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1、世界经济千年史背2004年第5版4期(总第47澳0期)斑2004年9月皑28日荷兰格罗唉宁根大学教授、安世界经济千年凹史作者Mad碍dison先生伴在中国经济研究俺中心万众楼做了敖题为拜“颁世界经济千年史凹”笆的讲座,集中讨癌论了宏观经济计澳量历史研究的发案展进程。下面是班他报告的主要内坝容。靶宏观经济计量历吧史的发展经历了扮三个历史阶段:蔼20世纪50年疤代以来的隘“扳收入和财富国际耙研究协会时期捌”艾即IARIW时办期(Inter颁nationa疤l Assoc败iation 隘for Res懊earch i班n Incom败e and W邦ealth);艾182019艾50年的库兹涅懊斯


3、纪50年瓣代以来的IAR艾IW时代肮虽然50年代以盎来标准国民经济柏核算体系逐渐被隘采用,但是现存爱估计中仍有很多白问题。使用苏联搬MPS体系(m袄aterial隘 produc扒tion sy爱stem)的国拜家增长被高估,安需要做大量调整啊。非洲许多新生般国家缺少必要的蔼技术和资金进行摆国民收入增长核叭算,虽然国际组办织工作在一定程敖度上弥补了这种疤不足,但是非洲捌数据也需要做大按量调整。还有1版995年以来一熬些高收入国家开隘始引入享乐指数跋(hedoni扒c index芭)来反映产品质白量的改善,但是懊这么做并没有充哀分的根据并且会佰高估经济增长,搬比如美国用新的肮计量技术重新进艾行1



6、etsian罢时代俺Simon K岸uznets教半授对现代经济增氨长的研究成果,拌使可以数量化研拜究的时间界限从哀20世纪50年般代推进到19世埃纪20年代。关袄于这段时期我们霸现有的几个结论奥是:加速的经济翱增长始于182百0年而非Kuz扳nets认为的傲1760年;经胺济学家对西欧各案国研究表明西欧芭的崛起是同时而般非交错发生的;袄这段时期快速发哀展加大了西方与岸其他国家的差距隘;Kuznet白s研究推翻了K暗ondrati叭eff长期循环隘的说法和Sch巴umpeter澳循环发展论点。案事实上1820摆年以来的技术变耙革不是浪潮式的摆而是连续推进的疤,目前有足够证阿据把1820蔼200




10、供百给间的平衡,技昂术进步、资本形啊成和国际贸易专稗业化的因素被忽鞍略,因此只有通傲过灾难(战争、八饥荒、疾病)才捌能实现平衡。这昂两种观点对立一扒直存在。此外悲氨观的看法有了一鞍些其他的支持,百LeRoy L澳adurie认阿为法国1300爱1720年的昂经济是停滞的,鞍真实工资论者则半更加悲观他们有埃人认为英国18爱20年的生活水袄平比1500年霸下降了44等袄等。艾关于1500板1820不同国挨家和地区的经济昂表现,Kuzn胺ets在196坝5年提出了关于白西欧人口率和人熬均GDP增长的霸一个非常有影响盎的假说,认为西凹欧发达国家15白001750扮年可能的(并且澳或许是最大的)安长期人




14、识哎都大大改善,有叭了精确的航海指笆导等等。这些进叭展都是科研努力爸的结果。无疑,扮欧洲的这些发展佰是19和20世巴纪经济更快发展盎的前奏,欧洲的扳现代化不是一蹴哀而就的。捌(任丽达、卢锋暗整理) 坝-蔼-把-般-俺-隘-岸-拌-把-伴-吧-笆-霸 发贴时间: 吧2004-10扒-17 2:2懊8:56 氨218.31.拜*.* 挨 erra爱ntking 案 等级:贫农财产:经验:魅力:案 注册:20唉03-9-7吧 文章:55绊 白 鉴定:保密傲 哀 芭 翱-邦-拜-柏-白-捌-案-拜-扮-拔-哀-白- 搬Measuri斑ng and 扒Interpr懊eting W版orld Ec凹on

15、omic 懊Perform跋ance 15拜00-2001把*矮Angus M暗addison拜This is斑 a suit伴able oc班casion 澳for sur隘veying 爸the pro斑gress a敖chieved肮, in th把e past 瓣60 year哀s, in q肮uantify爸ing wor昂ld econ摆omic de白velopme昂nt, and叭 analys耙ing the澳 causal板 influe肮nces wh澳ich det佰ermine 罢the pac疤e and p耙attern 坝of grow百th. Thi绊s wa

16、s a蔼 major 伴objecti把ve of t氨he foun唉ding fa百thers o唉f the I白nternat瓣ional A皑ssociat柏ion for胺 Resear颁ch in I佰ncome a昂nd Weal绊th (IAR瓣IW). Th傲e initi吧ative f艾or crea啊ting an案 associ搬ation i熬ncludin背g both 邦academi笆cs and 笆officia板l stati把stician扮s came 唉from Si靶mon Kuz芭nets (1罢901-85)袄, the p岸ioneer 把

17、of quan佰titativ按e econo般mic his昂tory. M班ilton G懊ilbert 扳(1909-7板9) and 案Richard邦 Stone 暗(1913-1笆991) we碍re stra笆tegic p柏artners肮 with e懊normous斑 intern肮ational版 levera搬ge in c班reating绊 and di伴ffusing啊 standa佰rd proc八edures 笆for con碍structi艾on of c百omparab跋le nati叭onal ac皑counts 半by offi安cial st芭atis

18、tic懊al offi哀ces.疤This pa胺per ana跋lyses t肮he deve熬lopment稗 of mac版ro-meas懊urement埃 in thr隘ee epoc拌hs:叭a) for 半the IAR靶IW epoc埃h, back罢 to 195啊0, the 唉main pu芭rpose h岸as been隘 to ill扳uminate哎 policy搬 option按s to im昂prove g癌rowth p扮erforma哎nce at 霸the nat扒ional l啊evel an案d to an八alyse i颁nter-co暗untry d

19、案ivergen肮ce in r百eal inc爸ome lev哀els to 翱help de霸vise po案licies 捌for cat版ch-up. 般We now 岸have of袄ficial 敖estimat隘es of g般rowth a肮nd leve笆ls for 佰the vas邦t bulk 翱of the 敖world e懊conomy 捌from 19暗50 onwa傲rds.碍b) For 颁the Kuz奥netsian懊 epoch 笆of “mod熬ern eco芭nomic g摆rowth” 碍back to挨 1820, 背quantit白ative

20、e瓣conomic佰 histor矮ians ha巴ve made八 great 巴progres拌s in me啊asuring鞍 world 爱economi班c growt靶h and i按n quant安ifying 耙the for肮ces det霸erminin安g perfo搬rmance.鞍 There 扳is scop俺e for f罢urther 坝researc吧h to fi爱ll gaps叭 and cr案osschec八k exist凹ing est肮imates,安 but th鞍e broad矮 contou矮rs of d唉evelopm蔼ent in 拜th

21、is pe拔riod ar盎e not u碍nder se坝rious c案halleng扳e.拔c) for 埃the “me把rchant 翱capital班ist” ep埃och, 15案00-1820昂, there澳 are sh隘arply d埃ivergen半t inter鞍pretati矮ons abo阿ut worl办d, and 爱particu班larly E白uropean暗 perfor颁mance. 瓣The dic哎hotomy 拜between氨 positi矮ve and 案negativ伴e asses吧sments 办started坝 with A半dam

22、 Smi袄th and 笆Malthus艾 at the矮 end of奥 the 18靶th cent扮ury. In拌 my vie澳w, the 班evidenc癌e for t凹he Malt笆husian 办view is搬 shoddy唉.靶Histori柏ans usu背ally st癌art at 胺the beg伴inning 凹of thei埃r chron艾ology. 扳Quantit昂ative e岸conomic耙 histor隘ians ha吧ve to w澳ork bac伴kwards 澳from th盎e prese阿nt, pro癌ceeding捌 from

23、 w懊hat is 哀known a安nd acce鞍pted, t半o earli隘er epoc胺hs wher败e evide败nce is 爸weaker 拜and the俺re is g凹reater 捌relianc班e on cl跋ues and绊 conjec瓣ture. 笆*This i靶s the f疤irst Ru伴ggles L艾ecture,办 delive百red at 班the 28t癌h IARIW翱 Genera暗l Confe扮rence, 岸Cork鞍, 吧Ireland敖 August稗 2004I靶(i) Sta伴ndardis凹ed Esti叭mat

24、es o把f GDP G爱rowth f办or 1950凹 onward罢s爸The sta艾ndardis柏ed acco埃unts pr矮ovide a靶 cohere哎nt macr佰oeconom挨ic fram皑ework c敖overing柏 the wh斑ole eco埃nomy, c暗rossche斑cked in版 three 拔ways. F胺rom the安 income耙 side, 白they ar鞍e the t敖otal of奥 wages,耙 rents 罢and pro岸fits. O碍n the d颁emand s碍ide, th懊ey are 佰the s

25、um坝 of fin懊al expe拜nditure昂s by co班nsumers蔼, inves啊tors an板d gover把nment. 芭From th吧e produ班ction s按ide, th巴e sum o坝f value暗 added 搬in diff罢erent s盎ectors-板agricul佰ture, i哀ndustry蔼 and se拌rvices,埃 net of扳 duplic暗ation.懊Milton 懊Gilbert拌 had be拜en resp安onsible背 for th癌e offic敖ial 绊US跋 accoun岸ts duri坝ng

26、 the 隘war and癌 from 1靶950 to 版1961 wa傲s head 拜of stat暗istics 稗and nat瓣ional a版ccounts颁 in OEE哎C. The 岸Marshal矮l Plan 唉require袄d crite颁ria for安 aid al隘locatio啊n, and 哎NATO ne霸eded th袄em for 叭its bur唉den-sha氨ring ex奥ercises搬. Gilbe哎rt met 唉these r埃equirem颁ents by傲 pushin叭g offic笆ial sta伴tistica八l offi

27、c百es of t坝he 16 O邦EEC mem稗ber cou昂ntries 懊to adop扳t the s瓣tandard绊ised sy邦stem of霸 accoun班ts desi爱gned by奥 Richar背d Stone澳. 拜Stone s颁et up a熬 progra爱mme in 鞍Cambrid埃ge颁 to tra昂in offi艾cial Eu八ropean 百statist绊icians 巴to impl懊ement t扳he stan氨dardise搬d syste拔m. A se伴t of na傲tional 斑handboo暗ks was 芭prep

28、are阿d to ex背plain t绊he prob扒lems of吧 adjust矮ment to澳 the st傲andardi碍sed sys叭tem, an拌d a fir哀st comp胺arative叭 set of暗 accoun靶ts for 摆the 16 傲countri捌es for 胺1938 an拌d 1947-隘52 was 班publish罢ed by O疤EEC in 胺1954, w艾ith ext艾ensive 啊notes e敖xplaini安ng the 翱adjustm般ents wh矮ich had板 been m奥ade to 斑achieve拜

29、 compar岸ability斑.半In 1953岸, Stone柏 became哀 chairm般an of a蔼 United澳 Nation败s commi版ssion w搬hich es皑tablish挨ed a sy熬stem of按 accoun败ts for 摆worldwi搬de appl俺ication爱. The U懊N could搬 not ex唉ert as 颁much le搬verage 版on its 版member 艾countri拌es to c鞍onform 哎as was 疤possibl哀e in OE癌EC. The白 commun疤ist cou熬nt

30、ries 敖used th氨e Sovie班t SMS (暗system 矮of mate爱rial ac坝counts)芭 which 邦had a n坝arrower矮 defini肮tion of扒 produc颁tive ac颁tivity 胺(exclud办ing man稗y servi唉ce acti扒vities)霸, invol唉ved ser案ious do坝uble co熬unting 拔(measur伴ing gro笆ss outp岸ut with哀out ded爸ucting 吧inter-s巴ector t按ransfer跋s of in罢puts) a吧nd exa

31、g蔼gerated氨 econom扮ic grow巴th. The叭 price 版system 隘and tax笆-struct笆ures we扒re diff蔼erent f拔rom tho搬se in c碍apitali斑st coun鞍tries, 蔼and mea把suremen办t conve版ntions 肮gave in熬centive凹s to ex哎aggerat氨e quali绊ty chan板ge when搬 new pr罢oducts 扳were in邦troduce邦d. Abra奥m Bergs癌on (191癌4-2003)巴 pionee岸red pro把ce

32、dures暗 for re阿-estima隘tion of办 Soviet败 GDP on伴 a basi邦s corre摆spondin俺g appro半ximatel叭y to We爱stern c袄oncepti安ons in 拔coverag皑e, with把 elimin俺ation o稗f doubl碍e-count隘ing, an拜d repri扮cing on熬 an “ad捌justed 岸factor 傲cost” b皑asis wi肮th impu哎tation 癌for cap案ital co熬sts whi吧ch were扳 not co笆nsidere邦d in S

33、o伴viet ac把countin矮g. Thes氨e corre翱ctive p摆rocedur拜es were鞍 applie矮d to So癌viet st翱atistic哀s by a 摆team of碍 CIA So安vietolo板gists i坝n 蔼Washing皑ton八. In 碍New Yor板k熬, Thad 哎Alton a鞍nd his 蔼colleag绊ues did百 the sa白me for 肮Bulgari叭a靶, 霸Czechos扳lovakia稗, 澳East Ge霸rmany班, 肮Poland板, 懊Romania八 and 凹Yugosla霸vi

34、a芭. This 胺work wa懊s finan埃ced for搬 intell背igence 爸purpose阿s, but 懊was pub爱licly a班vailabl白e in an唉nual re稗ports t阿o the U柏S Congr靶ess (se氨e Maddi摆son 199捌8b).按In the 颁1990s m吧ost of 版these c鞍ountrie板s adopt凹ed the 伴standar伴dised S挨NA syst板em in p袄rincipl吧e, but 傲impleme隘ntation翱 was co吧mplicat半ed by

35、 t挨he mass癌ive cha拜nge in 邦ownersh柏ip, in 埃the lev板el and 笆structu哎re of p拜rices, 鞍allocat俺ion of 芭resourc疤es betw熬een con唉sumptio斑n and i拌nvestme拌nt, and懊 statis阿tical r哎eportin办g proce氨dures. 碍It will蔼 take s氨ome yea耙rs befo背re thes扮e probl靶ems can哎 be ful耙ly reso霸lved. T唉he IMF 白continu岸es to u埃s

36、e exag拜gerated傲 measur肮es of G氨DP grow瓣th for 案these c蔼ountrie唉s. As a爱 result唉, it sh阿ows a g叭rowth i案n world稗 GDP av澳eraging矮 3.9 pe跋rcent a癌 year f班or 1970挨-200, c阿ompared芭 with m澳y estim爱ate of 佰3.3 per邦cent. F唉or 肮China肮 it sho耙ws grow耙th aver袄aging 8巴.5 per 哀cent a 白year, w凹hereas 拔my adju靶ste

37、d me爱asure s败hows a 按growth 爱rate of跋 6.5 pe霸r cent 班(see Ma摆ddison,板 2003, 罢p. 231)熬.斑Another敖 area o啊f weakn搬ess is 昂Africa叭, where挨 there 版was and懊 still 跋is a gr霸eat sho败rtage o矮f skill坝s and m傲oney fo跋r such 哀work in拜 a larg扳e numbe盎r of ne霸wly cre板ated co矮untries背. The g半ap in e蔼stimate颁s of G

38、D吧P growt捌h was f佰illed i把n subst爸antial 霸degree 挨by the 拔OECD De敖velopme吧nt Cent癌re whic败h compi吧led ann班ual est巴imates 摆of real般 GDP gr笆owth 19背50-90 f盎or 51 A鞍frican 傲countri胺es. The肮 Centre奥 benefi白ted fro邦m the e巴xpertis熬e of De百rek Bla笆des, wh瓣o had b唉een chi阿ef stat般isticia懊n in 爱Malawi奥 for

39、ei隘ght yea败rs, and芭 by Dav扳id Robe扳rts who板 had si袄milar e隘xperien笆ce in 肮Gambia氨. 拔A third板 proble蔼m in th柏e asses伴sment o案f GDP g吧rowth p稗erforma吧nce in 绊the hig扳her inc啊ome cou矮ntries 唉derives拜 from r邦ecent c矮hanges 班in meas凹urement捌 conven跋tions f案rom 199埃5 onwar埃ds, inv扮olving 伴adoptio半n of he半

40、donic i瓣ndexes 阿to adju邦st for 白assumed芭 change伴s in qu板ality o百f produ八ct, use挨 of cha安in indi盎ces, an拌d treat班ment of拔 consum班er soft啊ware as盎 invest吧ment. 爸Hedonic靶 indice罢s are p坝erfectl哎y respe俺ctable 霸in smal佰l doses背, but o拜ne can 斑be skep皑tical a氨bout th埃e wides澳pread a板ssumpti艾on that百 qual

41、it把y chang阿es have罢 been s坝o large拔 and mo芭notonic摆ally po瓣sitive.奥 In the氨 绊USA捌, where扳 the sw把itch to巴 hedoni按cs was 暗most si靶gnifica胺nt, the巴ir net 暗impact 爸was to 八raise t班he meas板ured ra败te of g爱rowth t靶o a som熬ewhat g佰reater 颁degree 哀than in板 Wester耙n Europ敖e and 埃Japan捌. 瓣US氨 offici办al esti氨

42、mates g肮o back 伴to 1929鞍, and t八he chan板ges in 笆measure绊ment te柏chnique拔 had th拜eir big案gest im半pact fo啊r 1929-凹50, rai绊sing th挨e GDP g艾rowth r拔ate for稗 that p奥eriod f半rom 2.6俺 percen盎t a yea袄r to 3.吧5. Ther盎e was n敖o count拔erpart 暗to this扳 long r阿etrospe拌ctive r俺eadjust拔ment in把 other 霸countri跋es,

43、and办 I have澳 contin八ued to 靶use the疤 earlie把r 哀US暗 offici跋al meas氨ure for背 1929-5半0 (for 胺reasons肮 explai办ned in 癌Maddiso鞍n, 2001稗, p. 13伴8, and 巴Maddiso稗n, 2003叭, pp.79肮-80). M唉ore tha巴n 40 ye按ars ago鞍, Milto般n Gilbe巴rt warn八ed that安 such a盎djustme拌nts cou盎ld open芭 Pandor八as box扮: “In t把he end,摆 th

44、ey w碍ould ma拌ke it i隘mpossib啊le to c霸onstruc懊t measu艾res of 吧output 阿and pri颁ce chan芭ges tha稗t are u斑seful t半o the s疤tudy of伴 econom奥ic grow邦th” (Gi懊lbert, 安1961, p岸. 287).稗 The da邦nger wh懊ich ari靶ses fro颁m an ov奥erdose 哀of hedo斑nics is盎 discus搬sed in 拔Appendi绊x 3.癌Ed Deni版son (19瓣15-1992摆) expre伴ss

45、ed op背positio隘n to ch澳anges i懊n natio按nal acc安ounting吧 which 碍treat a矮ccretio靶ns of k拜nowledg跋e as in哀vestmen安t. He c拜onsider百ed this斑 a “mis败classif佰ication伴” which板 made “疤growth 懊analysi绊s chaot邦ic” (se班e 哀Denison板, 1989,隘 p. 10)疤. A maj俺or just捌ificati唉on for 扳his com芭plaint 挨was tha俺t his g碍row

46、th a奥ccounts奥 includ疤ed “hum唉an capi笆tal”, i矮.e. inc安rements隘 in the柏 qualit版y of th澳e labou肮r force霸 due to蔼 increa袄ses in 斑the lev佰el of e芭ducatio俺n.板In fact班, the o鞍nly for半m of kn疤owledge暗 which 吧is now 八treated巴 as inv板estment敖 is com阿puter s奥oftware耙. It is柏 odd to捌 treat 佰this ra按pidly d胺epre

47、cia吧ting kn熬owledge爸 as inv白estment耙, whils氨t ignor邦ing the白 more d暗urable 鞍influen拌ce of b斑ooks an拔d educa矮tion.版(ii) Pu办rchasin碍g Power伴 Conver吧ters fo翱r Cross隘-countr懊y Compa隘rison o跋f GDP L白evels 爸Once st八andardi摆sed acc八ounts o熬f real 办GDP gro氨wth in 皑nationa袄l curre把ncies h笆ad been捌 establ伴ish

48、ed f俺or all 懊OEEC co靶untries哎, the n拔ext ste斑p to fa碍cilitat板e inter疤-countr跋y compa唉rison a按nd mult爸i-count埃ry aggr敖egation八 was th俺e devel懊opment 敖of purc摆hasing 肮power p矮arity c芭onverte爸rs (PPP氨s) to m胺easure 扒real GD扒P level耙s, rath哀er than碍 relyin鞍g on ex凹change 跋rate co摆mpariso挨n. The 傲first O

49、疤EEC stu阿dy, co-碍authore把d by Mi瓣lton Gi班lbert a背nd Irvi袄ng Krav败is (191霸6-92). 澳appeare柏d in 19摆54, a s捌econd i拜n 1958.摆 They c扳ompared吧 real e绊xpendit捌ure lev啊els in 靶8 OEEC 跋countri半es. A t拜hird vo班lume by凹 Paige 跋and Bom芭bach (1背959) co盎mpared 扒real ou唉tput le岸vels in百 the 鞍UK皑 and 巴USA搬. Kravi皑

50、s and h瓣is coll爸eagues,搬 Alan H版eston a懊nd Robe暗rt Summ奥ers imp懊roved t佰he meth罢odology凹 of PPP伴 estima氨tion in癌 their 爸ICP pro暗ject at安 the 按Univers隘ity败 of 拌Pennsyl瓣vania唉 from 1巴968 onw八ards.颁The OEE办C studi拌es were安 binary爸 compar按isons b隘etween 胺pairs o绊f count凹ries. T半he thre傲e optio白ns were佰

51、i) a P皑aasche 肮PPP, wi败th “own盎-countr奥y” quan蔼tity we隘ights; 霸ii) a L吧aspeyre盎s PPP w拌ith the皑 quanti耙ty weig邦hts of 霸the num半eraire 捌country稗-the Un暗ited St白ates; i氨ii) a c鞍ompromi八se geom癌etric (摆Fisher)板 averag颁e of th斑e first斑 two me扮asures.癌 The co爱rrespon把ding me岸asures 绊of real埃 expend八iture

52、 w班ere: i)皑 Laspey胺res com爸parison哎s of GD艾P level懊s based盎 on the傲 prices癌 (unit 埃values)哀 of the拜 numera按ire cou挨ntry; i跋i) Paas肮che lev阿el comp哎arisons盎 based 胺on “own艾-countr吧y傲”板 prices百 (unit 罢values)稗; iii) 俺a Fishe吧r geome佰tric av阿erage o佰f the t柏wo meas百ures. B搬inary c颁omparis背ons, e.安g. Ge

53、rm暗any/USA版 and UK袄/USA, c版ould th熬en be l暗inked w罢ith the吧 巴USA版 as the傲 star c矮ountry.啊 Such s邦tar com稗parison俺s could笆 provid拌e a pro矮xy Germ爸any/UK 胺compari袄son, bu肮t it wa摆s not “胺transit扒ive” (i案.e. the败 result岸 would 班not be 伴identic啊al to t懊hat der埃ived fr挨om a di蔼rect Ge笆rmany/U罢K compa奥ris

54、on).八 This w疤as not 背a great唉 drawba皑ck for 绊OEEC co斑untries安 where 昂the int叭er-coun邦try dev笆iation 佰in perf颁ormance奥 levels按 was no案t too w背ide. Bu伴t Kravi八s, Hest班on and 班Summers安 were e吧ngaged 耙in comp绊arisons翱 over a伴 much w俺ider ra案nge of 岸per cap氨ita inc挨ome. Th坝ey ther背efore a癌dopted 笆the Gea

55、柏ry-Kham肮is meth霸od, inv扳ented b胺y Roy G癌eary (1绊896-198斑3) and 懊Salem K扮hamis, 翱which m凹ultilat岸eralise凹d the r袄esults,佰 provid百ed tran唉sitivit笆y and o霸ther de笆sirable稗 proper袄ties. T把hey use把d it in吧 conjun奥ction w捌ith the拜 commod办ity pro耙duct du按mmy met稗hod (CP吧D), inv霸ented b袄y Rober霸t Summe按rs,

56、 for板 fillin盎g holes板 in the埃 basic 袄dataset熬. Their背 master八piece w败as thei摆r third败 study,邦 the 19背82 volu岸me Worl俺d Produ版ct and 挨Income,凹 which 柏contain案ed esti哀mates f碍or 34 c懊ountrie般s (in A扳frica, 般the 暗America翱s扮, Asia 阿and 唉Europe艾) in 19百75 pric柏es and 盎interna拜tional 笆Geary-K拔hamis d蔼olla

57、rs.癌 These 伴countri柏es acco爸unted f板or 64 p肮er cent跋 of wor斑ld GDP 版in 2001耙.熬Table 1拜 Nature岸 of PPP笆 Conver霸ters to邦 Estima熬te GDP 靶Levels 盎in the 昂Benchma阿rk Year背 1990芭(billio皑n 1990 俺Geary-K敖hamis d袄ollars 懊and num摆ber of 把countri矮es)绊Europe 蔼& Latin扳 Asia 般Africa啊 World奥W. Offs熬hoots 班America熬

58、 啊ICP 15,癌273 (28癌) 2,131鞍 (18) 8班,017 (2巴4) 0 (0懊) 25,42爸1 (70)爱PWT 59 艾(3) 71 碍(14) 52皑4 (16) 蔼891 (51瓣) 1,516碍 (84)板Proxies胺 16 (10搬) 38 (1澳5) 87 (爸17) 14 扳(6) 155邦 (48)啊Total 1耙5,349 (安41) 2,2扒40 (47)隘 8,628 背(57) 90袄5 (57) 颁27,122(爸202)昂Source:跋 Maddis癌on (200岸3), p. 隘230岸The UN 败Statist蔼ical O

59、f哎fice ex疤tended 唉the ICP胺 work a斑nd had 哀covered蔼 84 cou癌ntries 跋by 1985阿. UNSO 柏then dr斑opped t奥his end哎eavour,敖 though扳 some o袄f the r碍egional按 UN bod皑ies con吧tinued 傲with it坝. The O绊ECD rec搬ommence矮d its c稗omparis八ons on 埃a regul翱ar basi爸s in 19把82. Its百 latest柏 work c氨overed 半the 28 癌OECD co巴un

60、tries拜 and 20绊 others柏 (in Ea扳stern E昂urope, 叭the 15 哀success扳or stat扒es of t碍he 挨USSR版, and 熬Mongoli罢a扮). Alan捌 Heston扳 and Ro岸bert Su叭mmers p爱roduce 般short-h巴and est哎imates 扳of PPPs半 and re伴al inco笆me leve稗ls for 把countri伴es for 氨which f袄ull-sca柏le ICP 拜type me搬asures 矮are not巴 availa凹ble. As白 a r


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