



1、DAY 14Previous Story小王子和“我”找到了水井,在聊天过程中,“我”得知小王子来到地球已经快一年了,他一直在寻找最初降落的地点。当“我”修好引擎返回寻找小王子时,发现他似乎在和一个“我”看不到的东西Chapter 14“I am glad。t you have found what was the matter with your engine,” he said. “Now you can goback home”“How do you know aboutt?”I was just coming todared(敢) to hope.l himt my work had

2、been sucsful,anythingt I hadHe made no answer to my question, but he added:“I, too, am going back home today . . .”Then, sadly“It is much farther . . . it is muore difficult . . .”I realized clearlyt something extraordinary(不同寻常的) was happening.I was holding him closey arms(紧紧抱住)as if he were a litt

3、le child;and yet it seemed to met he was rushing headlong(径直向前地) toward an abyss(深渊) fromwhich I could do nothing to restrain() him . . .His look was very serious, like someone lost far away.“I have your sheep. And I have the sheeps box. And I have the muzzle(口套) . . .”And he gave me a sad s.I waite

4、d a long time.I could seet he was reviving(恢复) litty little.“Dear little man,” I said to him, “you are afraid . . .”He was afraid, there was no doubt aboutt. But he laughed lightly.“I shall be muore afraid this evening . . .”Once again I felt myself frozen by the sense of something irreparable(无法弥补的

5、).And I knewt I could not bear the thought of never hearingt laughter any more.For me, it was like a spring of fresh waterhe desert(沙漠).“Little man,” I said, “I want to hear you laugh again.”But he said to me:“Tonight, it will be a year . . . My star, then, can be found right above the place where I

6、 came tothe Earth, a year ago . . .”t it is only a bad dreamthis air(事物) of the snake, and the“Little man,” I said, “l memeeting-place, and the star . . .”But he did not answer my plea(请求).He said to me, instead:“The thingt is important is the thingt is not seen . . .”“Yes, I know . . .”“It is just

7、as it is with the flower. If you love a flowert lives on a star, it is st to look at thesky at night. All the stars are abloom(盛开的) with flowers . . .”“Yes, I know . . .”“It is just as it is with the water. Because of the pulley(滑轮), and the rope, what you gave me to drink was like music. You rememb

8、erhow good it was.”“Yes, I know . . .”“And at night you will look up at the stars. Where I live everything is so smallyou where my star is to be found.t I cannot showIt is better, liket. My star will just be one of the stars, for you. And so you will love to watch allthe starshe heavens(天空) . . . Th

9、ey will all be your friends.And, besides, I am going to make you a present . . .”He laughed again.“Ah, little prince, dear little prince! I love to heart laughter!”“t is my present. Justt. It will be as it was when we drthe water . . .”“What are you trying to say?”“All men have the stars,” he answer

10、ed, “but they are not the same things for different people.For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no morethe sky.n little lights inFor others, who are scholars(学者), they are problems. For businessmen they were wealth. But all these stars are silent.Youyou alill have t

11、he stars as no one else has them”“What are you trying to say?”“In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing.And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night . . . youonlyyouwill have starst can laugh!”And he laughed again.“And when y

12、our sorrow(悲伤) is comforted (time soothes(抚慰) all sorrows(悲伤) you will becontent(感到满意的)t you have known me.You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open yourwindow, so, fort pleasure . . .and your friends will be properly astonished(的) to see you laughing

13、as you look up at the sky!Then you will say to them, Yes, the stars always make me laugh! And they will think you arecrazy. It will be a very shabby(的) trick(恶作剧)t I shall have played on you . . .”And he laughed again.“It will be as if, in place of the stars, I had given you a great number of littto

14、 laugh . . .”And he laughed again.ellst knew howThen he quickly became serious:“Tonightyou know . . . do not come,” said the little prince.“I shall not leave you,” I said.“I shall look as if I were suffering(受苦). I shall look a little as if I were dying. It is liket. Do notcome to seet. It is not wo

15、rth the trouble . . .”“I shall not leave you.”But he was worried.“Il youit is also because of the snake. He must not bite you. Snakesthey are malicious(恶毒的) creatures(生物). This one might bite you just for fun . . .”“I shall not leave you.”hought came to reare(使安心) him:But they have no more poison(毒液

16、) for a second bite.”“It is true今日1.Who would be able to go back home?谁能够回家?A :I.“我”。B :The little prince.小王子。C :Both I and the little prince.“我”和小王子。原文提到:he said. “Now you can go back home” “How do you know aboutt?”I was justhad dared tocoming tol himt my work had been sucsful,anythingt Ihope.He ma

17、de no answer to my question, but he added: “I, too, am going back home today . . .”所以为 C。让小王子干什么?让他帮助“我”修理引擎。让他回他的行星。再次听见他的笑声。2.What did I want the little prince to do?“A :I wanted him to help me fix the engine.“ B :I wanted him to go back to his planet.“ C :I wanted to hear his laughter again.“原文提到:“Little man,” I said, “I want to hear you laugh again.”所以为 C。 3.What could the stars of the little prince do?小王子的星星能做什么?A :They could be guides for travellers .它们能成为旅行者的向导。e wealth for businessmen.它们能成为商人的。B :They couldC :They could laugh for me.它们能为“我


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