1、离三英语试题用I页(共12页)海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习2011.5本H卷共12页,共150分 考试时K 120分钟。每生务必将答案管住答收卡和答造纸 h.在试卷上作答无效,考试结束后.将本试卷、答均卡、答履纸一并交回., 注意事项:I.号生务必将再案答在谷KK上.在试卷上作答无效、.将鹤前考生务必将若题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字遽的妥字里纸写。.在题上选咐I必乘用2B饵第作芥.杵选中项涂摘涂黑.果度以独住梅内字母为准,修 改时用椅底擦除干净一寿选蜉猫必须用炭色字迹的签字笔技照咫号顺序在各题目的答题 优域内件齐,穴在对应的答跑区域内作芥威i出茗西区域作答的均不得分第一部分:听力理解(共三
2、节,30分)第一节(共5小题:目小题L5分.共75分)听F面5段对话,将段对话六折一遇小胞.从每回所给的A. K C :个选项中选出最 隹选班-听先每段时话后,你将有to秒件的时间来问答有关小塔林阿读卜.一小即“每段对 话你将所一造0L Why k the nun gM k Cambridge?C. To attrrid school.C. 3, anti employee.C. Regretful.C. See a doctor.C. M4ikinn a rcqucH从每脍所给的A . , C三个A. Tn vwil his parents.B. To worlc there.Whal is
3、 the |m4)ailc reWivaxhip bclivcrn the two b”akce?A. Teacher and &tuknl.B. Wife arid hub&nd.3 H* Jon ihr womun pwbably feel?A. Angry.B Surprit.Ahai (joe* the woman want to do?A. Mjkr an appoinrnw*niB. ViUi a frirml.Wh*t 8, thr woman doingffA. A&ing (or achicc.B Making 川煤12n.第二打(共10小区:福小题L 5分.共15分)听下面
4、4段对话或独台。每段对话或独白后有几ifi小购.选项中为出破住送项 断旭段对话或独白前,你将用5秒件的时间阅读每小也,听完后,碑 小陇将给出5秒钟的作答时间邮段对话或控白你将听常理.听第6段材料,何齐砒6至7Aby cioeman cull?A. To check in.B. To make her reservation.C. To chr)中 a room.Whal kind of rmm doe thr wunun want?A. A nxc (ar fron roiMe.A room faring the street. C. A room near Ihr elwator.岛三英语试
5、题第 页(共12页)马三英由试题第2负(共12火)所叫7或MX,间谷始8至91ML. Whul iti I hr itftitudlr of the mans mother toward* lin|)pingVA. Vmmwt4ed,B EnthauuBlk,How uftrn do the nine paienlB go hopping together?C. Frri ihr wuvunvB GntA A tour guide.B. Art interpretrr.lbai Ixlprct ihng knowlrdH Her gou4 cummand of Japjinete.t. Hrr
6、 nihnfi wiih key pcofilr in IxjiirrM.How numy A mbi rountne arr mrntionrd m i卜。corwerMiMm?A- 1M3;C.所箫9段M科.利铮第13至15 fLI J. W ha& ib tiue about dw dojc?He lea than 3 week* old.Hr u m good erjmpaiiionC Ik com oer S 100.M Who usually tmlkii thr dog?A. IW MianM wife.B. The mail hintf4l.C. The man non.!S,
7、 Why duek the wiiman never keep a d%?A. She ranei bear n dojf、dealh.H Shr Mn,t iiffonl t. km dog,Shr omu thr & raiay ffcl siuldD. would一How 室 I be journey?Tinng I C3u(hl the train at the last second but all the I stood all the v*ay.A. had bern oexupirdB. hod occupiedC. would occupyD. would be occupi
8、ed26 SricrHg have discovered remark4bM evidence fthowing how ihe body Zwi也 whilewc irep.A. iuelfB. oueehcC. ilD. utUe*d better take umbrrllMl*m “ure il when wc amrr in London: its ilwap wrtthere at thi* timr of year.A. will minB. is rainingC.willhr raining D wouldrainIt remains unknown -一 thr peace
9、talk between the Iwo countries 卜 li lead.A vw+irrrB. whenCho*D. whyShr giH the pbois of hrr sonup next Co her detk to that hr rouki tee tbrm whrrwvrrm misled him.A. to pmB. pinni咻C. 1浦咋 pinned D pinnedCrern tra ( many rprm . should be drunk regularly l improvr health.A. whichB. whereC. whenD. as3!.
10、Thank you. Jack. Without your conManl support 1 lh hard !in).A. couldnt have pulled throughB. couldnt pull throughC. can*l have pulled throughD. can*t pull throu曲Today t people orc |iaying inure and more attention to tlieir hc&liht boos on keepingD. Errausr il only two months in March. he U&fted wor
11、king here.A. beforeB. whenC. thatD. whichCaroline han never ever broken her promiMr. and . A. so I haveB. m have IC. nor 1 haveD. rtw in on* luo (eenagr dauglilrrs alom?. In all the emotioful confusion of this smddrfi38, I even had difTiculty io ihr sim.lrslhousework: leaky U|ne oil change*. rvcn la
12、rf)ecu, Thm had always lern rny husband% _.39 1 ”心 embarrard eery time I _40_ my thumb with a hammer. My unccrtam aktempt only 4 | |hc fear inside me; How could I br both a father and mother to my prk,f (Jrady, I the tools and skills.Thal morning, my giri pushed mr into the living room to see someth
13、ing ,(I praeti it wusti*! 43 rrjwir job. ) The somrthing lumed out lr on the carpet. My 45 must huve brtn plain as I 4541 fnrn ihr colorful |)卜。4 to my dimghMH 46 farw.Co aM“d! Open llvm! they urged. As I 47 _ the parkiijw、. I dincowwd 3 nwll KaM)c(3 gnll And all the net fn)m the envelope. There sat
14、 Snoopy, merrily withing me a Happy Fathers Day. Becaug. ihr prk said. * jouve Bren a father and mother lo 叫 why,扁Idrfl you be _50 on Father D?As I fought back teac. 1 rralizeci they werr _ 51 . I warned lu be a *prvfeiuiur dad. who h.d thr tools. The girk 52 wanlrd a Hir-nt thry could count on to b
15、e thrn-1 daj after diy. 53 rFpeitnlly the(aks of luuic care and loveRie girh arr gron now, 54 they 4ill send me Fthcr Day cards, but none M tbo9r cank means as much Io ni- an tha3rent liln,t mjuirr any )ectal 55 at alljuM a willing worker.36.A. navedB. rrcrnrtlC. boughtD.found37.A. duringB. unlilC.
16、beforeD.since38.A. aduhhoociB. childhoodC. parcnlhoodD.womanhood39.A. profession*B traderC. preferencesD, jobs40.A. movedB. touchedC. heldD.hit41.A. di*rninM-(lB. rrinovcdC. furlciI).overcame42.A. acquiredH. lackedC. alMarxImZ1).improved43.A. anotherB everyC. theirD.kl44.A awardR iirmC. albumD.rnvri
17、cpc45.A. ricilcmriMB. pu/xlemrrwiC. diMgrecmcnlI).encourAftrmrnl3,A. be”B. britlC. boneslD.absurrit47.A. ollrc(rrxMc50,A rrmrmhrrcdB. praisedC. aerrptedI).sutprid51.A. carefulB. happyC. Mt ifartoryD.right52.A. onlyB.C. MillD.iiho53.A . rvalualinfB. axsigiiingC. pcrfurmini;D.comdnng54A. orB. andC. to
18、D.bm55.X. offrreB. tookC. experiem eMD.nmN第三邰分:阅读理解(共两节, 40分)rs (15 4M:用小题2分.430分)闿读下列加文.从每题所给的A. B.J D四个选项中.选出最隹选项芥在芥期K 上将该项洽黑AMy falher wm a keen lxebll fan. U hrnevrr br couldt Darf lu!k inr out to ihe park und ptrhrd balls (or imc to hit.(hir dmy ;il ikr park, a * in . wheelchair 7(pfrd to wat4i
19、 u、play. My ln4 w” over 9 ihrm in A IkNl l ak if ,hr child cquW join Mir pmuldnal be able o me * Anne. pilch one in to its.”I mi* (hr (4ight in ht- boy、cycj. I aimed at ihe bal and let the ball fly. The lull rnudc conuct with thr bai with an from my dad anl the child Hrrramrd uith)oy As I turned, I
20、heanl my dad in(ing Take We Oul to the Hail Gam.An hour latct we all lefl the field, very lirrd Ixil vrry happy. Dad tuH the mother to bring thr boy back next SaCurday and *ould play another game.离三英雄试收第,贞(共12员)乩三英询试题第7页(共12页)岛二英访COM第6页(院12页)Dad and 1 wrrr at ihr firkl the next Saturday but ihr molh
21、rr and son never *ament mo many happy momrntA. Iwo httlc l/ragur teg were on the firki juM about to start a game. I felt the Ming of team in my ryen * I walchrd the children play the xumr.pnxrcl your baM J one coch yelled. I chrered the nmner on vhm the BmII wa hit far into the el Ihr coach turned a
22、nd smiled t *1 nevrr ihouxhl l,d evrr be a coech pkying on this field. I rwnl polio ax a cliiM anti wa n-Mnetrd to a wUrrlchnir. Thank、to a man*. I wa* abir lo hit lh, ball and hear him Milling tlw 7mg TciAr Qul to /Ac HW Gam,.I belicte that exprriwe gave mr the k up in the *Urwh and see that man wd
23、 hi、daughter agjin. I Mirr would like tu think him Th。nulhor * irsrfuJ hhrri -Mching ihr children th- gnw.she hadnt rwovrrrd from the of he fathersbr was reminded o( hrr father playing vrilh her in the parkthr reafiied lha( her father hadnl nceivecl thaulu (mm othersshr *aj* moved by lhn who bn ame
24、a roach Iwcnly ycan laterWhich is the nght order of the following rvenK?a. The 3ulhorv4 father died.h. The aulhuf playnl with the boy.d.d ,Hie author wuited fbr thr boy o lum up.- Tlie nuihor 7* ihc boy cnachiiii: a learn.A. d - b-e-a-c B. d-b-e-c-a C. l-d-a-c-c I), b - d - a - r - c58 The pasiagr c
25、onvey* the infsagr ihulthe boy k a mimckthe authors father is a heroa simple act of kindnr*x can pk、lifrBurs ion : Ny ninth-grade arl lexcher domnt pv* any Kmv* room (or improvr-rnent. In prrvioua yean*. I ctrwrl QQ% , a IOO$ not morally unwig. A iracher wde lahtude in Hrircting the method of gradin
26、畀 that hrt promote Irami in her classroom ; that A. after all. (hr prinic who hw I he trunirtf: and xprrit-nce to make lhi ilct-iiuon.You can criticize hrr mrlhodology. A 100 need nn ol impntvrnicnl. only ihui a Mudent MiccesjJully completed the *oumc work. A ninth grader coul! gt i u well-earned )0
27、0 in English c- but Mill has a way to go before he wnles as uell as Jane Austen. Whats monr.舒wkM ant nol only an *lucationai device but art alw pan ol a srrrrnin HvMr(n lo help assign (分fld) kid、lo their nrx( class or pruf(rum. By capping her grade at 94 while mmi other teachrn* radc on a scale that
28、 topM out at 100. your teacher could risk maki” a WuHeI low a 4)ancr of grtling a scholarship or getting into lop coll际.Whal il is wrvng lo cmidrinn her for is overluuknig your h&M ork, Yhh hanl uorl 卜 worthy M mrounigemrnt. but effort does not equal Hccomplishnient. !f holars Middrnh diicovrred tha
29、t Rembrandl had Luhed off The Ni*hl Walch in an AftrmocMi t il ”ould Mill 卜 The ighi Walch.I could nperd monl& wedling over my own painlih呼”.bul Id produce xl step should be to diwnr yrnir concemn with your fwchr or the principal.When writinx thr question e the ninlh-|tradcr wba A. annoyedB. worried
30、C. exciledD delightedThr un4krlirird uorcl - lalitudr in Paragraph 2 prubd/、means .A. diflerrncB. knowledgeC. freedomP. exprnrnceRembrandt painting tb mentioned to how that .thorr、differrrKe betwrrji rffr1 and achirvrmrntThe Night Walch woa ,mplclr1 ih hxlf a dayC rvc/ybody,a hard work should be enc
31、ouragedD. one is to blame for(ing I he uork in a hurryW,hut is I he Mihori atliludr hzarda the grading nyMcm of I hr ninth-graders trachrr?A. Supportive.B. Confuseii. C. (Jruwremed. I). Lnfavorablc.CJob .haring refm to the situation in uhich two peoph, divide I hr responsibility of tme full-timr job
32、. The Iwo people willingly acl as part-time workrrxt rnoufh hours brlwcen ihrm lo fulGII tlir dutioi of a fulbtimc workrr. If ihry each work half Ihe job. for rxmnplc. they each receive 50 per cent o I be job1*agr , its holidays and 1 0 other brnrfitA.Job sharing differs from conventional (常规的)part-
33、timr work in that it occurs msmly in the more highly Akillnl aiml pmfeiond arras, which require higlwr leveln of rrH”)zh“ily and emp,)ycc commitnwnt.Job sharing Oiould not br ronfu$err of job* by reducing thr number of hours of each rxiMin job. thu offering murr position* to the growing number of un
34、employed people. Job Mweik. by comrult i、nol cleMgnni to mklrrM unemployYnenl problems; iis fixih. ndhrr. A lo provide well-paid wori Grkilled workers and 高三英语试期第9页(共2页)岛三英语试题第 页(共12页)profr*Monsh who win more frrr timr for olhrr aiclivitirM.J would br expects I. fiwH jobare* wumcn. A miney canted ou
35、t in 1988 In BriluinSOppnrluni (mn)i$sion huwed that 78 jmt cent of uhirrn. were . the nwprity of whom v*ere Iwt*rcn 20 and 40 year* M 口斯, Sulzpgnt Mudie lune come up wifli similar rnmlts, Manx M thesr worwen wrre re-entrnng the job market after having had children. bul ihry IVM to trek urt-tinr wer
36、ation when xfiunnp a job with another |rTwti make the actual work quite diflArl frmn consul tonal onr*p(Hitioi jubs. Ilowrvrr. Io rmurr a jcrraicrrue that (hr purinerxhip will succeed. each pc non nrtxh to ktKM fbr MlrrngtliK. weaknrMr and prrfrrencr* of his or her patlner before a)flying for a posi
37、tion. Monwcr. there muM be a fair divisioti of hoth nwlme taUcw and intrrrMinf one*. In wm. for a position to br同 well. Ihr two individuals mUM iK w*|I mUhcl aod niuM rach other w |ual.In whal way i work :4ia.nng ciiffcrrnt ftwn job sharing?Uork ring rrquin* more working hourWork nhanng m aimed at c
38、rraiin(:nnrr jofw.C Vlork sharing provide a more Aaiifaclor)Ntlary.D. Unrk 4uinng drpc,Mk on the ernilers derision.Acconling (o Pa&ra曲 4. young molheH pMkrred job 力Kn” tn corhenti(Mul part*timc work nutmly bcue . they soug.iil higher M)cial Matuihry wrrr over ideal working agethey had difficulty fin
39、ding (ull-timc jobsI), they had to tke care of Ixxh work and familyIn job harin|( I hr (Mirtneni should _ A. enjoy eual mcuI MatuB. have 4 mil work ex|rriencrC. keep in tcoch with wh otherD. know each other ven, wellThe nui in purpov- of I he paMar iw to _describe job shann|t in generaldix:u3w 2w I。
40、prwidr jobrecommend job ah.ring tea womrnI), coatjiarr job sharing uilh “ork nharingDThe Child Ego StateThe Child r|N Mate i,h t of txfhiftviorK, ihovghtu and ferlingn whirh arr rOM ralh u into his or her offirr. we may immxliairly irrt a churrinp in our MornAch and wM)kr whal w ha%c done wrong. If
41、thm wrrr cxplwd wr might rrm*mbr ifw? linwthe head teacher called us tn to (*11 us off. Of course, not evcnthirig in the Child cpj Mate is negative. We might 即 intohdR *3 smell a lov?ly smell and wrwmber our(CrarximotherS when wr w%rre littlr t nnd nil ihr samr wann feelings we had at t-ix yeuru of
42、agf may come flouciing bark.I* Child ego Mates are constantly bring update). For example. h- may mcel someortc wh6 #vf、u I hr permixion wr nrrircrM)n in our imagiriaUtm when we nrr red Io reniM our old way* of thinking thut wr rnut work longer and longer boun to krrj up with event hnig. We might 4k
43、oufelves “I mxUs vhal X would My no. Then on hrunn ihc cuw prrmiions to relax uni (akr some time- out t do juM (hal and then rrtum to the work renewed and read,for lhardt rather than teaming mirselw for what we did or did not do. what to happen is tlial wr automatically sUrt Io give nunidvc nevi pem
44、uiom and lake care of ounid、九Altcrnalivrly t we might have had an extremely unpleasant cx(erimce ytrrdy which gor* into tbc Child ego siatr as an antique memory that stands in the way of our growth. Positive expenenco will aho ko into thr Child rg( Mate a$ antiqur mcmorie. Thr jmilNr Mpericmrs can t
45、hen be drawn on ti rrtnmei g that positive thinfo lo happen.The pruces of analyzing perwrudity in terms of cq states is called Mructural analysis. It is im|Hir1anl Io rermier ihal ,go Mair% do ruw havp an eiislence of thrir own. They arr concrpls to enable urvder%ti*nng. Thrrrforc it is importanl to
46、 My - I wanl vme fun rulhcr tkai “ My Child u4nts Mxnc fun. * Be may be in our Child ego state- yhen we Miy this, but zying ”r rrminck ut. to ukr fwuibiiiy for mrThe writer us (wo cxjniplr in Parggrnpli 2 in onirr to.A. prove Ilie (link! ego slate is nepilivcB. explain why we (MMXxnr nervous C. supp
47、ort the idea in himgniph ID. introduce iKr point of Pae琳mph 3By I wocxlrr what X would #ay now . inlrnd to .A blame 3rMiB avoid MmwC. keep up with rvcrjthinfiI). accrpdomC.li mils ones ihouglilsI).infiiiencc one% actionsThr undcrJinni word Mlhis in thr luiH j中ngQph n*fen I。.A.M I wibI some fun MB. M
48、y Chilel wnk noenfunC.ihc Child ego stateD.structural analysis育,:英潘试收第12页(共12贝)离.英语试超第II页(共12页)第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分)端节情景作文CO分)但设近H你在网上参加场关于陶号英语足否应该一年多考的讨论.人狗对此也解不 一,请根据F去提示.用英语写一话柘件.荷述两肿观点并表明你的靠度.注意:I.槁件的开头已为你写好。2.调数不少于60,迎合高考改年的需妥增加师生负担学生能衣得更多机会浪费人力.财力及发他社会院涉*轻家长和学生的法力Rrcentiy I liavr joined in a diic
49、jssion oil the Internet about whether more MKT op|x)nunilicfi JhmiIJ be provided each year.(请务必相情景作文写在答胭卡指定区域内)第二节开放作文05分)请根据下面提示,写一篇知文.词数不少于50,re anketi toIrv your ypnki” English Uz. ymr teacher slums you the fullouiing picture. detcntjc the piclurr ami explain how you umirrnuind il.(请务必将开放作文写在答膻卡指
50、定区域内)高三英语期末听力录音稿les: W I rxardu?c leavingV! Ycuh I dxr movir| :nCambnifpc I ic go: x ;oo ojfcr tncrc.nn p.iteu*.:。c trervW We* II mtS.$yu think | wBJ Xge the Mme u!d excuse o “yV! Oh. dear, furgive nic. plcw I 、,hl be piHictiul i5cxt tunelext 1 Ckxxi aftenMion llw can I help uu?W Good aftemoor I hnc
51、 an uppointmen: a!efekKkVI Yoir nanr. pleasedW: Helen Jahnsim.M Oh. yes Take a scat pJwc. Dr ou going io have*V! I donl hum Ivc gcr “ten here before. Wha,do ytxi uggevW Well I aUas like the mlad li iiMuilly very fresh but IC you durfl like、丽ctahlc then xvhat About going for smoked fiibh? U Is very g
52、nod. louIc.U 6Q Hello! TH、5 Irnn! dekl Thi,f Ake Gnd、120b I have (list cheeked in1 Yck (;ivr “ I ar wrr U saihar I am not ccrnpkldy wiistied with my roomM And I me wrry SO hear thnl. M% GiwM W hat is the problem wilh the room?W It just 1Mb t whm I specified when I nude my reservationM And Imu it ina
53、:?U I 小卜cd for n room a% lar ;is puiblc froni the dcvainr. facing 、“y from the Mrcct Bui thi rtMwn U right bc& the doator facing the hiB)sltvd Cm ou plc一房 move :nt? to dillcrcnt “m”M I ct me 心 Nun I un daIfMt?Vt lather M m botfi shnpper I Jr loves tn look ai thingi jnd ui kuch then lie likes to ,网 p
54、ure price bclucen the - ikrb in diflewni - Me would ftcvcf tHul of buy tn v anything without looking around in several diflcruni yicnc On the other tMiid. m miHlivr h a noppcf She regard* Spring 、boring u:d unpkgoni If x lues mclhing and、hc cur: allird it. 71c Hjxs ;l inslunth She never 1(23 aromkl
55、!df a上nexJ J:e W u liCUCi dcjl lUrainx dkw intcicsr her Xccd lc father and moi her iiewr go shoppng the experience would be tx painfu fur oth 6f them. When i: wkci :o s!wpp:ny. thej go dwtf puralc in urdcr to cvn;d ait s?guiiu:n!M Mix% %ic. vo.Jd you le!J me rritrtf M jou speak Japaticsc. I lave you
56、 ever been io Japan?W Yc. I iuvv. i pcni muiuhs in Japan ;n 2006.1 met al liw key people in ihe lourisi iikiusiry.As I speak Japanese. I had a big advantage.Ml Yes. of course Have you had any conuic: uith Japan in vour present job?W: Yes. Ic had a lot. !n fad. the market for a! tpC5 of luxury holida
57、ys tor the Japanese has increased a lot recently.M Rc3:!). Im :D:ercsicd to hear more abou. ihm. but firt tdl me. have you ever :avc)cd on ilw luxury inin. (Ik Oricni Express, for example?W* Xo. I hivcfl*!. But lfve traveled an the Glacial l-xprcss through Switzerland and I traveled across China b t
58、rain about 8 years, ago. I love train travel Thai s why Vin ven inicres:cd in this job.Text cW: IIi. Adam. k that your dog?M:Aduall.he s my son Di!nws dog,. I am just taking him for a walk todayW He a golden retriever, right?M: Yes We-ve had him about 3 xvccks and -ilrcady we cin-l live without him.
59、W: Really? Why?M: He Mich a great companion, so friendly and playful.W: He seems kind ofhigh-spifiied.M: Yes. bu he is calming down. And hes teaching Dillon responsibility because he has to lecd and exercise him every dav.W: So why arc you talking him today?V!. Dillon iRked me to because he has base
60、ball practice after school today.W; (hope心a hcahhy d(味M: He is. Weve taken him to the animal hospital for shots and a checkup.W, And tha: cost over $IOO Til bet.M: Il did. Rut it Mas worth it.W: And whit :f Ik gels so、记k llwn you have to consider letting him die without pain?M: Dillon would be heanb
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