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1、七年级英语情景对话类专项练习题姓名:学校名称:班级:学号:.情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。Hi, Han Mei. 11V m in Class Three, Grade Seven.Oh, I have a good friend in your class.12Yes, she is. She has a round face.Does she have long black hair?13 She has short black hair.Does she have big eyes?1415She comes from Shanghai.Is she Zhang

2、 Hong?A: Yes, you are right.Who is she?What class are youin?Where is she from?No, she doesn, t.Is your friend agirl?Where is he from?G. Yes, she does.情景交际。从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。Jane: Hello?Li Ming: Hello! May I speak to Jane, please?Jane: Yes. 11 Who s speaking?Li Ming: This is Li Ming. Are you free

3、 tomorrow morning?Jane: Yes. 12Li Ming: We want to visit Miss Zhang. 13Jane: Oh, I d love to.Li Ming: Let s meet at school. 14Jane: OK! 15Li Ming: See you.This is Jane.How are you?Would you like to go with us?Im sorry I can t. I have to look after my grandparents.Please don t forget to bring some fo

4、od.See you tomorrow.What? s up?.情景交际。从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。Excuse me, 11Sorry, I don t know. You can ask Dick.A:12Excuse me, can you tell me the time, Dick?13It s time to go home. Let s go.A: OK. How about going fishing tomorrow?C:14How about this Sunday?A: All right. What time would you like to mee

5、t?C:15OK?A: OK! See you later.C: See you.what time do you go home?Im afraid I have no time.It s 6:40.At about 8:00 o clock.what time is it, please?Thank you all the same.Do you have a watch?15.根据情景和首字母提示写出单词,补全对话,每空一词。Did you r(51) the story about Goldilocks?Yes. I like the story. What a(52) you?I l

6、ike it, too.What do you think of the girl c(53) Goldilocks?She was very naughty.Why do you say that?She went into the house when no one was in.She k(54) on the door first.But no one answered. You can t w(55) into a house when there? s no one init.Yes, but she was 1(56) and hungry.She finished all th

7、e food in the little b(57). She also d(58) the smallest chair. When the bears returned, the Baby Bear was u(59).Were the bears angry?Sorry, I don, t know. But the girl jumped up and h(60) out of the house.She hurried into the forest. What would happen to her?A: Let s guess. Maybe.16.情景交际。从方框中选出适当的句子

8、补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。Bill: Good evening!Joy: Good evening!Bill: Oh, let s have supper. 16Joy: A hamburger, some French fries and a glass of orange juice.Bill: Sorry, I have no orange juice here. 17Joy: It isn t my favorite drink. Well, give me a glass of water.Bill: There, s some apple juice in the next r

9、oom. 18Joy: Sure, thanks. What would you like for supper?Bill:19 They re my favorite food.Joy: Dumplings? They re my favorite food, too.Bill: Would you like some, then?Joy: But the hamburger 20 I can put it in the fridge(冰箱).What about a glass of Coke?We re free.Would you like some?Dumplings are my

10、favorite.What would you like?Don t worry.I d like some dumplings(饺子).情景交际。从n栏中找出I栏各句的应答语,有两项多余。II)11. Excuse me. Could you please tell me your name?)11. Excuse me. Could you please tell me your name?A. r m 14.()12. Do you have any friends here?()13. How old is your friend?()14. Could I s

11、tudy English with you?()15. Does she speak English?B. Yes, I do.C. Sure.She is thirteen.She speaks English.F. No.She speaks Chinese.G. Sure. My name is Mike.Is she also a doctor?Where does he work?It s not nice.Is she a teacher?Thank you.What does she teach?What does he do?.情景交际。从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多

12、余。Hi, Cherry. Come and look at my family photo.Wow! It is a nice photo.11Who s the man in blue?That, s my father.12He is a doctor.13He works in Children s Hospital.Who s the woman in yellow?That? s my mother.14No, she is a teacher.15She teaches English in a high school.Oh, you have a happy family.19

13、.情景交际。从n栏中选出I栏各句子的应答语。I()16. Where is he from?()17. What? s his name?()18. What class are you in?()19. Are you Mr. Li?()20. Thank you.IINo. I m Mr. Wang.That s OK.Canada.D He s Li Dawei.E. Class Eight, Grade Seven2.情景交际。a.从n栏中找出I栏各句的应答语。IIIt s yellow.Yes, they are.He has white hair.Sorry, I don t kn

14、ow.It s mine.I()16. What does he look like?()17. Is the bike new?()18. Whose book is this?()19. Are these your apples?()20. What color is your coat?3.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。Look at the tall man in the white clothes. 21Yes, that is Mr. Wang.22 Do you know?He is from Shenzhen.And how old is he?23 He

15、is my English teacher.He looks cool in the white coat.Oh, yes. 24Mr. Wang s pants are white, too?No. 25What does he look like?Where is he from?Do you know him?Thank you.They re black.He looks like ZhouRunfa.40 years old.4.情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。Hello, Lucy.11Do you know Yukio? She is in Class Fo

16、ur, Grade Seven.Sorry, I don t know. 12She s tall. She has long brown hair.13Her dress is yellow, and her pants are green.14She is from Japan.Oh, I see. Are you friends?A: Yes. 15What color is her dress?Oh, I see.Hi, Mary.Where? s she from?How are you?What does she look like?You are right.5.情景交际。OK.

17、I think it s Steve s.John s is green.Is this jacket yours?It s not mine.Thank you.Goodbye.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Tony?No. 11 Mine is here. 12A: Hi, Steve.What?A: 13C: No, my jacket is blue. It s John, s. 14A: Please give it to him.C: 156.情景交际:用恰当的单词短语或句子完成以下对话。Hello

18、, John.81?Fine, thank you.John, this is my friend.Hi, I m John. 82?Jim.B:83, Jim.C: Nice to meet you, too.May I 84 your books , John?Sure, 85.A: Thank you.7.补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。Hello! Would you like to eat out with me?(76) (In a restaurant)C(服务员):(77) ?Let me see. I d like some

19、 rice and chicken. (78)?I d like some jiaozi.(79)?Yes, two glasses of apple juice, please.C: Is that all?Yes, that all .Fifty-eight yuan, please.A: (80).C: Thank you.8.情景交际,用所给选项完成对话。A: Excuse me B: 2 I think it s Li Lei s.A: Li Lei, 3C: 4A: It s yellow.C: Oh, it s my coat. 5 .Is this your coat?Than

20、k you.Whose coat i s this?What colour is it?Let me have a look.根据对话情景和对话前所给的选项,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项:A. I dont have much money.B. My friends birthday is coming.C. You re welcome.D. And they are very cheap too.E. What other things do you want?Can I help you?Yes, please. I want to buy her a nice

21、present.There are many lovely teddy bears over there. Maybe you would like to get one for her.Let me see. Er*,Do you have any beautiful hair clips here?Of course.I think she will look pretty with these blue hair clipson.You re right. I 11 take them.Nothing else. Thank you for your help.A:.情景对话Tom:He

22、llo, Gina!Gina:Hello, Tom!Tom:You have a guitar, 1 .Gina:Yes, I can. Music is my favourite lesson because I think its interesting.Tom: 2 .Gina: I join the music club and 3 too. So I join the science club, too. What club do you join?Tom: 4 I am a good swimmer. So I join the swimming club.Gina:When do

23、 you usually have swimming lessons?Tom:Every Sunday afternoon. That* s my favourite day. 5 .Gina:Friday and Saturday.What is your favourite day?I like science, too.C.Can you play it?D.What club do you join?E. I can swim.情景交际Millie正和她的同学Jill谈论她家附近的一个新公园,你能根据上下文,选择合适的 句子将她们的对话补充完整吗?Millie: Hello, Jill! .Jill: 2, Is it very big?Millie: No, it s not ver


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