1、按会计术语英汉对霸照表初级会计 艾初级会把计盎 盎会计术语名称哀英文名敖称袄 拔(叭checkin肮g靶)芭 般(扮corresp隘onding 矮account半s皑)背 按(败Period疤ic chec芭king me霸tho跋d爸)岸 扳(懊periodi稗c inven案tory sy八ste颁m稗)班 肮(扒bound b颁oo巴k捌)笆 胺(隘adjustm鞍ent acc吧ount奥s叭)霸 败(白adjusti爱ng jour笆nal ent霸r吧y碍)佰 败(白single 胺account蔼 title 霸vouche稗r白)办 耙(罢single奥-entry 暗boo
2、kkee疤pin斑g鞍)拜 半(安Seconda皑ry acco阿unt办s凹)挨 扮(盎costing耙 accoun哎t绊s巴)凹 稗(稗physica拔l inven哀tor败y把)稗 罢(佰bookkee绊pin埃g熬)氨 爱(靶n版on-peri扒odic ch昂ecking 阿metho耙d傲)肮 艾(哀correct懊ion by 佰extre r摆ecordin罢g罢)氨 隘(班off-bal爱ance sh奥eet acc板ount傲s唉)安 哎(伴provisi邦on acco般unt般s版)般 澳(矮provisi佰on and 半adjunc半t accou半nt坝s巴
3、)凹 袄(靶)案 搬(安book of蔼 chrono凹logical埃 entr般y奥)哀 般(搬single-俺record 版documen班t昂)扮 靶(案deposit鞍 拜journa挨l靶)捌 办(半perpetu捌a氨l inven艾tory sy扒ste癌m爱)肮 啊(拜source 百documen稗t搬)拔 阿(爱suspens癌e accou败nt摆s叭)颁 傲(笆increas暗e-decre皑ase boo蔼kkeepin柏g败)败 绊(板account瓣s for s爸ettleme癌nt of c扒lai癌m傲)笆 败(捌acc哀ounts f皑or sett芭
4、lement 唉of clai俺m and d熬eb办t盎)啊 稗(凹account傲s for s胺ettleme懊nt of d隘eb懊t挨)疤 疤(傲accoun安t癌)阿 昂(霸Account俺 numbe爸r傲)挨 笆(霸debit-c氨redit r拜elation佰shi败p坝)伴 板(拜adjustm稗ent of 阿accoun埃t按)白 哀(跋special暗-purpos扳e vouch哎e伴r绊)扒 隘(扳reversi八ng entr蔼y拌)半 胺(拌account般s of so碍urces o懊f fund板s稗)霸 笆(霸balance扮 sheet 耙acco
5、unt安s奥)柏 澳(巴transfe爸r vouch霸e懊r皑)背 霸(般account搬s of ap疤plicati盎ons of 哎fund搬s隘)拜 耙(跋in爱ternal 芭source 挨documen盎t扳)爸 扳(扒general暗 ledge鞍r办)瓣 班(半general疤 accoun瓣t熬)鞍 爸(阿adjunct鞍 accoun耙t艾s扮)爸 颁(捌payment敖 vouche叭r皑)把 把(疤ledge班r疤)拜 耙(凹bookkee岸ping pr隘ocedure敖 using 百columna百r jour搬na吧l扳)唉 邦(埃closing板 acco
6、un啊t傲)爸 扒(澳closing般 entr柏y爸)稗 胺(摆debit-c傲redit b百ookkeep靶in奥g八)绊 板(案partial癌 ch扒ec肮k搬)翱 昂(败card bo啊o暗k懊)爱 蔼(拜inter-p斑eriod a搬llocati把on acco凹unt皑s傲)背 蔼(胺multipl岸e-recor八d docum凹en把t拜)般 板(俺compoun唉d boo八k稗)霸 按(把subsidi蔼ary led佰ge败r笆)皑 盎(蔼subsidi邦ary acc碍oun白t般)澳 八(邦invento岸ry笆 accoun半t跋s癌)按 把(昂parall
7、e扮l recor跋din败g拜)板 背(疤complet败e chec暗k氨)俺 瓣(袄combino板d journ艾al and 爸ledge唉r颁)扳 绊(疤bookkee靶ping pr隘ocedur八e using板 summar半ized jo碍urna巴l隘)瓣 瓣(摆triple-笆entry b背ookkeep背in霸g疤)扮 拔(安real ac拌count捌s靶)扳 按(奥)凹 把(拔trial b袄alancin熬g暗)笆 哎(唉receipt澳s-payme半nt book懊keepin隘g跋)半 板(爱re懊ceipt v罢ouche斑r百)靶 岸(澳income
8、 盎stateme巴nt acco半unt奥s艾)哀 爱(盎general罢 purpos案e vouch澳e靶r拔)盎 疤(拜bookkee捌ping 稗procedu皑re usin班g gener傲al jour百na半l肮)巴 懊(熬source 按documen伴t from 拌outsid懊e鞍)板 扒(胺cash jo啊urna芭l半)蔼 袄(稗nominal啊 accoun凹t颁s颁)肮 胺(芭cumulat芭ive sou扒rce doc凹umen安t八)暗 氨(爸bookkee罢ping pr拌ocedure哀 拔using s斑ummary 班ovcher芭s霸)挨 案(
9、癌working俺 pape安r安)伴 艾(背mvltipl捌e accou懊nt titl俺es vouc办he皑r俺)罢 唉(碍Double 伴e斑ntry bo奥okkeepi疤n氨g罢)靶 氨(背)案 挨(爱correct颁ion by 班drawing罢 a stra隘ight li半n俺g拌)扒 搬(昂cumulat敖ive sou安rce doc搬umen哎t癌)肮 白(奥account绊ing doc坝ument搬s邦)氨 傲(按)蔼 皑(蔼account瓣 titl艾e哎)啊 邦(矮correct爸ion 稗by usin挨g red i啊n板k昂)爱 疤(巴bookkee靶
10、ping pr叭ocedure癌s凹)巴 袄(啊postin哀g暗)扳 翱(傲account唉ing ent暗r搬y半)颁 霸(绊accoun背ting cy熬cl拌e癌)般 爸(肮Book 懊of acco拜unt昂s叭)拌 坝(把loose-l跋eaf boo唉k傲)罢 白(癌clearin般g accou版nt俺s芭)颁 胺(敖matchin邦g accou败nt哎s翱)肮 办(八bookkee癌ping me邦thod霸s板)案 柏(霸recordi叭ng rule叭s挨)霸 罢(佰vouche笆r鞍)摆 盎(岸B扮ookkeep笆ing pro埃ced ure版using v翱ouc
11、her笆s稗)芭 白(哀bookkee扒ping pr哀ocedure败 using 班categor熬ized ac阿count s哀u稗mmar拔y澳)吧 绊(袄simple 鞍ent熬r摆y傲)氨 拜(拔settlem笆ent acc哀ount肮s颁)蔼 坝E8%A1%A办8&actio巴n=edit&隘section蔼=2中级会计 耙中级会邦计拌 澳会计术语名称耙英文名岸称安 瓣Period 靶Expense矮 凹recogni爸tion of拔 revenu百e 熬corpora隘te霸 bond i拜ssuing 袄price 霸depreci碍ation o绊f fixed昂 a
12、ssets皑 案convert扒ible bo盎nds 暗acceler扒ated de矮preciat霸ion met安hods 暗net non坝-operat矮ing inc搬ome and芭 暗expendi叭ture 搬interes唉t rate 哎on debe搬nture 耙assignm摆ent of 耙account霸s recei斑vable 霸debentu皑re百 bonds 懊last-in扒,fir艾st-out,拌LIFO 蔼Other m绊onetary扳 assets半 扒discoun袄t on no绊tes pay摆able 拔first-i版n,fir
13、st傲-ou哀t芭缩澳写捌FIFO 巴constru伴ctions 阿in proc坝ess 埃与爸improve败ments a柏nd r背eplacem敖ents of碍 fixed 暗assets 跋periodi捌c inven巴tory sy叭stem 碍all-inc背lusive 笆concept扳 of inc啊ome蔼 霸Income 般stateme八nt appr吧oach 凹net rea凹lizable跋 value 肮Accrued疤 welfar鞍ism 坝additio芭ns of f矮ixed as败sets 邦旧邦sale or芭 factor稗ing of
14、 爱account芭s recei拔vable 拌cont案ingent 绊liabili傲ty 唉sales r凹eturns 板and all背owances伴 凹retail 跋method 捌cash di跋scount 翱bonds p吧ayable 熬sale me摆thod 搬notes p爸ayable 斑stock r啊ights 般repairs癌 and ma敖intenan伴ce of f澳ixed as碍sets 八mortgag八e bonds靶 笆selling佰 expens霸es 巴dividen皑ds paya隘ble 八旧凹notes r罢eceivab败
15、le 捌intangi颁ble ass扒ets 疤collect袄ion met摆hod 蔼income 邦tax 叭current皑 般liabili靶ties 隘product澳ion met绊hod 搬retirem八ent and熬 replac笆ement m按ethod 班invento暗ry meth碍od 把current半 asse笆ts 奥purchas案es disc唉ounts 隘goodwil扳l 笆account捌s recei啊vabl把e 摆investm白ent inc半ome 蔼operati搬ng inco笆me 背capital百 stock 白旧唉re
16、dempt稗ion of 艾bonds澳 般bad deb背ts 鞍revalua颁tions o氨f fixed碍 assets埃 哎cash in安 bank 斑fixed a半ssets 白profit 捌distrib斑ution 捌a罢ccrued 稗expense柏 按tradema瓣rks and叭 traden扒ames 颁net inc班om巴e 懊profit 白payable摆 斑Undistr唉ibuted 癌profits岸 背income 扳bonds 傲Cash an阿d cash 斑equival跋ents案 版capital案ization岸 of int碍e
17、rests 盎Statuto佰ry welf瓣are res佰erve 氨enginee阿r mater懊ial 罢advance邦 to sup埃plier 佰other r艾eceivab胺les 岸cash 败Advance爱 Receiv扒ed from肮 Custom俺ers 啊corpora版te bond半 floata办tion 扒wages p办ayable 背paid-in蔼 capita翱l 盎surplus唉 reserv坝es 翱Managem蔼ent Fe板e扳敖Managem耙ent Fee安s 奥dividen暗d 皑negativ唉e goodw哎ill 疤r
18、ecogni颁tion of疤 expens矮e 百tempora巴ry inve肮stment 笆Short-t邦erm Bor伴rowing 板deferre瓣d charg凹es 袄Low-val安ue cons拌umption挨 goods/颁Low val稗ue cons瓣umbles 澳current翱 operat吧ing con唉cept of昂 inco伴me 敖旧昂effects拌 of inv皑entory 鞍errors 扮旧稗depreci板ation 耙depreci傲ation m板ethod 懊depreci班ation r扳ate 艾payment瓣 白str
19、aigh凹t-line 岸旧奥旧半patents办 八housing盎 fund 扳replace笆ment co安sting 爸旧隘旧捌know-ho班w 爱franchi凹ses 吧capital鞍 reserv板es 扳旧澳natural鞍 resou哀rces 哀invento哎ry 哎旧俺sinking敖 fund 斑long-te皑rm paya氨bles 熬long-te绊rm inve稗stments捌 巴long-te颁rm liab奥ility o扒f long-办term de俺bt 哎financi班ng expe白nses 胺appropr半iated r哎etain
20、ed靶 earnin鞍gs 俺standar半d costi霸ng 岸variabl昂e costi傲ng 扳Wrappag叭e 板copyrig熬hts 高级会计 案高级会邦计版 啊会计术语名称氨英文名挨称奥 癌indepen般dent di袄rector 稗Market 熬Value A安dded,MV癌A 翱Investm暗ent Cen霸ter 板Profit 翱Center翱 疤Discret半ionary 奥Expense背 Center扒s 哎revenue疤 center碍 傲preacqu版isition白 income芭 版cash di疤stribut耙ion pla跋n
21、 阿safe pa翱yments 白schedul暗e 爱market 扳of futu安res tra鞍nsactio背n 芭futures拔 transa懊ction 扮leverag哎ed leas拜e 翱financi叭al inst懊ruments癌 凹busine疤ss qrou版p 扒ann岸ual rep芭ort 佰transac坝tions b柏etween 俺home of碍fice an半d branc艾hes 柏partner背ship en稗terpris安e 胺consoli版dated b熬alance 啊sheet 蔼 稗(跋美稗)哀account邦ing fo
22、r拜 income斑 taxes 袄of cons案olidate哀d entit拔ies 癌consoli俺dated s拌tatemen昂t of ca爸sh flow俺 靶cost-bo唉ok valu按e diffe般re笆ntials 背consoli俺dated f扳inancia斑l state捌ments 皑purchas鞍e methe唉d 拔the val绊ue of a皑n enter皑prise a耙s a who哎le 颁pooling傲 of int白erest m盎ethod 摆 芭(敖美疤)澳intrape疤riod ta吧x alloc巴ation 埃unre
23、ali埃zed pro般fit in 扮ending 芭invento哀ry 盎interco肮mpany t般ransact败ions in昂 long-t肮erm ass背et百s 拔maintai矮ning ca澳pital i伴n units爸 of mon靶ey 扮the fun盎d theor敖y 奥(美)柏functio背nal cur蔼rency 俺exchang败e gains艾 or los百ses 唉consoli靶dated s氨ta鞍tement 摆of chan邦ges in 八financi白al poit昂ion 啊transla岸tion ga绊ins or
24、翱losses 半(美)癌Leverag班ed buyo斑uts败,安简疤称巴LBC 摆change 捌in owne拔rshi败p perce哀ntage h邦eld by 熬parent 挨(美)皑recipro巴cal all般ocation啊 approa盎ch 拜monetar碍y items奥 柏partner捌ship li板quidati凹on 版acquisi唉tion of翱 majori鞍t唉y inter颁est 扒tariff 办units o扒f nomin澳al curr巴ency 蔼recordi半ng curr敖ency 芭operati百ng leas办e
25、扒current摆/noncur艾rent me俺thod 翱economi佰c incom巴e 伴trustee百 accoun矮ting 扮combine版d finan稗cial st袄ate-men吧ts 皑equity 昂method 柏home of白fice-br白anch ex稗pense a案llocati暗on 跋monetar爱y/no mo邦netary 邦interes把t rate 扒futrues哎 transa颁ction 肮simple 澳equity 捌method 百exchang癌e rate 案parent 安company佰 凹b暗onus pr搬o
26、cedure盎 绊(美)靶treasur罢y stock碍 approa邦ch 般service挨 factor哎 疤actuari拜e瓣s霸板report 绊compreh肮ensive 佰allocat澳ion 瓣expense皑s relat霸ed to c昂ombinat版ions 捌indirec办t quota埃tion 爱buying 拜rate 办futrues版 contra拔ct 懊conglom绊eration绊 啊holding佰 compan盎y 背stock i按nd瓣ex futr啊ues 蔼cro拜sswise 懊sale 吧fixed r搬ate 岸tax e
27、ff巴ect met八hod 盎recordi拌ng rate背 暗horizon把tal int扒egratio澳n 鞍preacqu鞍isition半 divide埃nds 芭net rea扮lizable般 安account盎ing for办 busine白ss comb拌ination绊 肮offset 佰gain an百d loss 坝selling埃 rate 氨financi搬al futu盎res tr氨ansacti盎on 氨acco半unting 澳income 吧consoli耙dated i绊ncome s拔tatemen扮t 扳fair va扒lue 柏options
28、唉 佰indirec搬t holdi唉ng 斑two-tra绊nsactio皑n opini袄on 氨bankrup疤cy liqu矮idation氨 暗busines疤s combi盎nation 艾the ent班erprise案 theory靶 瓣consign袄ment 摆equity 安theory 坝financi暗ng l败ease 岸futrues啊 f扮or comm背odity 吧goodwil捌l proce隘dure 俺maintai俺ning ca按pital i案n terms扒 of pro罢ductive阿 capaci艾ty 靶premium八 板minori
29、t摆y inter扮est inc哀ome 奥minorit盎y stock柏holde盎r敖肮s inter凹est 哎listed 盎company捌 statme艾nt 哀the res癌idual e拜quity t扒heory 哀tempora办l metho瓣d稗 八entity 鞍theory柏 背the ent癌ity the靶ory 巴(美)爱trustee拌 霸specifi耙c chang翱e 霸income 拜tax acc笆ounting板 捌interqe半riod ta霸x alloc拔ation 背tax acc哀ounting矮 懊sale-le盎asebac
30、k八 矮persona捌l incom搬e tax 艾(美)埃persona搬l finan矮cial st罢ate-men败ts 爸(美)按reorgan百ization班 plan 奥r矮eorgani凹zation 白complex颁 equity拜 method暗 啊associa办ted com鞍pany 吧dividen澳d 背floatin矮g rate 氨account把ing for半 branch捌 拜constru皑ctive g爱ains an爸d losse岸s on bo啊nds 吧constru办ctive r坝etireme阿nt 扒spculat挨ion 颁d
31、iscoun皑t 靶specifi袄c price颁 index 盎branch 白install俺me扳nt sale柏s 捌install板ment li俺quidati坝on 罢se把gmental坝 report白ing 傲real es板tate re霸venue 澳cost of班 real s捌etate 罢multipl挨y excha爱nge rat巴e 艾net inv爱estment扮 in for蔼eign en俺tities 跋units o拌f measu芭rement 袄deffere佰d metho罢d 稗contemp俺orary t艾heory 肮singa
32、l 绊method 澳pension耙 plan 肮(美)阿account翱ing for哀 pensio把n plan 案(美)耙pension唉 benefi隘t oblig板ations 哎(美)案net per奥iodic p扳ension 袄cost 挨(美)班pension癌 plan a靶ssets 巴accoung袄 for ci哀rculati芭n tax 皑(美)坝assignm吧ent of 岸partner版ship in绊terest 蔼purchas扳ing pow扒er gain叭s or lo耙osses 拔nonm奥onetary板 items 靶(癌美般)胺
33、one-lin翱e conso绊lidatio肮n 拌foreign暗 exchan八ge 隘foreign隘 curren颁cy stat绊ements 伴foreign敖 curenc爱y trans吧lation 板risk 矮recordi奥ng-curr邦ency me哎thod 阿hedge 巴foreign矮 curenc懊y inves八tment r敖isk 芭foreign板 curren巴cy asse百ts risk拔 疤transla胺tion of啊 for癌eign cu艾rrency 氨sta背tements败 澳foreign罢 curren案cy exch绊
34、ange ri柏sk 罢foreign绊 curren坝cy comm澳itment 奥foreign靶 cruren熬cy liab半ility r败isk 办foreing奥n curre办ncy hol拔ding ri绊sk 鞍origina白l-curre邦ncy met碍hod 百foreign邦 curren傲cy 暗foreign阿 curren肮cy tran板saction奥 伴merger 柏acco摆unting 爱for pri百ce 奥changes稗 背insolve皑ncy 拌full co跋nsolida扒tion 把price i绊ndex 板price c叭
35、hanges 耙full ac埃crual m盎ethod 哎general白 price 鞍index 爸foreign扮 exchan稗ge frtr阿ues tra拔nsactio蔼n 摆(美)罢push-do拜wn acco阿unting 爱transla靶tion-re埃measure叭ment me霸thod 班/百 俺current稗 c翱ost/gen罢eral pu办rchasin盎g power暗 accoun般tin 扒crurent斑 cost 爸current般 cost a皑ccounti颁ng 颁remeasu霸rement-板transla拔tion me搬th
36、od 翱sales a白gency 敖mutual 阿holding般s 柏reconci拌liation拔 of hom芭e of暗fice an瓣d branc摆h accou绊nts 安upstrea耙m sale 芭derivat皑ive fin凹ancial 半instru斑-ments 皑sales-t疤ype fin俺ancing 鞍lease 瓣downstr版eam sal隘e 邦consume瓣r tax 半one-tra爱nsactio瓣n opini扳on 啊the pro傲prietor阿ship th昂eory 澳general半 price 邦level a绊cc
37、ounti俺ng 捌units o艾f gener跋al氨 purcha拜sing po吧wer 般maintai芭ning ca霸pital i隘n units拜 of gen安eral pu版rchasin扮g pow把er 般stamp t佰ax 斑taxes p挨ayable 扒method 靶operati翱ng loss办 carryb傲acks an八d carry懊forward办s 斑receiva百bles of败r payab笆les den癌ominate翱d in fo柏reign c稗urrency搬 皑lump-su肮m qartn芭ership 摆liquida
38、靶tio版n 柏husines办s tax 罢permane败nt diff傲erence 扒retirem袄ent of 岸initial拔 partne疤r 叭histori艾cal cos半t 安forward哀 rate 拜timing 坝differe班nce 癌tempora班ry diff板erence 罢value a霸dded st般atement爱 颁committ挨ee repr佰esentat拌ion 拔debt re败structu俺rings 板recorde扒d rate 鞍direc啊t finan般cing le扒ase 俺direct 挨quotati百on
39、 拌direct 案holding吧s 翱middle 碍rate 巴interim坝 report暗ing 绊replace办ment co哀st 吧subleas跋es 邦(美)皑quasi-r败eorbgan板ization稗 笆capital搬 mainte拜nance 摆capital碍ized va傲lue 跋asset/l耙ibility罢 method敖 班consoli翱dation 靶account巴ing for搬 leases挨-lessor澳 霸/胺(叭产损半益版)稗holding捌 gains 癌losses 绊opsitio背n gain 斑and岸 loss 皑
40、account按ing for绊 leases百-leasee版 皑cost re百covery 俺m办ethod 班Vertica爱l integ艾ration 挨general耙 change百 办change 稗in owne伴rship o吧f a sub岸sidiary隘 瓣subsidi拌ary com熬pany 班resourc暗es tax 百cost me癌thod 挨(美)半fiducia版ry acco耙unting 白propert熬y tax 傲partial版 alloc败ation 跋unconso皑lidated凹 subsid疤iaries 颁(美)叭leas
41、es 佰rents 阿off-bal巴ance-sh白eet fin拜ancing 哎(美)板proport拜ionate 吧consoli案dtion 叭deposit阿 method氨 哎A7%E8%A柏1%A8&ac稗tion=ed埃it§稗ion=4成本会计 背成本会埃计搬 案会计术语名称捌英文罢名笆称般 埃direct 奥labor v安ariance暗 百direct 拜materia爱l varia版nce 碍accumul版ation p皑rocess 鞍of proc搬luction爱 cost 霸manufac皑turing 按expense巴s varia碍nce
42、 败与爸actual 碍cost an唉d estim蔼ated蔼 cost 巴salary 翱costs a哎llocati按on 暗cost cu挨rve 岸ori疤ginal c捌ost and埃 replac隘ement c哎ost 八与跋direct 斑cost an笆d indir版ect cos艾t 伴control阿lable c挨ost 哎manufac懊turing 板expense霸s alloc耙ation 败与艾theory 矮cost an凹d pract伴ice cos板t 癌procedu坝re of c敖ost con岸trol 般c拌ost ent矮ry,
43、cos巴t recor蔼der cos碍t agend翱a 柏job cos案ting me把th白od 盎direct 安labor v稗ariance半 矮cost co埃ntrol m八ethod 败与背histori蔼cal cos吧t and f傲uture c把ost 叭与啊avoidab袄le cost凹 and un白avoidab岸le cost隘 吧cost pe隘riod 拜与扮avorage扒 cost a芭nd indi耙vidual 艾cost 绊society稗 c啊ost 皑spoliag班e and d凹efectiv艾e work 暗losses 白与矮un
44、it co蔼st and 靶total c啊ost 阿cost tr靶ansfer 挨total c板ost con柏trol 坝cost of半 mercha唉ndise s蔼old 氨price v盎ariance碍 哀holding啊 cost o奥r carry笆ing cos胺t 百与般expired佰 cost a按nd unex八-pired 唉cost 澳与拔relevan皑t co白st and 霸irrelev邦ant cos暗t 板factor 胺analysi败s appro爸ach 唉ta叭rget co拔st 盎group c跋osting 岸method 半nor
45、m co奥st 颁inter-p挨eriod e耙xpenses把 alloca熬tion 翱planned搬 cost 笆fuel ex案penses 靶allocat皑ion 隘norm co板st cont版rol sys拔tem 哎managem把ent nor按m 捌与傲deferra瓣ble cos跋t 扒and und哎eferrab颁le cost熬 搬standar瓣d of co瓣st cont半rol 肮by-蔼product摆 costin蔼g 搬respons安ibility敖 cost 扳product蔼ion cos氨t 绊predict背ed cost肮 柏co
46、st st安ructure熬 背与笆prime c霸osts an扳d proce肮ssing c百osts 肮cost of哀 decisi挨on maki板ng 懊categor蔼y costi挨ng meth矮od 斑work-i爱n-proce澳ss cost版 斑factory隘 cost 拔cost as澳sess 袄manufac懊truing 办expense叭s 板power e哎xpenses坝 alloca半tion 安trend a敖nalysis癌 approa哀ch 癌simple 把costing俺 method奥 安levels 唉of resp板onsibil
47、跋ity cos碍t 爸compara皑tive an拜alysis 哀approac挨h 隘equival扳ent uni板ts meth办od 按origina懊l recor鞍d 按general翱 produc凹t cost 氨analysi傲s 背budgete安d co跋sts 埃cost of俺 goods 安sold 坝loss on阿 work s扮toppage白 跋graded 耙product哎 costin扳g 版composi澳te expe凹nses al熬locatio瓣n 暗absorpt肮ion cos罢t 拌merchan拌dise pr埃ocureme鞍
48、nt cost爸 阿cost ex绊amming 瓣target 百increma暗ntal co阿st 啊cost co拌ntrol 啊cost fl哀o坝w 鞍interna哀l cost 哎stateme搬nt 埃costing昂 method罢 把costing疤 object拜ive 板costing叭 unit 拜cost pl哎an 半cost ac百countin捌g 斑princip八le of c盎osting 拜cost ac蔼countin盎g qroce隘dures 把costing啊 accoun伴t 凹co拔sting 胺cost ac跋cumulat百ion 耙
49、cost ma盎nagemen案t 跋cost an搬alysis 敖ocst al跋locatio癌n 岸cost le爱dger 奥cost ad案justmen凹t 办cost va癌riance 背costing稗 report暗 绊cost 皑worksho罢p cost 岸interna昂l busin瓣ess acc扒ounting扳 system案 奥interna澳l settl柏ement p罢rices 百pr拔oduct l安ife cyc埃le cost扳 败the pla扳n of pr矮oduct c罢osts矮 把product隘 cost 盎finishe扳d
50、 produ邦ct cost伴 搬与败financi凹al cost斑 and ma敖negemen挨t cost 背uncontr鞍ollable伴 cost 般standar暗d cost 版control艾 system吧 罢standar伴d cost 暗ration 吧analysi般s appor百ach 俺reporti笆ng cos氨t 艾semi-fi颁nished 蔼product蔼 cost 败w/index哀.php?ti暗tle=%E4稗%BC%9A%斑E8%AE%A碍1%E6%9C翱%AF%E8%碍AF%AD%E笆8%8B%B1跋%E6%B1%背89%E5%A昂F%
51、B9%E7霸%85%A7%耙E8%A1%A啊8&actio阿n=edit&碍section癌=5管理会计 爸管理会伴计伴 伴会计术语名称邦英文名癌称叭 盎politic把al risk澳 哀reinvoi唉cing ce罢nter 版special稗 method背s of mo氨dern ma跋nagemen埃t accou癌nting 唉modern 拌manag吧ement a扳ccounti背ng 芭与案Leads a矮nd Lags巴 罢fees an俺d royal搬ties 坝the cos靶t of ca肮pital f岸or fore啊ign lnu把ertment扒s 哎m
52、ultina昂tional 案working翱 capita胺l manag稗ement 阿multina瓣tional 爱perform艾ance ev懊aluatio稗n 哀manag艾ing tra邦nsactio凹n expos矮ure 八managin埃g trans颁lation 稗exposur袄e 皑foreign班 projec碍t appra般isal 癌foreign捌 projec跋t appra啊isal 背interna敖tional 把invento岸ry mana败gement 八dividen把d kemit跋tances 案interco般mpany l鞍o
53、ans 敖repatri办ating b奥locked 埃funds 版maintai伴ning th芭e value叭 o肮f block癌ed fund斑s 按adjuste靶d net p佰resent 八value 企业财务会计 叭企业财务会俺计懊 安会计术语名称办英文名隘称哎 挨MBO 奥CFO 稗bus傲iness f罢inance 翱future 敖market 瓣negotia鞍ble CDm疤arket八 啊money m疤arket 扮gold ma蔼rket 白company背 limite啊d by sh斑ares 隘limited啊 pactne哀rship 佰com
54、pany板 碍securit败y secon败dary ma板rket 绊sole pr埃oprieto熬rship 熬over-th唉e -coun癌ter-mar斑ket 翱accepta柏nce mar八ket 癌lending办 market盎 靶financi爸al regu熬lations瓣 矮financi靶al p鞍olicy 扒financi澳al fore疤cast 癌financi敖al cont俺rol 巴financi颁al mark办et 阿financi八al deci伴sion 吧financi碍al cupe俺rvision靶 澳financi矮al plan
55、安ning 凹financi佰al acti瓣vities 哀organiz绊ation o摆f finan霸cial ma耙nagemen哀t 爸securit艾y prima隘ry mark搬et 疤company瓣 of unl把imited 耙lia碍bility 蔼foreign背 exchan懊ge mark佰et 斑dixcoun邦t marke吧t 拜forms o版f enter敖prise o肮rganiza般tion 翱the fun爸ctions 佰of fina芭neial m澳anageme颁nt 矮the pri坝nciple 跋of fina板ncial m敖a
56、nageme鞍nt 板the con板tent of稗 financ熬ial m埃anageme版nt 扒financi绊al mana安gement 耙objecti邦ves 班stock澳 exchan柏ge 胺securit熬ies mar安ket 熬capital盎 market稗 爸company摆 of lim绊ited li肮ability皑 巴the cyc傲le of f俺inancia扒l manag瓣emten 按objects板 of fin班ancial 艾managem爸ent 阿financi靶al mana扒gment 熬financi澳al anal邦ysis
57、 哎A1%E6%9叭C%AF%E8耙%AF%AD%伴E8%8B%B肮1%E6%B1捌%89%E5%翱AF%B9%E白7%85%A7班%E8%A1%罢A8&acti白on=edit碍§io哀n=7会计总论 扮会计总八论暗 绊会计术语名称板英文名胺称败 搬matchin碍g 挨account暗ing of 按tourins哀m and s唉ervice 坝busines唉s accou巴nting 翱ac瓣crual b皑asis 胺realiza霸tion pr氨inciple佰 佰pringci疤ple of跋 histor拌ical co盎st 哀account拜ing of 般en
58、terpr背ises wi版th fore班ign inv岸estment稗 哀all-pur把pose fi霸nancial伴 statem拜ents 奥account爸ing of 搬rail wa八y trans扮portati跋on ente叭rprises靶 瓣owners 绊equity 唉owners 挨equity 靶subs版tance o挨ver for坝m 奥informa肮tion sy柏stem pe颁rspecti耙ve 班relevan挨ce 暗micro-a熬ccounti胺ng 班objecti氨vity 板compara邦bility 胺prudenc爱e
59、白account碍ing of 靶constru罢ction u稗nits 稗recordi敖ng curr懊ency 凹measure班ment at昂tribute版s 搬timelin拜ess 扒monetar版y measu斑remen敖t 半account唉ing sta艾ndards 疤account霸ing ent案ity 把accoun胺ting pr笆ofessio肮nal eth白ics 拜functio癌ns of a懊ccounti版ng 邦account案ing ele拜ments 摆account澳ing 瓣account扒ing inf隘ormatio拌n 笆ta
60、rgets澳 of acc俺ounting癌 activi懊ties 伴account奥ing per拌sonnels疤 盎account皑ing r百ecognit叭ion 挨account啊ing obj捌ective 伴account熬ing c捌ontrol 版account背ing dec爱ision m哀aking 笆account啊ing sup跋ervisio柏n 拔account碍ing ass凹umption翱 阿account拔ing rec绊ords 俺account肮ing mea疤suremen板t 隘account熬ing dep邦artment斑 罢accoun
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