()1. A. rabbit()2. A. bird()3. A. balloon( )4. A . a

13、 red apple()5. A. six little frogs()6. A. Colour the leaf.()7. A . How many kites? Eight .()8. A. I see two butterflies.B. rubberB. blueB. brownB. an orange orangeB. six paper frogsB. Pick out the green leaf.B. How many rabbits? Seven.B. Its a yellow butterfly.内。)16%III. Listen and number(听音,给单词或图片编

14、号)10%1. purple yellow pink brown blue()()()()()更多精品文档更多精品文档学习-好资料IV.(从图片中选出你所听到的,把字母写在横线上1.I see.2.It is a pink3.I have.4. MakekitesABCV (听音,根据选择正确的图片)6%()1. A.B.()2. A.一上=B.(3. ) A.B.Reading笔试部分50京产阿I .写出所给字母的邻居,注意大小写8%K , L _ , j ,R , U , T , _n .根据图片圈出框内的单词。(8%)1.百2金型色3.7)10% .5.It is .8 t DE0idh

15、 , Qvqcbirdnjsagreenjausevenf4.ID根据生活中见到的物品颜色,将单词的编号写在图片下面的括号里6%学习-好资料更多精品文档学习-好资料更多精品文档(A)red (B)yellow (C)orange (D)brown (E)green (F)purpleW (看图,符合图意的用“ 表示,不符合的用“ X”表示)8%1)2)3)4)I see a bird. (Im seven years old.It is a tree. Its green.I can write. (选择。(把编号写在括号里)(5%)()1 . Look, its apple.A. aB. a

16、n() 2 . -How many)3.)4.A. birds-What colour is it?A. Its orange.-Is it blue?-? -Eight.B. birdB. Its an orange.A. No.B. Yes.)5.你看到天上飞的风筝,想问朋友他是什么颜色:一What do you see?What colour is it?VI 连线.(5%)What colour is it? Good morning, Miss Li. Goodbye, Mr. Liu. What do you see? How are you?I see a butterfly.

17、Very well, Thank you.Good morning, Tom.Its blue. Goodbye, Tom.牛津英语1B测试卷(二)、听音,选出你所听到的字母组合听力部分,单词或句子,并把它圈起来。1.A.FEMB. EFW2.A. JGQB. GQJ3.A.hxyB. xya4.A. mwnB. wnm5.A.auntB. uncle6.A. birdB. blue7.A.makeB. pick8.A. postmanB. policeman9.A.He is a milkman.B. Is he a milkman?10.A.I see a rabbit.B. I like

18、 the rabbits.二、听单词,根据所读的顺序编号。1.drawwritefoldmakepicksee2.()(Follow me.)(Turn left.()()How many kites?Colour the kites.Turn right.()3.()()blueredwhiteyellowgreenpinkbrownblackpurple、听单词,圈出你所听到的单词。1.四.听录音,选择正确的句子,将字母编号写在相应的括号内。unclepostmanpolicemandrivergrandmotherfiremanbrothergrandfathermilkman2.pol

19、iceman ()(A)I see six birds.postman ()(B)I have eight kites.driver()(C)I am tall.teacher ()(D)I see ten bees.fireman ()(E)I can dance.五、听句子是否与下面的句子内容相同一致,一致用,不一致用x()1.My uncle is Ben .()2.Is that a rabbit ?()3.I see a bird()4.What clour is it?()5.He is a postman .()6.How many sweets? Ten.六、听问句,选出最佳答

20、语,将其字母编号填在括号里。()1. A . I am five()2. A .Its green.B.B.I am fine .Yes, its green.B. Thank you.B . I like the frogsB. No, he is a fireman.()3 . A . Happy new year.()4. A . I see two frogs.()5. A . Yes, he is a milkman.笔试部分写邻居KL j.Z s Rh QN j1 .2.3.Is it a bird ?( What colour is it? Is he a postman ?、看

21、图,把正确答句的编号写在相应问句的括号内。A . No, he is policman B . I see a four ballons. C. No , it is a bee.4.5.What do you seeow many birds?1.auntuncledriver2.writefolddraw3.orangeshortpurple4.policemanfiremangrandmother5.rabbitbirdfrog圈出不同类的词D. Two.E. It is purple .fathersweetsblueteacherdoll四.根据图片把单词补充完整。五.根据图片选择填

22、空I see two.A. birdI a rabbit.A. amI have.A. an apple. B.Is he a fireman?A. Yes, he is a fireman.5. How many A. kites, kitesOne6. FollowB. No, he is postman.B. kites, kiteA. IB. me六.从右边方框中选择正确的答案完成对话,把字母编号写在横线上。Is itdo you see? I see akites? One .A.B.C.D.E.kite blue WhatNoHow many, it is red七、看图,在正确答

23、案的括号内打勾five ()three (2 + 3 =My aunt is a driver.(It asgreen tree.(My uncle is a driver.(Its a green leaf.(Tom is short .(Tim is short .(Tom Tim5.Turn left.(Turn right.(八、根据情景,选择正确的表达方式。.告诉别人你有个叔叔,应说:I am uncle .B.I have an uncle.告诉妈妈“蝴蝶是黄色的”应说:A . Its a butterfly . B.Its yellow.想知道看到的东西是什么颜色,应问:)A.

24、What do you see? B . What colour is it?.想知道姐姐是不是司机,应问:A . Is he a driver? B . Is she a driver?.想知道有几只鸟,应问: (How many birds? B. I see eight birds.6.告诉别人你是个子高,应说:(A. I am tall.B. He is tall.学习 好资料更多精品文档学习 好资料更多精品文档牛津英语1B 测试卷(三)一 .单词连线1. 鸟 2. 蓝色 3. 青蛙 4 叔叔 5 小的A.frog B bird C little D blue E uncle二 .选择

25、 TOC o 1-5 h z 你能看见什么?( )A What do you see? B What can you hear? C What season is it?它是蓝色吗?( )A Is this your ruler? B Is it green? C Is this your book?给风筝涂色。( )A Touch the bag. B Taste the lemon. C colour the kites.我喜欢兔子。( )A I like birds .B I don t like monkeys. C I like rabbits.它是一名司机。( )A She can

26、 fly. B He is a driver.C she can dive.三 .单词归类birdred auntapplebee rabbitorange frogpinkgrandfatheryellowmother动物()()()()()颜色()()()()()家庭成员()()()四 .把正确的答案序号添在括号中A I see a rabbit.B Yes,it is.C It s orange.D Yes,he is.( )1 What colour is it?( )2 Is it green?( )3 Is he a postman?( )4 What do you see?六 .

27、画出不同类的单词1 A beeB frogCbirdD kite2 A IB sheC areD he3 A butterflyB seaC birdD bee4 A brownB pinkC mountainD orange5 A motherB fatherC flowerD uncle6 AdriverB postmanC birdD policeman七汉译英1.蜜蜂 2. 蓝色 3.司机 4. 青蛙5.红色 6.鸟 7. 高的 8. 矮的 _9.黄色 10.粉色 八翻译句子What colour is it ?Show me your present.Follow me .I lik

28、e the new shoes.Is he a postman?I see a rabbit.What do you see?Happy New Year.How are you?Three little rabbits.牛津英语1B 测试卷(四)一, 填空。1.re(红色)2.tll(高的)3.un_le(叔叔)4.at(胖的).doct_r(医生)6.be(蜜蜂)7.jel 9.ish(鱼)10.butt_rfly(蝴蝶)11 二汉译英.鱼 14. 奶奶 .一 18. 看见 21.黄色 22.苹果 三,英译汉25.fireman26.short( 果冻)8.fro_( 青蛙 )._ird(

29、鸟)12.ric(米饭)15.兔子 16.是 19.不是 20.蓝色 _23.橘子 24.厨师 27.kman29.postman_30.driver31.open32.purple33.listen34.mouth 35.she_ 36.nurse_37.cook_38.old_39.young40.you_41.your42.me_ 43.hello_ 44.farmer45.fisherman 46.book_ 47.teacher 48.yes_50.fat_51.thin 52.pig53.present_54.happy 55.cake 55.coke _56.

30、k_58.jelly 59.sweet_60.look61.like62.birthday63.eat_64.drink65.some66.meat67.fish_68.rice69.soup70.noodles71.chicken72.bird四,分类.meat fish noodles dresss .milk coke ice-cream farmer .farmer teacher fisherman thin .old young fat doctor .red orange pink balloon 五,英译汉.Happy New Year!.How

31、are you?80.I am fine ,thank you .81.I like the sweets.82.I like the new dress.83.One ,two ,three ,I am a bee.84.I see a butterfly .85.What do you see?86.I see a rabbit.87.How many kites?88.Colour the kites.89.Is it blue? No.90.What colour is it ?91.It is red.Follow me .He is a policeman .Is he a pos

32、tman ?95.He is tall.96.Listen to me .97.Open your mouth .Thank you ,doctor.Are you a teacher ?六,请默写26 个英文字母牛津英语2A 测试卷(一)2.hot dog3.ro_d(马路)6.rn(跑)9.f_rry(渡船)1. bn(垃圾桶)4.pizz_(皮萨饼)7.sw_m(游泳)10.ar(汽车)二 ,英译汉1. ice-cream2.par_k(公园)5.lay(玩)8.p_ane (飞机)3.biscuit 4.milk5.sing 6.dog 7.present _8.under_1. tr

33、ee_10.kite_三连线bell粉色yellow铃铛pink快速的floor黄色light地板fast灯四,选择填空1. Where you live ?A.do B.does C.are D.is.Come sing with me .A./B.with C.and D.here.Red light .A. Go B,Wait C.Stop4.Ito swim.A.likes B.liked C.like D.goes5.I have some soup?A.May B.Can C.Could D.Have1. We go to the park taxi .A.atB.in C.by

34、D.on7.do you go to the park?A.What B.How C.Where D.Does8.Ison the tree?A.they B.we C.it D.are 9.Do you like summer ?Yes ,I . A.don t B.do C,isD.isn t10.I live shanghai .A.on B.inC.under D.to5. red yellow green star1.pizzacakehot dogapple 2.catdogbirdwater 3.playswimsingred4.planecarbushand 五分类。选出一个与

35、其他三个不同类的单词。六翻译句子We go to the park by car .Is it in the bag ?Merry Christmas .Put the tree in the room .Thank you .I live in Beijing .Get off the bus .Come and play with me .May I have a pizza?Clean the desk ,please .牛津英语2A 测试卷(二)1. Listen and finish( 听录音,填字母)-1 *10=10,1) in2) p r k3) s wm4) _ a r5)

36、C o e6) _ r a i n7) b u _8) h t dog9) s l _ p10) _uice2. Listen and choose the words(听录首,选单词 )-1 *10=10 1) () A. swimB. sleepC. sweep2) () A. playB. planeC. say3) () A. fishB. dishC. wash4) () A. waterB. sweetC. meat5) () A. biscuitB. busC. hot dog6) () A. roadB. foldC. Coke7) () A. singB. binC.in8)

37、 () A. juiceB. pizzaC draw9) () A. cakeB. makeC. face10) () A. soupB. riceC. noodles3. Listen and number the words( 听录音,给单词编号) -1 *10=10sweepbiscuittrainroadplay扫饼干火车道路玩()()()()()bintaxiwaterbuildingvan垃圾箱出租车水大楼小客车()()()()()4. Listen and number the sentences(听, 友句子) -1 *10=10 1) () A. Open the door,

38、 please.2) () A. I can run.() B. Clean the door, please.() B. I like to run.3) () A. I live in Bei jing.4) () A. How do you go to the park?() B. I love Bei jing.() B. Do you like to go to the park5) () A. Get in the ferry.6) () A. Have some juice.() B. Get off the ferry.() B. Have some Coke.7) () A.

39、 We go to Shang hai by bus.8) () A. I like to swim.() B. We go to Shang hai by train() B. I like to sleep.9) () A. Come and dance with me.() B. Come and draw with me.10)() A. Where do you live?() B. Where are you from?5. Look and fill( 看中文,填字母)-1 *10=10 1)_ at 猫2) pple苹果3) _ ot dog 热狗4) _ ird鸟5) _ r

40、aw画画6) _ rog青蛙7) b 蜜蜂8) rand mother 奶奶uice 果汁Read and match(读单词,将中文和单词配对)-2 *5=10 ()火车A.plane()公园B.train() 游泳C. hot dog()飞机D.park()热狗E.swimChoose the one that does not belong (选出不同类的单词)-2*5=10() A busB vanC carD building() A eatB noodlesC biscuitD pizza() A playB runC parkD sleep() A greenB pinkC sh

41、oesD yellow() A appleB frogC rabbitD bee8. Look and tick( 看中文,选句子)1) 我坐上小客车。() A. I get in the van.-1 *10=10 2) 我喜欢扫地。() A. I can sweep the floor.() B. I go by van.() B. I like to sweep the floor.3) 我可以要些水吗?4) 我住在上海。() A. May I have some water? () A. I live in Shang hai.() B. Have some water.() B. I

42、 love Shang hai.来和我一起游泳吧。() A. Come and sleep with me.() B. Come and swim with me.Read and answer俵问题,选答案)-1 *10=10 () 1) Where do you live?B. I love Su Zhou.B. Yes, I do.B. Ok. Here you are.B. I go by car.B. I see noodlesA. I live in Su Zhou.() 2) Do you like to sing?A. Yes, I can.() 3) May I have a

43、 hot dog?A. Yes, you can.() 4) How do you go to Nan Jing?A. I get in the car.() 5) What do you like?A. I like noodles.Choose and fill( 选择填空) 1 *10=10I live ( A. to B. in) Shang hai.I love( A. in B. 不填 ) Shang hai.Come and play ( A. off B. with ) me.( A. What B. How ) do you go to the park?I go to th

44、e park ( A. by B. in ) bus.(A. Sleep( A. CanB. Sweep ) the floor, please.B. Do ) you draw? Yes, I can.6) I like( A. toB. with ) write.学习-好资料更多精品文档学习-好资料更多精品文档May( A. I B. we ) have a pizza.My dog( A. have B. has ) my hot dog?牛津英语2A测试卷(三)听力 (50分)一听出白,圈出听到的单词8%1cakeCoke2catkite3bintin4whatwater5handhe

45、ad6readwrite7mymay8doghot一听出白,给下列单词编号10%1beeroadredpurplebin()()()()()2sweetdogdesksweepclean()()()()()三听录音,填入所缺单词8%Look at the.Oh, its very high.I like to eat. I don t like to eat bananas.I see a. Its flying in the sky.How do you go to the? By bus.Im Tom. I in Pudong.My dog has my.She likes to eat.

46、My brother likes, but I like milk.,不一致的打“ X” 14%四 听录音,判断下面句子与听到的句子是否一致,一致的打 TOC o 1-5 h z May I have a hot dog ?()Have some milk.()My sister has my ice-cream.()I love Pudong.()Im hungry.()I dont like sweets.()Clean the desk, please.()五 听录音,选出正确的应答句10%()1 A I live in Shanghai.B I love Shanghai.学习 好资料

47、更多精品文档学习 好资料更多精品文档() 2 A I can draw a dog.B I see a dog.()3AYes, I like fish.B No, I like fish.()4AHave some water.BHave some cake.()5AI have got a pen.B He has got a pen.笔试 ( 50)六 按顺序默写26 个大小写字母15%七 写出下列词的同类词12%pizza pencil red 4 one 10%八 选择正确的答案,将编号写在前面的括号内() 1do you live ?A HowB Where C What() 2

48、I seven .He eight.A is is B isam C am is() 3 Give me apple and lemon.A anaB an- - .a C aa() 4 My sister my pizza. TOC o 1-5 h z A hasB haveC is() 5 What you do ? I can dance.A do B can C are() 6 May I a dress?AhasBhaveCam() 7 Have _ orange.AaBanCsome() 8 I like to eat A a biscuit B biscuit C biscuit

49、s() 9 I live _ Guangzhou.A on B in C() 10 Sweep the A floor B chair C desk九 根据所给情景,判断下列句子正确的用“ T ” ,错误的用“ F ” 表示 10%1 你请朋友喝汤,可以说 TOC o 1-5 h z Have some soup .()2 你问新同学几岁,可以说How are you ?()3 你想知道同桌有没有新书包,可以问You have a new bag. ()4 你想买一个冰激凌,可以说May I have an ice-cream ? ()5 你想说你爱北京,可以说I love Beijing.(

50、)十 读句子,选出正确的答句5%() 1 How are youA I am five.B I am fine.() 2 Is she a teacher ?A Yes, she is.B Yes,he is.() 3 Give me a rubber.A Here you areB Here I am.() 4 Happy birthday !A OK.B Thank you .() 5 What have you got ?A I like the dress. BI have got a dress.牛津英语2A 测试卷(四)一 读写练习I.Read and circle(圈出不同类的单

51、词)1)parkschoolzoobuilding2)pizzahot dogbiscuitjuice3)inunderonstar4)shirtdresswintercoat5)coldstopfastslow2.Choose thebest answe磔择).do you go to the park ?A. HowB.What C.Do.Get the car .A.on B.in C.over.I go to Shanghai car.A.in B.by C,on 5).at the light .A.see B,look C,find 6).It red .A.is B,are C,

52、the 7).Here are present .A,me B.you C,your 8).it in the room?A. this B.is C.a.Thank .A,me B.your C.you 10). your present.A. Find B Here C This 5.Make a sentence 连词成句 1).Go ,Green ,light.at ,light ,the , look.put , tree ,the, room ,in ,the.Is ,in, bag,the,it, the.car ,the , is ,fastTranslation 翻译句子Wh

53、ere do you live?Its red.Put the present under the tree.May I have a hot dog?How do you go to school?Do you like winter?Here are your presents.Merry Christmas .Is it in the train?Look at the plane .It s slow .牛津英语2A 测试卷(五)一,单词拼写并翻译。 TOC o 1-5 h z fe_ ry( )_us( ) vn( )irl ( ) tax( ) sto_ ( )o( ) fa_t(

54、 )o_ ( )tr_ _ ( )二,汉译英铃铛 里面 下面 上面 走 红色 小汽车 公共汽车 公园 乘 飞机 手 三,英译汉present your bell startree light look gogreenwait slow jellyice-creamtrain ferrybusgirl park hand we I underyellowfastroomkitestar christmas四,翻译词组1. Merry Christmas 2.by car 3.a pink present 4.a yellow star 5.under the tree 6.in the room

55、 7.on the tree 8.Green light 9 Goodbye 10 Get in 11.Get off 五,选择do you go to the park ?B. How B.What C.DoGet the car .A.on B.off C.over3.I go to Shanghai car.A.in B.by C,on4.Yellow light .A,Wait B.Go C,Stop 5.at the light .A.see B,look C,find6.It red .A.is B,are C,the7.Here are present .A,me B.you C

56、,your 8.it in the room?. this B.is C.a.Thank .A,me B.your C.you六,改错Merrs Christmas !Here is your presents.Is they under the tree?Putting the star on the tree.The car are fast.七,连词成句.Go ,Green ,light.at ,light ,the , look.put , tree ,the, room ,in ,the.Is , in,bag,the,it, the5.car ,the , is , fast八,翻

57、译句子1.Red light ,Stop.t s red.Put the present under the tree.Here are your presents.Merry Christmas .Is it in the train?Thank you !Look at the plane .It s slow .We go to Bei jing by taxi .Get in the car .牛津英语2B 测试卷(一)一按顺序写出所缺字母。Aa,BbDd EeGg Hh Ii Ll Mm Nn Pp Rr Ss Uu Ww Zz二填出单词所缺字母。1.cw(奶牛)2.ose(鼻子)3

58、.duc(鸭子)4.P(猪)5.encil(铅笔)be_r(熊)7.tige(老虎)8.loo_(看)9.hor_e(马)10.hav(有)三英译汉1.elephant2.monkey_3.brown_e7.sheep8.orange_9.draw10.paper四,汉译英1. 上面 2. 农场 3. 听见 4. 小鸡_5.大的 6. 去 _7. 熊猫 _8. 黄色 2. 朋友 10.我的 五,连线。找出相应的反义词longsmallbigshortblackwhite六选择What you see? A.do B.does C.is D.areI hear a .A.cows B.cow C

59、 cowes D,a cowIve a pig. A.got B.have C.get D.there areLook the tiger.A. in B.on C.under D.behindShe two red eyes and two long ears.A.have B,has C.havingis she ? A.where B.Who C.who D,whatDo like dogs? A,your B.me C.you D.ourThere a table in the classroom.A.are B is C,was D,haveIt s big brown.A.or B

60、,but C.and D.withDraw the duck the paper.A.in B.under C.on七翻译句子What do you hear?I ve got a pig.Come here .Spotty.Look at the big and brown monkey.I have a friend.Is there a bed in the room?She is little and white.How about you?There are four doors in the room.I like bear.close the window,pleaseThere


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